Wreck-It Ralph: Difference between revisions

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(Updated the text to actually resemble the movie instead of being a guess based on the trailer. Updated some trope entries, too.)
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* [[Retraux]]: The ''Wreck-It Ralph'' arcade game is made to look like it was made in the 80s.
* [[Retraux]]: The ''Wreck-It Ralph'' arcade game is made to look like it was made in the 80s.
** [http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2OTgyNDQ5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTE2Njg2Nw@@._V1._SY317_.jpg The teaser poster] is simply an 8-bit sprite of Ralph's head. They sure are banking on the [[Nostalgia Filter]].
** [http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2OTgyNDQ5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTE2Njg2Nw@@._V1._SY317_.jpg The teaser poster] is simply an 8-bit sprite of Ralph's head. They sure are banking on the [[Nostalgia Filter]].
* [[Shout-Out]]: Game Central Station, located in the powerstrip for all the arcade machines, is obviously one to [[Big Applesauce|Grand Central Station.]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Game Central Station, located in the powerstrip for all the arcade machines, is obviously one to [[Big Applesauce|Grand Central Station.]]
** Every character seen in the background of scenes set in Game Central Station is one as well.
** The ''[[Pacman]]'' font is used on the Litwak's Family Fun Center sign.
** The ''[[Pacman]]'' font is used on the Litwak's Family Fun Center sign.
** When Felix lifts the magic hammer the familiar ''[[Super Mario Bros|Mario]]'' coin sound effect is heard.
** When Felix lifts the magic hammer the familiar ''[[Super Mario Bros|Mario]]'' coin sound effect is heard.
** [[Final Fantasy VII (Video Game)|"Aerith Lives"]] is written on a wall in Game Central Station.
* [[Spit Take]]: When Ralph says he's tired of being the bad guy, Bowser breathes fire involuntarily.
* [[Spit Take]]: When Ralph says he's tired of being the bad guy, Bowser breathes fire involuntarily.
* [[Stop Copying Me]]: Ralph gets into one of these with Vanellope.
* [[Stop Copying Me]]: Ralph gets into one of these with Vanellope.