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A somewhat legendary ero ren'ai game, which codified the [[Gender Bender]] subgenre of those works. The main character is Takuya Aihara, a science student with a standard-issue brown-haired and gentle hot childhood friend and a hot mad scientist friend, both of which, as you can guess, want to bone him. As another one of Mad Science Chick's experiments goes awry, [[Gender Bender|you turn into a girl]], and suddenly you can't meet a single person without them trying to basically rape you. And because you are a girl, you are now automatically unwilling to resist any sexual advances. Either way, you fight<ref>quite defensively</ref> your way through [[Brother-Sister Incest|your horny sister]], a PE teacher, an art class full of horny kids, a guy who got a crush on you, and '''a goddamn orgy bus''', knowing that if you don't change back soon, the transformation will be permanent!
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** Actually, she borderlines between this trope and [[Hospital Hottie]], but technically she's only a ''school'' nurse, so she [[Averted Trope|barely misses the mark for that trope.]]
* [[Hermaphrodite]] - Kaoru, having problem with his sexual genes, making him able to change from boy to girl and vise-versa with a help of hormone boost drink.
* [[H-Game POV Character]] - Generally a Type III [[B]], with aspects of the Type IV and I, and the canon endings of each game usually bring him into Type I territory.
* [[Idiot Hero]] - Most people at school aren't very surprised when Takuya changes gender, because he gets himself involved in weird experiments all the time, including one that caused all his hair to fall out for a while. No matter how often she lands in trouble, Takuya can't seem to learn from his mistakes. Asuka even calls him out on this in the third game where she brings up he wouldn't have turned into a girl the third time if he'd be more cautious of his accepting drinks from his [[Stalker with a Crush]].
* [[If It's You It's Okay]] - Natsumi only wants Takuya sexually as a girl. Kouji is an even odder case, as he wants Takuya as a girl in any case, but {{spoiler| if he turns into one, he doesn't care what gender you are anymore}}, as long as it's Takuya.
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* [[Unlucky Childhood Friend]] - If you don't pick Asuka as your girl of choice in all three games.
** [[Victorious Childhood Friend]] - If you do in all three games. Since the 2nd and 3rd game starts with Takuya and Asuka being together, Asuka's pretty much the canon pairing for the protagonist.
* [[What an Idiot!]] - Takuya makes a very boneheaded mistake in the first game (albeit he's forced by the game to do so) that gets him a [[Stalker with a Crush]] in the next two. {{spoiler| Said mistake is seducing Kouji as a girl in game one, which prompts Kouji to fall for Takuya as a girl. Thus, he does everything in his power to turn Takuya back into one in the next two games. This only brings him trouble for the rest of the series, which he complains about in universe.}}
* [[You Bastard]] - One of the bad endings of X-Change 3 happens if you essentially {{spoiler| leave another girl to be raped by several guy friends of Natsumi's}}, and the game is not shy about all but blatantly stating you should have done the H-Game equivalent of a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] instead.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
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