Xenogears/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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(Good Bad Translation is NOT a YMMV trope)
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* [[Complete Monster]]:
** Miang is literally part of Deus, thereby making her an extension of it, and she has full knowledge of what she was doing. With that said...
** She destroyed a civilian ship and any who tried to escape in an attempt to reach Earth, then created the Gazel Ministry and manipulated all of them to commit atrocities in order to rebuild Deus, after which they were killed by Krelian (Whowho was also under more or less under her control).
** Miang intentionally caused the near extinction of the entire humanoid race of Xenogears MULTIPLE times, [[I Regret Nothing|without even a single shred of pity or remorse.]]
** She was either a direct cause (Inin the case of Kim/Elly and Fei/Elly) or a willing indirect cause (Inin the case of Abel/Elly, Lacan/Sophia) of practically everything bad that has happened to Fei, Elly, and their previous incarnations.
** In regards to inflicting misery on Fei, she was an ESPECIALLY prominent cause: Miang [[Body Surf|possessed his own mother]] and performed experiments on Fei that were [[Kick the Dog|apparently gruesome enough]] for him to beg to his father to stop Karen from doing them. On top of that, she directed Grahf to his home, who then attempted assimilate Fei, but failed that and assimilated Kahn instead (Andand it's possible she even ordered Grahf to do the former, but in any case she sat completely impassively as they fought and Fei was traumatized by it enough for his powers to emerge).
*** Just HOW bad was all this for Fei? Apart from being the direct cause of [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Id's]] creation (Whichwhich led to [[Deus Angst Machina|even more suffering]]), when Fei showed him the truth of his mother regaining control from Miang and sacrificing herself, ''Id couldn't even believe that it was Karen who saved him'' (Atat first).
** Miang had all of Elly's previous incarnations killed off, and personally killed the present Elly's father as the Executioner. But nope, that wasn't enough! Elly [[Deus Angst Machina|just so happened]] to have the Urobolus Ring in her, which was one of Miang's [[Plot Coupons|necessary components]] to bring back Deus. So she possesses Elly (It is debatable whether this was [[Deus Angst Machina|by chance]], because Elly happened to be the closest female to the site of her death, or whether Miang actually selected Elly because Krelian may have told her about his findings) and what's the first thing she does? After Fei releases Elly from her bonds (Stillstill [[Bleach|under the impression]] that it's Elly), Miang picks ''that very moment'' to pull out Billy's gun out of his holder and shoot Fei in the stomach with it. Then for good measure, [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|she tells off]] [[Unwitting Pawn|Ramsus]], crushing his psyche completely. As if this wasn't bad enough, she then enters Deus and forces Fei to consider the possibility of [[Shoot the Dog|losing Elly forever.]]
** These are just a few examples of people who were quite negatively affected by her, on purpose, with full knowledge. All Miang cares about is bringing Deus back; the rest of the world could burn for all she cares as long as her goal is accomplished.
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: [[Xenogears/Awesome Music|It has its own page.]]