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''For the [[Jim Carrey]] film, [[Yes Man (Film)|click here.]]''
{{quote|'''Burns:''' Are you saying my money is all gone?<br />
'''Assistants:''' Mmm-hmm...<br />
'''Burns:''' But I made all the right moves, didn't I?<br />
'''Assistants:''' Yes, sir.<br />
'''Smithers:''' Every move a right one!<br />
'''Burns:''' ...I see it all now. You are just a bunch of yes-men. I was making the wrong moves, and you were too gutless to tell me! Isn't that right?<br />
'''Assistants:''' Yes, sir.|''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]''}}
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* Goldar to Lord Zedd in the second season of ''Mighty Morphin Power Rangers''.
* One of [[Stephen Colbert]]'s tactics is to act like a [[Yes-Man]] to highlight the absurdity of his opponent's position, the most common targets being [[George W. Bush]] or [[Bill O Reilly|Bill O'Reilly]]. Of Michael Behe:
{{quote| My guest tonight has been called 'the father of Intelligent Design'. I hope he's ready for five minutes of me nodding approvingly.}}
** He wasn't.
* Colonel Klink on ''[[Hogan's Heroes]]'' became a [[Yes-Man]] whenever a general, any general, showed up. He practically licked the boots of Field Marshals.
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** Also reversed. When Ozu's brother Brozu visits, Brozu brings with him his own personal "No Man." Whenever someone has something bad happen to him, it's his job to turn [[Chibi]] and scream "Oh NO!" in an over-the-top manner.
* On ''[[Family Guy]]'', Peter becomes the leader of a tobacco company, which comes with a Yes-man android. Peter promptly [[Logic Bomb|confuses the hell out of it]].
{{quote| '''Company Suck Up:''' Morning, Mr. Griffin! Nice Day!<br />
'''Peter Griffin:''' Ehhh, It's a little cloudy.<br />
'''Company Suck Up:''' It's absolutely cloudy! One of the worst days I've seen in years! So, good news about the Yankees!<br />
'''Peter Griffin:''' I hate the Yankees.<br />
'''Company Suck Up:''' Pack of cheaters! That's what they are! I Love your tie!<br />
'''Peter Griffin:''' I hate this tie.<br />
'''Company Suck Up:''' It's awful, it's gawdy, it's gotta go.<br />
'''Peter Griffin:''' [pauses] And I hate myself.<br />
'''Company Suck Up:''' I hate you, too! You make me sick, you fat sack o' crap!<br />
'''Peter Griffin:''' But I'm the President.<br />
'''Company Suck Up:''' The best there is!<br />
'''Peter Griffin:''' But you just said you hated me!<br />
'''Company Suck Up:''' [Begins to jiggle] [[Logic Bomb|But. Not. You. The President. That you. Said hated you. Who loved. Hate Yankees. Clouds.]]<br />
{{[[[Your Head Asplode]] Head explodes}}, sending gadgets and wires everywhere]<br />
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* ''[[Transformers Armada]]'''s Demolishor normally functions as one, though he has been known to occasionally have doubts.
** Speaking of ''Transformers''... Lugnut from ''[[Transformers Animated]]''. One has to wonder how well Megatron knew his troops when he wonders if Lugnut is loyal. (He is. Loudly. With lots of "for the glory of Megatron!" and "whatever the great and glorious Megatron commands!" So much so that it eventually starts to get on Megatron's nerves)
'''Megatron:''' (left optic twitches) Just.....go....<br />
'''Lugnut:''' YES, MY LIEGE! }}
** Also, Inferno, being an insect-bot, to Megatron from ''[[Beast Wars]]''. "Yes, my Queen!"
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*** The [[Genre Savvy]] [[The Roman Republic|Roman Republic]] knew about this tendency, and had every triumphant general assigned a slave with only one job; to stand behind him while he's being hailed by the people and tell him "Remember; someday you will die". The message didn't really seem to take hold in the last century or so of the Republic.
* A few Persian proverbs play with this trope:
{{quote| Any failing that pleases the sultan is a quality.<br />
If at noon the Shah tells you that it is midnight, raise your gaze and admire the stars. }}
* An old joke: The President (of a country or corporation) begins to worry if his advisers are just appeasing him.
{{quote| '''President''': I must ask you this - are you yes-men or not?<br />
'''Advisers''' ''(all in unison)'': Noooooooo... }}
** Alternatively: '''Our president doesn't need a bunch of yes-men beside him. When he says "no", we all say "no"!'''