Wheel of Fate/Dr. Roy Curien: *has just been defeated in an epic battle and is letting off random electric bolts, apparently unstable* This is the world you humans wanted... The world is overpopulated... even you must realize that! Daniel, you need me...
Lisa Rogan: This is our future, we'll handle it ourselves! You have bigger problems to worry about!
Daniel Curien: You're not my father! *shoots the Wheel of Fate along with Lisa*
Wheel of Fate/Dr. Roy Curien: *groans in pain and explodes*

—The cutscene after the final battle in The House of the Dead III (and, yes, It Makes Sense in Context)
"You're not my parent, Guy Gardner, and from what I understand, you don't even lead this team."
"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."