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* In the ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]'' fanfic ''A Rose and A Thorn 4'', Project: Mirage goes back in time to try and stop Ashura from causing the fall of the ARK. It turns out that ''because'' she did this while knowing what was going to happen, she made Sonic blue, and gave birth to {{spoiler|Knuckles}}. The experiment she mated with caused the rampage of the Artificial Chaos because she told him it was going to happen. She still couldn't save Maria even though she knew about it and was right there. But then, she had just been shot...
** But she did manage to kill Ashura so that A Rose And A Thorn 3 didn't happen, breaking a time loop that may have been going around for centuries, and because it ''didn't'' happen, A Rose And A Thorn 5 happened instead. So there was a point to it after all.
* In ''[[Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past]]'', Harry manages to [[Peggy Sue|come back in time, with the idea of preventing his future from happening]]. However, there are still things that happen no matter what he does - Voldemort trying to steal the Philosopher's Stone, Ginny falling under the control of Tom Riddle's diary, Sirius escaping Azkaban, Dementors posted at Hogwarts... - which makes him despair that maybe he can't fight fate, and worries that everything may end as it did in his past. However, there seems to be someone who is trying to force things to happen as they did during the books.
* The [[Mega Crossover]] [[Fanfic]][[Web Comic|comic]] ''[[Roommates 2007]]'' uses a highly meta version of this and [[Because Destiny Says So]]. The characters are aware of their fictionality, the stories they are from AND the [[Theory of Narrative Causality]] so the destiny that says so and/or the fate they can't fight. More directly: [[Labyrinth|Jareth]] desperatelly tries to be a hero but [[Running Gag|always fails]] and even got [[Super-Powered Evil Side|villainous]] [[Paranoia Fuel|backlash]] because of it. [[Zombieland|Tallahassee]] tried to escape his [[Canon]] to bring back his son...[[Tear Jerker|and failed]].
* ''[[How Can It This Be]]'' had Raphael explained, despite wanting to bring the women their lives back, their wounds they suffered were too grave. He was kind enough to explain why.
* The ''[[Sailor Moon]]'' fanfic ''[[[[Isekai by Moonlight]]'' plays the trope straight, to begin with: no matter how hard the isekai character tries to change things during the first chapter, including providing advance knowledge and power-ups, the Sailor Senshi still end up in a battle where they're hopelessly outclassed at D-Point.
== [[Film]] ==