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== Anime and Manga ==
* In ''[[One Piece]]''. the closest the Straw Hats came to learning what Gol D. Roger's eponymous treasure was or where it is came during the Sabaody Archipelago Arc when Usopp tried to ask Silvers Rayleigh about it. Luffy angrily interrupted, indicating that he ''did not'' under ''any'' circumstances want to simply be told about it, stating that such knowledge would defeat their purpose. It seems likely that someone will ''eventually'' find out what One Piece is, but it won't be that easy.
== Comic Books ==
* Duncan, the protagonist of ''[[Fire Breather]]'', is [[Improbable Species Compatibility| the son of a human woman and the king of the Kaiju]]. Yep. [[How Is That Even Possible?]] Duncan doesn't know, Duncan does not ''want'' to know.
== Fan Works ==