You Know You Read Too Much All the Tropes When: Difference between revisions

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trope->just for fun
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#* Furthermore, you find that what was meant to be an expedition of no more than two minutes of editing turns into a half hour of distraction because you accidentally read one of the other examples and found a link to another trope that caught your attention. Meanwhile, your DVD player remains on pause, forgotten. Speaking of which, I've some Star Trek to return to... after the three other tabs of tropes I have open are read, that is.
# You think that having a complimentary reference on [[All The Tropes]] is more flattering than being on the New York Times Bestseller list, while your love of a work increases tenfold if it mentions [[All The Tropes]].
# You remember September 16, 2015 as the date [[The Great Hack]] happened.
# You mark January 12 on your calendar so you can take a day off to mourn the tropes that were lost during the [[The Great Crash]], and celebrate the stalwart tropers who shed sweat, blood, and tears to pick through the rubble and fix what could be fixed.
# You begin attempting to log into other pages using the password used to edit trope pages.
# You can identify tropers by what they [[Entry Pimp]]. Bonus points if you see that they've updated a specific article, and, ''knowing'' what they [[Entry Pimp]], you can guess precisely what the example they added entailed.
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* You watched all of the [[Joss Whedon]] series on Netflix (where all are available streaming) just to understand where so many of these tropes came from.
** Bonus points for watching them in chronological production (not aired) order
* You have now probably a huge amount of bookmarks/favorites. Over 2/3 of those bookmarks are tvtropesATT articles.
* You post a thread on a forum relating tropes to users, forum incidents, and the forum itself. And then get at least three other users addicted to [[All The Tropes]].
* Your friends have started sending you emails with random words in blue and underlined just to drive you insane when they're not actually links. And it works!