You Make Me Sic/Laconic

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Being picky about grammar at bad times.

  • No, no, no! Who thought that this sentence fragment was acceptable? Dear previous editor, I advise you to review your school textbooks! You must always include at least one subject and one verb in each sentence. Furthermore, 'bad' must never be employed in a written medium, when one cannot glean the meaning through the speaker's tone of voice or facial expressions. Rely upon synonyms to disambiguate the intent of your sentence! Now pay attention; I have revised the original statement to display proper use of grammar.
This trope delineates an idiosyncrasy in which a character experiences a compulsion to correct other characters' grammar, even in situations where it would be inappropriate.
  • However, one sentence is insufficient to describe the trope in its entirety. As I have already provided a topic sentence, it will be trivial to build a paragraph around it, followed by an article's work of text. Now, hop to it!

When you have finished this assignment, then you may return to the unabridged version.