Your Mileage May Vary: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:YMMV.HomePage 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:YMMV.HomePage, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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#REDIRECT [[:Category:YMMV Trope]]
[[File:YMMV_2793.jpg|frame|[[Nightmare Fuel|Premium grade]] [[Visual Pun|recommended]]]
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<!-- %% Just because YOU think an item is subjective doesn't mean it belongs here. -->
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Your Mileage May Vary on any of the articles listed below. What that means could be a couple of different things:

'''''The article might call for a value judgement and your judgement call could be different from another [[TROPER]]'s.'''''

::Example -- The article claims that a character is [[Complete Monster|completely lacking in redeeming features]]. Your idea of "irredeemable" and another's idea of it might (almost certainly will) differ. Each of you is making a judgment call. Great! Have fun with that. It just doesn't go on the work's main page. We want the [[Trope|tropes]] listed there to be one hundred percent ''present in the work'' without coming down to personal opinion.

'''''The article might be about differences of opinion or [[Audience Reactions]].'''''

::Example -- Everybody who doesn't like the work have gotten together, formed a [[Hatedom]] and as such share a certain view of the work. As sure as the Sun will rise tomorrow, there will also be a [[Fandom]] and there will be wars and rumors of wars. These wars are stories of a sort, they are constructed from tropes like [[Revenge Fic|Revenge Fics]], [[Fanfic|Fan Fics]], [[Troll|trolling]] ... the list is pretty long.

::Evidently the fans and the haters enjoy these battles. Okay. Best of luck to them. The point is that there is no accounting for taste. Entries about this kind of story, though, don't go in a work's page; that is a place for storytelling tropes. [[Audience Reactions]] are a part of ''the conflict,'' not the story the conflict is about.

See [[YMMV Index]] for a list of works that have a YMMV page.

Don't add these in the main page. Not as "played", straight or otherwise. They go on the YMMV page. The rule against "[[This Troper]]"-like statements also counts for these. For ease of quickly identifying items that belong on the YMMV page, just look for the links that begin with the large, brightly-colored bullet point.

'''The only way this can be allowed on the main page, is if one of these tropes happens in the show, ''and'' gets that reaction from the ''characters'' that these tropes often get from the audience.''' This is what we call an [[In Universe]] example. But ''make sure'' to use the "InUniverse" or "<nowiki>[[invoked]]</nowiki>" markup so that the bullet point will not get tagged red.

Please index ''redirects'' to any of these tropes on [[YMMV Redirects]] rather than here, so that they don't mess up navigation via the index bar but still get the red dot.

== Please note that instead of adding or removing pages from this index directly, you should post to [ this thread], and gather consensus for your addition or removal. ==

See also [[About/What Goes Where On the Wiki|What Goes Where On the Wiki]], [[Trivia Trope]].


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<!-- %% Please note that this list is strictly by alphabet. It is not organized by theme. -->
<!-- %% If you are thinking about using '**' at the beginning of a line, you are doing it wrong. -->
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<!-- %% Do not duplicate entries here and in AudienceReactions. Either here or there they go -->
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* [[Audience Reactions]]
* [[YMMV Redirects]]
* [[Abandon Shipping]]
* [[Acceptable Ethnic Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Hard Luck Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Hobby Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Inevitable Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Lifestyle Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Political Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Professional Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Religious Targets]]
* [[Acceptable Targets]]
* [[Accidental Aesop]]
* [[Accidental Innuendo]]
* [[Alas Poor Scrappy]]
* [[Americans Hate Tingle]]
* [[Angst Dissonance]]
* [[Angst What Angst]]
* [[Anticlimax Boss]]
* [[Anti Sue]]
* [[Anvilicious]]
* [[Ass Pull]]
* [[Authors Saving Throw]]
* [[Awesome Ego]]
* [[Awesome Music (Sugar Wiki)|Awesome Music]]
* [[Badass Decay]]
* [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment]]
* [[Breather Boss]]
* [[Breather Level]]
* [[Browser Narcotic]]
* [[Black Hole Sue]]
* [[Cargo Ship]]
* [[Catharsis Factor]]
* [[Chaotic Evil]]
* [[Chaotic Good]]
* [[Chaotic Neutral]]
* [[Character Derailment]]
* [[Character Rerailment]]
* [[Character Tiers]]
* [[Cliche Storm]]
* [[Complete Monster]]
* [[Consolation Award]]
* [[Copy Cat Sue]]
* [[Couple Bomb]]
* [[Crack Is Cheaper]]
* [[Crack Pairing]]
* [[Crazy Awesome]]
* [[Creators Pet]] <!-- Renamed from TheWesley -->
* [[Creepy Awesome]]
* [[Critical Research Failure]]
* [[Crosses the Line Twice]]
* [[Crossover Ship]]
* [[Damsel Scrappy]]
* [[Dead Horse Genre]]
* [[Death of the Author]]
* [[Demonic Spiders]]
* [[Designated Evil]]
* [[Designated Hero]]
* [[Designated Villain]]
* [[Dry Docked Ship]]
* [[Dry Docking]]
* [[Dude Not Funny]]
* [[Ear Worm]]
* [[Eight Deadly Words]]
* [[Einstein Sue]]
* [[Elimination Houdini]]
* [[Engaging Chevrons]]
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]
* [[Epic Riff]]
* [[Escapist Character]]
* [[Esoteric Happy Ending]]
* [[Estrogen Brigade]]
* [[Ethnic Scrappy]]
* [[Evil Is Cool]]
* [[Evil Is Sexy]]
* [[Face of the Band]]
* [[Family Unfriendly Aesop]]
* [[Fan Wank]]
* [[Fair for Its Day]]
* [[Discontinuity]] <!-- Now a disambiguation page, mostly refers to Fanon Discontinuity -->
* [[Fashion Victim Villain]]
* [[Faux Symbolism]]
* [[Fen]]
* [[Fetish Retardant]]
* [[Ficdom]]
* [[First and Foremost]]
* [[Fixer Sue]]
* [[Foe Yay]]
* [[Follow Up Failure]]
* [[Fridge Brilliance]] -- Please note that [[Fridge Brilliance]] entries should go on an article's Fridge subpage.
* [[Fridge Logic]] -- Please note that [[Fridge Logic]] entries should go on an article's Fridge subpage.
* [[Fridge Horror]] -- Please note that [[Fridge Horror]] entries should go on an article's Fridge subpage.
* [[Fridge Sorrow]] -- Please note that [[Fridge Sorrow]] entries should go on an article's Fridge subpage.
* [[Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Funny Moments]]
* [[Game Breaker]]
* [[Gameplay Derailment]]
* [[Genius Bonus]]
* [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff]]
* [[Glurge]]
* [[Goddamned Bats]]
* [[Goddamned Boss]]
* [[God Mode Sue]]
* [[Good Bad Bugs]]
* [[Grand Theft Auto Effect]]
* [[Growing the Beard]]
* [[Ham and Cheese]]
* [[Heartwarming Moments (Sugar Wiki)|Heartwarming Moments]]
* [[Hell Is That Noise]]
* [[Hollywood Homely]]
* [[Hollywood Pudgy]]
* [[Hypocritical Fandom]]
* [[I Am Not Shazam]]
* [[Iconic Character Forgotten Title]]
* [[Idiosyncratic Ship Naming]]
* [[Idiot Plot]]
* [[Informed Wrongness]]
* [[Iron Woobie]]
* [[Jerkass Woobie]]
* [[Jerk Sue]]
* [[Junk Rare]]
* [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships]]
* [[Lawful Evil]]
* [[Lawful Good]]
* [[Lawful Neutral]]
* [[Lemon Stu]]
* [[Lost in Medias Res]]
* [[Macekre]]
* [[Magazine Decay]]
* [[Magic Franchise Word]]
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[Magnum Opus]]
* [[Magnum Opus Dissonance]]
* [[Marty Stu]]
* [[Mary Sue]]
* [[Mary Suetopia]]
* [[Mary Tzu]]
* [[Mind Game Ship]]
* [[Moe]]
* [[Moment of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Moment of Awesome]]
* [[Moral Event Horizon]]
* [[More Popular Spinoff]]
* [[Most Annoying Sound]]
* [[Most Wonderful Sound (Sugar Wiki)|Most Wonderful Sound]]
* [[Narm Charm]]
* [[Nausea Fuel]]
* [[Neutral Evil]]
* [[Neutral Good]]
* [[Neutrality Sue]]
* [[No Yay]]
* [[Once Acceptable Targets]]
* [[One True Threesome]]
* [[Only the Creator Does It Right]]
* [[Outgrow the Trope]]
* [[Padding]]
* [[Painful Rhyme]]
* [[Paranoia Fuel]]
* [[Player Preferred Pattern]]
* [[Player Punch]]
* [[Play the Game Skip The Story]]
* [[Poison Oak Epileptic Trees/WMG|Poison Oak Epileptic Trees]]
* [[Polished Port]]
* [[Porting Disaster]]
* [[Possession Sue]]
* [[Praising Shows You Don't Watch]]
* [[Protagonist Title Fallacy]]
* [[Protection From Editors]]
* [[Purity Sue]]
* [[Relationship Sue]]
* [[Relationship Writing Fumble]]
* [[Replacement Scrappy]]
* [[Rescued From the Scrappy Heap]]
* [[Robo Ship]]
* [[Romantic Plot Tumor]]
* [[Rule Abiding Rebel]]
* [[Sampled Up]]
* [[Scrappy Mechanic]]
* [[Scrappy Weapon]]
* [[Selfish Good Selfish Evil]]
* [[Sending Stuff to Save The Show]]
* [[Sequelitis]]
* [[Serial Numbers Filed Off]]
* [[Shallow Parody]]
* [[Ship Mates]]
* [[Shipping Goggles]]
* [[The Ships Motor]]
* [[Ships That Pass in The Night]]
* [[Ship to Ship Combat]]
* [[The Ship Yard]]
* [[Shocking Swerve]]
* [[Signature Scene]]
* [[Sister Ship]]
* [[So Cool Its Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|So Cool It's Awesome]]
* [[So Okay Its Average]]
* [[Spokes Sue]]
* [[Star Boarding]]
* [[Stock Footage Failure]]
* [[Stoic Woobie]]
* [[Strangled By the Red String]]
* [[Stuck in Their Shadow]]
* [[Suetiful All Along]]
* [[Super Couple]]
* [[Superfluous Solo]]
* [[Surprise Difficulty]]
* [[Sympathetic Sue]]
* [[Take That Scrappy]]
* [[Tear Jerker]]
* [[Testosterone Brigade]]
* [[That One Achievement]]
* [[That One Attack]]
* [[That One Boss]]
* [[That One Disadvantage]]
* [[That One Level]]
* [[That One Puzzle]]
* [[That One Sidequest]]
* [[Theme Pairing]]
* [[They Just Didn't Care]]
* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character]]
* [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Line Art]]
* [[Thirty Sue Pileup]]
* [[Tier Induced Scrappy]]
* [[Too Cool to Live]]
* [[Took the Bad Film Seriously]]
* [[Toy Ship]]
* [[Trailer Joke Decay]]
* [[Trapped By Mountain Lions]]
* [[True Neutral]]
* [[Ugly Cute]]
* [[Unacceptable Targets]]
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]
* [[Unnecessary Makeover]]
* [[Unwinnable By Insanity]]
* [[The Untwist]]
* [[Values Resonance]]
* [[Viewer Myopia]]
* [[Villain Sue]]
* [[Visual Effects of Awesome (Sugar Wiki)|Visual Effects of Awesome]]
* [[Wangst]]
* [[War Ship]]
* [[What Do You Mean Its for Kids]]
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not for Kids]]
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not for Little Girls]]
* [[What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made On Drugs]]
* [[What Measure Is a Non Badass]]
* [[Wheelchair Woobie]]
* [[Why Would Anyone Take Him Back]]
* [[Win Back the Crowd]]
* [[The Woobie]]
* [[Woobie Species]]
* [[World of Woobie]]
* [[Writer Cop Out]]
* [[WTH Casting Agency]]
* [[WTH Costuming Department]]
* [[YMMV Trope]] (or variations of this) - In fact, this should never be listed as an example, considering the huge list of sub items.
* [[Home Page/YMMV]]
* [[Yoko Oh No]]

[[Category:Home Page/YMMV]]
[[Category:YMMV Trope]]
[[Category:Home Page]]

Latest revision as of 10:04, 28 August 2021