So you've got Free-Range Children. And it's not The Fifties. How are we to keep them from a life of crime?

Enter Youth Center. A stock setting since the 70s. Kids go here to have fun. A typical youth center will be like a club, except without the alcohol or all the gay kids. It may also have a rec room. But in fiction, youth centers have new features as the plot demands. Gyms, movie screens, and restaurants are just a few examples.

But, like Christmas, youth centers are always threatened. So it works as a maguffin too.

Examples of Youth Center include:


  • The entire plot of Breakin 2 Electric Boogaloo focuses on one.
  • A deleted scene from the original Star Wars has Luke going to one with Biggs, and his friends Deak, Windy, Camie, and Fixer.

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