• Anvilicious: The book heavily promotes sexual abstinence and conservative values about abortion and contraception.

"It requires a lot of time and patience to understand that sex deformed by licentiousness and the lack of maturity of its users, is comparable to badly applied nuclear power."

  • Complete Monster: Efren's stepfather Luis, a drunk, domestic/child abuser and molester to boot.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: At the beginning of the book Efren and his friends joke about Efren's ex-girlfriend, Jessica, and congratulate him for dumping her since she was a "prudish girl", later we learn that Efren had impregnated her and Jessica truly loved him and was torn apart when Efren broke up with her; Efren, even after trying to know, never knows what happened to her in the end.
  • Snark Bait: Because the book is a heavy-handed Author Tract and Anvilicious, both the author and the book are heavily derided in more liberal circles.
  • The Woobie: Dr. Marin, he mentions that it was very hard blow for him when his first marriage crumbled, then he learned that his children were living inside a living hell because of their stepfather, he then had to raise his own daughter Marietta, who was traumatized by her near-rape experience, while being unable to find or get any news from his ex-wife and son Efren, later he re-married but shortly after he lost his wife in a tragic accident; it's not surprising how at the end of the book he leaves all his possessions and decides to spend the rest of his days living an ascetic contemplative life alone in the mountains.