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==Fusion Dimension==
==TheLeo Main CharactersAkaba==
{{Voiced by: [[Daisuke Namikawa]]}}
Reiji's father, who three years ago went to the Fusion Dimension, where he became the Professor, the head of Academia. He is the instigator of the interdimensional war with the intent to conquer all dimensions and unite them under his command.
*[[Ambiguously Brown]]: His skin is noticeably darker than most characters. Other characters as well as his wife and son from Academia have lighter skin color.
*[[Ambition Is Evil]]: When said ambition is starting a interdimensional war where the losers are sealed in a card, yes, it is evil.
*[[Archnemesis Dad]]: To Reiji, who is explicitly trying to find duelists strong enough to defeat the Professor.
*[[Bad Boss]]: Played with. He seems to treat his subordinates well enough, or at least doesn't harm them, but most Academia members are terrified of him. It's not clear yet if he actually is a Bad Boss, or if their fear is just indoctrination due to being raised as Child Soldiers.
*[[Badass Cape]]: Showing his authority in Academia.
*[[Bald Black Leader Guy]]: A villainous one for Academia.
*[[Bald of Evil]]: With Tainted Veins to boost.
*[[Big Bad]]: He's the mastermind behind the interdimensional war and the one who started it by having the Fusion Dimension invade the Xyz Dimension.
*[[Crazy-Prepared]]: Despite the Tyler Sisters' power, he has the Obelisk Force on standby in case they lose. They do.
*[[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: The majority of characters call him just "Professor", but it's likely that all of them know his name.
*[[Evil Former Friend]]: Apparently to Yusho, due to their work on Solid Vision and Action Dueling. Yusho believed he would be able to talk to him, but never had a chance.
*[[Evil Plan]]: His plan is to invade the other worlds to unite all of them. Though we don't know enough to tell if he is selfish or a[[ Well-Intentioned Extremist]].
*[[Evil Sounds Deep]]: A deep, booming voice to add to his growing list of evil tropes.
**His relationship with his oldest son is blatantly one for Seto and Gozaburo's from the Duel Monsters.
**He acts as a [[Composite Character]] for Chronos, Samejima, and Yubel from GX. His basic uniform is heavily inspired by Chronos', like Samejima he's the bald leader of Academia, and like Yubel he's plotting to merge the dimensions with methods Powered by a Forsaken Child.
*[[Family Theme Naming]]: Leo, like Reiji and Reira, have the the kanji of zero (零) in their names.
*[[Gray Eyes]]: Symbolizing his detached personality.
*[[Meaningful Name]]: The Kanji characters which make up his name mean "Zero King."
*[[Obviously Evil]]: Just look at the listed tropes.
*[[Parental Abandonment]]: Episode 41 reveals he abandoned his family three years ago.
*[[Parental Neglect]]: Reiji believes that the Professor wouldn't care if Reiji were kidnapped.
*[[Playing Card Motifs]]: Like the rest of his family he's based on a suit. His is Spades, with his outfit's collar resembling one.
*[[Slouch of Villainy]]: In episode 106, while talking to the Tyler Sisters, he slouches on his throne, this in stark contrast to how he was standing and polite with Sora and Barrett.
*[[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: The problem is that his name is written in Kanji rather than Katakana. While it's pronounced "Leo," there's a few ways to romanize that into English.
*[[The Stoic]]: Just like his son. The greatest display of emotion so far is mild irritation at Barrett for not wanting him to send Yuri to the City. However, he seems to be getting very irked at the Lancers, showing frustration with their meddling.
*[[Tainted Veins: On his head]].
===Sora Shiun'in (Sora Perse)===
{{Voiced by: [[Mie Sonozaki]] (JP), Eileen Stevens (EN) }}
A mysterious boy who decides to become Yuya's apprentice, joining You Show Duel School. He uses his looks to charm the pants off everyone he meets, and constantly seems to know more than he lets on. After Yuzu loses to Masumi, she ask him to teach Fusion Summoning, which he greatly accepts. He has been revealed as a member of the faction that destroyed Kurosaki's and Yuto's home, specifically a Duel Soldier from a school known as Academia, located in the Fusion Dimension. With his identity revealed, Sora returns to Academia and has become Yuya and the others' enemy. He returns later during the Synchro Dimension saga, replacing Dennis after his compromise with the Lancers, under orders to retrieve both Serena and Yuzu. However, Sora has other plans in mind...while protecting Yuzu to keep his promise with Yuya, Sora eventually realizes that he does not belong to Academia anymore and that Yuya and Yuzu are his only friends he can stay loyal to, becoming an ally to the Lancers.
He runs a Furnimal/Fluffal Deck, based on cutesy monsters fusing with a certain Edge Imp monsters to become horrifying mash-up creatures, the Deas-Toys/Frightfurs
*[[Anime Hair]]: Par for the course, closely resembling Lua's/Leo's, but more blue than turquoise.
*[[Anti-Villain]]: Unless he's facing Xyz Duelists from Resistance, Sora would rather eat candy and fool around with the heroes, whom he develops a genuine bond with. These traits mostly remain after his Heel–Face Turn, making him an [[Anti-Hero]].
*[[Arch-Enemy]]: Ever since his loss to Kurosaki, Sora considers him this. Nothing will deter him from trying to defeat him, nothing. He finally succeeds.
**However, though they hate each other, their animosity is rather impersonal and more about Xyz vs. Fusion as a whole. Compared to Dennis, the latter fits this role between Kurosaki far better.
**He's this to Tsukikage, since Sora turned his brother Hikage into a card. However, Sora is more accepting about this and is willing to let Tsukikage have his way with him as long as Yuya is saved first. Actually something of a subversion, since Sora is slowly becoming more good, and Tsukikage agreed to let it go for the time being to focus on the mission. He later drops this by saving Tsukikage from Obelisk Force.
*[[Badass Adorable]]: He beat up Sawatari and his friends in an instant. With a lollipop stick. He also went ninja on us in Episodes 6, 15 and 34.
*[[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: Episode 80 shows more of Sora's mindset: during his time in Standard, he came to regard Yuya and Yuzu as his first friends. This is due to the harsh training regime Academia put the kid through, which really left no time for relaxation and bonding between his fellow students. Plus since the majority of Academia are tortured into violent but obient sociopaths, hanging out with Yuya and Yuzu came as a source of huge relief to the boy and he grew to care for them despite his better judgment.
*[[Being Evil Sucks]]: He really does want to keep his friendship with Yuya and Yuzu, and struggling against Professor's orders are becoming increasingly difficult. He eventually decides to go against Academia to help his friends.
*[[Berserk Button]]: The idea of a Xyz duelist either being better or looking down on him is a major button. More specifically, thinking about Kurosaki and the way he humiliated him.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: He saves Yuzu and Crow's kids from Security. Counts as this due to being on the Face side at the time.
*[[Big Brother Mentor]]: An age-inverted example; he ends up teaching Yuzu about Fusion Summoning. Yuzu refers back to this relationship when explaining him to Frank, Tanner, and Amanda.
*[[Break the Haughty]]: As the duel with Kurosaki went on, this happened. And again against Yuto.
*[[The Bus Came Back]]: After the Battle Royal arc, Sora more or less gets Put on a Bus until about halfway through the Synchro arc.
*[[Character Development]]: Thanks to Yuya and Yuzu he begins to move out of being a Sociopathic Soldier and gains a sense of empathy.
*[[Child Soldier]]: A lot of Sora's claims about his abilities and superiority to Xyz duelists, is eerily similar to the lies real child soldiers are told to get him to fight. Episode 36 confirms he is a Duel Soldier from the Fusion Dimension.
*[[Cute and Psycho]]: He plays off his cuteness blatantly, and partakes in hunting Xyz Duelists and destroying Heartland City for fun.
*[[Defector from Decadence]]: Sora ultimately leaves Academia for Yuya and Yuzu.
*[[Deliberately Cute Child]]: Sora plays his cuteness to the hilt, charming the pants off of Yuya's mother, friends, and teachers alike.
*[[Determinator]]: Once he sets his sights on something, Sora will not give up until he gets it. Kurosaki uses this to reason that Sora survived being blown up during his message to Yuya.
**A silly guy that befriends The Hero with cutesy monsters that turn into nightmarish creatures, and turns out to be [[Evil All Along]] and makes constant evil faces. Shingetsu/Vector anyone? Though his character development is slowly edging him out of this.
**He's also a mix between Bruno (helping out with the heroes) and Lucciano (being a child Duelist working with the bad guys). And like Bruno, he stays loyal to his new friends.
*[[For the Evulz]]: The reason Sora and his fellow Fusion duelists hunted Xyz duelists.
*[[Forced into Evil]]: Sora seems to believe no matter what he does because he was raised by the Academia, he is stuck to them forever.
*[[Friendless Background]]: He grew up without any friends in Academia, Yuzu and Yuya being his first.
*[[The Gadfly]]: Enjoys teasing Yuya a lot. He also teased Yuzu over her interest in Yuto a lot while he tutored her.
*[[Kick the Dog]]: Several. He reveals gleefully how his group attacked Heartland, and then turns Hikage into a card. He then completely rejects Yuya's attempts to invoke a Heel–Face Turn, claiming that they were never friends.
*[[Lack of Empathy]]: Sora doesn't see that his and Academia's actions against the Xyz Dimension was wrong and instead considers it fun. When others call him out on this, he just shrugs it off, saying its necessary to unite the dimensions. The Synchro arc is starting to subvert this trope, as Yuya's constant questioning is slowly bringing Sora around to his way of thinking, to the point that he even apologizes to Tsukikage for carding Hikage.
*[[Pet the Dog]]:
**He agreed to teach Yuzu how to Fusion Summon. Subverted, as he later revealed that it was for the glory of Fusion. Double Subverted, he later admits it was out of friendship.
**An odd version. He finishes up his final qualifier duel quickly, to ensure that Yuzu has time to see the end of Yuya's duel with Mieru. He then later gave Yuya an honest congratulations for Fusion Summoning perfectly on his first try.
**After his allegiance to the [[Big Bad]] is revealed, he gets one when the Professor orders him to recapture Serena who looks like Yuzu. Sora is shocked at the idea of capturing his friend.
**Even after the Professor clarifies that Serena and Yuzu are different people, he has trouble getting past the fact Serena looks too much like Yuzu.
**Later after he saves Dennis he insists that he goes home because he is hurt, and promises that he will complete his mission for him, all the while being extremely courteous and kind to him.
**After saving Yuzu from certain death, he drags her unconscious body somewhere safe before going out to give Yuya a message.
**:He later genuinely apologizes to Tsukikage for his brother, though he knows it won't make up for it, and asks he simply wait until after Yuya is safe to take revenge.
*[[The Smart Guy]]: Sora is not only familiar with the different Special Summoning methods, he also judges most situations right, making him the smartest duelist among the four heroes. At least until his Face–Heel Turn.
*[[Slasher Smile]]: At the end of Episode 33. Does this repeatedly throughout the next episode. Later this becomes Sora's trademark as his true personality is out for the world to see.
*[[Smug Smiler]]: Very confident in his reading of people and his dueling knowledge which allows him to be one step ahead of his opponent. This also serves as a hint to the audience about his his mysterious Hidden Depths.
*[[Sociopathic Soldier]]: Well, Duelist in any case, though this does entail actively harming his opponents and destroying their city. He believes Fusion Duelists to be far superior to Xyz Duelists, and targets them just for fun.
*[[Sore Loser]]: Sora just can't accept the fact that he lost to Kurosaki and insists that he's the "stronger" of the two when he's not holding back, despite the audience clearly seeing that Kurosaki won fair and square. Downplayed when he goes to duel Yuya for a second time during the Battle Royal sub-arc. He comments he doesn't like having a losing record against Yuya, but would not have gone after him had Yuya not insisted on dueling.
*[[Sweet Tooth]]: Sora is always eating something sweet. ALWAYS.
*[[Took A Level in Kindness]]: Hanging out with Yuya and Yuzu has significantly improved his sanity.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]:Its cyan
Voice by: Kensho Ono (JP),Michael Lisco Jr (EN)
A member of Academia under the direct command of Professor Leo Akaba. Like Yuto and Yugo, he strongly resembles Yuya. Yuri has captured Ruri and Rin from their respective dimensions on behalf of the Professor and with Serena under their wing, his new task is to capture Yuzu, the fourth and final piece. Cold, cruel and ruthless in his tasks, Yuri is one of the most sadistic characters introduced in the series. He utilizes the Predator Plants, a legion of DARK Plant type monsters that can swarm the field, impairs and ensnares opponents with their effects and sets up ideal conditions for his ace monster, Starve Venom Fusion Dragon. Later revealed to be the Fusion Dimensional Counterpart to Yuya, due to them sharing the same face.
*[[Agent Peacock]]: A flashy dresser and a dangerous duelist.
*[[Alleged Lookalikes]]: With Yuya, Yuto, and Yugo, he seems to has been mistaken for both Yuto and Yugo by the other. Yuzu first mistakes him for Yuya, but then she remembers that aside from Yuto there is another one who looks like Yuya, so she assumes that he is... Yugo.
*[[Anime Hair]]: Like the majority of the franchise, his hair is impossible.
*[[Badass]]: Being one of Yuya's counterparts, this was a given even before his One-Turn Five Kill.
*[[Badass Cape]]: A short red one resembling Yuya's coat.
*[[Badass Long Coat]]: He wears also a coat, since his cape isn't long enough.
*[[Badass Long Robe]]: He wore a cloak with a hoodie when he kidnapped Rin and Ruri. Yugo saw his face when Yuri kidnapped the former, but the cloak possibly added extra confusion to the whole Identical Stranger issue for Yugo, as Yuri's cloak resembles Yuto's cape.
*[[Berserk Button]]: His button seems to be being mistaken for someone else. Getting in his way also annoys the crap out of him.
*[[Big Ol' Eyebrows]]: Has very thick, pink eyebrows.
*[[Blood Knight]]: He wanted to duel Serena rather than just arrest her to make it more fun. When he notices Serena's current condition, he offers to duel Sora instead. He expresses little interest at Yugo's demands until he remembers that he beat Serena and decides to duel him.
*[[Brilliant, but Lazy]]: Has some shades of this, as in Episode 86 he complains that it is a pain that Starve Venom brought him to Yugo
*[[Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are]]: As if it wasn't obvious enough that he's a sociopath, he's shown to do this to both Yuzu and Rin, clearly enjoying himself while cornering them, and in Rin's case saying to her face that their game of hide and seek was over. Later it's revealed this was the same for Ruri.
*[[The Comically Serious]]:
**Despite being a psychopathic Agent Peacock, Yuri gets dumbfounded at Yuya's Synchronization and Yugo's hilarious antics.
**He is slightly disturbed by the weird appearance of the Ojamas, which becomes hilarious when he's slightly annoyed to command his Starve Venom to attack Ojama King.
*[[Curb Stomp Battle]]: He demonstrates his dueling skills in a similar fashion to Kurosaki. In his first on-screen duel, Yuri gets a One-Turn Five Kill with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon, which is even more impressive due to his opponents using Fusion Monsters that were originally used by Judai's friends Sho, Hayato and Manjoume. Even more impressive than that is that Yuri doesn't lose Life Points through damage, he only lose Life Points by paying a cost once, winning the duel with 3200 Life Points.
*[[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]]: At the start of the series, Yuri was the only one of Yuya's counterparts privy to the existences of other dimensions, including the fact that they're are others who look just like him. However, rather than be surprised about this, he weaponizes this knowledge, seen when he deliberately leads Yugo into the destroyed Xyz Dimension to meet Yuto. Since Yugo only saw Yuri's face at night, along with the fact that Yuri was wearing a cloak to disguise himself, he automatically assumed Yuto was the culprit; in turn, Yuto mistook Yugo for Yuri since Ruri was already missing. In short, Yuri took advantage of the general confusion between the two counterparts and threw off any trail leading back to himself, all the while smiling in the background like the cunning bastard that he is.
*[[Death Glare]]: He gives a chilling one to Yugo.
*[[The Dragon]]: For the Professor. He also captured Ruri and Rin for him. Episode 91 shows that he is very highly ranked within the Obelisk Force, who are the Professor's hand picked force, calling him "-sama" showing he's above them in ranking.
*[[The Dreaded]]: Almost everyone is afraid of Yuri, to the point that just the threat of him coming on the scene is enough to motivate people. Roget doesn't want Academia to invade the Synchro Dimension, but he's terrified when he thinks Yuri might come. Even his own allies fear him; when Yuzu is about to duel Obelisk Force and Yuri arrives looking for her, the latter quickly clear outnote , and Barrett tells the Professor he can complete his mission alone and doesn't want Yuri around. For his part, Yuri seems to enjoy being feared, and is shown sadistically toying with his opponents on multiple occasions.
*[[Duels Decide Everything]]: Invoked, whenever Yuri goes to secure a bracelet girl he always duels them to give them a chance to escape. He usually does this for fun.
*[[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Yuri finds the idea of innocent entertainment laughable and instead prefers his opponents to suffer while he comes out on top.
*[[Evil Counterpart]]:
**Unlike Yuto, who is just a Foil, and Yugo, who's Not So Different from Yuto himself, Yuri is indeed a real evil counterpart for Yuya. Word of God states that he works for Academia for fun.
**His Starve Venom Fusion Dragon is one for Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, resembling a heavily distorted and corrupted version of it. It also looks like a twisted version of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, too. Additionally, the way how its first effect looks is very similar to Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's Treason Discharge effect.
*[[Expy]]: Being an Ax-Crazy Psycho for Hire themed after poison and carnivorous plants, Yuri is an unholy blend of Supreme King Judai, Professor Cobra, Yubel and Black Rose Witch Aki pressed into a single character and let loose on the universe. Bonus points for his reasons to commit unambiguously evil acts.
*[[Faux Affably Evil]]: He seems to be somewhat respectful, if mocking, to Yuzu despite it being his mission to capture her. That said, he also heartlessly seals Olga and Halil into cards just because they were in the way.
*[[For the Evulz]]: Seems to be the reason why he does anything. A good example is episode 91 when Yuri finds Serena. He admits he could easily capture her due to her current state but refuses as it would be too boring and instead wants to duel her with her freedom at stake.
*[[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: How he was shown in the second opening with his Face Framed in Shadow. Once the opening reveals his face, his eyes don't glow anymore, but he looks even more evil than it was shadowed◊. He gets them for real in episodes 87-88 and later on in episodes 91-92.
*[[Identical Stranger]]: Yuri's face is the same as Yuya and his other two doppelgängers. Unlike Yuto and Yugo, however, Yuri also sounds like Yuya as they both have the same seiyuu. This was later revealed to be the reason for Yugo and Yuto's rivalry; both Yuto and Yugo thought the other to be Yuri.
*[[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]: He uses a Plant deck, but like his counterparts, his ace is a Dragon.
Japanese Pronouns: Unlike his counterparts, he uses "boku", which gives him a Faux Affably Evil vibe. But when he is syncing with Yuya, he uses "ore".
*[[Jerkass]]: Yuri is meant to be Yuya's opposite in every way: Yuya's kind, understanding and wants to make a person smile; Yuri's cruel, impatient and loves filling someone with terror. When asked by Yuzu why he's going around sealing people in cards like he did to poor Olga and Halil, he responds with a nonchalant "they were in my way."
*[[Just Following Orders]]:
**He claims that he's just following the Professor's orders after carding Halil and Olga and attacking Yuzu.
**He also claims this to Yugo when he demands Yuri to take him to Rin.
*[[Kick the Dog]]: He defeated and "carded" Olga and Halil without any regret. He then goes to chase poor Yuzu, all while smiling about it. It's the same when he goes after Ruri and Rin.
**Rather than simply arrest Serena while she's weakened, he would rather duel her and watch her squirm. When he tries to duel Sora in her place, he mentions how annoying it would be to drag both of them back and would opt for killing him instead.
*[[Meaningful Name]]: Yuri, or Joeri means "farmer".note Which fits, considering the type of Deck he uses.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Violet and pink.
*[[Not So Different]]: For all his evil and The Last of These Is Not Like the Others traits, Yuri is ultimately one of Yuya's dimensional counterparts, which means that he's just as much of a Cosmic Plaything as they are and as seen in his interactions with Yugo, just as silly.
*[[Obviously Evil]]: If his smug face during his introduction isn't enough, the second version of the second opening highlights how evil he looks.
*[[Slasher Smile]]: Most of his smiles are these and they are disturbing!!
*[[Smug Smiler]]: In his first appearance. The title of Episode 47 is even called "The Cold Smile of Yuri". This becomes the norm for him whenever he speaks to anyone unless they manage to annoy him.
*[[Soft-Spoken Sadist]]: Yuri is very calm in his speech, but absolutely enjoys being a Duel Soldier. Shown very well in episode 54 where we see Yuri capture Rin and again in episode 75 when he captures Ruri.
*[[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: An official website and the anime spell his name as "Joeri." Before that, it was "Juri."
*[[Waistcoat of Style]]: Under his [[Badass Long Coat]]. How many layers does this guy wear anyway?
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Violet and pink.
===Dennis Mackfield===
Voice by :Tetsuya Kakihara (JP),Daniel J Edwars
Dennis is supposedly an exchange student from the LDS Broadway branch who takes the Xyz Summon course. After saving Yuya from Ryozanpaku's duel school students, he tells the young entertainer that he's an admirer of his father Yusho's dueling style, hence the flamboyancy in his duels. Later becomes one of the top 8 Junior Youth participants. He's later revealed shortly afterwards to be a mole for the main antagonists of the series: Academia, working directly with Yuri and spying on the Lancers. During the Friendship Tournament in the Synchro Saga, Kurosaki exposes Dennis for not only what he really is but got him to shed more details on the fall of the Xyz Dimension and his role in Ruri's disappearance. Similar to Sora, Dennis is now considered an enemy to Yuya and friends, and he was expelled from the Lancers for his betrayal and forced to return to Academia.
He plays a balanced Entermage/Antique Gear hybrid deck, which fully brings out the potential of Pendulum, Xyz and Fusion Summoning.
*[[Affably Evil]]: It's hard to tell just how much that goofy Broadway showman personality is a front, but while pretending to be a friend of the Lancers, he's pretty good at faking it. Dennis genuinely does love his Entertainment persona but is willing to set it aside for his mission, no matter how melancholy he becomes.
*[[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Dennis remains one of the most complex Yu-Gi-Oh! villains ever conceived. While he's clearly on the side of the bad guys, he legitimately came to enjoy Entertainment dueling. While he helped orchestrate the events that led to Ruri's kidnap and attempted to kidnap Yuzu several times, deep down, he came to regret his actions. While he's best friends with Yuri, he doesn't take outright sadistic pleasure in his actions. Which makes his "suicide" by carding all the more sad when Yusho offers him to join their side; Dennis believes that he's too steeped in this sin to ever be forgiven for what he's done.
*[[And I Must Scream]]: In Episode 114. He commits "suicide"... with style.
*[[Affably Evil|Affably Evil: Its hard to tell weather he is a genuine nice guy or nit]]
*[[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Arrogant Kung Fu Guy:]]
==Main Character==
=== Yuya Sakaki ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Kensho Ono (JP), Michael Lisco Jr(EN)}}
The main protagonist of the series Yuya aims to become an Entertainment Duelist to make people smile. As the series goes on he is forced to abound his entertainment style and focuses on dealing interdenominational war in order to save his childhood friend Yuzu but he will try his base to make people happy and smile.As the show goes on Yuya learns that he has [[doppelgangers]] who share his face: Yuto (Xyz), Yugo (Synchro) and Yuri (Fusion).
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*[[Anime Hair]]: Like his predecessors in other Yu-Gi-Oh! installments, his hair is pretty out there. However, it's more subdued in comparison, and the "out there" part comes more from the hair colors; half red and half green.
*[[Badass]]: He nearly took down Strong Ishijima, the world champion, and that was before he got his Pendulum Cards, with which he did win. His badassery has only increased since then as he continually brings out ever stronger Extra Deck monsters and evolves his dueling to new heights, trouncing many powerful opponents and holding his own against Reiji Akaba, a world-famous dueling genius. In the finale of Season 2 he beats Jack Atlas, the King of Riding Duels who was previously invincible for years and is the strongest duelist in the Synchro Dimension.
*[[Badass Adorable]]:He gets somany cute movemnets
*[[Badass Biker]]:He becomes a riding duelist during the synchro saga and he is shown to pull some amazing stunts while riding a big
*[[Badass Boast]]:Gave a pretty nice one during his second duel with Jack where he declares that he will save the city and make everyone smile
*[[Badass in Distress]]:He was capture by roger who intend to mind control him
*[[Berserk Button]]: Using duelings as war is a major button for him
*[[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Yuya is the one of the most nicest character you would have interact in the show so far but when he gets angry he is more scarier than any other characters
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=== Yuzu Hiragi (Zuzu Boyle) ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Yunna Inumara (JP), Emily Jenss(EN)}}
The main heorine of the series and Yuyas [[Childhood Friend]] unlike Yuya she is quite rational and rather quick to use her temper.She often carries a paper fan in her person in which she uses it on Yuya and her father whenever they pisses her off similar to Yuya Yuzu has [[doppelgangers]] through out other dimensions: Ruri (Xyz), Rin (Synchro) and Serena (Fusion).Yuzu uses a Meldious deck that focuses on Special summoning but after losing to Masumi she decided to learn fusion summoning from Sora and now she specilize in fusion summoning
*[[Action Girl]]:She is also a duelist like Yuya. She proves to be this where she [[Badass|Badassly]] defeat Masumi in their rematch.She is also the only girl along with Olga to make it to the junior youth top 8
*[[All-Loving Heroin]]:Much like Yuya Yuzu cares about keeping everyone safe and is deeply against harming others but like Yuya she has also gotten bitten in her ass
*[[Always Save The Girl|Always Save The Boy]]: She deeply wants to end the Interdimensional war and will do anything to keep everyone safe, but if she thinks Yuya either is hurt or depressed, she will drop whatever she was doing to help him. Yugo even lampshades this after her duel in episode 69.
*[[Amazon Brigade]]: Her deck seems to mostly contain female, Fairy/Angel-type Fantasia monsters.
*[[Badass Adorable]]: She has her cute moments.
*[[Biker Babe]]:She becomes a D-Wheeler during frendship cup arc
*[[Berserk Button]]:
**Meriu became this to her whenever she calls Yuya darling.
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*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Has dark pink hair and two bangs that are light pink, similar to Serena, Ruri and Rin.
*[[Nice Girl]]: She's kind-hearted and shows it most of the time, though she won't hesitate to use her paper fan as a weapon when the situation calls for it.
*[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]:She and Reiji gave Roget a very good one in episode 98 fore his [[Sore Loser]] and [[Dirty Coward]] attitude
*[[Rose-Haired Sweetie]]:
*[[Ship Tease]]:Mostly with Yuya
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**Moving away from rivals, he also has some similarities to Rex Goodwin, with his morally ambiguous actions for some unstated duel, and keep an eye on duelists to bring out their potential.
**His playing style is essentially a mix between Atem and Kaiba's playing styles. Like Kaiba, Reiji plays a lot of powerhouses and can defeat the opponent through overwhelming beatdowns, but he has much more varieties and relies a lot on Spell Cards and combos, like Atem. And like Atem, Reiji does not focus on a single ace monster, but has a an entire army of reliable monsters in his arsenal.
*[[Curb- Stomp Battle]]: His Duel against Roget is basically this. He defeats the first Roget hologram with an OTK, and then he defeats the second one during the hologram's Draw Phase. Reiji would repeat the same combo to all of the next holograms.
*[[Deadpan Snarker]]:Towards Roger whenever he speaks to him he will often snark and him.He also snarks at Yuya during their second duel
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: In spite of his DARK Fiend-Type deck, Reiji is a polite and reasonable person and proves to be a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]].
Line 176 ⟶ 331:
*[[Out of Focus]]: In Season 2. While everyone else is running around the Synchro Dimension dueling and getting [[Character Development]], Reiji has spent most of the season talking to the Executive Council in their chambers, watching the others duel, and very rarely taking some action to further his unrevealed overarcing plans. He does duel the [[Arc Villain]] in the end of the season, though.
*[[Pet the Dog]]: While Reiji is morally ambiguous, at least he's a Benevolent Boss who has complete faith in Yuya and the Lancers because he knows that they're the ones who will beat the crap out of Security and Academia.
*[[The Power of Trust]]:He has a great faith and trust in his fellow lancers
*[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Berates the Exective Council for their Dirty Coward attitude, telling them that those who prefer being neutral and sitting on their asses have no right to talk about the future.
*[[The Rival]]: To Yuya, despite being a Broken Pedestal to the latter.
*[[Scarf of Asskicking]]: Instead of having a Badass Longcoat that defies gravity and has a Dramatic Wind, Reiji has a scarf that does and has all of that. His scarf is more badass when you learn that he's been a duelist with the potential needed to be a pro since he was 15, owns the famous Leo Duel School at 16 and he specializes in all types of summoning.
*[[Sugar and Ice Personality]]:He mostly shows his icy side but deep inside his heart he is on sugar side despite being morally ambiguous which he does shows his sugar side at times
*[[Shut UpUP, Hannibal!]]: His response to Roget's offer and cowardice.
*[[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!]]: His attitude towards Yuya's kindness.
*[[The Smart Guy]]: While the Leader of the Lancers, he is also [[The Strategist]] and the most intelligent member.
*[[The Stoic]]: He's usually calm and collected and rarely shows emotions.
Line 211 ⟶ 366:
**Also some variation of "The manly Gongenzaka!"
*[[Childhood Friends]]: With Yuya.
*[[Determinator]]: He never gives up, believing in his deck to the end. And if he get's hit by an attack, he'll keep himself on his feet and get pushed backwards, unless it wipes him out.
*[[Dub Name Change]]: Gong Strong.
*[[Everything's Better with Samurai]]: His deck's motif.
Line 229 ⟶ 384:
*[[Made of Iron]]: Suffers no serious injury from a pillar falling on him.
*[[Manly Tears]]: The manly Gongenzaka is prone to crying when he's overflowing with happiness. Especially when Yuya wakes up from his Convenient Coma in episode 38.
*[[Martial Arts HeadbandHachimaki]]: Wears a red one around his head, though it might be his sash from childhood.
*[[Manly Tears]]: The manly Gongenzaka is prone to crying when he's overflowing with happiness. Especially when Yuya wakes up from his Convenient Coma in episode 38.
*[[Martial Arts HeadbandHachimaki]]: Wears a red one around his head, though it might be his sash from childhood.
*[[Nice Guy]]:He is loyal to his friends and respectful to everyone
*[[Worthy Opponent]]: He sees Yuya as one, and later Crow after the latter gets over his distracting issues.
Line 238 ⟶ 393:
=== Shingo Sawatari (Sylvio Sawatari) ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Shogo Yano (JP), Michael Crouch (EN)}}
An egotistical and a [[Plucky Comic Relief]] LDS student. He was initially [[The Rival]] to Yuya during the first season.He frequently changes deck His first one is a Darts Shooter deck; his second is a WATER Monarch deck; his third is a Yosenju deck; his fourth and final is an Abyss Actor deck.
Line 245 ⟶ 400:
*[[Ascended Extra]]: He's one of the five ARC-V main characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special, probably as a nod to his early status in the series. Sawatari basically took Reiji's spot, of all people.
*[[Attack Backfire]]: His duel with Yuto. The latter starts off by setting five Spell/Trap Cards. Sawatari takes the bait and, using a new Deck he made, sends all of them to the Graveyard. This allows Yuto to win the duel, via Spell Cards with effects that activate from the Graveyard.
*[[Badass]]: He manages to corner Yugo without any Action cards, and only lost because Yugo synchronizing with Yuya allowed him to grab an Action
*[[Blatant Lies]]: A lot of his bragging crosses into this. One example is him stating he was undefeated in Standard and Yuya is his student. Another example is stating himself as leader of the Lancers in Episode 70 when he's angry about not being chosen to duel next.
Line 271 ⟶ 426:
{{quote|Voiced by:[[Yui Ishikawa]] (JP), Alyson Leigh Rosenfiled (EN)}}
Reijis adoptive younger brother. He was found in the warzone country and was adopted by the Akabas family to become a child soldier to defeat academia and he later becomes one of the Lancers. Reira is very quite who rarely talks and has no emotion due to being in the war zone but after meeting Yuya and Crows kids and staying with them for a while Reiras started to develop and he slowly became a bit emotional and confident of himself and his skills. Reira uses a CC deck that focuses on copying his opponents monster and like his brother his deck also specilizes in different summoning method Fusion,Synchro and XYZ it is currently unknown if he uses Pendulum or not
Line 303 ⟶ 458:
*[[Protectorate]]: While in the Synchro Dimension, Yuya has taken the role of a protective big brother towards him. In a straighter example, the OP and ED imply he's this to Tsukikage, by Reiji's orders.
Also appears to be one for Reiji in a different sort of way, as Reiji attempts to help Reira develop his own personality and apparently brought Reira into the Synchro Dimension because he honestly believes Reira is strong enough to handle it, even reassuring him and giving him slack when the kid refuses to duel.
*[[The Quiet One]]: He rarely talks, due to his timid personality. But as his character development goes on he becomes more and more talkative
*[[Reality Ensues]]:The kid may be a good duelist on par of the other Lancers, but he's still just a little kid. He's scared stiff when he arrives in the Synchro Dimension without Reiji.Despite being a good duelist, he also tires much easier than the older Lancers, and after beating three Security officers and two Obelisk Force squads in a row, he is exhausted... and his PTSD is triggered.
*[[Security Blanket]]: He only separates of his teddy bear when it's time to duel.
Line 318 ⟶ 473:
A girl that resembles Yuzu from the Fusion Dimension Academia she is later reveled to be Yuzus fusion dimensional counterpart. Serena has held in Academia against her will for so many years despite being on their side.After hearing that their are some xyz remnants in standard she travels to Standard dimension with Barret without Professors permission and seeks to prove to Leo Akaba that she is worthy enough for being a front liner soldier after hearing the Academia's true colors from Yuzu her standard counterpart Serena changes side and is now one of Reijis lancers, Serena uses Moonlight deck which is a dark attribute animal like female monsters unlike Yuzus deck Serena's deck is very offensive.Similar to Yuri Serena has [[doppelgangers]] throughout the other dimensions: Yuzu (Standard), Ruri (Xyz) and Rin (Synchro).
*[[100% Adoration Rating]]: She is the only character in the Synchro arc to be loved by both the Commons and Tops.
Line 335 ⟶ 490:
*[[Chess Motifs]]: Designated by Roget as the White Queen.
*[[Clothing Switch]]: With Yuzu, so she could talk to Kurosaki. This is the reason why Yuzu still wears her clothes until the beginning of the Friendship Cup.
*[[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience]]: Her hair, eye, and outfit colors are drawn from the Polymerization card◊.
*[[The Comically Serious]]: Serena has her moments in the show when she's not being arrogant. Episode 62 actually shows Serena pouting in her jail cell before being rescued. The special Omake corners that airs at the end of an episode has her either complaining about Sawatari's incompetence or getting flustered by Yuya's silliness.
*[[Contralto of Danger]]: Her voice is deeper than Yuzu's, and Serena is willing to hurt Xyz duelists, regardless whether they are from the Xyz Dimension or not.
Line 396 ⟶ 551:
*[[The Smurfette Principle]]:The only girl in Reiji's Lancers.
*[[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: Similar to Kurosaki, Serena doesn't appreciate being saved from danger, stating that she has the situation "handled" and sees someone helping her out as someone who is underestimating her abilities, which she hates. In Episode 56, she, along with Yuya, Reira and Sawatari, are surrounded by Security forces; when Yuya offers to distract them and begs her to take Reira to safety, Serena just screams back that she's no coward and she intends to wipe everyone out...despite being surrounded by at least thirteen duelists at once. However, she does at least acknowledge that she'll need to work in a group if she intends to save Yuzu and protect her from Academia.
*[[Tomboy with a Girly Streak]]: Subverted. While her deck is very feminine, the play-style of her deck revolves around attacking as much as possible while preventing her opponent from protecting themselves; fitting given some of her tendencies, so it might just be that she doesn't care for looks as long as what she's using works. She's also the only "Yuzu" counterpart who hasn't shown any form of closeness/affection towards her "Yuya" counterpart (though it's possible they haven't met yet.) note
*[[Tomboyish Ponytail]]: To contrast Yuzu in appearance.
*[[Took a Level in Kindness]]: During her duel with Yugo, she starts to enjoy dueling and states she finally understands what Yuya was talking about. Even being worried about Reira in the next episode when in previous episodes she had been apathetic to him.
Line 464 ⟶ 619:
**Another smaller one is to say that his monsters are weak because they have low attack points. During duels, he typically responds with proving the person who said that wrong.
*[[Big Brother Instinct]]: Kurosaki is so intent on attacking LDS because he believes his little sister Ruri was captured by them. He's later shown to be protective and more open to persuasion when talking to Serena due to her resemblance to Ruri.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Literally leaps into the duel against the Arrest Corps in episode 63 after they had taken control of all the Lancers' remaining monsters and proceeds to use those captured monsters to summon Rise Falcon, a monster which they couldn't take control of due to not possessing a level, and defeat all 3 of their opponents at the same time.With his Raid Raptors, he saves Yuya and the others by giving them a lift to the Duel Palace during the Riots.
With his Raid Raptors, he saves Yuya and the others by giving them a lift to the Duel Palace during the Riots.
*[[Break the Haughty]]: Does this to Sora, and Sora does it back in turn in their second duel. Noticeable in that afterwards he actually shows appreciation for Tsukikage, Sawatari, Gongenzaka, and Serena helping him.
*[[But for Me, It Was Tuesday]]: Doesn't even remember who Marco is, until Masumi brings up Fusion Summoning. It is possible however that he just didn't ask for his name. He's never asked anyone he duels for their names.
Line 474 ⟶ 628:
*[[Crazy-Prepared]]: As shown during his duel against Sora, Kurosaki manages to counter basically everything against him. Especially his last card Rank-Up Magic Revolution Force only works in a specific situation, yet Kurosaki gets the chance to use it.
Does it again in his rematch with Sora. Not wanting to drag out the duel and fuel Sora's prideful lust for revenge, Kurosaki prepares a complicated strategy before attacking: summons in his first turn three copies of Force Strix and powers them up to a point where he could potentially OTK the kid. It fails off-screen and Sora subsequently defeats him.
*[[Curb- Stomp Battle]]: He annihilates Masumi, Hokuto and Yaiba in Episode 24. Later goes on to dominate Sora and the Knight duelists utterly, and wipes the Arrest Corps within seconds of joining. Then there's his escape from the underground labor facility.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Academia invaded Heartland City, turned it into an interdimensional battle ground, and carded most of its citizens. His sister, Ruri, was kidnapped as well.
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Though morally ambiguous enough to steal the souls of LDS employees.
Line 575 ⟶ 729:
{{quote|Voiced by: Mitsutaka Itakura (JP), Tom Wayland (EN)}}
Yuzus father and the owner of Yushow duel school He runs a Guts Master deck, which relies on swarm tactics and Special Summoning, simi
*[[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: Embarrasses Yuzu before her duel with Masumi, by picking a field to highlight her 'cuteness.'
Line 592 ⟶ 746:
*[[Hot-Blooded]]: Yuya looked subdued by comparision. Shuzou even screams the term. His deck even has this theme, the Guts Master monsters. Shuzou is so hot-blooded that his name is even written with burning letters on the Versus Character Splash, a characteristic that everybody else lacks.
*[[Heel]]: He insulting Yuya while in their duel, just when Yuya feels very depressed, it's enough for Yuzu and the children to boo him all the time.
*[[Large Ham]]: When you can make Yuya look quiet, you're definitely this. And then there's his "manly fainting noises". note
*[[Lovable Jock]]: All his Guts Masters also have a sports theme to them. He himself appears to be wearing a track suit. And he is a kind teacher and loving father.
*[[Mentor Occupational Hazard]]: Parodied in episode 14. Shuzou challenges Yuya to a duel in order to get him out of his blue and inspire him to become a better duelist; after a good lecture about how his fears have leave him paralyzed in one place, Yuya manages to pull himself together and win with a One-Turn Killer combo. As Action Duels actually hurt you, Shuzo gets knocked out and Yuya screams his name while cradling him in his arms and a very Kung Fu movie ending scene plays out... until Yuzu smack her dad's face with her paper fan to wake him up.
Line 650 ⟶ 804:
===Himika Akaba (Henrietta Akaba)===
{{quote|Voiced by: Kikuko Fujimoto (JP),Lianne Marie Dobbs (EN) }}
Reijis mother and the chairwomen of Leo Corporation
*[[Ambiguously Evil]]: She's a bit corrupt, but neither her or Reiji seem to be outright evil, not to mention her humanizing features such as caring for those that work under her. Then it's revealed that they're planning to defend against an invasion from Leo Akaba, so her actions seem more justified considering the circumstances. And then we find out the reason why Reira is so messed up, putting her back to this
Line 731 ⟶ 885:
*[[I Shall Taunt You]]: "Your eyes have no luster".
*[[Japanese Pronouns]]: Uses the gender neutral pronoun watashi.
*[[Lady of War]]: Although younger than most and a duelist in a cards game, she counts. She's a calm and cold Ojou, and her Gem-Knight deck has a more
*[[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Reiji alters her memories of Kurosaki so that he doesn't draw suspicion during the tournament.
*[[Luminescent Blush]]: Gets one after Yuzu saves her from falling in Episode 29. Les Yay!
Line 839 ⟶ 993:
*[[Ms. Fanservice:]] Not her but her monsters are attractive women in form fitting leather outfits.
*[[Mum Looks Like A Sister]]: Played With. Sora pretends to confuse her for Yuya's older sister to get in her good graces (she does look fine, though).
*[[Red Baron]]: Shooting Star Yoko
*[[Retired Badass]]: She used to be a gang leader, and an exceptional duelist, but now she's just a house wife.
*[[Running Gag]]: In the Battle Royale arc, whenever she's talked to, she'll speak very low and serious to then start fangirling over Michio or Dennis while asking to see more of them.
*[[Shipper on Deck]]: She's good friends with Yuzu to the point she comforted her when Yuzu blamed herself for Yuya ending up near comatose after his encounter with Yuto and Yugo. In the same episode this is played for laughs as they both work together to get Mieru to compete in the tournament again and get her out of the room while Yuya is resting.
*[[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: She states in Episode 52, it was Yusho's ability to solve conflict without harming anyone that made her fall for him.
*[[Sobriquet]]: Shooting Star Yoko
*[[Took a Level In Kindness]]: In the past, she was a gang leader that happily defeated anyone in her way. But meeting Yusho calmed her down to the kind woman we see today.
*[[Warrior Therapist]]: We can see where Yuya gets it from as in episode 52, she seems to play this part to get Yuya out of his BSOD.
Line 852 ⟶ 1,006:
{{quote|Voiced by: Manpei Takagi (JP), Michael Lisco Jr(EN)}}
A mysterious Young man who likes like Yuya and is investigating LDS to rescue his friend Ruri.When he notices Yuzu he thought that she was her and began to mistook her for her when they first met.He is later reveled to be the xyz dimensional counterpart to Yuya and the member of the Resistance which is a rebel group that fends of Academia soldiers.He used to leave in an alternate universe version of Heartland city in which it was a peaceful city until it was destryoed by academia.After his duel with Yugo he was then absorb by Yuya and entrust him his ace Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon Yuto uses a Phantom Knights deck that focuses on summoning Xyz Monsters, including his Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, and makes use of Spell Cards that can be activated from the graveyard.
Line 973 ⟶ 1,127:
===Kaito Tenjou (Kite Tenjo)===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Kouki Uchiyama]]}}
an alternate universe version of the Kite Tenjo that appeared in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. He was a famous professional Duelist in the Xyz Dimension's Heartland City before the invasion of Duel Academy, after which he became a member of the Resistance. After his family were sealed into cards by Duel Academy, Kite abandoned the Resistance and began a one-man vendetta against Duel Academy, vowing to seal thousands of their soldiers into cards.
*[[Awesomeness by Analysis]]: He claims that he has a knack for figuring out what he needs to counter specific playstyles after witnessing them in action at least once. After he defeats Sawatari and Gongenzaka, he anticipates Yuya using Pendulum Summon to Special Summon multiple monsters at once in the following duel, and uses Double Exposure and Double Censorship to take advantage of Yuya's swarming capabilities.
*[[Badass]]: He can easily beat up Gongenzaka and Sawatari, and he was very close on defeating Yuya, but he ran away due to being confused about all the new things he learned. He then goes to defeat Kurosaki.
*[[Badass Longcoat]]: Retains his trademark black duster, but he does not have his Photon Change ability, since he isn't hunting Numbers.
Line 984 ⟶ 1,137:
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Saves Yuya from the Obelisk Force's Chaos Giant after Kurosaki gets taken out by saving Sayaka.
*[[Blinded by the Light]]: When he flees from his duel with Yuya, the resulting flash cast by the Spell Card blinds everyone except Kurosaki.
*[[Broken Bird]]:His family being carded and academia destroyed his hometown heartland made him a very bitter,cold and vengeful person
*[[Call Back]]: Upon confronting Yuya, Sawatari, and Gongenzaka, he states his old ZEXAL Catch Phrase: "Are you ready to repent?"
*[[Catch Phrase]]: "Are you ready to repent?" gets uttered once per episode with his appearances so far.
Line 990 ⟶ 1,143:
*[[Costume Evolution]]: A downplayed but meaningful example: the Fingerless Gloves he had in ZEXAL are swapped out for a red Resistance scarf tied around his hand. Also, the card plate on his Duel Disk is swapped for a Hard Light version in keeping with the rest of the ARC-V Disks, but retains its unusual crescent shape.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: The reason why Kaito is extremely hostile towards Yuya's group is because his family got carded by Academia after Kurosaki and Yuto went to Standard.
*[[Defrosting Ice King|Defrosting Ice King:]] Gradually after his duel against Kurosaki and Yuya.
*[[The Dreaded]]: He's carded enough of Academia's soldiers for them to put a bounty on his head.
Line 1,023 ⟶ 1,177:
*[[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!]]: Does not approve of Yuya and Yuto's "Bring smiles with your Duels" philosophy
*[[This Is Unforgivable!]]: Kaito's first line is stating how he'll never forgive the Academia for their crimes.
*[[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: He was already poised to become the Duel Champion of Heartland, and according to Yuto and Allen he's even stronger after the invasion.
*[[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Yuto states Kaito used to be a kind and warm individual before the invasion. Well, when your homeland is razed and your family and friends are carded in front of you, it's hard to be happy.
*[[Took a Level In Kindness]]: Downplayed, but he's starting to reconsider comradery after his Duel against Kurosaki back in Episode 105 and restraining himself from sealing the Obelisk Force in cards.
Line 1,084 ⟶ 1,238:
*[[Trigger]]: Seeing the Obelisk Force Chaos Giant sends her into a state of panic.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Three shades of purple.
==Synchro Dimension==
{{quote|Voiced by: Shinpei Takagi (JP), Michael Lisco Jr(EN)}}
A mysterious D-Wheeler apparently responsible for desolating the home of Resistance. Despite hailing from the Synchro Dimension, he allegedly works as an agent of Academia, a faction of Fusion users. In truth, he is not associated with Academia at all, with this being a misunderstanding on the Resistance's part. He claims he has lost someone precious to him, and is desperately trying to find them. He is the Synchro Dimensional Counterpart to Yuya, due to them sharing the same face.
He uses a Speedroid deck that also includes his Clear Wing Synchro Dra
*[[Adorkable]]: The first thing the guy thinks when he arrives in an icy duel field is that he's in an apocalyptic ice-age future. Later becomes confused when he goes into the lava duel field, making him think just what the hell is wrong with the dimension he's in.
*[[All There in the Manual]]: How his name and alleged crime are revealed.
*[[Alleged Lookalikes]]: Similar to Yuto, Yuya comments that Yugo looks exactly like him. Anyone could easily tell them apart at a glance. Seems to have been noticed, given that Yuya later corrects himself to stating that their faces look similar, which they do.
*[[Anime Hair]]: Blue and blond, with spiral spikes. The blond part looks like a banana.
*[[Always Save the Girl]]: Yugo puts saving Rin at the very top of his priorities as shown in episode 86 when he chased down Yuri even if it means he loses his shot at a better life.
*[[Arch-Enemy]]: Appears to be one for Yuto but later revealed to be just a huge misunderstanding.
*[[Ascended Extra]]: Yugo essentially becomes a main character during the Synchro Dimension saga, protecting Yuzu from the authorities.
*[[Badass]]: Despite his goofiness, he had Yuto on the palm of his hand during their duel and defeats him without much effort. Later, he completely dominates the Obelisk Force despite being outnumbered.
*[[Badass Biker]]: ARC-V's return of the D-Wheel is indeed awesome. Episode 47 reveals his awesome riding techniques.
*[[Berserk Button]]:
**Getting his name wrong. So far, he has been mistaken by the Resistance and Academia as being affiliated with the Fusion Dimension due to his name sounding almost like the same as the Japanese word for Fusion, and as Yuya because they look similar. This becomes a little joke in the commercial of Crossover Souls.
**Episode 93 even spelled his name as Hugo.
**Seeing people get hurt in front of him makes him angry, as seeing the Obelisk Force duelists causes him to flashback to images of their attacks.
*[[Beware the Silly Ones]]: He crashes his D-Wheel, has No Social Skills and is constantly irritated at his name being messed up. He's also a duelist capable of defeating Yuto.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Two in Episode 47, first when he rescues Yuu Sakuragi, and then when he saves Yuzu by inadvertently causing Yuri to teleport away, though he mistook her for Rin.
*[[Big Eater]]: He is always seen eating while he is in the hotel provided by The Friendship Cup.
*[[Borrowed Catchphrase]]: Whenever Yuya and Yugo mentally synchronize, Yugo uses Yuya's catchphrase "The fun's just getting started!".
*[[The Bus Came Back]]: After being absent for about 14 episodes, Yugo returns in episode 106.
*[[Butt Monkey]]: At times. He gets dragged through dimensions by Clear Wing, ends up on the receiving end of Yuzu's fan and Serena's fist, and has people constantly getting his name wrong.
*[[Childhood Friends]]: With Rin. Both of them grew up in the slums.
*[[Childhood Friend Romance]]: He was pretty blushy when Yuzu suggested Rin is his girlfriend.
*[[Cosmic Plaything]]: Mild example, but if it's not Yuzu's bracelet, it's Clear Wing Synchro Dragon that's warping him all over the place as it chooses.
*[[Covert Pervert]]: He's very interested in Rin being his girlfriend (despite denying that she was), and in episode 62 he is clearly staring at Yuzu's chest, when commenting Rin's clothes should fit her. He also ogles the skimpily-dressed cheerleaders during the fourth opening, which earns him Yuzu's slap from her fan.
*[[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Yugo himself notably describes himself as this, though the way that it's presented in the series is a bit of an inversion, that zigzags all over the place. He's introduced as a Red Herring ally of Academia that apparently devastated Heartland. He turns out to be a bit of a goofball, but immediately defeats Yuto upon his first appearance. The next time he shows up, he's acting like even more of an idiot, but then beats two guys at once, and later defeats three Obelisk Force members in one turn (by turning their own card against them, no less). In short, while he acts like some of the sillier past protagonists, through and through, he is just as innovative and strategic as Yusei, his 5D's counterpart, ever was.
*[[Determinator]]: Rin noted in the past his best trait was that he never gave up.
*[[The Dreaded]]: Yuto does not talk about him lightly. Averted later on; it turns out Yuto's account was the result of a gigantic misunderstanding.
*[[Drives Like Crazy]]: As Yuzu can attest to, he does this when trying to avoid Duel Chaser 227 and when trying to get to the stadium in a timely manner to watch Jack Atlas' exhibition duel.
*[[Dynamic Entry]]: Subverted. He comes into the Standard Dimension with a flash of light but accidentally hits a street light camera. Played straight when he busts in to save Yuzu.
*[[Expy]]: His deck is one to Yusei's, being comprised mostly by Machine-Type monsters and having a WIND Synchro Dragon as its ace, but also a little with Jack's using the same Power Deck tactics. His Hi-Speedroid Puzzle seems to be a nod to Speed Warrior. In personality, however, he is a lot more like Judai or Yuma. He was instantly eager to duel upon seeing Yuto and doesn't even bother to introduce himself to Yuya, and he appears to be clumsy like Yuma, since he crashed into a street light camera. But his background is similar to Yusei's. Being a orphan that built his own D-Wheel.
His use of luck and dice rolls on some of his cards is like Jonouchi.
*[[Eye-Obscuring Hat]]: During his first appearance, his eyes are covered by the glass part of his helmet. The second opening briefly shows them, albeit covered by the tinted helmet visor.
*[[The Faceless]]: Initially. Although parts of his face were shown in flashbacks and the second opening, the whole of it was not. His face was first shown in supplements, here.
*[[Foil]]: He's one to Yusei whose series is an alternative version of his dimension. Yusei was the [[The Stoic]], didn't like to talk and was a genius. Yugo is hot headed, talkative and a bit of an idiot.
*[[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: He and Yuto both get this while dueling each other.
*[[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Invokes this upon the members of Obelisk Force he Dueled, wiping all 3 of them out with effect damage caused by their own card.
*[[Hypocritical Humor]]:
**He gets mad at being confused for one of his counterparts, yet he consistently manages to screw up Yuzu's name, including mistaking her for Rin because she was wearing Rin's clothing. And this was after he said she should.
**He later complains about Yuzu not capitalizing on her duel to advertise their message about the Interdimensional War, but when he gets to duel, he also forgets to do so. Being synchronized with Yuya may also have had something to do with it.
*[[I Will Find You]]: His goal is to find Rin, no matter where she is.
*[[Icy Blue Eyes]]: Subverted. While he has blue eyes, not only is he neither cold nor calculating, he's one of the goofiest characters in the entire show.
*[[Identical Stranger]]: To Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri. He doesn't even seem fazed by this, at least in Episode 36, though that's probably because he'd already met Yuto and Yuri before (and as he later reveals, he barely even paid any attention to Yuya!)
*[[Idiot Hero]]: He once tried to interrogate two people who were unconscious.
*[[The Illegible]]: His handwriting is terrible, justified in that he probably didn't have much education due to where he lives.
*[[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]His ace is revealed to be Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, similar to Yuya's and Yuto's, despite running a Machine-based Speedroid deck.
*[[Ironic Name]]: His name sounds pretty similar to the Japanese word for Fusion, but he's a Synchro user - which turns out to be a significant plot point.
*[[Irony]]: Comes from the world that represents 5D's, often considered the darkest, most serious spinoff series of Yu-Gi-Oh!, but is easily the goofiest of the Yuya's.
*[[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: Yugo completely decimating the Obelisk Force members.
*[[Light Is Not Good]]: Subverted. He wears a primarily white outfit and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon involves a white color scheme and bright, shining lights. He was played up as a pawn of Fusion for bearing their name and kidnapping Ruri, but as it turns out, this was simply Yuto's misunderstanding; Yugo's actually a pretty nice guy.
*[[Lost in Translation]]: The Resistance mistaking him for an agent of Academia is due to a Japanese wordplay which doesn't work in English: Yūgo's name is pronounced in almost exactly as the word for Fusion, "Yūgō".
*[[Man in White]]: Fulfilled both the "Color scheme" and "Dangerous fella" part of the trope.
*[[Mr. Exposition]]: He acts as one when telling Yuzu of his childhood with Rin, how Rin was kidnapped by Yuri, how his rivalry with Yuto began and how City works. Although, he concludes some of these things after telling her what he knows.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Has blue and blond hair.
*[[No Sense of Personal Space]]: The guy doesn't seem to understand the idea, he was way too close to Yuzu in episode 54 as a result. He also gets too feely with Serena in Episode 84, who also looks like Rin.
*[[No Social Skills]]: Implied, since the first thing he does after crashing into a street light camera is challenging Yuto, not even bothering to introduce himself to Yuya. Later he beats Takeda and Umesugi up before they could answer his questions. He later admits to Yuzu that he has a bad habit of saying things without thinking and he needs Rin to keep him in line.
[[Not Helping Your Case]]: He tries to help Yuzu when she tries to tell people about the invasion, but looks like a crazy person when he tries to have Clear Wing move him across dimensions.
*[[Not So Different]]: To Yuto. Both of them have lost someone precious to them and are desperately trying to find them, and both possess one of the Odd-Eyes counterparts.
**In terms of personality, he is most similar to Yuya: both can be silly and annoy others, both care about their precious person (Yugo is less subtle about his feelings), both hate seeing others get hurt, etc. Compared to Yuto, who is mostly stoic and Yuri, who's downright evil.
*[[OOC Is Serious Business]]: Any time he drops the anger and hot-headedness means that he's being deadly serious.
*[[Put on a Bus]]: Starting from episode 92, he is absent until his return in episode 106.
*[[Plucky Comic Relief]]: He's up there with Sawatari for the least serious character in the show thus far. His significant non-duel appearances generally lighten the mood, but when he gets into a duel, he can really lay it on.
*[[Punny Name]]: His name Yūgo is a pun to "Yūgō" ("Fusion"), which doubles as an Ironic Name. The O in his name is slightly shorter.
*[[Red Herring]]: The claims of him being a Fusion agent were proven false, and a distraction from the Academia reveal.
*[[The Rival]]: Yuto's. They loathe each other due to Yuri taking their precious person and then mistaking the other for Yuri.
*[[Running Gag]]: Getting his name wrong. Either calling him Yūgō "Fusion" or any of his counterparts' names. Or thinking he's on the Fusion Dimension's side because of his name.
**The Dub also adds insults to him such as "Slow-Go" and "No-Go" along with a few altered Who's on First? jokes that couldn't work due to language differences.
*[[Say My Name]]: "RIIIIIIN!" Usually to Yuzu or Serena.
*[[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: When Yuzu suggests Rin is his girlfriend, Yugo denies it with a blushy, happily looking face.
*[[Ship Tease]]: He has called Rin his precious person. And when he thought Yuzu was Rin, he quickly ran up to her and hugged her saying he missed her. Case in point:
**Yuzu: "Isn't that right? She's your girlfriend?"
**Yugo: [with a huge smile on his face] "No no no no no! She's just my childhood friend. She's not my girlfriend or anything, 'cause we haven't done anything yet..."
*[[Slasher Smile]]: During his first clash with Yuto, which was only in Yuto's perspective. In Yugo's flashback, Yugo didn't smile at all.
*[[Smug Smiler]]: In the second opening.
*[[Solar and Lunar]]: Before his duel with the moon-themed Serena he makes a promise to the sun.
*[[Split Personality]]: It appears in his duel with Yuto, making him much more malevolent, and a borderline Omnicidal Maniac, just like Yuto. After winning, he snaps out of it, being unaware of what he did.
*[[Unfortunate Names]]: Well, there's nothing wrong with his name in and of itself, but the fact that it sounds very similar to "Yūgō" (the Japanese term for "fusion") causes quite a few problems given the role of the Fusion Dimension.
*[[Walking Spoiler]]: The fact that he's a Red Herring and what his personality really looks like, it's hard to talk about Yugo being not an enemy. Especially since he's hanging out with Yuzu for a good portion of the second season.
*[[Wham Line]]: From episode 92, shared with Yuya, Yuto and Yuri: "We shall become one."
*[[Who's on First?]]: The entire reason for his rivalry with the Resistance.
*[[Whole Costume Reference]]: Yugo's outfit and helmet resemble Yusei's own clothes and helmet.
*[[Wild Card]]: Initially the only character to be this, due to not being tied to any relationship and is simply a resident of Synchro. This changes once he meets Yuzu, who enlightens him to the situation at large.
*[[Worthy Opponent]]: He sees Sawatari as this, impressed by their duel.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: His hair is blue in the back and blond in the front.
{{quote|Voiced by: Sarah Emi Bridcutt}}
A girl who comes from the same place as Yugo. Her whereabouts are unknown, but she was captured by Yuri on behalf of Professor Leo Akaba and most likely taken to Academia. The only known card in her deck is the Gemini monster, Lucky Pied Piper, which hints that she may play a Gemini deck. Similar to Yugo, Rin has doppelgangers throughout the other dimensions: Ruri (Xyz), Serena (Fusion) and Yuzu (Standard).
*[[Action Girl]]: Yugo stated she also had done a Riding Duel before in the omakes.
*[[Badass in Distress]]: Defeated and spirited away by the Fusion Dimension. Yuri mentions that her personality was comparable to Yuzu's, implying she also resisted him in her kidnapping. Although, we only saw her being cornered by Yuri against a wall in a flashback. However her skill can be vouched for in episode 84, where she cornered Yugo in a flashback.
*[[Biker Babe]]: Not on-screen yet, but we know that she is a D-Wheeler. She has two outfits for Riding Duels and her D-Wheel is borrowed by Yuzu. We get an Imagine Spot of her riding her D-Wheel thanks to Yugo seeing Serena as Rin.
*[[Brown Eyes]]: She's Closer to Earth than Yugo.
*[[Childhood Friends]]: With Yugo. Both of them grew up in the slums.
*[[Childhood Friend Romance]]: Again. With Yugo. Yugo is very bad at hiding his feelings to her.
*[[Closer to Earth]]: Than Yugo, often reprimanding him like a mother reprimanding a child.
*[[Color-Coded for Your Convenience]]: Her hair color resembles the Rings when a Synchro Summon is performed. She also wears blue, white, and pink to contrast with Yuzu's purple and pink and Serena's red.
*[[Combat Pragmatist]]: Yugo mentions that she used to lecture him about taking any chance that presents itself, no matter what. This means that she believes in doing anything it takes to win.
*[[Dub Name Change]]: Subverted for a change; she is the only girl of her counterparts to not go through a name change, unlike the others: Yuzu (Zuzu), Serena (Celina) and Ruri (Lulu).
*[[Expy]]: Like her counterparts, except Serena, she is one for Anzu, her constant chiding of Yugo being similar to how Anzu was the Team Mom and kept Jonouchi in line, as Yugo is an Expy of him through being an Expy of Judai and Yuma.
*[[Identical Stranger]]: To Yuzu, Serena, and Ruri. When Yugo saw Yuzu, he thought she was Rin and hugged her, and does much the same for Serena later down the line.
*[[Idiot Hair]]: She has a light green-turquoise one.
*[[Living MacGuffin]]: Like all of Yuzu's counterparts, she's one to Professor Leo Akaba for unknown reasons.
*[[Magnetic Plot Device]]: Like Yuzu and Serena, she has a bracelet. But her bracelet doesn't send the various Yuyas away when they meet as shown when she was kidnapped.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Has light green-turquoise hair and two bangs that are light green, similar to Yuzu, Serena and Ruri.
*[[Not So Different]]: Yugo mentions that her personality is very similar to Yuzu's. This applies to Ruri as well since Yuto mentions that she was similar to Yuzu too. Only Serena stands apart from the rest of the girls due to her tendencies of dueling whoever stands in her way. Yugo notes Serena and Rin are both very stubborn.
*[[Our Fairies Are Different]]: The only known card in her Deck is Lucky Pied Piper.
*[[Pink Is Feminine]]: Rin seems to be very fond of the color pink. All of her clothes have the color pink as well as her D-Wheel. This is very convenient, since Yuzu happens to borrow some of her outfits and her D-Wheel.
*[[Satellite Love Interest]]: Since we know little about her, so far she seems to be nothing more than Yuzu's Synchro counterpart = Yugo's love interest. Unlike her counterparts, she is not known for her interactions with other characters other than Yugo or has her personality fleshed out yet.note This might change in the future.
*[[Ship Tease]]: With Yugo, the fact that Yugo felt comfortable enough to hug her is pretty telling.
*[[Tsundere]]: Type B, towards Yugo. Even though she cares for Yugo, she occasionally yells at him for doing things he shouldn't do.
*[[Women Are Wiser]]: Okay, it doesn't take much to be wiser than Yugo, but still...
===Crow Hogan===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Shintaro Asanuma]]}}
An alternate version of Crow Hogan from [[Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's]]. He uses an Assault Blackwing Deck, which includes the old Blackwings and new Assault Blackwings.
*[[Adaptation Personality Change]]: This version of Crow is even more aggressive and cynical than his 5D's incarnation.
*[[Art Evolution]]: Crow looks more masculine than he did in 5D's.
*[[Badass]]: He defeats Gongenzaka in a duel by using a technique dubbed Accel Synchro in 5D's, though it is not referred to as such this time around. He also becomes one of the few people to top Kurosaki, defeating Kurosaki's Ultimate Falcon with a well-planned combo involving three Synchro Summons in one turn.
*[[Badass Biker]]: Comes with riding a D-Wheel. Since it's the Black Bird, he can "fly" with it.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]:
**Crow and his gang come out of nowhere to save Yuya and his group after they were surrounded by Security.
**He does it again, this time with Jack in Episode 99 by sealing Roget's only chance for escape.
*[[Broken Pedestal]]: Jack is this to him. Crow believed that Jack becoming the Duel King would change the situatuion between the Tops and Commons, but since Jack didn't do anything since then, Crow sees him as a traitor.
*[[Continuity Nod]]: Like his 5D's counterpart, this Crow sympathizes with people who are Friends To All Children.
*[[Cool Bike]]: It's not Crow without his "flying" Black Bird.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: He ended up in one of the City's camps, which is why he has his facial markings here.
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]: His Blackwings and Assault Blackwings are black in color, but Crow is a good guy.
*[[Everyone Has Standards]]: After saving a Tops kid in Episode 93, Crow expresses disagreement and moral disgust at Shinji's "revolution".
*[[Foil]]: He's one to Shinji. Crow in general seems more vocal in his hatred of the Tops, refusing to do anything with them, while Shinji kept his hatred quiet till the Friendship Cup and is willing to play their games if it advances his goals. Shinji focuses on how the Tops have mistreated them and calls for a much more violent uprising while Crow stresses the bonds between the Commons instead, focusing more on being an example and making the Commons desire change for themselves.
*[[Friend to All Children]]: This Crow seems to have the same soft spot for children like the 5D's version. The reason he rescued Yuya and the others was because of Yuya's attempt to protect Reira. Later he bonded with Kurosaki because Kurosaki saved Tanner.
*[[Flanderization]]: Crow is all about food and kids this time around. Which considering how he lives, is tragic. This is later toned down.
*[[Graceful Loser]]: Isn't bothered by losing to Yuya, and tells him to save his friends.
*[[Handshake Substitute]]: He does a fist bump with Kurosaki after realizing that they're Not So Different.
*[[Jerkass Façade]]: He puts on one in episode 62 since he and Shinji are planning a prison break, and pushes Yuya to arm's length because he knows friends left behind get punished for escape attempts.
*[[Large Ham]]: "Hungry Dueling" indeed. He isn't quite as hammy as the original Crow though.
*[[Made a Slave]]: He is sent to the underground after losing to Yuya... only to break out of it in the same night.
*[[Man Child]]: His argument and duel with Yuya in Episode 59 definitively shows he has some shades of this.
*[[Morality Chain]]: The three kids are this for him.
*[[Mr. Exposition]]: He explains Tops and Commons to Yuya, Serena, and Sawatari.
*[[Nice Guy]]: Saves Yuya and his group, and then goes to find Yugo and Yuzu since they cannot. Though he becomes a little more jerkish later.
*[[Not So Different]]: To Kurosaki, they are jerks with hearts of gold that are fighting against an enemy much stronger than they are.
*[[Obsessed with Food]]: He considers a full stomach to be more important than anything. Considering where he lives, he has a point.
*[[Only Sane Man]]: In episode 95, despite the entire City hearing Yuzu's message, Crow is the only one who wants to unite with the Tops to fight against Academia while the rest of the Commons don't care about any of that and just want to continue their revolution.
*[[Parental Substitute]]: For the three kids, Tanner, Frank, and Amanda.
*[[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: With Shinji, being far more emotional than Shinji's logical calm.
**This is swapped around after episode 68 and onwards. Crow is much more passive in his resistance to the tops as opposed to Shinji who outright announces that he intends to unite the commons to overthrow the tops. Crow also is much more willing to listen to Yuya despite his suspicions about him, while Shinji labels Yuya as a cheater and dog of the Tops immediately after losing to him.
*[[Tattooed Croo]]k: Just like the previous Crow; and like the previous Crow, he isn't a bad guy by any definition.
*[[Up to Eleven]]: 5D's Crow had only four Synchro Monsters and he played not more than two of them during a duel. This Crow here has at least nine different Synchro Monsters and played five of them during his first full on-screen duel.
*[[What the Hell, Hero?]]: While Shinji, Tony, and Damon are hardly heroes to begin with, Crow calls them out for being too busy with their"revolution", not caring about Yuzu's broadcast to the City. Unfortunately, they had other plans.
*[[Worthy Opponent]]: He sees Gongenzaka as one after their duel. Kurosaki also gets this treatment, especially after they become buddies.
===Shinji Weber===
{{quote|Voiced by: Kaito Ishikawa }}
Shinji Weber is a resident of Commons and he is a friend of Crow Hogan. Shinji hates Tops and speaks of Resistance. He uses a Bee Force Deck.
*[[Badass Biker]]: He's a D-Wheeler as well and he performs some pretty stunts.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Saves Yuya and the others alongside Crow.
*[[Determinator]]: Because no one stands in his way, in the name of "revolution".
Does This Remind You of Anything?: Shinji's deck, speech during his duel, and motivations may remind some of Vladimir Lenin and the original ideals of the communist party of Russia.
*[[The Dog Bites Back]]:
**All the years of humiliation and denigration from the Tops culminated in Shinji using the Friendship Cup participant's immunity to proclaim his "The City is one" message and call the Commons to rebel.
On the receiving end of this by Yuya, who uses Tuning Magician to add the gap between their life points and summon Enlightenment Paladin to win the Duel.
*[[Establishing Character Moment]]: The very first thing we see Shinji do is rather coldly telling Yuya and company to leave Crow's house as they're putting the kids in danger because Security is after them. This shows Shinji's lack of sympathy to people other than his friends as shown in his duels against Tsukikage and Yuya. But at the same time, this shows he does truly have good intentions as shown in him truly believing a revolution is the only way to set the City straight.
*[[Expy]]: Shinji is technically a cool-headed Darker and Edgier version of pre-Dark Signer Kiryu for having signature Arc Words (despite being different), being a firm believer of friendship and initially acting like a Nice Guy towards Yuya before antagonizing him during their duel. Bonus points for mistakenly accusing Yuya of selling him out and swearing revenge on him for that.
*[[Foil]]: Philosophy-wise, he's this to Yuya for believing in weak cards and their desire to change the society. While Yuya is pacifist who wants to remake the City into a joy-filled place and believes that not all cards are worthless, Shinji on other hand is a revolutionary who wants to punish and replace the Tops with the Commons and believes that weak cards can unite and evolve into a stronger force.
*[[Friend to All Children]]: Brings Crow's kids candy and sweets. Reira right out refuses to duel him because Shinji was nice to him too.
*[[Hidden Depths]]: His hatred and rage towards the Tops was shocking to see when at first, he seemed to be a laidback and calm guy. It was lampshaded by Yuya, who was shocked at this side of Shinji.
*[[Hypocrite]]: For all of his "revolution" speeches and saying that the weak can combine into a stronger force, Shinji is not above mocking Yuya for using Tuning Magician.
*[[I Did What I Had to Do]]: He sees the Commons rising above the Tops as the only way to change the system and he doesn't care who he has to step on to do it. He even apologizes to Yuya in episode 78 when he states he'll use his victory against Yuya to stir up the Commons.
*[[Insane Troll Logic]]: His accusations that Yuya is in cahoots with Roget and that his duel with Yuya was rigged, after seeing Roget come out to congratulate Yuya. While his first accusation could be probable from his perspective due to not knowing things that the audience does, his second accusation, if true, also makes him complicit in said duel being rigged, as Roget points out.
*[[Ironic Echo]]: His "The City is one" line instead of meaning that both the Commons and Tops are the same like how Melissa uses, it instead states that the Commons are one group and have the power to overthrow the Tops.
*[[Jerkass Ball]]: Against Tsukikage, Yuya, and later, Crow. He gets better after Kurosaki intervenes in his fight against Crow, even going as far as cheering on Yuya at the end of his duel against Jack.
*[[Jerkass Has a Point]]: Him telling Yuya to duel him, when Yuya is worried sick about Yuzu is a pretty messed up thing to do, but he does have a point. In the City, they don't care about losers and they can't do anything about it.
*[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Shinji is a genuinely Nice Guy with noble intentions and he utterly dotes on the kids, but he isn't above scapegoating his opponents and his jerkishness inflates during the Friendship Cup with every episode to the point that he took advantage of Yuzu's loss as fuel for his own message and acts like a massive Sore Loser after Yuya defeats him. Fortunately, the Lancers manage to get him back to his senses in Episode 98.
*[[Karma Houdini]]: Neither him nor his friends are punished for all the mayhem caused by their revolution or their attempts to wipe out the Tops. He does try to make amends with both Yuya and Crow, at least.
*[[Kick the Dog]]:
**Turns on Tsukikage and insults his clan and brother, which is a serious offense in Japanese culture.
**He even tells Yuya that Tuning Magician is a worthless card. Yuya responds by summoning Enlightenment Paladin to finish him off. He then takes his loss badly, accusing Yuya of being a "traitor" and "rigging" their duel.
*[[Lantern Jaw of Justice]]: His chin is prominent.
*[[La Résistance]]: His comments in Episode 63 show that he wants to take down Tops. This is represented by his Bee Force Deck. In Episode 68, he manages to inspire anyone in the audience (The Commons) who resent those who belong in the Tops to rise against them. His efforts result in violent riots spreading all over the City in Episode 92.
*[[Large Ham]]: Reveals this side during his duels in the Friendship Cup, riling up the passion of the Commons to revolt against the oppressive Tops.
*[[Leeroy Jenkins]]: His whole La Résistance shtick largely works because of his Magnetic Hero traits; all he pretty much does is insult the Tops and try and get the Commons to revolt, which isn't the best way to go about things since even if they had rioted, Security could have handled it, according to Roget. However, the Commons later prove to be much more of a threat than Roget calculated...
*[[Made a Slave]]: Just like the other losers in the Friendship Cup, he gets sent to the Underground Labor Facility.
*[[Magnetic Hero]]: He has shown a strong ability to gain allies in episode 68 when he got all the Commons in the Duel Palace on his side with a few words.
*[[Meaningful Name]]: Shinji Weber may be named after Max Weber, a German sociologist, philosopher, jurist, and political economist whose ideas profoundly influenced social theory and social research, reflecting Shinji's character as someone who wants to change the social system of the City.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Dark purple and lighter blue.
*[[Multi-Ethnic Name]]: Shinji Weber is a combination of a Japanese name and a German name. Although, Weber is pronounced in the English way.
*[[Pet the Dog]]:
**Showing genuine kindness towards Reira and the other kids as stated above.
**He also shows up to cheer on Yuya alongside Crow after Kurosaki intervenes their would-be duel.
*[[Power of Friendship]]: Shinji says that this is a Common's true power, the ability to have other Commons come to their help.
*[[Power Of Hate]]: At the same time, his hatred for the Tops is what motivates him to fight.
*[[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The blue to Crow's red, being far more calm and logical about situations. Episode 68 and on-wards inverts this: Crow is more passive in his resistance against the Tops, refusing to be a tool for their entertainment but he's forced to it; Shinji right out calls for the Commons to rise against the Tops.
*[[Revenge]]: Vows to get his revenge on Yuya for beating him before being sent to the Underground by Roget. He drops it later.
*[[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]]: Wants Tops overthrown in violent revolution.
*[[Shut Up, Kirk!]]:
**This is Shinji's reaction to Yuya's Warrior Therapist speech by saying that he and Commons will regain their smiles by dethroning the Tops.
**And in Episode 95, he tells Crow to save his pleas until he finally sees the "revolution" he wanted by any means necessary.
*[[Sore Loser]]: He did not take losing to Yuya very well. He even went as far to say that the match was rigged to allow Yuya to win. Roget calls him out for this, stating that he's only saying this because he can't accept the reality that he lost fair and square and gets sent Underground for his trouble.
*[[Sticky Fingers]]: Benevolent example. The kids imply he has stolen snacks and foods for them before.
*[[True Companions]]: He considers his friends this, and is upset when Tony loses.
*[[The Unfettered]]: Shinji will stop at nothing until his "revolution" comes true, even if it means he has to deal with anyone who gets in his way, including Crow. Subverted when Yuya finally manages to reach him and the rest of the City through his Dueling in Episode 98.
*[[With Us or Against Us]]: Shinji only sees two sides, Tops and Commons. If someone tries to argue against him, he'll see them as a Top's sympathetizer.
**Taken Up to Eleven in Episode 95. When Crow begs Shinji, Tony, and Damon to stop their "revolution" and join forces with the Tops to protect their hometown and the children's future from Academia, they responded by branding him as an enemy.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Two shades of it, no less.
===Chojiro Tokumatsu===
{{quote|Voiced by: Shunsuke Sakuya}}
Chojiro Tokumatsu is the Boss, the top duelist of the prison the Lancers, along with Crow and Shinji are sent to. He has been so for 10 years.
He plays with a Cardian Deck, which mirrors hanafuda cards in terms of appearance and play style.
*[[100% Adoration Rating]]: For the Commons. When he was arrested 10 years ago, they revolted and even with the new Duel Chasers, they could not stop them.
*[[Apologetic Attacker]]: He starts off his duel with Yuzu apologizing a lot, because he doesn't want to lose but knows what will happen if she does.
*[[Badass]]: Old, yet keeps up with the speedy Lancers. Furthermore, he manages to summon a Synchro Monster with 5000 base-ATK, overthrowing Jack's "Majestic Red Dragon", Harald's "Odin, Father of the Aesir", Antinomy's "T.G. Halberd Cannon" and Yusei's "Shooting Quasar Dragon" with their 4000 ATK.
*[[Badass Biker]]: Riding Duels in the Friendship Cup. He has pulls off some crazy stunts, which is saying a lot considering his age.
*[[Badass Grandpa]]: He's quite fit and agile for his age.
*[[Became Their Own Antithesis]]: As Enjoy Chojiro, he was focused on enjoying the duel no matter if he was winning or losing and tried to change the class divide with the idea that in a duel everyone is equal. When he dueled the Top duelists, due to their superior cards, he was beaten, booed and mocked. He grew to hate any form of cheering and instead focused on being the top. Thanks to Yuya, this trope becomes subverted.
*[Born Lucky]]: As Enjoy Chojiro, he was stated to have a lucky draw that allowed to turn the tables at the right time.
*[[Catch Phrase]]: As Enjoy Chojiro, he has "Dueling is life! You only live once! If there are days you win, there are also days you will lose. Do not be ashamed of defeat; do not be proud of victory! All in all, let's enjoy!" Though he often uses just "(Let's) Enjoy!"
*[[Character Development]]: When the audience first sees him, Tokumatsu is portrayed as a serious, no-nonsense character with a troubled past. Once more episodes go by and his original personality shines through, Tokumatsu is essentially as goofy and understanding as Gongenzaka.
*[[Character Tic]]: When he draws due to his Cardian cards, he tends to repeat Koi.
*[[Cheaters Never Prosper]]: He ended up in prison after cheating. A sympathetic example, in that he did so with good intentions, but was unable to win by playing fair due to the money/power advantage the Tops had.
*[[Cool Old Guy]]: After Taking A Level In Kindness.
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: He's a jerk at first, but he's not evil, and the Cardians are DARK monsters.
*[[Death-or-Glory Attack]]: His Cardians cards work like this. They need the supporting Spell Cards that let them be Special Summoned en mass to set up their very powerful Synchro Monsters. But the Spells force Tokumatsu to draw them from his deck and they have a large payback that if it wasn't for Tokumatsu's luck, would kill him.
*[[Defeat Means Friendship]]: He is brought to, or rather back to Yuya's viewpoint.
*[[Expy]]: Of Jin Himuro/Bolt Tanner from 5D's, the boss of the prisoners whom Yusei befriended. His own philosophy as Enjoy Chojiro is similar to Yuma's.
*[[Famed In-Story]]: In the Synchro Dimension, he was a very skilled duelist and was loved by the Commons. Even holding dueling classes for the children, that Crow admits he went to. Even 10 years later, Crow, Shinji, most of the prisoners and people outside of the prison still remember and love him
*[[Flung Clothing]]: Tosses off his Riding suit to reveal that kimono of his underneath.
*[[Friend to All Children]]: It was shown he was very kind to children and gave them duelling lessons before he was sent to jail. Yuya entrusts Reira in his care when he goes to rescue Yuzu.
*[[Graceful Loser]]: He gave a large smile when he lost to Yuya as he returned to being Enjoy Chojiro. And again when he lost to Yuzu in Episode 69.
*[[Gratuitous English]]: "ENJOOOOY!"
*[[Large Ham]]: As Enjoy Chojiro.
*[[Last Name Basis]]: Usually referred by his last name, but his titles include his first name.
*[[Luxury Prison Suite]]: He gets fine food and accommodations due to being the Boss.
*[[Kimono Is Traditional]]: He dresses like an old Japanese samurai with his kimono and theme with his room at the prison.
*[[Made a Slave]]: Like all Friendship Cup losers. Like all of them, he breaks out of the Underground Facility.
*[[The Magic Poker Equation]]: Lives and breathes this trope, with a deck almost entirely dependent on his ability to draw multiple Cardian monsters under conditions that allow him to actually summon them (which, of course, he does). Even in-universe, Enjoy Chojiro's "Miracle Draw" is his claim to fame - to the point where he can get an audience cheering by just drawing a card.
*[[Metaphorgotten]]: Tries to make a few puns to Yuya after breaking out of his room, but doesn't quite manage it. Yuya suggests that he give up.
*[[Mr. Exposition]]: Due to his age, Tokumatsu was able to explain what happens to Yuya when they lose in the Friendship Cup.
*[[Nice Guy]]: After meeting Yuya, he regains his old personality and is kind once again.
*[[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: A rather odd example, because he was arrested 10 years ago the Commons rioted and made the Executive Council so desperate, they willingly allowed Roget to join the Security bureau despite knowing that he was from another dimension just because his Real Solid Vision could stop the riots.
*[[Not So Different]]: To Yuya. Crow and Shinji reveal before he was in jail he was well loved by children in Commons and wanted for them to be happy.
*[[Only Sane Man]]: For the entire dimension, he seems to be the only one that finds the idea of a lifetime of forced labor due to losing wrong.
*[[Perilous Old Fool]]: Really badly in episode 95, Sawatari has to stop him from jumping headfirst into the riot to stop it. He gets lucky that Reiji comes in with D/D/D Dawn-Duo King Kali Yuga.
*[[Perma Stubble]]: Not a lot of shaving in the prison.
*[[Perpetual Frowner]]: After ending up in prison, he stopped smiling. After dueling Yuya, this is no longer the case.
*[[Phrase Catcher]]: "Koikoikoikoi!" Used by his audience when he's about to draw a card.
*[[Running Gag]]: Him trying to fight Security with his Enjoy Dueling only for Sawatari to stop him while telling the old man it's not time for that yet.
*[[Say My Name]]: Expect a huge crowd shouting his first name.
*[[Sobriquet]]: Chojiro of the Autumn Rain, formerly Enjoy Chojiro. He goes with his old nickname again.
*[[That Man Is Dead]]: Says this about his old nickname, Enjoy Chojiro.
*[[Took a Level In Cynic]]: In his backstory, when his failed attempt to change the system ended in him getting him jailed for cheating.
*[[Took a Level In Kindness]]: During his duel with Yuya, he returns to being Enjoy Chojiro again.
*[[When He Smiles]]: His smile is nice when he starts again. Everyone likes it when he does.
===Sergery Volkov===
{{quote|Voiced by: Daichi Endou }}
A mysterious figure that works for Roget, and stands behind him in shadow. Sergey was a prisoner recruited from the Underground, known as the Duelist Crusher. Roget outfitted Sergey with some sort of device that allows a measure of control over the hulking brute. He uses Fusion-Synchro hybrid decks, created by Roget to combine summon tactics of both types.
*[[Absolute Cleavage]]: A Rare Male Example. His riding outfit is exposing a lot of chest.
*[[Ambiguously Evil]]: It's not fully clear how much control he has over himself, and how much Roget has. Episode 94 makes it even harder to tell.
*[[An Arm and a Leg]] /*[[Half the Man He Used to Be]]: He gets ripped in half and his left arm, amputated, after falling from the course, but manages to survive thanks to his robotic parts.
*[[Ax-Crazy]]: He's a Laughing Mad Combat Sadomasochist. Guy's got a few screws loose.
*[[Badass]]: He beat 50 duelists single-handed. Later goes on to defeat Yuzu in Episode 77 and several Obelisk Forces members during their invasion. His Earthbound deck makes him an even bigger one as he uses it to defeat both Barrett and Yuya in the same episode.
*[[Badass Biker]]: And the bike brings Bommer's to mind. He is not afraid of crashing into his opponent.
*[[Big Damn Villains]]: Crashes through the ceiling in Episode 92 in an attempt to snatch Serena and Yuzu from Academia's grasp.
*[[Blood Knight]]: A [[Combat Sadomasochist]] who enjoys dueling with interesting opponents.
*[[Body Horror]]: In episode 89, Sergey's duel disk for non-riding duels comes out of his arm. Brought Up to Eleven in episode 95, where he gets the skin covering the left side of his face torn off, as well as his left arm AND the entire lower half of body amputed after his fall. Thank god he's also a cyborg, otherwise it'd be an even bigger mess.
*[[Boxed Crook]]: He was in the recycling center until Gallager sent him to Roget.
*[[Brainwashed]]: He was also crazy, but Roget did something.
*[[Chess Motifs]]: He's a Knight for Roget. Later demoted to Rook.
*[[Combat Tentacles]]: How the Thorn Monsters attack.
*[[Combat Sadomasochist]]: He enjoys how his monsters drain his own Life Points. And very much enjoyed sending Yuzu flying into a building.
*[[Continuity Nod]]: Episode 93 has him emulating several Yu-Gi-Oh! villains and their mannerisms.
**Like Dark Malik, he enjoys torturing his opponents through slow burn tactics.
**Like Saiou and Vector, he becomes extremely hammy towards his victim, even pulling out the disturbing faces and mad laughter.
**But the biggest call back involves the good old days of the 5D's era: Summoning and using Earthbound cards (even activating a Field Spell Card that summons purple flames like the Dark Signers) and combining himself with his D-Wheel like Placido and utilizing his mechanical arms to do his bidding.
*[[Cool Bike]]: His D-Wheel is huge, very similar to Bommer's. Episode 93 shows that it can combine with Sergey and transform into a mechanical monstrosity.
*[[Cyborg]]: He was turned into a bio-mechanical dueling machine by Roget. Episode 95 shows us there's little of human left inside his body.
*[[Dark Is Evil]]: His Thorn Monsters are all terrifying and DARK monsters. So are his Earthbound monsters.
*[[Death Seeker]]: Heavily discussed. As he is defeated and knocked off the course, Jack attempts to save him, but Sergey swats away his rescue, content that he was able to experience a beautiful Duel and end. However, things turn a bit uglier than expected in the next episode...
*[[Disney Death]]: He manages to survive his fall thanks to his cybernetic implants; however, subverted in that he does get killed in a very painful way right afterwards.
*[[The Dragon]]: Roget's top enforcer and right-hand duelist.
*[[The Dreaded]]: He was a criminal wanted dead or alive, and the Tops are afraid of him.
*[[Dumb Muscle]]: He may be a deadly Duelist, but he only has two mental states: lobotomized and Ax-Crazy. In his confrontation against Barrett, while he gets the defeating part done pretty easily, he just kind of stands there while Barrett drags Serena back to Academia, rendering moot the entire point of the Duel. After he defeats Yuya, Roget has to spell it out for him to capture Yuzu.
*[[Dying as Yourself]]: He breaks free of the brainwashing, and embraces defeat at Jack's hands.
*[[Dynamic Entry]]: In the middle of Yuya's duel with Barrett, Sergey falls through the ceiling, lands with his feet on the floor and yells "IT'S MY TURN!"
*[[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]: Doesn't know why Jack is not willing to let go of his "soul" (Scarlight) even though he's slowly losing Life Points. Jack shows him why.
**He's essentially Dark Malik as a D-Wheeler: an insane Combat Sadomasochist who revels in pain and uses monsters that have a theme of torture devices.
**As of Episode 93 he also serves as one for Aporia, as a Cyborg who can combine with his D-Wheel, and serves as The Dragon to the season's Big Bad.
**He also shares quite a few similarities with Rudger Goodwin, in terms of appearance and being the right-hand man to Roget, an expy of Rex Goodwin. **Emphasized even further when he gets his Earthbound deck, which when paired with his backstory effectively makes him a Dark Signer in all but name..
*[[Face Framed in Shadow]]: His silhouette with a glowing red eye was, at first, all that was seen of him.
*[[Family-Unfriendly Death]]: Notable for being the first character to actually die instead of just being turned into a card. And while his Disney Death in episode 94 may have been gracious in execution, his real demise in next episode - being beaten to death by a bunch of revolting Commons - is much more brutal, if happening entirely off-screen.
*[[Famous Last Words]]: "Farewell, King."
*[[Foil]]: To Barrett, both serving as The Dragon or brute to their master, and look similar. While Barrett is a Noble Demon and Affably Evil, Sergey is Ax-Crazy and a Jerkass. Both interrupt their boss's plans, Barrett by letting Serena go to Standard, and Sergey by being Ax-Crazy. The fourth opening notes this; placing them opposite one another.
*[[Giant Mook]]: He's enormous.
*[[Graceful Loser]]: He is completely satisfied by his beautiful loss to Jack.
*[[Jerkass]]: When compared to Barrett.
*[[Karmic Death]]: Sergey meets his end at Jack's hands by being flung off the highway and crashing into the building/streets below. Considering what he did to Yuzu, this is poetic. Subverted in that he managed to survive the fall, only to meet an even darker end at the hands of the rioting Commons.
Laughing Mad: Laughs like a maniac at the thought of Yuzu actually thinking that she can win against him and continues laughing as he defeats her. **Also, while crawling away after being ripped in pieces in episode 95.
*[[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Against Roget's orders for him to capture her, Sergey instead winds up knocking her into a building when he beats her. Needless to say, Roget is far from pleased.
*[[Man of Kryptonite]]: Obelisk Force grunts specialize in dealing effect damage. Sergey's monsters get stronger the lower his life points are. Whoops. His Earthbound cards also punish players who Special Summon monsters during their opponent's turn, something Academia decks are infamous for. The included Field Spell also renders Yuya's attack manipulation strategies utterly useless.
*[[Meaningful Name]]: Etymologically, Sergey's full name translates to "Protector of the Wolves." Given his connection to Roget, his name references a Russian chess player of the same name.
*[[Mind-Control Device]]: Like the members of Security, Roget fitted Sergey with such a device, given that Sergey obeys all of Roget's orders without question, even having his vitals monitored at times. However, the control is not absolute and Sergey's penchant for violence tends to disrupt Roget's plans.
*[[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]: Nearly everything about him is horrifying. From his past as the Duelist Crusher, what happened to him, his anatomy and he hasn't said a word yet. Worse still, is monsters are horrifying fiends being tortured. And then he talks, making him 1000 times worse! In episode 95, he even looks like the freaking Terminator, the poster boy for the Nightmare Fuel trope!
*[[Nothing Is Scarier]]: We don't know what Roget did to him. And nobody knows how he beat Damon, in or out of universe, until you figure it out in four episodes later.
*[[Not So Stoic]]: Before episode 76 and 77 came in, he never showed any kind of emotion before on-screen. At the end of episode 76, we see his big **[[Slasher Smile]]. In episode 77, he's revealed to be an insane sadomasochist.
*[[Our Demons Are Different]]: Thorn Monsters are Fiend-type monsters that are shackled onto torture devices by thorns. His Earthbound Monsters, on the other hand, are based on mythological creatures, whose eerie dark bodies have Tron Lines spreading all through them, with his boss monster being inspired by one of the archdemons from Ars Goetia.
*[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: His left eye is shown to glow red from time to time. Occasionally, both eyes glow.
*[[Sadist]]: He's obviously a psychopath who is not above brutally beating up pretty girls like Yuzu. Even Kurosaki is horrified by his actions.
*[[Slasher Smile]]: Dear god, he pulled off a nice one when being told to defeat Yuzu. Episode 77 cements this trope even further when he does defeat her.
*[[Weak, but Skilled]]: His monsters all have 0 attack points, but their effects are terrifying.
*[[Would Hit a Girl]]: Has no problems thrashing Yuzu in their duel.
*[[Would Hurt a Child]]:
**Yuzu was at best 14, and he deeply enjoyed violently shoving her into a building.
**In Episode 92, he foregoes dueling Tsukikage and Sora to get at Yuzu, in favour of beating them into submission with his cybernetic enhancements.
===Jean Michel Roget===
{{quote|Voiced by: Masamichi Kitada}}
The head of Security, and the main antagonist for the Synchro Arc. He is later revealed to have come from the Fusion Dimension ten years ago, sent in as a spy to take over City from the inside. However, he soon let the power go to his head and now he wants nothing to do with his home dimension, instead preferring to rule a different place altogether. To that end, Roget will do anything to maintain his seat of power, anything. Roget plays an Antique Gear deck, to drive home that he hailed from Academia and their love for Fusion Monsters.
*[[Ambition Is Evil]]: His ambition is to rule over the Synchro Dimension as its "King", and to this end, he has implanted Mind Control chips into the Security forces.
*[[Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy]]: He's too arrogant for his own good in both "playing chess" and Dueling. Unfortunately, he's facing Reiji.
*[[Arc Villain]]: The main antagonist of the Synchro arc and the villain Reiji has to deal with the most.
*[[Asshole Victim]]: Ends up being sucked into a black hole near the end of Episode 99 after trying to destroy the City by taking it with him.
*[[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: He is effectively the leader of the City and a fearsome Duelist. He effortlessly destroys Tsukkikage and Sora simultaneously and has enough skill to force Reiji to step up and face him. Subverted in that he cheated with his Fighting a Shadow routine.
*[[Bad Boss]]: Roget is a flat-out Dirty Coward who is not above mind-controlling his Mooks and Sergey, treating Yuya and Yuzu like crap, or leaving his subordinates to die by blowing up Security's headquarters.
*[[Badass Boast]]: His response to the threat of a riot thanks to Shinji? Had it happened, Security could have handled it. It does happen, but they barely could, and after they are freed from his mind-control, they cannot handle it without the help of the Lancers.
*[[Berserk Button]]:
**He hates being overruled, and most of his Not So Stoic moments are when the Council put him in his place. Makes sense since he likes being in charge and the idea that people like the Executive Council and Professor Akaba threaten his rule as "King" pisses him off.
**An even bigger button is when he experiences failure in any way, shape or form. Episode 94 takes the cake when he starts screaming his head off because Sergey no longer listens to his commands and ends up losing to Jack as a result.
*[[Blatant Lies]]: He tells Yuya that he has the same ideals as him in an attempt to get on his good side. When this doesn't work, he quickly schedules Yuya to be Brainwashed, instead.
*[[Cassandra Truth]]: Astonishingly, gives this when he arrives in person to congratulate Yuya in his victory against Shinji. When Shinji accuses Yuya of rigging the duel and dealing in secret with Roget, Roget calmly tells him off, stating that he's making things up just because he lost. Of course, this being Roget, pretty much no one except the Lancers believe him or Yuya.
*[[Cheaters Never Prosper]]:Roget deliberately changes the course in Serena's duel with Yugo so she can get Action Cards and he can't. Naturally she loses.
*8When Roget duels against anyone, he sends holographic copies of himself after his opponents and in the off chance they manage to win, another version of himself will takeover and continue the duel until he wins. This backfires spectacularly against Reiji when the latter traps him in an eternal losing loop.
*[[Chess Motif]]: He tends to play with chess figures while monitoring the City and moves pieces into play while making plans for characters represented by them. If one pays attention, he's actually mapping out how things are going and how he predicts they will go. His coup d'etat of the Executive Council in Episode 76 is called "King's Gambit," and is activated by making a specific move on the board.
*[[The Chessmaster]]: He spends several episodes tracking the Lancers and gathering information on them before he makes his move against them. While power and control slip from his hands during the first rounds of the Friendship Cup, with his authority usurped by the Council, he eventually reveals **"King's Gambit," where he could forcibly take control of Security via mind control and stage a coup against the Council any time he wanted.
*[[Control Freak]]:
**Roget cannot stand his command being overruled. See Berserk Button.
**He takes Yuya defying him with more grace however.
**Despotism Justifies the Means: Ostensibly, he's just after a peaceful city, and is willing to brutally manipulate its citizens and oppressive class system to do so. However, this is all just a pose. The only thing he's really after is ruler ship.
*[[Determinator]]: He'll do anything in his power to control the city at all costs.
*[[Disney Villain Death]]: Not really death, but he falls into a wormhole, so he probably is alive, but is stuck in a different dimension.
*[[Dirty Cop]]: Lets Gallager know when a crackdown is happening to arrest people, so he'll find good duelists for him to use as pawns.
*[[Dirty Coward]]: In Episode 98, both, Yuzu and Reiji, call him this, since he's unwilling to take responsibility for his actions and would rather high tail it out the Synchro Dimension back to Academia in order to bargain for his own life with the Professor by giving him Yuzu. He does not take this accusation well.
*[[Enemy Mine]]: Attempts to do this on Yuya in Episode 81. While he ultimately fails due to attempting to capture Yuzu, he decides to take the alternative option and do it by force instead.
*[[Evil Is Hammy]]: Later on, he completely drops any pretense of stoicism as a result of his Sanity Slippage and is prone to screaming all of his lines.
*[[Evil Laugh]]:
**Lets out a maniacal laugh at the thought of Jack's downfall by Sergey's hands.
**Lets out his biggest and last one in Episode 99 as he tries to commit suicide by dragging himself and the entire City into an unstable wormhole.
*[[Evil Plan]]: Attempts to remove Jack from his throne by using Sergey and take over the City as their ruler.
*[[Expy]] and [[Composite Character]]: Appears to be one to Goodwin from 5D's. He also resembles a younger Dr. Faker. The chess motif might be a minor nod to Gozaburo. His enmity with the Professor also brings Tron and Keith's vendettas against Dr. Faker and Pegasus to mind. Finally, his use of Mind Control is very much like Malik and Saiou.
*[[Jerkass]]: The most Unpelasent character in the series
*[[Magnificent Bastard]]: He is this one he is very good in manipulating others.
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