Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V/Characters: Difference between revisions

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**He agreed to teach Yuzu how to Fusion Summon. Subverted, as he later revealed that it was for the glory of Fusion. Double Subverted, he later admits it was out of friendship.
**An odd version. He finishes up his final qualifier duel quickly, to ensure that Yuzu has time to see the end of Yuya's duel with Mieru. He then later gave Yuya an honest congratulations for Fusion Summoning perfectly on his first try.
**After his allegiance to the [[Big Bad]] is revealed, he gets one when the Professor orders him to recapture Serena who looks like Yuzu. Sora is shocked at the idea of capturing his friend.
**Even after the Professor clarifies that Serena and Yuzu are different people, he has trouble getting past the fact Serena looks too much like Yuzu.
**Later after he saves Dennis he insists that he goes home because he is hurt, and promises that he will complete his mission for him, all the while being extremely courteous and kind to him.
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**Despite being a psychopathic Agent Peacock, Yuri gets dumbfounded at Yuya's Synchronization and Yugo's hilarious antics.
**He is slightly disturbed by the weird appearance of the Ojamas, which becomes hilarious when he's slightly annoyed to command his Starve Venom to attack Ojama King.
*[[Curb- Stomp Battle]]: He demonstrates his dueling skills in a similar fashion to Kurosaki. In his first on-screen duel, Yuri gets a One-Turn Five Kill with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon, which is even more impressive due to his opponents using Fusion Monsters that were originally used by Judai's friends Sho, Hayato and Manjoume. Even more impressive than that is that Yuri doesn't lose Life Points through damage, he only lose Life Points by paying a cost once, winning the duel with 3200 Life Points.
*[[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]]: At the start of the series, Yuri was the only one of Yuya's counterparts privy to the existences of other dimensions, including the fact that they're are others who look just like him. However, rather than be surprised about this, he weaponizes this knowledge, seen when he deliberately leads Yugo into the destroyed Xyz Dimension to meet Yuto. Since Yugo only saw Yuri's face at night, along with the fact that Yuri was wearing a cloak to disguise himself, he automatically assumed Yuto was the culprit; in turn, Yuto mistook Yugo for Yuri since Ruri was already missing. In short, Yuri took advantage of the general confusion between the two counterparts and threw off any trail leading back to himself, all the while smiling in the background like the cunning bastard that he is.
*[[Death Glare]]: He gives a chilling one to Yugo.
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*[[Alas, Poor Villain]]: Dennis remains one of the most complex Yu-Gi-Oh! villains ever conceived. While he's clearly on the side of the bad guys, he legitimately came to enjoy Entertainment dueling. While he helped orchestrate the events that led to Ruri's kidnap and attempted to kidnap Yuzu several times, deep down, he came to regret his actions. While he's best friends with Yuri, he doesn't take outright sadistic pleasure in his actions. Which makes his "suicide" by carding all the more sad when Yusho offers him to join their side; Dennis believes that he's too steeped in this sin to ever be forgiven for what he's done.
*[[And I Must Scream]]: In Episode 114. He commits "suicide"... with style.
*[[Affably Evil|Affably Evil: Its hard to tell weather he is a genuine nice guy or nit]]
*[[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|Arrogant Kung Fu Guy:]]
==Main Character==
=== Yuya Sakaki ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Kensho Ono (JP), Michael Lisco Jr(EN)}}
The main protagonist of the series Yuya aims to become an Entertainment Duelist to make people smile. As the series goes on he is forced to abound his entertainment style and focuses on dealing interdenominational war in order to save his childhood friend Yuzu but he will try his base to make people happy and smile.As the show goes on Yuya learns that he has [[doppelgangers]] who share his face: Yuto (Xyz), Yugo (Synchro) and Yuri (Fusion).
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*[[Anime Hair]]: Like his predecessors in other Yu-Gi-Oh! installments, his hair is pretty out there. However, it's more subdued in comparison, and the "out there" part comes more from the hair colors; half red and half green.
*[[Badass]]: He nearly took down Strong Ishijima, the world champion, and that was before he got his Pendulum Cards, with which he did win. His badassery has only increased since then as he continually brings out ever stronger Extra Deck monsters and evolves his dueling to new heights, trouncing many powerful opponents and holding his own against Reiji Akaba, a world-famous dueling genius. In the finale of Season 2 he beats Jack Atlas, the King of Riding Duels who was previously invincible for years and is the strongest duelist in the Synchro Dimension.
*[[Badass Adorable]]:He gets somany cute movemnets
*[[Badass Biker]]:He becomes a riding duelist during the synchro saga and he is shown to pull some amazing stunts while riding a big
*[[Badass Boast]]:Gave a pretty nice one during his second duel with Jack where he declares that he will save the city and make everyone smile
*[[Badass in Distress]]:He was capture by roger who intend to mind control him
*[[Berserk Button]]: Using duelings as war is a major button for him
*[[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Yuya is the one of the most nicest character you would have interact in the show so far but when he gets angry he is more scarier than any other characters
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=== Yuzu Hiragi (Zuzu Boyle) ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Yunna Inumara (JP), Emily Jenss(EN)}}
The main heorine of the series and Yuyas [[Childhood Friend]] unlike Yuya she is quite rational and rather quick to use her temper.She often carries a paper fan in her person in which she uses it on Yuya and her father whenever they pisses her off similar to Yuya Yuzu has [[doppelgangers]] through out other dimensions: Ruri (Xyz), Rin (Synchro) and Serena (Fusion).Yuzu uses a Meldious deck that focuses on Special summoning but after losing to Masumi she decided to learn fusion summoning from Sora and now she specilize in fusion summoning
*[[Action Girl]]:She is also a duelist like Yuya. She proves to be this where she [[Badass|Badassly]] defeat Masumi in their rematch.She is also the only girl along with Olga to make it to the junior youth top 8
*[[All-Loving Heroin]]:Much like Yuya Yuzu cares about keeping everyone safe and is deeply against harming others but like Yuya she has also gotten bitten in her ass
*[[Always Save The Girl|Always Save The Boy]]: She deeply wants to end the Interdimensional war and will do anything to keep everyone safe, but if she thinks Yuya either is hurt or depressed, she will drop whatever she was doing to help him. Yugo even lampshades this after her duel in episode 69.
*[[Amazon Brigade]]: Her deck seems to mostly contain female, Fairy/Angel-type Fantasia monsters.
*[[Badass Adorable]]: She has her cute moments.
*[[Biker Babe]]:She becomes a D-Wheeler during frendship cup arc
*[[Berserk Button]]:
**Meriu became this to her whenever she calls Yuya darling.
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*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Has dark pink hair and two bangs that are light pink, similar to Serena, Ruri and Rin.
*[[Nice Girl]]: She's kind-hearted and shows it most of the time, though she won't hesitate to use her paper fan as a weapon when the situation calls for it.
*[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]:She and Reiji gave Roget a very good one in episode 98 fore his [[Sore Loser]] and [[Dirty Coward]] attitude
*[[Rose-Haired Sweetie]]:
*[[Ship Tease]]:Mostly with Yuya
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**Moving away from rivals, he also has some similarities to Rex Goodwin, with his morally ambiguous actions for some unstated duel, and keep an eye on duelists to bring out their potential.
**His playing style is essentially a mix between Atem and Kaiba's playing styles. Like Kaiba, Reiji plays a lot of powerhouses and can defeat the opponent through overwhelming beatdowns, but he has much more varieties and relies a lot on Spell Cards and combos, like Atem. And like Atem, Reiji does not focus on a single ace monster, but has a an entire army of reliable monsters in his arsenal.
*[[Curb- Stomp Battle]]: His Duel against Roget is basically this. He defeats the first Roget hologram with an OTK, and then he defeats the second one during the hologram's Draw Phase. Reiji would repeat the same combo to all of the next holograms.
*[[Deadpan Snarker]]:Towards Roger whenever he speaks to him he will often snark and him.He also snarks at Yuya during their second duel
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: In spite of his DARK Fiend-Type deck, Reiji is a polite and reasonable person and proves to be a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]].
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*[[Out of Focus]]: In Season 2. While everyone else is running around the Synchro Dimension dueling and getting [[Character Development]], Reiji has spent most of the season talking to the Executive Council in their chambers, watching the others duel, and very rarely taking some action to further his unrevealed overarcing plans. He does duel the [[Arc Villain]] in the end of the season, though.
*[[Pet the Dog]]: While Reiji is morally ambiguous, at least he's a Benevolent Boss who has complete faith in Yuya and the Lancers because he knows that they're the ones who will beat the crap out of Security and Academia.
*[[The Power of Trust]]:He has a great faith and trust in his fellow lancers
*[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: Berates the Exective Council for their Dirty Coward attitude, telling them that those who prefer being neutral and sitting on their asses have no right to talk about the future.
*[[The Rival]]: To Yuya, despite being a Broken Pedestal to the latter.
*[[Scarf of Asskicking]]: Instead of having a Badass Longcoat that defies gravity and has a Dramatic Wind, Reiji has a scarf that does and has all of that. His scarf is more badass when you learn that he's been a duelist with the potential needed to be a pro since he was 15, owns the famous Leo Duel School at 16 and he specializes in all types of summoning.
*[[Sugar and Ice Personality]]:He mostly shows his icy side but deep inside his heart he is on sugar side despite being morally ambiguous which he does shows his sugar side at times
*[[Shut UpUP, Hannibal!]]: His response to Roget's offer and cowardice.
*[[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!]]: His attitude towards Yuya's kindness.
*[[The Smart Guy]]: While the Leader of the Lancers, he is also [[The Strategist]] and the most intelligent member.
*[[The Stoic]]: He's usually calm and collected and rarely shows emotions.
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**Also some variation of "The manly Gongenzaka!"
*[[Childhood Friends]]: With Yuya.
*[[Determinator]]: He never gives up, believing in his deck to the end. And if he get's hit by an attack, he'll keep himself on his feet and get pushed backwards, unless it wipes him out.
*[[Dub Name Change]]: Gong Strong.
*[[Everything's Better with Samurai]]: His deck's motif.
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*[[Made of Iron]]: Suffers no serious injury from a pillar falling on him.
*[[Manly Tears]]: The manly Gongenzaka is prone to crying when he's overflowing with happiness. Especially when Yuya wakes up from his Convenient Coma in episode 38.
*[[Martial Arts HeadbandHachimaki]]: Wears a red one around his head, though it might be his sash from childhood.
*[[Manly Tears]]: The manly Gongenzaka is prone to crying when he's overflowing with happiness. Especially when Yuya wakes up from his Convenient Coma in episode 38.
*[[Martial Arts HeadbandHachimaki]]: Wears a red one around his head, though it might be his sash from childhood.
*[[Nice Guy]]:He is loyal to his friends and respectful to everyone
*[[Worthy Opponent]]: He sees Yuya as one, and later Crow after the latter gets over his distracting issues.
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=== Shingo Sawatari (Sylvio Sawatari) ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Shogo Yano (JP), Michael Crouch (EN)}}
An egotistical and a [[Plucky Comic Relief]] LDS student. He was initially [[The Rival]] to Yuya during the first season.He frequently changes deck His first one is a Darts Shooter deck; his second is a WATER Monarch deck; his third is a Yosenju deck; his fourth and final is an Abyss Actor deck.
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*[[Ascended Extra]]: He's one of the five ARC-V main characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special, probably as a nod to his early status in the series. Sawatari basically took Reiji's spot, of all people.
*[[Attack Backfire]]: His duel with Yuto. The latter starts off by setting five Spell/Trap Cards. Sawatari takes the bait and, using a new Deck he made, sends all of them to the Graveyard. This allows Yuto to win the duel, via Spell Cards with effects that activate from the Graveyard.
*[[Badass]]: He manages to corner Yugo without any Action cards, and only lost because Yugo synchronizing with Yuya allowed him to grab an Action
*[[Blatant Lies]]: A lot of his bragging crosses into this. One example is him stating he was undefeated in Standard and Yuya is his student. Another example is stating himself as leader of the Lancers in Episode 70 when he's angry about not being chosen to duel next.
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{{quote|Voiced by:[[Yui Ishikawa]] (JP), Alyson Leigh Rosenfiled (EN)}}
Reijis adoptive younger brother. He was found in the warzone country and was adopted by the Akabas family to become a child soldier to defeat academia and he later becomes one of the Lancers. Reira is very quite who rarely talks and has no emotion due to being in the war zone but after meeting Yuya and Crows kids and staying with them for a while Reiras started to develop and he slowly became a bit emotional and confident of himself and his skills. Reira uses a CC deck that focuses on copying his opponents monster and like his brother his deck also specilizes in different summoning method Fusion,Synchro and XYZ it is currently unknown if he uses Pendulum or not
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*[[Protectorate]]: While in the Synchro Dimension, Yuya has taken the role of a protective big brother towards him. In a straighter example, the OP and ED imply he's this to Tsukikage, by Reiji's orders.
Also appears to be one for Reiji in a different sort of way, as Reiji attempts to help Reira develop his own personality and apparently brought Reira into the Synchro Dimension because he honestly believes Reira is strong enough to handle it, even reassuring him and giving him slack when the kid refuses to duel.
*[[The Quiet One]]: He rarely talks, due to his timid personality. But as his character development goes on he becomes more and more talkative
*[[Reality Ensues]]:The kid may be a good duelist on par of the other Lancers, but he's still just a little kid. He's scared stiff when he arrives in the Synchro Dimension without Reiji.Despite being a good duelist, he also tires much easier than the older Lancers, and after beating three Security officers and two Obelisk Force squads in a row, he is exhausted... and his PTSD is triggered.
*[[Security Blanket]]: He only separates of his teddy bear when it's time to duel.
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A girl that resembles Yuzu from the Fusion Dimension Academia she is later reveled to be Yuzus fusion dimensional counterpart. Serena has held in Academia against her will for so many years despite being on their side.After hearing that their are some xyz remnants in standard she travels to Standard dimension with Barret without Professors permission and seeks to prove to Leo Akaba that she is worthy enough for being a front liner soldier after hearing the Academia's true colors from Yuzu her standard counterpart Serena changes side and is now one of Reijis lancers, Serena uses Moonlight deck which is a dark attribute animal like female monsters unlike Yuzus deck Serena's deck is very offensive.Similar to Yuri Serena has [[doppelgangers]] throughout the other dimensions: Yuzu (Standard), Ruri (Xyz) and Rin (Synchro).
*[[100% Adoration Rating]]: She is the only character in the Synchro arc to be loved by both the Commons and Tops.
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*[[Chess Motifs]]: Designated by Roget as the White Queen.
*[[Clothing Switch]]: With Yuzu, so she could talk to Kurosaki. This is the reason why Yuzu still wears her clothes until the beginning of the Friendship Cup.
*[[ColourColor-Coded for Your Convenience]]: Her hair, eye, and outfit colors are drawn from the Polymerization card◊.
*[[The Comically Serious]]: Serena has her moments in the show when she's not being arrogant. Episode 62 actually shows Serena pouting in her jail cell before being rescued. The special Omake corners that airs at the end of an episode has her either complaining about Sawatari's incompetence or getting flustered by Yuya's silliness.
*[[Contralto of Danger]]: Her voice is deeper than Yuzu's, and Serena is willing to hurt Xyz duelists, regardless whether they are from the Xyz Dimension or not.
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*[[The Smurfette Principle]]:The only girl in Reiji's Lancers.
*[[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: Similar to Kurosaki, Serena doesn't appreciate being saved from danger, stating that she has the situation "handled" and sees someone helping her out as someone who is underestimating her abilities, which she hates. In Episode 56, she, along with Yuya, Reira and Sawatari, are surrounded by Security forces; when Yuya offers to distract them and begs her to take Reira to safety, Serena just screams back that she's no coward and she intends to wipe everyone out...despite being surrounded by at least thirteen duelists at once. However, she does at least acknowledge that she'll need to work in a group if she intends to save Yuzu and protect her from Academia.
*[[Tomboy with a Girly Streak]]: Subverted. While her deck is very feminine, the play-style of her deck revolves around attacking as much as possible while preventing her opponent from protecting themselves; fitting given some of her tendencies, so it might just be that she doesn't care for looks as long as what she's using works. She's also the only "Yuzu" counterpart who hasn't shown any form of closeness/affection towards her "Yuya" counterpart (though it's possible they haven't met yet.) note
*[[Tomboyish Ponytail]]: To contrast Yuzu in appearance.
*[[Took a Level in Kindness]]: During her duel with Yugo, she starts to enjoy dueling and states she finally understands what Yuya was talking about. Even being worried about Reira in the next episode when in previous episodes she had been apathetic to him.
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*[[Crazy-Prepared]]: As shown during his duel against Sora, Kurosaki manages to counter basically everything against him. Especially his last card Rank-Up Magic Revolution Force only works in a specific situation, yet Kurosaki gets the chance to use it.
Does it again in his rematch with Sora. Not wanting to drag out the duel and fuel Sora's prideful lust for revenge, Kurosaki prepares a complicated strategy before attacking: summons in his first turn three copies of Force Strix and powers them up to a point where he could potentially OTK the kid. It fails off-screen and Sora subsequently defeats him.
*[[Curb- Stomp Battle]]: He annihilates Masumi, Hokuto and Yaiba in Episode 24. Later goes on to dominate Sora and the Knight duelists utterly, and wipes the Arrest Corps within seconds of joining. Then there's his escape from the underground labor facility.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Academia invaded Heartland City, turned it into an interdimensional battle ground, and carded most of its citizens. His sister, Ruri, was kidnapped as well.
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Though morally ambiguous enough to steal the souls of LDS employees.
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{{quote|Voiced by: Mitsutaka Itakura (JP), Tom Wayland (EN)}}
Yuzus father and the owner of Yushow duel school He runs a Guts Master deck, which relies on swarm tactics and Special Summoning, simi
*[[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]: Embarrasses Yuzu before her duel with Masumi, by picking a field to highlight her 'cuteness.'
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*[[Hot-Blooded]]: Yuya looked subdued by comparision. Shuzou even screams the term. His deck even has this theme, the Guts Master monsters. Shuzou is so hot-blooded that his name is even written with burning letters on the Versus Character Splash, a characteristic that everybody else lacks.
*[[Heel]]: He insulting Yuya while in their duel, just when Yuya feels very depressed, it's enough for Yuzu and the children to boo him all the time.
*[[Large Ham]]: When you can make Yuya look quiet, you're definitely this. And then there's his "manly fainting noises". note
*[[Lovable Jock]]: All his Guts Masters also have a sports theme to them. He himself appears to be wearing a track suit. And he is a kind teacher and loving father.
*[[Mentor Occupational Hazard]]: Parodied in episode 14. Shuzou challenges Yuya to a duel in order to get him out of his blue and inspire him to become a better duelist; after a good lecture about how his fears have leave him paralyzed in one place, Yuya manages to pull himself together and win with a One-Turn Killer combo. As Action Duels actually hurt you, Shuzo gets knocked out and Yuya screams his name while cradling him in his arms and a very Kung Fu movie ending scene plays out... until Yuzu smack her dad's face with her paper fan to wake him up.
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===Himika Akaba (Henrietta Akaba)===
{{quote|Voiced by: Kikuko Fujimoto (JP),Lianne Marie Dobbs (EN) }}
Reijis mother and the chairwomen of Leo Corporation
*[[Ambiguously Evil]]: She's a bit corrupt, but neither her or Reiji seem to be outright evil, not to mention her humanizing features such as caring for those that work under her. Then it's revealed that they're planning to defend against an invasion from Leo Akaba, so her actions seem more justified considering the circumstances. And then we find out the reason why Reira is so messed up, putting her back to this
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*[[I Shall Taunt You]]: "Your eyes have no luster".
*[[Japanese Pronouns]]: Uses the gender neutral pronoun watashi.
*[[Lady of War]]: Although younger than most and a duelist in a cards game, she counts. She's a calm and cold Ojou, and her Gem-Knight deck has a more
*[[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Reiji alters her memories of Kurosaki so that he doesn't draw suspicion during the tournament.
*[[Luminescent Blush]]: Gets one after Yuzu saves her from falling in Episode 29. Les Yay!
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*[[Ms. Fanservice:]] Not her but her monsters are attractive women in form fitting leather outfits.
*[[Mum Looks Like A Sister]]: Played With. Sora pretends to confuse her for Yuya's older sister to get in her good graces (she does look fine, though).
*[[Red Baron]]: Shooting Star Yoko
*[[Retired Badass]]: She used to be a gang leader, and an exceptional duelist, but now she's just a house wife.
*[[Running Gag]]: In the Battle Royale arc, whenever she's talked to, she'll speak very low and serious to then start fangirling over Michio or Dennis while asking to see more of them.
*[[Shipper on Deck]]: She's good friends with Yuzu to the point she comforted her when Yuzu blamed herself for Yuya ending up near comatose after his encounter with Yuto and Yugo. In the same episode this is played for laughs as they both work together to get Mieru to compete in the tournament again and get her out of the room while Yuya is resting.
*[[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: She states in Episode 52, it was Yusho's ability to solve conflict without harming anyone that made her fall for him.
*[[Red BaronSobriquet]]: Shooting Star Yoko
*[[Took a Level In Kindness]]: In the past, she was a gang leader that happily defeated anyone in her way. But meeting Yusho calmed her down to the kind woman we see today.
*[[Warrior Therapist]]: We can see where Yuya gets it from as in episode 52, she seems to play this part to get Yuya out of his BSOD.
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{{quote|Voiced by: Manpei Takagi (JP), Michael Lisco Jr(EN)}}
A mysterious Young man who likes like Yuya and is investigating LDS to rescue his friend Ruri.When he notices Yuzu he thought that she was her and began to mistook her for her when they first met.He is later reveled to be the xyz dimensional counterpart to Yuya and the member of the Resistance which is a rebel group that fends of Academia soldiers.He used to leave in an alternate universe version of Heartland city in which it was a peaceful city until it was destryoed by academia.After his duel with Yugo he was then absorb by Yuya and entrust him his ace Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon Yuto uses a Phantom Knights deck that focuses on summoning Xyz Monsters, including his Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, and makes use of Spell Cards that can be activated from the graveyard.
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===Kaito Tenjou (Kite Tenjo)===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Kouki Uchiyama]]}}
an alternate universe version of the Kite Tenjo that appeared in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. He was a famous professional Duelist in the Xyz Dimension's Heartland City before the invasion of Duel Academy, after which he became a member of the Resistance. After his family were sealed into cards by Duel Academy, Kite abandoned the Resistance and began a one-man vendetta against Duel Academy, vowing to seal thousands of their soldiers into cards.
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*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Saves Yuya from the Obelisk Force's Chaos Giant after Kurosaki gets taken out by saving Sayaka.
*[[Blinded by the Light]]: When he flees from his duel with Yuya, the resulting flash cast by the Spell Card blinds everyone except Kurosaki.
*[[Broken Bird]]:His family being carded and academia destroyed his hometown heartland made him a very bitter,cold and vengeful person
*[[Call Back]]: Upon confronting Yuya, Sawatari, and Gongenzaka, he states his old ZEXAL Catch Phrase: "Are you ready to repent?"
*[[Catch Phrase]]: "Are you ready to repent?" gets uttered once per episode with his appearances so far.
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*[[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!]]: Does not approve of Yuya and Yuto's "Bring smiles with your Duels" philosophy
*[[This Is Unforgivable!]]: Kaito's first line is stating how he'll never forgive the Academia for their crimes.
*[[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: He was already poised to become the Duel Champion of Heartland, and according to Yuto and Allen he's even stronger after the invasion.
*[[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Yuto states Kaito used to be a kind and warm individual before the invasion. Well, when your homeland is razed and your family and friends are carded in front of you, it's hard to be happy.
*[[Took a Level In Kindness]]: Downplayed, but he's starting to reconsider comradery after his Duel against Kurosaki back in Episode 105 and restraining himself from sealing the Obelisk Force in cards.
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*[[Perpetual Frowner]]: After ending up in prison, he stopped smiling. After dueling Yuya, this is no longer the case.
*[[Phrase Catcher]]: "Koikoikoikoi!" Used by his audience when he's about to draw a card.
*[[Red Baron]]: Chojiro of the Autumn Rain, formerly Enjoy Chojiro. He goes with his old nickname again.
*[[Running Gag]]: Him trying to fight Security with his Enjoy Dueling only for Sawatari to stop him while telling the old man it's not time for that yet.
*[[Say My Name]]: Expect a huge crowd shouting his first name.
*[[Red BaronSobriquet]]: Chojiro of the Autumn Rain, formerly Enjoy Chojiro. He goes with his old nickname again.
*[[That Man Is Dead]]: Says this about his old nickname, Enjoy Chojiro.
*[[Took a Level In Cynic]]: In his backstory, when his failed attempt to change the system ended in him getting him jailed for cheating.
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*[[Evil Plan]]: Attempts to remove Jack from his throne by using Sergey and take over the City as their ruler.
*[[Expy]] and [[Composite Character]]: Appears to be one to Goodwin from 5D's. He also resembles a younger Dr. Faker. The chess motif might be a minor nod to Gozaburo. His enmity with the Professor also brings Tron and Keith's vendettas against Dr. Faker and Pegasus to mind. Finally, his use of Mind Control is very much like Malik and Saiou.
*[[Jerkass]]: The most Unpelasent character in the series
*[[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bastard]]: H]]<nowiki/>eHe is this one he is very good in Manupltingmanipulating others.
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