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==The Lancers==
===Noboru Gongenzaka (Gong Strong)==
{{quote|Voiced by: Yohei Obayashi (JP), Billy Bob Thompson(EN)}}
One of Yuyas best friend who is seen regularly hanging around with him. He is not the student of You show instead he is a heir to his family dojo but he is regularly seen hanging out with his friends in Youshow. He later becomes one of the lancers. Gongenzaka's Superheavy Samurai deck has no Spell or Trap cards at all, and many of his monster effects can only be activated when he has no S/T in his Graveyard
*[[Acrofatic]]: Well, he's more big than fat, but the sizeable guy goes on morning runs. Episode 30 shows that he's actually pretty muscular.
*can learn, he doesn't care if he has to beg.
*[[Badass]]: Karate-chopped through Battleguard Mad Shaman's spike without flinching. He also saves Yuya by holding up a stone pillar twice his size with no injury. Granted, it was Solid Vision, but still dangerous. Also, he fought his way halfway to Kurosaki's solitary confinement cell armed only with his (metal) geta.
*[[Badass Back]]: In his duel against Ankokuji, he goes into the arena and gives him the back in order to show his dislike for him as well as to show his new black belt. And damn, he looked badass.
*[[Beware the Nice Ones]]: He's really a nice and easy-going guy, but get on his bad side or face him in a duel, and he'll show you what Steadfast Dueling is really about.
*[[The Big Guy]]: He is very definitely one of the bigger characters. His deck also runs a Stone Wall strategy.
*[[Bully Hunter]]: He protected Yuya when they were younger, from those who wanted to beat him up for being a coward's son.
*[[Catch Phrase]]:
**"Unforgivable, this is unforgivable, [person name]!"
**Also some variation of "The manly Gongenzaka!"
*[[Childhood Friends]]: With Yuya.
*[[Determinator]]: He never gives up, believing in his deck to the end. And if he get's hit by an attack, he'll keep himself on his feet and get pushed backwards, unless it wipes him out.
*[[Dub Name Change]]: Gong Strong.
*[[Everything's Better with Samurai]]: His deck's motif.
*[[Expy]]: He's essentially a beefed-up version of Jonouchi and Tetsuo.
**He's one to Yuya. They are both heirs to their schools with unusual decks, Yuya having a Pendulum deck and Gongenzaka uses a deck without Spells or Traps. Yuya is a Stepford Smiler, while Gongenzaka is very open about his emotions. Even their dueling styles are the exact opposite, Yuya runs about using Action Cards compared to the steady Gongenzaka that refuses to budge.
**On the Lancers he and Sawatari are foils. Gongenzaka is steadfast and loyal friend that has willing let stepped out of the limelight to protect them while Sawatari is an egoistical glory hound who can't stand anyone badmouthing him. Gongenzaka understands the emotional effects of being a child soldier while Sawatari was giddy at being a Lancer. Gongenzaka is loyal to his dueling style while Sawatari has changed his decks after each lost.
*[[Gentle Giant]]: He can be a bit stuffy, but he's a pretty nice guy.
*[[Good Is Not Soft]]: One of the nicest, most morally upright characters on the show, and he's proven himself perfectly capable of kicking lots of ass.
*[[Graceful Loser]]: He didn't really mind losing to Yuya and was simply happy to force Yuya to pass his limits. And again when he is defeated by Crow.
*[[Heir to the Dojo]]: And heir of said dojo's Dueling style that he uses with pride.
*[[Hot-Blooded]]: Odd example; he's a very staunch and enthusiastic proponent of his own family's Steadfast Dueling style, which means that he doesn't care for the other Hot-Blooded characters running around during Action Duels, as "real men don't make unnecessary movements." While he can be very emotional, Gongenzaka is one of the most level-headed characters and tries tokeep the others in line when they are acting unreasonably.
*[[Japanese Pronouns]]: The manly Gongenzaka uses the masculine pronoun ore.
*[[Large Ham]]: The manly Gongenzaka is most definitely this.
*[[Last Name Basis]]: His family name is used to refer to him both when he references himself and by all his friends. His father is the only person who calls him by his first name.
*[[Let's Fight Like Gentlemen]]: The manly Gongenzaka values honor and mutual respect in duels.