Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V/Characters: Difference between revisions

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*[[Worthy Opponent]]: He sees Yuya as one, and later Crow after the latter gets over his distracting issues.
*[[Younger Than He Looks]]: Because of his heavy build, result of training in his family dojo since his early childhood, Gongenzaka looks older than other guys his age.
=== Shingo Sawatari (Sylvio Sawatari) ===
{{quote|Voiced by: Shogo Yano (JP), Michael Crouch (EN)}}
An egotistical and a [[Plucky Comic Relief]] LDS student. He was initially [[The Rival]] to Yuya during the first season.He frequently changes deck His first one is a Darts Shooter deck; his second is a WATER Monarch deck; his third is a Yosenju deck; his fourth and final is an Abyss Actor deck.
*[[Advertised Extra]]: He's introduced as one of the main rivals of Yuya and is prominently shown in the first opening and promotional materials, indicating that he's a main character. However, he rarely shows up and he is quickly forgotten for most of the time. He finally returns as a main character at the climax of the Battle Royale and he still appears from there, being one of the nine Lancers.
*[[Ascended Extra]]: He's one of the five ARC-V main characters in Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Tag Force Special, probably as a nod to his early status in the series. Sawatari basically took Reiji's spot, of all people.
*[[Attack Backfire]]: His duel with Yuto. The latter starts off by setting five Spell/Trap Cards. Sawatari takes the bait and, using a new Deck he made, sends all of them to the Graveyard. This allows Yuto to win the duel, via Spell Cards with effects that activate from the Graveyard.
*[[Badass]]: He manages to corner Yugo without any Action cards, and only lost because Yugo synchronizing with Yuya allowed him to grab an Action
*[[Blatant Lies]]: A lot of his bragging crosses into this. One example is him stating he was undefeated in Standard and Yuya is his student. Another example is stating himself as leader of the Lancers in Episode 70 when he's angry about not being chosen to duel next.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: He rushes in to save Tsukikage in the Battle Royale.
*[[Bishie Sparkle]]: In episode 15, while handing a napkin to Yuzu. Just look at him.◊
*[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Tricks Yuya into letting him see the Pendulum Cards, and then steals them by pretending to be his friend.
*[[Butt Monkey]]: Sawatari has lost most of his on-screen duels despite painting himself as a great duelistnote . Whenever he tries to brag, people either don't listen to him, cut him off, or chew him out for his small talk being used to cover his incompetence whilst acting like a brat for losing. Even his loyal friends notice this sometimes. He, however, does get to be a Lancer. But even then, the first thing that happened to him was losing in an OTK and getting arrested. Heck, despite interacting with Crow's orphaned kids for a while, Sawatari doesn't register so much as a blip in their memories and they dismiss him pretty easily.
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: After a bit of Character Development, he comes back with a DARK Fiend deck, the Abyss Actor.
*[[Foil]]: On the Lancers, he and Gongenzaka are foils. Sawatari is an egotistical glory hound that can't stand anyone badmouthing him while Gongenzaka is a steadfast and loyal friend that has willingly stepped out of the limelight to protect them. Gongenzaka understands the emotional effects of being a child soldier while Sawatari was giddy at being a Lancer. Gongenzaka is loyal to his dueling style while Sawatari has changed his decks after each loss. Gongenzaka realizes the folly of challenging opponents to duels for no good reason and keeps his cool whereas Sawatari loses his composure at the drop of a hat and recklessly jumps into avoidable situations.
*[[The Friend Nobody Likes]]: Given Sawatari's personality, he is this to everyone he interacts to, with the exception of his dad. His three "best friends" are more like minions if anything, given that they grudgingly follow his orders and even call out Sawatari's hypocrisy at times. As part of the Lancers, the rest of the group either ignore him (Serena, Kurosaki, and Reira), tolerate him (Yuya, Reiji, and Tsukikage), humors him (Dennis) or outright puts him in his place (Gongenzaka).
**Ironically he has a few Synchro Dimension people come to like him, such as Crow, Tokumatsu and Yugo. However, they're not around enough to enforce this and Sawatari generally goes back into being this trope, especially after getting sent to the Xyz Dimension with Yuya, Gongenzaka and Kurosaki.
*[[Gratuitous English]]: He has a lot of this.
*[[Gratuitous French]]: The English dub has him occasionally saying French phrases instead of the above.
*[[An Ice Person]]: After losing to Yuya, he starts running Monarchs, specifically Mobius the Frost Monarch and its upgraded form. He quickly switched decks soon.
*[[Idiot Ball]]: In his first duel with Yuya, it's shown very clearly that Sawatari has a copy of "Breakthrough Skill" in his hand, which would have negated at least one of the effects Yuya used throughout the Duel, particularly at points where Yuya could have lost or where Sawatari could have lost. Pride is Sawatari's Fatal Flaw though, and he's later insulted by Yuto for bad dueling skills.
*[[Idiot Hero]]Subverted. Sawatari frequently messes up and acts stupid, but as seen in his duel with Kaito, he's capable of some very good deductions.
*[[Jerkass]]: He starts the series as this; his Establishing Character Moment involves stealing Yuya's Pendulum Monsters and then forcing Yuzu and the kids into danger so he can test the cards out. And after he loses, he tries to get his friends to help him steal the cards by force.
*[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Once he develops his entertainer persona and becomes a Lancer, he begins to edge more into this, having genuinely good intentions while still being kind of a jerk. His dueling style also begins to focus less on hogging the spotlight and more on exciting the crowd to either side's benefit.
*[[Large Ham]]: After Yuya Gets Him Doing It, Sawatari ups his hamminess.
*[[Plucky Comic Relief]]: Among the Lancers, he serves as this by way of being the Butt Monkey for basically everyone. He is also the least serious character among the Lancers. This is probably the reason why he is with Yuya, Gongenzaka and Kurosaki, all three of them being serious characters, especially the latter two.
*[[Took a Level in Badass]]: Starting from the Synchro Dimension arc, he gains Abyss Actors, and from then on is shown to actually be a halfway-competent duelist wielding an actually-powerful deck. Both of the duels he gets on-screen after he reveals his new archetype have shown that he is fully capable of hard-countering numerous deck types if the plot didn't dictate that he lose so often.
*[[Took a Level in Kindness]]: After his rematch with Yuya, he starts embracing the "performer" life like Yuya does, and later turns the goal of a duel to entertaining the crowd, which is reflected in his Abyss Actor deck. While he's still a Sore Loser, he doesn't mind if the crowd had fun because of him.