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*[[Worf Had the Flu]]: He and Sora beat Roget once, but got thrown by him using Fighting a Shadow on them.
*[[Worf Had the Flu]]: He and Sora beat Roget once, but got thrown by him using Fighting a Shadow on them.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Tsukikage has dark blue hair.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Tsukikage has dark blue hair.

=== Shun Kurosaki (Shay Obsidian)===

Shun is one of the saviors along with Yuto for the invasion of xyz dimension and he is the member of the resistance.His younger sister Ruri was kidnap by Academia he and Yuto then traveled to Standard dimension where they both target LDS in order to lure out Reiji so that Professor can handle Ruri to him.After learning that he and Reiji shared the common enemy he then agreed to work with him. Reiji then made him the student of LDS he then took part in Miami championship.He harbours a deep vengeful hatred to academia due to the sufferings they have cost to him and his comrades.Despite his hostile and cold nature he is shown to care deeply about his comrades including Yuto and Ruri who are completely precious to him.Kurosaki uses a Raidraptor deck, which is made for swarming Winged-Beast-Type monsters to Xyz Summon monsters with low base-ATK, but powerful effects. He also has many Spell and Trap Cards that can counter various situations.

*[[And This Is For...]]: Dedicates a blow to his fallen Resistance comrades, Ruri, and Yuto when applying the effect of Satellite Cannon Falcon.
*[[Anti-Hero]]: Almost to the point of Nominal Hero. He'll do anything to rescue his comrades and stop Academia, but his current actions include attacking innocents for going to LDS, showing a disregard for the safety of his own allies, and he has no hesitation about fighting anyone in his way regardless of their own moral standing. This also doesn't get into his intensely antisocial behavior and general Jerkass-ness.
*[[Anime Hair]]: Bluish and a little spiky, but it is more subdued than the Yuto's.
*[[Badass]]: Somewhat memetically so.
**Beats two of LDS' aces, and later three employees at the same time. Then he defeats the LDS trio with a 16,400 ATK beatstick.
**He becomes even more so in his duel with Sora, where he Ranks-Up his ace monster twice.
**He escapes from solitary confinement in the Synchro Arc by climbing up above line of sight, then dropping down onto the guard that came into figure out where he went. He then beats up other guards on his way out.
**He later defeats Dennis, despite the latter summoning a very powerful 4500 ATK giant!
**Starts kicking everyone's ass Underground after he decides to leave, first with his fists then with his duel disk when he gets it back...both times, by himself.
*[[Badass Boast]]:Generally, he tends to embellish the attacks and effects of his monsters to the effect of commanding his opponents to burn in the flames of revolution or bear the suffering of his comrades.
*[[Badass in Distress]]: Suffers his first on-screen loss against Sora in their rematch and is injured because of it. Serena of all people has to save him from Sora and Obelisk Force and keep him safe.
*[[Badass Longcoat]]: Wear a long blue-purple coat and looks tough with it. In episode 62, it gets shadowed nicely during his Death from Above moment.
*[[Batman Gambit]]: He attacked LDS to lure out Reiji, so he can use him as a bartering chip against the Professor.
*[[Berserk Button]]:
**Mentioning his enemies, whoever they may be, severely pisses him off. Before he learned that they were the wrong target, any mention of the name LDS makes him nearly foam at the mouth. But it's Fusion Summoning that really hits his button. He first goes against LDS' Fusion teacher and his eyes react when anyone fuses when he doesn't know that they could. Academia, who captured Ruri, is from the Fusion Dimension.
**Heartland, his hometown, is one to him. This is taken to its logical extreme when the Action Field selected for his duel with Sora is Future Metropolis Heartland. You can tell by the look on his face he is NOT happy with this choice. The second time it happens, he's so disturbed that he doesn't even go into one of his famous monologues.
**Another smaller one is to say that his monsters are weak because they have low attack points. During duels, he typically responds with proving the person who said that wrong.
*[[Big Brother Instinct]]: Kurosaki is so intent on attacking LDS because he believes his little sister Ruri was captured by them. He's later shown to be protective and more open to persuasion when talking to Serena due to her resemblance to Ruri.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Literally leaps into the duel against the Arrest Corps in episode 63 after they had taken control of all the Lancers' remaining monsters and proceeds to use those captured monsters to summon Rise Falcon, a monster which they couldn't take control of due to not possessing a level, and defeat all 3 of their opponents at the same time.
With his Raid Raptors, he saves Yuya and the others by giving them a lift to the Duel Palace during the Riots.
*[[Break the Haughty]]: Does this to Sora, and Sora does it back in turn in their second duel. Noticeable in that afterwards he actually shows appreciation for Tsukikage, Sawatari, Gongenzaka, and Serena helping him.
*[[But for Me, It Was Tuesday]]: Doesn't even remember who Marco is, until Masumi brings up Fusion Summoning. It is possible however that he just didn't ask for his name. He's never asked anyone he duels for their names.
*[[Character Development]]: His Duel against Kaito serves to reaffirm his growth as a character throughout the series thus far, where he has learned to treasure the bonds he has formed with his allies and trust them.
*[[Character Tic]]: He has a tendency to expand his eyes and point with his right index and middle fingers when ordering his Xyz monsters to attack.
*[[The Comically Serious]]: When Sora tries to do the "Action Duel" chanting, Kurosaki doesn't even open his mouth to say he's not fooling around. He's especially this in the third ending, participating in all the crazy antics depicted without a single smile save on the cards at the end where all of them are smiling.
**During the escape from the Underground in Episode 90, he's paired with Sawatari. This is pretty much a given.
*[[Crazy-Prepared]]: As shown during his duel against Sora, Kurosaki manages to counter basically everything against him. Especially his last card Rank-Up Magic Revolution Force only works in a specific situation, yet Kurosaki gets the chance to use it.
Does it again in his rematch with Sora. Not wanting to drag out the duel and fuel Sora's prideful lust for revenge, Kurosaki prepares a complicated strategy before attacking: summons in his first turn three copies of Force Strix and powers them up to a point where he could potentially OTK the kid. It fails off-screen and Sora subsequently defeats him.
*[[Curb-Stomp Battle]]: He annihilates Masumi, Hokuto and Yaiba in Episode 24. Later goes on to dominate Sora and the Knight duelists utterly, and wipes the Arrest Corps within seconds of joining. Then there's his escape from the underground labor facility.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Academia invaded Heartland City, turned it into an interdimensional battle ground, and carded most of its citizens. His sister, Ruri, was kidnapped as well.
*[[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Though morally ambiguous enough to steal the souls of LDS employees.
*[[Deadpan Snarker]]: In the dub.
*[[Determinator]]: He and his comrades had to get up again and again to defeat their enemies.
**This is to the point all of his summon chants describe this trait.
*[[Dub Name Change]]. To Shay Obsidian.
*[[Enemy Mine]]: With Reiji, to defeat Professor Leo Akaba.
*[[Expy]]: His coat and overall attitude is similar to Kaiba in Duelist Kingdom, when Kaiba was also trying to single-handedly mount a rescue of his younger sibling, doing whatever it takes to draw out the culprit. He is also one for Shark, being the revenge minded older brother, and in personality he takes more after Shark.
*[[Eviler Than Thou]]: Episode 75 has shown him to be the most anti-heroic character on the Lancers, being the only member willing to card people.
*[[Fantastic Racism]]: He hates Fusion, and also considers LDS Xyz Summoning to be a sham. He sort of got over the former after Serena helped him, focusing his hatred on Academia rather than fusion users in general. Unfortunately, after Dennis's betrayal he becomes convinced that everyone who isn't from the Xyz dimension can't be trusted and that his only friends are his dead comrades, though thankfully Crow and the kids help him get over this.
*[[Fighting Your Friend]]: Challenges Kaito, a fellow Resistance member to a Duel.
*[[First Name Basis]]: Only the citizens from Heartland call him by his first name. The anime and promotional materials do not.
*[[Foil]]: He's one to fellow Lancer, Serena. Kurosaki is a survivor from the Xyz dimension that has lost everything and in his attempt to get it back has done so very brutal things and has shown no remorse for it. While Serena was protected by the Academia in the Fusion dimension and threw away her home due to her moral code.
*[[Freudian Excuse]]: Deconstructed, while why he's so aggressive and paranoid can be explained by what he lost, the show states that does in no way EXCUSE him. Yuya has stated while Yuto was as mad and hated the Academia, he was still much more reasonable and wanted a peaceful solution. Amanda, Tanner and Frank stated they also lost everything, but weren't nearly as destructive as Kurosaki is.
*[[Get A Hold Of Yourself Man]]: Attempts to do this on Kaito during their Duel.
*[[Giving Someone the Pointer Finger]]: Often engages in this when declaring attacks.
*[[Graceful Loser]]: He takes his loss against Crow quite well, giving out a smile as Crow's attack finishes him off.
*[[Had To Be Sharp]]: His explanation for his strength. This isn't limited to card-game skills.
*[[Head Butting Heroes]]: Is a bit much, but he and Yuto argue about their methods.
*[[The Heavy]]: He basically functions as the main antagonist of the first arc.
*[[Heroic B.S.O.D.]]: Goes through this briefly when the Action Field chosen for his duel with Sora resembles his destroyed hometown, Heartland. Then the BSOD is replaced by rage and determination.
*[[He Who Fights Monsters]]: He's Knight Templar in defeating his enemies and finding Ruri, but his actions are taking him further into the Moral Event Horizon.
*[[Ineffectual Loner]]: Flashbacks show that he has worked with people he trusts, but he wasn't seen teaming up with anyone on-screen until much later. He didn't even team up with Yuto, one of the few people he trusts, instead following his own agenda and occasionally getting in touch with him while in the Standard dimension. This gets him in trouble, but even after supposedly learning his lesson he goes back to being a loner. He eventually grows out of it.
*[[Irony]]: He hates LDS, yet is put among their numbers for the Maiami Championship. Also, see Not So Different. Later on in Episode 48, he's saved by Serena, an Academia Fusion user who looks like his sister.
*[[I Work Alone]]:
**He dislikes tag-team dueling, though he appreciates it when Serena, Tsukikage, Michio, Teppei, Sawatari, and Gongenzaka protect him from the Obelisk Force and make it possible for him to defeat them.
**His attitude in the Synchro Dimension. He states he arrived alone and instead of attempting to find the rest of the Lancers, he just started looking for strong duelists instead. As a result of finding out about Dennis, he is even worse in this regard, declaring that everyone is his enemy and that his friends are only from the Xyz Dimension and are dead. Although after dueling Crow, Kurosaki finally mellows out of it.
*[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: He's generally rude and demeaning to everyone he encounters, but he makes it VERY clear that he cares deeply for his friends. Despite their differing opinions and his threat to defeat Yuto, Kurosaki still considers Yuto his best friend and was furious when he couldn't find him anywhere after his duel with Yuya and Sora. He was prepared to rough up Yuya for possibly doing something to Yuto and for having Yuto's trademark card, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon, in his possession. Even though the manner in which he finished off Dennis was violent, Kurosaki voices aloud that he still cares about the state his home dimension was left in, still grieves that many of his other friends were sealed away into cards, and is furious at Academia for stealing away the future happiness of the two people most important to him: Yuto and his little sister Ruri.
*[[Kick the Dog]]: Carding both Tio and Marco, who at least seemed like pretty nice guys, probably counts as this. Him carding of the three random LDS employees chasing Yuya believing him to be the one they're looking for. He later insults Marco in front of Masumi, calling him weak and pathetic. He then goes on to insult and demean Masumi and her other two friends Yaiba and Hokuto, noting that their efforts to defeat him lacked any sort of "iron and will", ignoring the fact that all three managed to wipe his field and hand clean of all monsters, Spells, and Traps, including reducing his Life Points to a mere 10.
*[[Kick Them While They're Down]]: Kurosaki intended to seal away both Sora and Dennis after winning his matches against them but was stopped by Reiji's actions, either directly or indirectly. While he was willing to let Sora go, he had no problem potentially killing Dennis by beating his unconscious body instead.
*[[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: His intended carding of Sora and Dennis. Also how he likely views his Kick the Dog moments, particularly before he learns that LDS is a potential ally.
*[[Knight of Cerebus]]: Like Yuto, his appearance has slowly darkened the series.
*[[Knight Templar]]: Despite Yuto telling him LDS is not the enemy, he still attacks them, to the extent Yuto is forced to knock him out to get him away from Masumi, Yuzu, and Sora. It turns out that he attacked them because he wants to take Reiji hostage, because the Professor seems to be the one holding Ruri hostage.
*[[Knight Templar Big Brother]]: He's steals the souls of teachers and elite students, who may not be into the whole thing, and is willing to duel students just to bring out LDS' boss, Reiji, in order to duel some answers out of him.
*[[La Résistance]]: Reveals he is part of one fighting Academia from the Fusion Dimension during his duel with Sora.
*[[The Lancer]]: He becomes this to Yuya as part of the Lancers.
*[[Large Ham]]: Normally he's rather subdued, but when he's dueling, Kurosaki chews scenery with the best of them (with both verbal and body language).
*[[Last Name Basis]]: The anime, promotional materials and non-Heartland characters call him by his last name.
*[[Love Makes You Crazy]]: His love for his sister Ruri makes him very erratic in his willingness to get her back.
*[[Love Makes You Evil]]: To get Ruri back, he is willing to do a lot of dark things.
*[[Magic Knight]]: A pretty good duelist in a world where duel monsters can be implemented with real magic, and eventually shown to be a skilled hand-to-hand fighter capable of taking down several enemies at once.
*[[Meaningful Name]]: The kanji in his first name, 隼, can be read as "hayabusa," meaning "falcon," referring to his monsters. "Kurosaki" means "black flower." In the dub, Shay is Gaelic for "hawk", but it can also allude to Shays' Rebellion, a famous historical uprising.
*[[Moral Myopia]]: States in Episode 34 that he'll do anything to protect his comrades... but when the LDS Trio went after him to do the same, he beat them down without even thinking about it.
*[[Nineties Anti-Hero]]: Badass? Check. Physically kicks ass? Check. Completely willing to kill anyone if it's convenient? Check, just ask Professor Marco. I Work Alone? Check. While no guns are used, his ace monsters do tend to drop bombs or lasers on people. While he does have a handful of scenes where he feels grateful or glad to see a loved one kinda, sorta alive, most of the time he's either angry or indifferent. After his Character Development, he stops being one.
*[[No-Nonsense Nemesis]]: A (arguably) benevolent version; given his background, he treats dueling like real combat and a battlefield, as opposed to more idealistic characters like Yuya, who treat dueling like fun.
*[[No One Gets Left Behind]]: Gives a speech to this effect after Sora takes his Raid Raptors - Blaze Falcon in Episode 34.
Kurosaki: "We, the Resistance, have always fought with the worst case scenario in mind. While keeping in mind the friends we lost who used to fight alongside us. But even if they're taken from us, we will never abandon them. I WILL take back my friends!"
*[[Noble Bird Of Prey]]: His Raid Raptors are mechanical predatory birds and give off this vibe, especially his Xyz Monsters, with an example being Raid Raptors - Rise Falcon. They only get bigger and more badass from there.
*[[Not So Different]]:
**Hinted at by his duel with Sora when you consider that Kurosaki has hunted people in much the same way as the Fusion faction, Academia, albeit for a different reason, and he finishes the duel by bombing the virtual Heartland to the ground, which is exactly what the Academia did to the real one. This is further emphasized when Sora revealed that Academia would seal their victims' souls in cards. Furthermore, he is also able to card people like Academia.
**He and Serena share a similar desire in working alone and believing that their strength and skills is enough to take on anyone.
**Hilariously enough, he's this to LDS given that his attitude seems to come from when he was at a pro duelist school himself.
**Befriends Crow once he realizes that this is their situation.
**Kaito is exactly like Kurosaki, but more violent and angrier at Academia, if that's even possible.
*[[Only Sane Man]]: Interestingly, once he returns home, he shifts from being a Combat Pragmatist Anti-Hero to being one of the most reasonable characters, up there with Gongenzaka. This is in stark contrast to pretty much everyone else around him, including Kaito, who is blinded by hatred, Sawatari, who's, well, Sawatari, and even Yuya, who now has Yuto's overwhelming hatred to contend with in the face of Academia's soldiers.
Over-the-Shoulder Carry: Is subject to this after being rendered unconscious by Yuto in Episode 21.
*[[Perpetual Frowner]]: He's almost always seen with a scowl on his face, as seen in the image above.
*[[Perspective Reversal]]: Everyone spent all of the first two seasons trying to get Kurosaki to be a team player and Lancers comrade. He tries to do the same thing for Kaito.
*[[Pet the Dog]]:
**A justified example. He shows sympathy and outright concern for Yuzu in Episode 77 after Sergey threw her and her bike off the road and into the side of a building. This is partially due to Yuzu looking exactly like his little sister, Ruri, but may also be the fact that even someone as stoic and battle-hardened as Kurosaki can be horrified by such violent events.
**Later saves Tanner from falling off Crow's monster.
**In Episode 95, he bails out the rest of the Lancers, Tokumatsu, Sam, and Crow's kids from the City's riot before giving Yuya a ride back to the Duel Palace so the latter can face Jack one more time.
**Outright states that Yuya is his companion, saying that he trusts him, in order to get Kaito to lay off Yuya.
*[[The Power of Friendship]]: Tries to invoke this to overcome Kaito's hatred in their duel. Kurosaki puts up a valiant effort, and it partially works four episodes later.
*[[The Power of Hate]]: He really doesn't like Academia and considering their tendency to intentionally press his Berserk Button, he's got a lot of hate to spread around.
*[[Properly Paranoid]]: Played With, after his duel with Dennis he is sure that there is another Academia spy in the Synchro Dimension. He's not wrong, but the problem is he has no idea who it is and as such is planning on attacking everyone to makes sure.
Drops this after his second duel with Dennis, becoming too paranoid and convinced that everyone is an enemy. Picks it up again after dueling Crow and losing a little paranoia.
*[["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: He repeatedly states that the LDS duelists he has dueled lack steeled resolve.
*[[Remember That You Trust Me]]: Played with, see Aesop Amnesia above. He does continue to show signs of friendship with Crow and be largely hostile to everyone else, but not without reason, and slowly warms up to the others as the series goes on in small, subtle ways. It's implied that his duel with Crow helped remind him of what's really important. By Xyz arc he moves out of this.
*[[Revenge]]: He's not so much interested in fighting the bad guys to stop their evil plans as he is out to take revenge for his destroyed home and fallen comrades.
*[[Shell-Shocked Veteran]]: He definitely shows signs of this in Episode 33 when Heartland is used as the field for his duel against Sora.
Taken even further in the next episode, where he is clearly reminded of his conflict with Academia.
Again in episode 74, he has a brief flashback after seeing Dennis' Antique Gear Chaos Giant and the destruction those behemoths inflicted on his city.
*[[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: An official website spells his rarely used first name as "Syun", which is a common spelling for the "Shu" syllable in spelled out names by the Japanese.
*[[Taught by Experience]]: He says the reason for his strength is this.
*[[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]]: Kurosaki does not work well with others, including his own best friend Yuto, and prefers to do everything alone. This is called out by Serena and Gongenzaka, since as skilled as he is, even he can't defeat everyone from Academia and needs all the help he can get. The most volatile partnership he has is with Reiji, since he gets pissed every time Reiji tells him to exercise caution or prevents him from following through on certain actions.
**Once in the Synchro Dimension, he doesn't even bother looking for the other Lancers and just goes about doing what he feels like. Gongenzaka chews him out for this, but it doesn't seem to stick.
He finally drops his attitude after losing to Crow and is completely fine to help his new comrades, including Crow.
*[[Took a Level in Kindness]]: Thanks to Crow, by the Heartland Arc, he had become a lot nicer, trying to get Kaito to come back and stop carding people, showing trust in the Lancers and Yuya, and generally a lot more pleasant to be around.
*[[Tranquil Fury]]: Looked shaken after seeing Heartland, but then spent the entire duel calm and composed while he kicked Sora's ass.
*[[True Companions]]: Despite his Nominal Hero-like willingness to go through everything in his way to accomplish his goals, it's been consistently shown that Kurosaki places great faith in his allies and those that he has bonded with. Part of his Character Development involves him opening up to the other Lancers and trusting them as much as they trust him. He goes through a brief episode (or few) of shunning them after Dennis is revealed to the cast as an Academia spy, but dueling Crow helps him get back on track. By the Xyz Dimension arc, he firmly believes that his remaining Lancer party is this, and he's willing to defend them and his belief in them.
*[[Underestimating Badassery]]: While he still takes the duel seriously, Kurosaki clearly doesn't think much of Sora during their rematch, having defeated him before. He ends up losing when Sora summons a Death-toy monster he hadn't expected, mirroring their first battle.
*[[Unstoppable Rage]]: Upon learning that Dennis was not only from Academia but the catalyst to starting the invasion on his home dimension, as well as setting Yuri on his sister Ruri and getting her captured, Kurosaki becomes hell bent on destroying the man.
*[[Violence Is the Only Option]]: When breaking out of prison, Kurosaki doesn't have a Duel Disk on him, so he resorts to physically beating the crap out of the guards until he can find a Duel Disk to arm himself with.
**Also in episode 75, after finding out that Reiji deactivated the carding mechanism on his Duel Disk, he apparently decides to just beat Dennis to death, but is stopped by the tournament guards.
Beats up an entire squad of guards in the underground, in what's probably the most badass display of physical violence in Yugioh history.
*[[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: Continues to card innocent people even after Yuto explains that LDS isn't their enemy, but only so that he can lure out Reiji and take him hostage. Showing no remorse for this puts him at a darker morality, but consider how many lives might have been saved if his plan worked.
*[[When He Smiles]]: Kurosaki doesn't smile much, but he gets a few such as when he returns Crow's fist-bump, affirming him as a comrade. Later in flashbacks of the Xyz Dimension saga, Kurosaki was seen smiling along with Yuto and Ruri when observing Kaito dueling.
*[[Would Hit a Girl]]: He has no problem violently shoving Yuzu out of the way and knocking her down, and then was poised to seal Masumi within a card, had the duel not been interrupted before it could start. Later he almost does it again after he formally defeats her, along with Hokuto and Yaiba, but is interrupted again by the reinforcements of LDS.
*[[Would Hurt a Child]]: So long as that child is an enemy, as in the case of Sora and Academia's Child Soldiers, he holds no reservations about going all out, showing when he had Revolution Falcon bring down a tower on top of Sora. He was then poised to seal Sora away in a card, in front of a crowd no less but was told by Reiji not to make a scene at the last minute via radio.
[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: He has two different shades of teal.
*[[Your Soul Is Mine]]: He sealed the souls of five LDS employees into cards with his Duel Disk. Attempted to do this to Sora and Dennis but was prevented by Reiji.