Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V/Characters: Difference between revisions

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*[[¡Three Amigos!]]: Ruri regularly hangs out with her best friend Yuto and her older brother, Shun. Together, they practically did everything together. Her kidnapping by Academia makes both boys hellbent on getting her back.
*[[¡Three Amigos!]]: Ruri regularly hangs out with her best friend Yuto and her older brother, Shun. Together, they practically did everything together. Her kidnapping by Academia makes both boys hellbent on getting her back.
*[[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: Poor girl has no idea that the Heartland invasion started because of her, according to Dennisnote , once he found her he has no choice but to greenlight the attack so Yuri could take her amidst the chaos.
*[[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: Poor girl has no idea that the Heartland invasion started because of her, according to Dennisnote , once he found her he has no choice but to greenlight the attack so Yuri could take her amidst the chaos.

===Kaito Tenjou (Kite Tenjo)===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Kouki Uchiyama]]}}
an alternate universe version of the Kite Tenjo that appeared in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime. He was a famous professional Duelist in the Xyz Dimension's Heartland City before the invasion of Duel Academy, after which he became a member of the Resistance. After his family were sealed into cards by Duel Academy, Kite abandoned the Resistance and began a one-man vendetta against Duel Academy, vowing to seal thousands of their soldiers into cards.

*[[Awesomeness by Analysis]]: He claims that he has a knack for figuring out what he needs to counter specific playstyles after witnessing them in action at least once. After he defeats Sawatari and Gongenzaka, he anticipates Yuya using Pendulum Summon to Special Summon multiple monsters at once in the following duel, and uses Double Exposure and Double Censorship to take advantage of Yuya's swarming capabilities.
*[[Badass]]: He can easily beat up Gongenzaka and Sawatari, and he was very close on defeating Yuya, but he ran away due to being confused about all the new things he learned. He then goes to defeat Kurosaki.
*[[Badass Longcoat]]: Retains his trademark black duster, but he does not have his Photon Change ability, since he isn't hunting Numbers.
*[[Berserk Button]]: Academia's actions in Heartland leaves a sore spot for Kaito.
**Not to the same extent, but he is not happy when he sees Kurosaki use Action Cards.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Saves Yuya from the Obelisk Force's Chaos Giant after Kurosaki gets taken out by saving Sayaka.
*[[Blinded by the Light]]: When he flees from his duel with Yuya, the resulting flash cast by the Spell Card blinds everyone except Kurosaki.
*[[Broken Bird]]:His family being carded and academia destroyed his hometown heartland made him a very bitter,cold and vengeful person
*[[Call Back]]: Upon confronting Yuya, Sawatari, and Gongenzaka, he states his old ZEXAL Catch Phrase: "Are you ready to repent?"
*[[Catch Phrase]]: "Are you ready to repent?" gets uttered once per episode with his appearances so far.
*[[Combat Pragmatist]]: The first thing he does when he sees three Academia soldiers is to immediately attack and card them before they can do anything.
*[[Costume Evolution]]: A downplayed but meaningful example: the Fingerless Gloves he had in ZEXAL are swapped out for a red Resistance scarf tied around his hand. Also, the card plate on his Duel Disk is swapped for a Hard Light version in keeping with the rest of the ARC-V Disks, but retains its unusual crescent shape.
*[[Dark and Troubled Past]]: The reason why Kaito is extremely hostile towards Yuya's group is because his family got carded by Academia after Kurosaki and Yuto went to Standard.
*[[The Dreaded]]: He's carded enough of Academia's soldiers for them to put a bounty on his head.
**His introduction also bears a significant resemblance to that of Tokumatsu, given that they're both celebrity Duelists who later [[Took a Level In Cynic]], putting them at odds with Yuya's philosophy, with their fans attesting that they used to be kind individuals.
**Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon is a composite of Kaito's ZEXAL aces: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, sharing its stats and appearance, and No. 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon, being a two-material Rank 8 Xyz evolution of the former. Its kanji reads "Galaxy-Eyes Lightwave Dragon," furthering the reference to photons. Even the summon chant is nearly identical to that of the original Galaxy-Eyes. The biggest difference? He replaces "embody the light of hope" with "embody the wrathful God of retribution."
**In addition, its status as a Blue-Eyes Expy is emphasized by the fact that he has at least two of them, and can have three if he uses its effect.
*[[Fatal Flaw]]: He's so pissed off, he can't even think straight, even when more reasonable duelists like Yuya and Gongenzaka try to talk him first before engaging.
*[[Fighting Your Friend]]: Duels against Kurosaki, a fellow Resistance member, in episode 105.
**He's one to Kurosaki. They are both highly skilled Xyz Duelists that lost their family to the Academia which resulted in them growing more vicious as a result and have/had a I Work Alone attitude. But while Kurosaki slowly got better due to the Lancers and Crow, Kaito's wraith grew to the point he very nearly carded Kurosaki for attempting to bring him back to the Resistance.
**Despite both being past characters who were expies of Kaiba, ARC-V's versions of Kaito and Jack are nearly polar opposites in past, attitude and dueling style. Kaito lived a pretty regular life with his family before the Invasion, but grew vicious and cold during the war. He refuses to work with anyone and is willing to card anyone that gets in his way even former allies. Jack in comparison was an orphan living on the streets and personally compared his eyes back them to Reira's but retains a strong moral compass despite his past and is ultimately a pacifist who desires peers. A further difference is their dueling style while Kaito's strength is analyzing his opponents' dueling style and coming up with a perfect counter, Jack uses his overwhelming might and tactics to utterly destroy his opponents. But they are both seen as the strongest duelist that their dimension has to offer and use a Dragon, which they personally refer to as part of themselves, as their ace.
*[[Friend or Foe]]: His first meeting with Yuya's group involves this. Thanks to Sawatari's idiotic antics and Kaito's own anger of Academia, he decided that Yuya's group are foes, until Kurosaki states that they are his comrades, and the fact that Yuya looks like Yuto and has the family name Sakaki confuses him even more.
*[[Good Is Not Nice]]: And he's even worse than Kurosaki in Pragmatic Heroism.
*[[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Kaito went from a smiling ace duelist to being just as ruthless as the Academia soldiers who destroyed his home. It's to the point he's even willing to card former friends if he feels they're a hindrance.
The Hunter: While his ZEXAL incarnation hunted Numbers, here he's hunting Academia duelists.
*[[Icy Blue Eyes]]: Fitting his cold demeanor.
Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons: His ace monster, Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon, the ARC-V variant of Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.
*[[I Work Alone]]: He had some previous relationship with Shun, Sayaka, and Allen, but now refuses to work with them.
*[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Provokes Sawatari and Gongenzaka into Dueling him because he was just trying hard to protect what's left of his home.
*[[Kick the Dog]]: He refers to "comrades" as just burdensome baggage when they inevitably are defeated and their losses would demoralize him. Thus, any attempts at friendship, even from his former allies, are slapped aside with a glare.
When Kaito threatened to seal Kurosaki in a card, he wasn't joking, and he would've do so if it weren't for Sayaka.
*[[Leave Him to Me]]: Says this to Yuya before taking over his and Kurosaki's Duel in Episode 109.
*[[Light 'em Up]]: Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon. Interestingly, the kanji is "Galaxy-Eyes Lightwave Dragon." His others Ciphers are also light-themed.
*[[Light Is Not Good]]: While his Cipher monsters are LIGHT monsters, he's a rage-driven [[Jerkass]].
*[[Meaningful Name]]: Just like last time, his surname has heavenly and light themes and he's also "The Heartless Hunter".
*[[My Hero Zero]]: "Cipher" is a term for the number zero, possibly used as a Call Back to the other Kaito's occupation as a Number Hunter.
*[[Oh Crap!]]: When Yuya Xyz Summons Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, Kaito has a minor freak-out. Seeing him summon two Monsters with the same Levels, then going into Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon just makes him freak out even more.
*[[Pay Evil unto Evil]]: He has no problems carding three Academia students in his appearance in Episode 100. When Yuya protests carding in general in Episode 102, Kaito responds very coldly that Academia's duelists have carded hundreds of people, so he'll card thousands of them in return.
*[[Pet the Dog]]: In Episode 109, Kaito bails out Yuya's group from the Obelisk Force, and then tells Yuya to worry about his comrades.
*[[The Power of Hate]]: Just like any other Resistance members.
*[[Pragmatic Hero]]: You can thank Academia for blowing up Heartland.
*[[The Rival]]: Was The Ace of the Clover Branch of Heartland Duel School, a rival to the Kurosaki siblings and Yuto's Spade Branch.
*[[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!]]: Does not approve of Yuya and Yuto's "Bring smiles with your Duels" philosophy
*[[This Is Unforgivable!]]: Kaito's first line is stating how he'll never forgive the Academia for their crimes.
*[[Took a Level In Badass]]: He was already poised to become the Duel Champion of Heartland, and according to Yuto and Allen he's even stronger after the invasion.
*[[Took a Level In Jerkass]]: Yuto states Kaito used to be a kind and warm individual before the invasion. Well, when your homeland is razed and your family and friends are carded in front of you, it's hard to be happy.
*[[Took a Level In Kindness]]: Downplayed, but he's starting to reconsider comradery after his Duel against Kurosaki back in Episode 105 and restraining himself from sealing the Obelisk Force in cards.
*[[Unstoppable Rage]]: His dueling used to have more warmth, but is now fueled by his rage and hatred for Academia. Even Yuto is not happy with his current Dueling style, and Yuya is unable to get through to him due to his heart being closed off.
*[[Up to Eleven]]: He's pretty much Kurosaki with every aspect of Kurosaki's character subjected to this trope.
*[[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: Kaito used to be a smiling champion who clearly enjoyed the game, but Academia's invasion turned him into a vengeful [[Anti-Hero]] consumed with rage.
*[[We Used to Be Friends]]: Or rather Friendly Rivals, but now he is willing to card Kurosaki.
*[[You Remind Me of X]]: Seeing Yuya with Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon reminds him of Yuto in Episode 102.

===Allen Kozuki===
{{quote|Voiced by: Michiyo Murase}}

Allen Kozuki is a resident of Heartland and a survivor along with his friend, Sayaka. Allen uses a Railway deck that uses Offensive tactics.
*[[Anime Hair]]: He has very generic shounen hero hair.
*[[Broken Pedestal]]: He has one for Yusho once considering him a teacher but now only sees him as a coward.
*[[Continuity Nod]]: During the Tag Duel against the Tyler Sisters, when Allen draws a card by the effect of Fairy Cheer Girl, her Overlay Unit covers his card in light and Allen draws it like it is a Shining Draw.
*[[Cool Train]]: He uses a Railway deck, referencing Anna Kozuki's deck.
*[[Expy]]: Presumably has no relation to fellow Fiery Redhead Anna Kozuki. He does use a Railway Deck though. He is also like Guache due to having an offense-based deck and being a Fiery Redhead to contrast his purple-haired, defensive partner.
*[[Fiery Redhead]]: Most of his hair is red. While not particularly hot-blooded, he does get a bit upbeat during a duel.
*[[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Broken Pedestal aside, Allen is in general a kind and welcoming guy, showing great concern for Sayaka, and making sure she doesn't overwork herself. However, he tends to be a bit abrasive with a very casual manner of speaking and isn't trustful towards the Lancers.
*[[Mechanical Lifeforms]]: He uses a Railway deck, thus all of his monsters are Machine-Type monsters. He also has Limiter Removal to double the ATK of all of his Machine-Type monsters.
*[[Mr. Exposition]]: He and Sayaka tell Yuya about Kaito's past.
*[[My Greatest Failure]]: He doesn't outright say it, but it is clear he feels this way about his inability to protect the civilians during the invasion.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Red and blond hair.
*[[Rollerblade Good]]: He has self-built rollerblades that can project Hard Light wheels.
*[[Ship Tease]]: He blushes when Sayaka compliments him for his support during their Tag Duel in episode 107.
*[[Shout-Out Theme Naming]]: His name "Allen Kozuki" is a Shout-Out to Anna Kozuki from Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL, the original Railway duelist.
*[[Tsundere]]: When Kurosaki tells him that Yuya is their comrade, he's acting like one.

===Sayaka Sasayama===
{{quote|Voiced by: Ryoko Maekawa}}

Sayaka Sasayama is a resident of Heartland and a survivor along with her friend, Allen. Sayaka uses a Fairy Deck that uses defensive tactics.

*[[Action Girl]]: She and Allen put up a decent fight against the Tyler sisters all things considered. She made some glaring mistakes, but in the end she managed to make her monster strong enough that it could have beaten them had she gotten another turn.
*[[Alliterative Name]]: Sayaka Sasayama.
*[[Badass Adorable]]: Although she and Allen lose to the Tyler Sisters, she pulled off an excellent move that impressed Gloria. Not to mention she did survive Heartland.
*[[The Chick]]: Out of the Lancers that made it to Heartland and the Resistance remnant group, she is the only female duelist shown, and though she's not unskilled, she seems to be the least inclined towards dueling in the first place.
*[[Composite Character]]: She is the quieter purple-haired girl to the louder redhead, similar to Droite and Gauche's relationship, is a shy Meganekko like Cathy, and finally uses Fairy Cheer Girl like Kotori. Her dueling style is defensive like Droite's.
*[[Dirty Coward]]: Thinks this of herself, see My Greatest Failure. But see Lovable Coward below.
*[[Fingerless Gloves]]: She wears them in her image.
*[[Forehead of Doom]]: Downplayed. Although attention isn't really brought to it, Sayaka's forehead is noticeably large compared to the others females in the series.
*[[Hair Decorations]]: Sayaka has orange and lime barrettes in her hair.
*[[Innocent Blue Eyes]]: Sayaka has blue eyes to go along with her kind and trusting nature.
*[[Light 'em Up]]: She uses LIGHT Fairy-Type monsters such as Fairy Cheer Girl.
*[[Light Is Good]]: She uses a LIGHT deck and is a Nice Girl.
*[[Lovable Coward]]: Despite she thinks of herself as a Dirty Coward, she has enough courage to duel the Tyler Sisters.
*[[Meganekko]]: Always seen wearing glasses and she is kind of Adorkable.
*[[Miss Exposition]]: Along with Allen. Specifically she tells Yuya about his father.
*[[Morality Chain]]: For Kaito, her crying is the only reason he stops from carding Kurosaki.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Three shades of purple.
*[[My Greatest Failure]]: Witnessed Yuri kidnap Ruri, but was powerless to do anything about it.
*[[Nice Girl]]: Rather soft-spoken, and tries to get Kaito to join them again with kind words. And its revealed she has a tendency to do chores around the base even when its not her shift.
*[[Our Fairies Are Different]]: She uses a Fairy-Type deck.
*[[Ship Tease]]: During the Tag Duel in episode 107, Sayaka thanks Allen for his support, making him blush. And in episode 109 she gets a Bridal Carry from Kurosaki after he saves her from debris.
*[[Shrinking Violet]]: Soft-spoken, and referred to as shy by Allen.
*[[Tired of Running]]: She decides to find the courage to duel and goes against the Tyler Sisters.
*[[Trigger]]: Seeing the Obelisk Force Chaos Giant sends her into a state of panic.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: Three shades of purple.