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{{quote|Voiced by: Shinpei Takagi (JP), Michael Lisco Jr(EN)}}
{{quote|Voiced by: Shinpei Takagi (JP), Michael Lisco Jr(EN)}}

A mysterious D-Wheeler apparently responsible for desolating the home of Resistance. Despite hailing from the Synchro Dimension, he allegedly works as an agent of Academia, a faction of Fusion users. In truth, he is not associated with Academia at all, with this being a misunderstanding on the Resistance's part. He claims he has lost someone precious to him, and is desperately trying to find them. He is the Synchro Dimensional Counterpart to Yuya, due to them sharing the same face.
He uses a Speedroid deck that also includes his Clear Wing Synchro Dra

*[[Adorkable]]: The first thing the guy thinks when he arrives in an icy duel field is that he's in an apocalyptic ice-age future. Later becomes confused when he goes into the lava duel field, making him think just what the hell is wrong with the dimension he's in.
*[[All There in the Manual]]: How his name and alleged crime are revealed.
*[[Alleged Lookalikes]]: Similar to Yuto, Yuya comments that Yugo looks exactly like him. Anyone could easily tell them apart at a glance. Seems to have been noticed, given that Yuya later corrects himself to stating that their faces look similar, which they do.
*[[Anime Hair]]: Blue and blond, with spiral spikes. The blond part looks like a banana.
*[[Always Save the Girl]]: Yugo puts saving Rin at the very top of his priorities as shown in episode 86 when he chased down Yuri even if it means he loses his shot at a better life.
*[[Arch-Enemy]]: Appears to be one for Yuto but later revealed to be just a huge misunderstanding.
*[[Ascended Extra]]: Yugo essentially becomes a main character during the Synchro Dimension saga, protecting Yuzu from the authorities.
*[[Badass]]: Despite his goofiness, he had Yuto on the palm of his hand during their duel and defeats him without much effort. Later, he completely dominates the Obelisk Force despite being outnumbered.
*[[Badass Biker]]: ARC-V's return of the D-Wheel is indeed awesome. Episode 47 reveals his awesome riding techniques.
*[[Berserk Button]]:
**Getting his name wrong. So far, he has been mistaken by the Resistance and Academia as being affiliated with the Fusion Dimension due to his name sounding almost like the same as the Japanese word for Fusion, and as Yuya because they look similar. This becomes a little joke in the commercial of Crossover Souls.
**Episode 93 even spelled his name as Hugo.
**Seeing people get hurt in front of him makes him angry, as seeing the Obelisk Force duelists causes him to flashback to images of their attacks.
*[[Beware the Silly Ones]]: He crashes his D-Wheel, has No Social Skills and is constantly irritated at his name being messed up. He's also a duelist capable of defeating Yuto.
*[[Big Damn Heroes]]: Two in Episode 47, first when he rescues Yuu Sakuragi, and then when he saves Yuzu by inadvertently causing Yuri to teleport away, though he mistook her for Rin.
*[[Big Eater]]: He is always seen eating while he is in the hotel provided by The Friendship Cup.
*[[Borrowed Catchphrase]]: Whenever Yuya and Yugo mentally synchronize, Yugo uses Yuya's catchphrase "The fun's just getting started!".
*[[The Bus Came Back]]: After being absent for about 14 episodes, Yugo returns in episode 106.
*[[Butt Monkey]]: At times. He gets dragged through dimensions by Clear Wing, ends up on the receiving end of Yuzu's fan and Serena's fist, and has people constantly getting his name wrong.
*[[Childhood Friends]]: With Rin. Both of them grew up in the slums.
*[[Childhood Friend Romance]]: He was pretty blushy when Yuzu suggested Rin is his girlfriend.
*[[Cosmic Plaything]]: Mild example, but if it's not Yuzu's bracelet, it's Clear Wing Synchro Dragon that's warping him all over the place as it chooses.
*[[Covert Pervert]]: He's very interested in Rin being his girlfriend (despite denying that she was), and in episode 62 he is clearly staring at Yuzu's chest, when commenting Rin's clothes should fit her. He also ogles the skimpily-dressed cheerleaders during the fourth opening, which earns him Yuzu's slap from her fan.
*[[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Yugo himself notably describes himself as this, though the way that it's presented in the series is a bit of an inversion, that zigzags all over the place. He's introduced as a Red Herring ally of Academia that apparently devastated Heartland. He turns out to be a bit of a goofball, but immediately defeats Yuto upon his first appearance. The next time he shows up, he's acting like even more of an idiot, but then beats two guys at once, and later defeats three Obelisk Force members in one turn (by turning their own card against them, no less). In short, while he acts like some of the sillier past protagonists, through and through, he is just as innovative and strategic as Yusei, his 5D's counterpart, ever was.
*[[Determinator]]: Rin noted in the past his best trait was that he never gave up.
*[[The Dreaded]]: Yuto does not talk about him lightly. Averted later on; it turns out Yuto's account was the result of a gigantic misunderstanding.
*[[Drives Like Crazy]]: As Yuzu can attest to, he does this when trying to avoid Duel Chaser 227 and when trying to get to the stadium in a timely manner to watch Jack Atlas' exhibition duel.
*[[Dynamic Entry]]: Subverted. He comes into the Standard Dimension with a flash of light but accidentally hits a street light camera. Played straight when he busts in to save Yuzu.
*[[Expy]]: His deck is one to Yusei's, being comprised mostly by Machine-Type monsters and having a WIND Synchro Dragon as its ace, but also a little with Jack's using the same Power Deck tactics. His Hi-Speedroid Puzzle seems to be a nod to Speed Warrior. In personality, however, he is a lot more like Judai or Yuma. He was instantly eager to duel upon seeing Yuto and doesn't even bother to introduce himself to Yuya, and he appears to be clumsy like Yuma, since he crashed into a street light camera. But his background is similar to Yusei's. Being a orphan that built his own D-Wheel.
His use of luck and dice rolls on some of his cards is like Jonouchi.
*[[Eye-Obscuring Hat]]: During his first appearance, his eyes are covered by the glass part of his helmet. The second opening briefly shows them, albeit covered by the tinted helmet visor.
*[[The Faceless]]: Initially. Although parts of his face were shown in flashbacks and the second opening, the whole of it was not. His face was first shown in supplements, here.
*[[Foil]]: He's one to Yusei whose series is an alternative version of his dimension. Yusei was the [[The Stoic]], didn't like to talk and was a genius. Yugo is hot headed, talkative and a bit of an idiot.
*[[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: He and Yuto both get this while dueling each other.
*[[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: Invokes this upon the members of Obelisk Force he Dueled, wiping all 3 of them out with effect damage caused by their own card.
*[[Hypocritical Humor]]:
**He gets mad at being confused for one of his counterparts, yet he consistently manages to screw up Yuzu's name, including mistaking her for Rin because she was wearing Rin's clothing. And this was after he said she should.
**He later complains about Yuzu not capitalizing on her duel to advertise their message about the Interdimensional War, but when he gets to duel, he also forgets to do so. Being synchronized with Yuya may also have had something to do with it.
*[[I Will Find You]]: His goal is to find Rin, no matter where she is.
*[[Icy Blue Eyes]]: Subverted. While he has blue eyes, not only is he neither cold nor calculating, he's one of the goofiest characters in the entire show.
*[[Identical Stranger]]: To Yuya, Yuto, and Yuri. He doesn't even seem fazed by this, at least in Episode 36, though that's probably because he'd already met Yuto and Yuri before (and as he later reveals, he barely even paid any attention to Yuya!)
*[[Idiot Hero]]: He once tried to interrogate two people who were unconscious.
*[[The Illegible]]: His handwriting is terrible, justified in that he probably didn't have much education due to where he lives.
*[[Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons]]His ace is revealed to be Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, similar to Yuya's and Yuto's, despite running a Machine-based Speedroid deck.
*[[Ironic Name]]: His name sounds pretty similar to the Japanese word for Fusion, but he's a Synchro user - which turns out to be a significant plot point.
*[[Irony]]: Comes from the world that represents 5D's, often considered the darkest, most serious spinoff series of Yu-Gi-Oh!, but is easily the goofiest of the Yuya's.
*[[Kick the Son of a Bitch]]: Yugo completely decimating the Obelisk Force members.
*[[Light Is Not Good]]: Subverted. He wears a primarily white outfit and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon involves a white color scheme and bright, shining lights. He was played up as a pawn of Fusion for bearing their name and kidnapping Ruri, but as it turns out, this was simply Yuto's misunderstanding; Yugo's actually a pretty nice guy.
*[[Lost in Translation]]: The Resistance mistaking him for an agent of Academia is due to a Japanese wordplay which doesn't work in English: Yūgo's name is pronounced in almost exactly as the word for Fusion, "Yūgō".
*[[Man in White]]: Fulfilled both the "Color scheme" and "Dangerous fella" part of the trope.
*[[Mr. Exposition]]: He acts as one when telling Yuzu of his childhood with Rin, how Rin was kidnapped by Yuri, how his rivalry with Yuto began and how City works. Although, he concludes some of these things after telling her what he knows.
*[[Multicolored Hair]]: Has blue and blond hair.
*[[No Sense of Personal Space]]: The guy doesn't seem to understand the idea, he was way too close to Yuzu in episode 54 as a result. He also gets too feely with Serena in Episode 84, who also looks like Rin.
*[[No Social Skills]]: Implied, since the first thing he does after crashing into a street light camera is challenging Yuto, not even bothering to introduce himself to Yuya. Later he beats Takeda and Umesugi up before they could answer his questions. He later admits to Yuzu that he has a bad habit of saying things without thinking and he needs Rin to keep him in line.
[[Not Helping Your Case]]: He tries to help Yuzu when she tries to tell people about the invasion, but looks like a crazy person when he tries to have Clear Wing move him across dimensions.
*[[Not So Different]]: To Yuto. Both of them have lost someone precious to them and are desperately trying to find them, and both possess one of the Odd-Eyes counterparts.
**In terms of personality, he is most similar to Yuya: both can be silly and annoy others, both care about their precious person (Yugo is less subtle about his feelings), both hate seeing others get hurt, etc. Compared to Yuto, who is mostly stoic and Yuri, who's downright evil.
*[[OOC Is Serious Business]]: Any time he drops the anger and hot-headedness means that he's being deadly serious.
*[[Put on a Bus]]: Starting from episode 92, he is absent until his return in episode 106.
*[[Plucky Comic Relief]]: He's up there with Sawatari for the least serious character in the show thus far. His significant non-duel appearances generally lighten the mood, but when he gets into a duel, he can really lay it on.
*[[Punny Name]]: His name Yūgo is a pun to "Yūgō" ("Fusion"), which doubles as an Ironic Name. The O in his name is slightly shorter.
*[[Red Herring]]: The claims of him being a Fusion agent were proven false, and a distraction from the Academia reveal.
*[[The Rival]]: Yuto's. They loathe each other due to Yuri taking their precious person and then mistaking the other for Yuri.
*[[Running Gag]]: Getting his name wrong. Either calling him Yūgō "Fusion" or any of his counterparts' names. Or thinking he's on the Fusion Dimension's side because of his name.
**The Dub also adds insults to him such as "Slow-Go" and "No-Go" along with a few altered Who's on First? jokes that couldn't work due to language differences.
*[[Say My Name]]: "RIIIIIIN!" Usually to Yuzu or Serena.
*[[She Is Not My Girlfriend]]: When Yuzu suggests Rin is his girlfriend, Yugo denies it with a blushy, happily looking face.
*[[Ship Tease]]: He has called Rin his precious person. And when he thought Yuzu was Rin, he quickly ran up to her and hugged her saying he missed her. Case in point:
**Yuzu: "Isn't that right? She's your girlfriend?"
**Yugo: [with a huge smile on his face] "No no no no no! She's just my childhood friend. She's not my girlfriend or anything, 'cause we haven't done anything yet..."
*[[Slasher Smile]]: During his first clash with Yuto, which was only in Yuto's perspective. In Yugo's flashback, Yugo didn't smile at all.
*[[Smug Smiler]]: In the second opening.
*[[Solar and Lunar]]: Before his duel with the moon-themed Serena he makes a promise to the sun.
*[[Split Personality]]: It appears in his duel with Yuto, making him much more malevolent, and a borderline Omnicidal Maniac, just like Yuto. After winning, he snaps out of it, being unaware of what he did.
*[[Unfortunate Names]]: Well, there's nothing wrong with his name in and of itself, but the fact that it sounds very similar to "Yūgō" (the Japanese term for "fusion") causes quite a few problems given the role of the Fusion Dimension.
*[[Walking Spoiler]]: The fact that he's a Red Herring and what his personality really looks like, it's hard to talk about Yugo being not an enemy. Especially since he's hanging out with Yuzu for a good portion of the second season.
*[[Wham Line]]: From episode 92, shared with Yuya, Yuto and Yuri: "We shall become one."
*[[Who's on First?]]: The entire reason for his rivalry with the Resistance.
*[[Whole Costume Reference]]: Yugo's outfit and helmet resemble Yusei's own clothes and helmet.
*[[Wild Card]]: Initially the only character to be this, due to not being tied to any relationship and is simply a resident of Synchro. This changes once he meets Yuzu, who enlightens him to the situation at large.
*[[Worthy Opponent]]: He sees Sawatari as this, impressed by their duel.
*[[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]: His hair is blue in the back and blond in the front.