Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS/Heartwarming

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • In the first episode, Ignis fully intended on [sacrificing himself or going on the run forever to stop the Knights of Hanoi from destroying the rest of the Cyberse. And from what we know, Ignis wasn't liked by the rest of the Cyberse, meaning he was willing to do this even for people who likely treated him terribly.
  • It's subtle, but the way Shoichi looks out for Yusaku, believing what he says about "sensing things" and shutting down his business for a day to help him program is kinda sweet.
  • Go returns to his gym after being defeated by Playmaker and wonders how he's ever going to face the children of the orphanage after that loss. Then the light turn on and we see the children applauding Go for his exciting match. Despite what Go thought before, the children still see him as their champion and hand him their home-made champion's belt, which Go accepts with a wide grin. Some shots after it even show him happily playing with the children, his spirits clearly lifted after being so down and angry before.
  • Go Onizuka would have made Yuya proud with his entertainment dueling style. By the end, Yusaku was enjoying their duel, even if his stoic nature doesn't allow him to change expressions.
  • Yusaku falling for an obvious trap because it gives him a chance to help Aoi.