Zoofights/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Eldritch Abomination]]
* [[Gone Horribly Wrong]]
{{quote| '''Major Failure''': Please God let it die. For all of our sakes. We're sorry.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Staying Alive]]}}
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* [[Funny Animal]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]] - The pigs lose their first match when they commit suicide. But one survives, the soft bacon tank collapsing and preventing him from shooting himself. After enduring "the living hell of being entombed" with his dead brothers in a tank made from pig corpses, a "seriously angry pig" emerges from the wreckage and gets some significant upgrades, becoming Porky Punisher, a pig wearing Master Chief-style armor and armed with a Desert Eagle handgun. His ensuing wave of support made him a serious Ensemble Darkhorse. He even survived the tournament!
=== 200 Radioactive Tarantulas with Jetpacks ===
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* [[Blessed with Suck]]
{{quote| '''Major Failure''': He can leap tall buildings in a single bound, but his bones break upon landing. He can shoot webs, but they're usually speckled with his own blood. Poor bastard.}}
* [[Kill It with Fire]]
* [[The Woobie]]: They're portrayed as hilariously pitiable, especially when the last surviving frog gets cancer. Winds up getting invoked in-universe when even the normally heartless Zoofights Inc takes pity on him and allows him to quit a hopeless fight with Swanmass instead of leaving him to die.
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=== John Burnell ===
Retired police chief John Burnell, from ''America’s Scariest Police Chases''! He appears near the end of Zoofights 1 to battle Sega Gorillesis in an exhibition match, but soon winds up joining Mechos, Hulkaphant, and Porky Punisher in the final battle against Swanmass.
* [[Badass Normal]]
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One of the most mysterious zoofighters ever, Owl Patrol began life as 80 human beings. Once survivors of the Vietnam War, these shellshocked veterans were subjected to horrific experiments as Zoofights Inc slowly turned them into owl-men. Even Zoofights was disturbed at what they created, and decided to release them in the hope that they'd never pop up again. 30 years later, they did. Investigating reports of missing people, Zoofights representatives ventured into a mysterious cave and discovered that 20 members of Owl Patrol still lived.
{{quote| '''Major Failure''': What we found, after four days of fruitless searching and our men being dragged screaming into tiny passages beneath the earth, was pure zoofights gold: 20 survivors of the Owl Patrol Project, still dressed in khaki rags, clutching rusted, jagged fragments of rifle parts and caked in three decades of blood, filth and horror. We had finally created the most insane organisms on the planet.}}
=== The Institution ===
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=== The Rabble ===
Not a single entity, but a group entrant composed of a giant ten foot tall badger led into combat by a mob of unruly drunks, tramps and various other dregs of society.
{{spoiler|Though The Rabble put up a heroic fight against Edward Tigerhands in the first round, the fight resulted in the loss of the badger and every member of the 'army' except Stockbridge and Barrington dying. The aforementioned pair survived the tournament by pairing up with other combatants, first Bastard Shark and then Bisoncopter before piloting the final attack run of the Bisondreadnought against From Hell.}}
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=== Edward Tigerhands ===
A monstrous bipedal Rhinocerous with its fists replaced with living, biting tiger heads. It was previously designated for riot control in British India, only to be retired from duty due to being too brutal.
{{spoiler|1=Despite being designed to handle large crowds, Edward Tigerhands lost to The Rabble in round one due to a last-minute improvisation by Stockbridge and Barrington. After that he participated in the losers league, eventually losing to a demon-posessed Father Leo McGarry.}}
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{{spoiler|1=The Crocodevil loses its first fight against Bastard Shark, but the wings detach from its burning bones and fly away at the end of the fight. They eventually become attached to Father Leo McGarry, who proceeds to curb stomp his way through the loser's league before finally being utterly destroyed by From Hell.}}
* [[Achilles' Heel]]: The fresh scar tissue around the wings is vulnerable to attack.
* [[Curb Stomp Battle]]: Every match with {{spoiler|1=Father Leo McGarry, aside from his fight with The Mess, and ultimatly his death to From Hell at the end,}} qualified as one.
* [[Demonic Possession]]: Averted, the wings are sentient but cannot control the Crocodevil's actions directly. {{spoiler|1=Played straight with McGarry however, who eventually becomes the genuine antichrist.}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Armchair Psychology]]: His loser's league upgrade gave him the ability to use this against enemies.}}
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]:
{{quote| 'The fury of forgotten water devils, the sorrow of a dying race, the sheer capacity to be a total dick of a macaw.'}}
* [[Giant Flyer]]: The Mess is 30 feet long and can fly.
* [[The Unfavorite]]: As mentioned on the main page, Major Failure is not a big fan of The Mess. Mainly down to the fact he hates drawing jaguars.
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* [[Crippling Overspecialisation]]: He's a train. No matter how strong he is, he can only go where the tracks are. {{spoiler|Subverted with Bisoncopter and the other subsequent incarnations.}}
* [[Death Glare]]: He always sports one, no matter the situation.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: As Bisondreadnought, he rams himself into From Hell during the final match of Zoofights III, destroying the two of them in the process.}}
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
* [[The Stoic]]: It doesn't matter how much trouble he's in or how strong his opponent is; Bisontrain never loses his badass frown.
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* [[Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti]]
* [[Drugs Are Bad]]: A very rare example of Zoofights playing this trope straight – Riot Yeti’s history of drug use gave him a bit of brain damage, and in his fight against Dakuvanga, his poor decision-making costs him the match.
{{quote| '''Major Failure''': Oh Riot Yeti you stupid motherfucker. }}
* [[Everything's Better with Monkeys]]
* [[Shell Shocked Senior]] / [[Zen Survivor]]
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* [[A God Am I]]
* [[Big Bad]]: One of the two [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s in Season 4, the other being Seanet.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: After returning from deep space, Inquisipede slowly evolves into one-- Elohimone—Elohim.
* [[Knight Templar]] (ironic, considering what the Inquisition did to the Templars)
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You with Me]]: Elohim self-destructs to kill Seanet, causing Jupiter to ignite and become a star.}}
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* [[All-American Face]]: As Wrasslopod.
* {{spoiler|[[Crack Defeat]]}}
{{quote| '''Major Failure''': {{spoiler|We warned the Americans, but did they [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] listen?}}}}
* [[Eagle Land]]
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* [[Mook]]: Dred Zeppelin has his own personal supply of Mooks in the form of chimps with brains in jars for heads.
* [[Rhino Rampage]]: And how – all the way to the finals, including two upset victories!
* [[Shout-Out]]: Kriegbehemot's armor looks very [[Warhammer 4000040,000]]-ish.
=== Heart Of Darkness / Hyperfauna ===
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{{spoiler|The leader of Seanet is a truly massive squid hundreds of feet long. Second in command are numerous Control Squids about the size of a small giant squid. The lowest-ranked members are eight-foot-long cuttlefish.}}
* [[Big Bad]]: One of the two [[Big Bad|Big Bads]]s in Season 4, the other being Elohim.
* [[Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods]]
* [[Hive Mind]]
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== Zoofights VI ==
=== As a whole: ===
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: Well, roughly 10ft-- but10 ft—but no matter, they're still much bigger than normal.
* [[The Eighties]]
* [[Product Placement]] (mostly)
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* [[Frickin' Laser Beams]]
* [[Heart Is an Awesome Power]]: Especially when combined with a tummy-mounted [[Wave Motion Gun]].
* [[Shout-Out]]: To the [[Care Bears]], [[Teddy Ruxpin]], and maybe [[Toy Story (franchise)|Lotso Huggin' Bear]].
** {{spoiler|His second appearance is a [[Shout-Out]] to ''[[A Nightmare on Elm Street]].}}
* [[Wolverine Claws]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place]]: Apparently any time travelers will encounter Crocktopus fighting Sn--Stretchlizard Pilgrim in "hyperspace".}}
* [[Imagine Spot]]: He remembers being a normal, carefree tiger for just a moment, which is enough to make him ''really freaking angry'' about his present situation.
* {{spoiler|[[Time Travel]]: He can travel through time if he can get up to 88 mph, but it's not clear how effective this is.}}
* [[Transformation Sequence]] / [[Transformation Trauma]]: ''[http://zoofights.squarespace.com/storage/zoofights6/round1_fight2/6larger.jpg Ouch.]''{{Dead link}}
** Thankfully, as Fight Rider, he is no longer heavily injured by his transformation.
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=== Murducken / {{spoiler|The Osmium Chef / Lawn Moa}} ===
A female terror-bird given Big Muscly Arms<small><sup>TM</sup></small> and a powerful microwave for a heart.
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: Averted: Turduckens only became widely known in the early-ish 2000s but they've been around since 1985.
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... America's offering, which is very slow and in constant danger of overheating.
* [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: Well, technically.
* {{spoiler|[[Cheaters Never Prosper]]: Subverted, this is Zoofights. If a creature is smart enough to cheat it's smart enough to win.}}
** {{spoiler|Ladies and gents, your King of Beasts}}
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* {{spoiler|[[Handguns]] / [[Revolvers Are Just Better]] Than Holograms}}
* {{spoiler|[[People Puppets]]:}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|When Krilldozer's construction team took him out for testing during the Manhattan riots (aftermath pictured [http://zoofights.squarespace.com/storage/zoofights6/r2f2/krilldozer.jpg here]), he managed to impale two entirely non-cybernetic hoodlums, and make them scuttle around making pincer motions with their hands while they begged for it all to stop. As such, it would seem his hacking abilities may no longer be limited to machines.}}}}
* [[Power Armor]]
* {{spoiler|[[Take Over the World]]}}, maybe:
{{quote| {{spoiler|Ironichide via The Major: "He had killed the rest of the Kray team out of 'what looked like spiteful thrills' and begun a cult of other animals who guarded his new home at the head of the river on the starboard face of the volcano. His only focus was now reading ''Heart of Darkness'' by Joseph Conrad. Still laughing."}}}}
* {{spoiler|[[Taking You with Me]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ungrateful Bastard]]: Monster Truck offered Hardcore Prawn a paw when he was dangling over a pit of lava. He paid him back by throwing him into said pit.}}
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Four berserk, cannibalistic hippos that eat everything in their sight. {{spoiler|Now one berserk cannibalistic hippo/pangolin/human ''thing'' that eats everything in its sight.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] / [[Came Back Wrong]] / [[Came Back Strong]](?):}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|Why, why, why did nobody stop to think before hauling the corpse of the most intact Hippo left after Round One into the quantum resurrection chamber and hitting the On Switch? The damnable machine fulfilled its purpose of disassembling the hippo at an atomic level and rebuilding it in a living state in the next room - but it also worked its grisly magic on the brute's entire stomach content. Tragically, this meant that the hippo, when reborn, was fused with the remains of eight crowd members and Sawz, the hapless pangolin who was devoured by it at the very start of their duel.}}}}
* [[Big Eater]] / [[Extreme Omnivore]]: Duh
* [[Body Horror]]: {{spoiler|[http://zoofights.squarespace.com/storage/zoofights6/ll-fight-2/hippangolin%20larger.jpg Hippangopotalin].}}
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* [[Ax Crazy]]
{{quote| The Zoofights Foundation took him in when he was but a chimplet, held in a stainless steel boxcar and scheduled to be destroyed after being ejected from the most violent zoo in America for murdering all the elephants.}}
* [[Cool Shades]]
* {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle]] (see below): PEP-Simian was ''creamed'' during the voting period, half because Hare Metal had dark magical powers and half because everyone wanted to him fight Croaka-Cola in the Losers League.}}
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=== Hare Metal / {{spoiler|Black Rabbath / Thumperstruck}} ===
"Hare Metal is an eldritch blend of British steel and forbidden rural energies that, frankly, we do not understand."
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* {{spoiler|[[Infernal Retaliation]]: Prying open Hare Metal's ribcage to get at his burning organs is a very bad idea. Just ask Pepsimian.}}
* [[Heavy Metal]]
* [[Hermetic Magic]] / [[Instant Runes]]: Hare Metal was created by music exec mages and his blueprints are written in runes.
* [[Hurricane of Puns]]: The fight commentary had a music reference (with a You Tube link!) every other sentence.
* [[Killer Rabbit]]: Aversion, it's pretty obvious he's dangerous given that he's a skeletal rabbit with fire for hair that's the size of a horse with glowing innards.
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=== Gadadhara / {{spoiler|Kali Babar / Muhammut Kali / Vighneshvara, The Lord of Obstacles}} ===
An Indian elephant with ''two'' sets of Big Muscly Arms<small><sup>TM</sup></small> from the makers[[Alternate Universe|(?)]] of Croctopus.
* [[Ambition Is Evil]]: [http://www.booksie.com/historical_fiction/short_story/dudemanguy/kali-babar/chapter/1 From fighter to stock broker]{{Dead link}} by Dudemanguy.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: {{spoiler|"We thought opening up the pachyderm punisher's mind to the ebb and flow of etheric energy that suffuses and connects all of creation would make him a better citizen of the world, but it turns out it just made him better at killing things." While he has Kali's weapons, none of them is an axe.}}
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: "Eye lost in barfight [....] Why do we let them drink?"
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* {{spoiler|[[I See Dead People]]: could contact his ancestors as Muertodillo and is surrounded by a swarm of them as Armor Dio.}}
* [[Mix and Match Critter]]
* [[Psychic Powers]]
* [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]: H. H. Johnson and another agent (who is either a chupacabra or a mutant vulture) witness [http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3409025&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=38 Luchadillo's vengeance] (bottom of page) on behalf of its owners.
* [[Take a Third Option]]: The many friendship votes for him and {{spoiler|the Two Badass Pangolins}}. Subverted (of course) when Dio's idea of "friendship" is to {{spoiler|summon Ballz to reunite his brothers in death}}.
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* [[Mix and Match Critter]]: Has had "crocodile gene injections"
* [[Nice Shoes|Nice Shoe]]: "The best shoe in the world: Has own propulsion unit; Pump Action; massively weighted" {{spoiler|Double Eelix's shoes aren't as cool: just a boot and a high heel that was lying around.}}
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: "This is blasphemy. This is madness. This. Is. '''ACHILLES' EEL.'''"
* [[Shock and Awe]]
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* {{spoiler|Crack Defeat: to Final Mantasy, who double-KO'd Nightmare and Mental Ben by encasing them in water.}}
* [[Everything's Better with Sparkles|Everything's Better With]] [[Shock and Awe|Sparks]]
* [[For Science!]] / [[Mad Scientist]]: [http://zoofights.squarespace.com/storage/zoofights6/round-1-fight-8/Teslacorn%20blueprint%20larger.jpg This]{{Dead link}} is Teslacorn's blue print. That's it.
* [[Nepotism]]: Major Failure's wife designed Teslacorn, which led to charges of favoritism on the ZF forums.
* [[Shock and Awe]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Probably to ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' (but using only that for your vote will earn ''negative points'' {{spoiler|Modifying an ''actual'' My Little Pony is okay}})
** If she wasn't at first, she is now.
{{quote| [[The Sociopath|Friendship Is A Redundant Concept Only Held By The Weak.]]}}
** Averted in real-life: If only Major Failure had the time to ask [[Brian Blessed]] who would win, a giant electric eel with a cool shoe or a giant electrified horse.
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Knock-off fighters (with their own version of the Major, Commador Disaster) recruited by that damn gecko in a surprise bid to take over Zoofights in the middle of the Losers' League Royal Rumble. Very quickly, they are as follows (descriptions by the Major):
* ARMS 'N DANGEROUS -- ADANGEROUS—A ball of Big Muscley Arms controlled by an ameoba, this is the reason for the recent shortage of BMA in the tournament. {{spoiler|Killed by Final Mantisy who infected the amoeba, causing it to tear itself apart}}
* OCTOPUS CRIME -- AnCRIME—An octopus that cannot stop commiting felonies. {{spoiler|Double-KO'd with Carp. A. Diem by Mental Ben and Nightmare}}
* CARP. A. DIEM -- TheDIEM—The murderous Roman fish with muscley hands and a toga. {{spoiler|See above.}}
* THE LESSER OF TWO EAGLES -- CouldnEAGLES—Couldn't get the good eagle, had to get the shit one. Carries picture of brother {{spoiler|the Neccesary Eagle}}. {{spoiler|Killed by Carp. A. Diem.}}
* MIKE BISON -- MikeBISON—Mike Bison's gonna Punch Out. {{spoiler|Double-KO'd with Dolphin Lundgren by Mahammut Kali}}
* DOLPHIN LUNDGREN -- ALUNDGREN—A dolphin trained to kill by soviet hairdressers. {{spoiler|See above}}
* BIGUANA -- ABIGUANA—A really BIG iguana. Seriously. He’s quite big. {{spoiler|Ate Angsteater, then kicked to death by Mahammut Kali}}
* JOHN KRAKENROE -- AKRAKENROE—A furious tennis-playing squid. YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS! {{spoiler|Ripped apart by Diet Croak}}
* COMMODORE DISASTER with GEKKO -- AGEKKO—A dollar-store Major Failure and his creepy lizard pet. {{spoiler|Final KO: Crushed to death when Muhammut Kali sat on them}}
* A TOTALLY RADICAL CAT WITH ONE LEG -- ONLEG—ON A SKATEBOARD {{spoiler|First KO: Killed itself by drinking the Frog Piss.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle]]}}: {{spoiler|The Losers' League competitors destroy them when they attempt to attack.}}
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The big boss, the one behind it all. Sometimes referred to as "The Major" or "The Good Major". His roleplay persona of choice is [[Character as Himself|Major Failure]] – an ex-military man with vast wealth who forces animals to brawl for his and others’ amusement. He also posted occasionally as Al Swearengen in Zoofights 3.
* [[Blatant Lies]]: Every tournament Major Failure assures the audience that nothing will go wrong this year. And every year he's wrong. He was especially insistant about it in Zoofights IV, a year when ''three'' competitors became [[Eldritch AbominationsAbomination]]s.
=== Gravitas Shortfall ===
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** {{spoiler|Remember during the ending when From Hell stands up one last time before Bisondreadnaught crashes into it? [[Word of God]] says it's because ''[[Oh Crap|Lilly had taken over.]]''}}
* {{spoiler|[[Nightmare Face]]: At one part in the finale, her face distorts into a beaked shape. [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene|It's never mentioned again]].}}
* [[Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book]]
* [[Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant]]
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* [[Ambiguous Gender]] / [[No Biological Sex]]: Gezora refers to itself as "it".
* [[Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever]]: Gezora has not really attacked anyone. Yet.
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] /UnexplainedRecovery: Gezora died and then got better in ZFV.}}
* [[Cool Shades]]: Gezora has been sporting shutter-shades since supporting The Snapture ([[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|super!]]).
* [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]] / [[I Am a Humanitarian]]: Gezora has ''adventurous'' tastes.
* [[Gargle Blaster]]: Gezora's signature drink is the Pineal Colada, among many others. Gezora got its start when Gezora/someone started posting provocatively-named real drink mixes.
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* [[Not Even Bothering with the Accent]]: "Herb" tended to go off on H.H. Johnson-style intellectual rants, sometimes not even making a cursory effort to correct himself after he realizes what he’s saying.
* [[The Men in Black]]: In Zoofights 6:
{{quote| "I am Agent Johnson, a representative of, let us say, a covert branch of the United States Fish and Wildlife service, here with the full cooperation of the British government."}}
* [[Shout-Out]]: Maybe to [[The Question]], who's also detective without a face, and The Question's own expy [[Watchmen (comics)|Rorschach]], who has amoeba-like blobs on his mask.
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Villainous Rescue]]: Robotnik defeats Lesko, blowing up his own Death Egg in the process and saving the world from a salesman with the powers of a god.}}