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A Confederacy of Dunces/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Author Existence Failure: John Kennedy Toole's suicide ensured that there would be no follow-up.
  • Development Hell: The Film of the Book, production of which seems to be cursed. Every popular fat comedian since 1980 has been attached to play Ignatius and all of them (John Belushi, John Candy, Chris Farley) died before the latest attempt of the movie got out of pre-production. So in the early 2000's the producers of the most recent version decided to avoid the whole "fat comedian" thing and got rail-thin, tall Will Ferrell to play Ignatius (with prospectively some fat makeup) and Lily Tomlin (then later Anne Meara), Mos Def, Paul Rudd and Alan Cumming in supporting roles. Things were going well for this version's eventual production, but then the head of the Louisiana State Film Commission was murdered. Then Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. And that seems to be the end of the attempts to make the film for now.
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