Alice in Wonderland: Difference between revisions

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* [[Incredible Shrinking Man]]
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: The Gnat isn't very good at making jokes.
* [[Inherently Funny Words]]:
** In the first book, Alice uses the words "latitude" and "longitude", despite not knowing what they mean, because she likes the sound of those words.
** In the second book, after her conversation with Humpty Dumpty, Alice says, "Of all the ''unsatisfactory'' people I have ever met -" emphasizing the word "unsatisfactory" because she likes being able to say it.
* [[Inner Monologue Conversation]]: When Alice is on the train in ''Through the Looking-Glass'', the other passengers can apparently hear her thinking, and respond by thinking in chorus. Even the narrator isn't quite sure how.
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Humorously faulty logic is a running theme throughout the books, and this is clearly a case of [[Author Appeal]]. For example, the Pigeon thinks Alice is a snake. Why? Because Alice eats eggs. And you know what else eats eggs? A snake! In the Pigeon's defense, though, Alice also had a long neck because of the Caterpillar's growing mushroom.
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* [[Kid Hero]]
* [[Lilliputians]]: Everyone in Wonderland. Alice has to drink the potion to fit the size of the place.
* [[The Mad Hatter]]: Oddly, the Hatter does ''not'' seem to fit the Trope any more than most characters in Wonderland; possibly the one who most fits it is the Cheshire Cat.
* [[The Mad Hatter]]
* [[Magic Mushroom]]: The Caterpillar's mushroom is probably the [[Trope Maker]]. Eating one side of it made Alice taller, eating the other made her shorter.
* [[Magic Pants]]: In the original John Tenniel illustrations and in nearly all adaptations, Alice's dress grows and shrinks with her. It's Wonderland -- nothing else makes sense, so why should this? Averted in the [[Alice in Wonderland (film)|Tim Burton version]], however.