• Breather Boss: Melon Bread is just as easy as he was in Gunstar Heroes, and you can, as before, kill him before he can even attack. Right after him is Seven Force.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The whole soundtrack; of worthy note is Runner AD2025, the first stage theme.
  • Even Better Spinoff: While Gunstar Heroes is a classic Treasure masterpiece even to this day, this game refines the combat, is faster and even more intense, provides greater challenge and reward in equal measure, has even better music, and gets rid of some of the more awkward gameplay changes and the occasional bits that didn't work.
  • Goddamned Bats: Those bee-like enemies that you fight between boss battles. Better have the homing ready, as they come in swarms, shoot at you, then fly erratically and kamikaze you. The bomb-dropping alien birds also do get really annoying too.
  • Goddamned Boss: Some of the bosses may not be tough, but they are certainly annoying.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: A blue teddy bear, menaced by kissing aliens, operates a power boat and is unceremoniously thrown overboard by a giant lobster. Hell, half the bosses are like this; a cyborg wolf with an Arm Cannon riding a horse, anyone?
  • Tear Jerker: That cute blue bear that drives the boat for you? He gets thrown into the river by the Lobster boss, helplessly calling for help.