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* This happened a lot in the ''[[Old World of Darkness]]'':
* This happened a lot in the ''[[Old World of Darkness]]'':
** Nowhere did it stand out more than in ''[[Mage: The Ascension]]''. When the games began, the mystically oriented Traditions were the good guys fighting a war of ideology against the all-powerful Technocracy, who tried to "smooth out" the bumps in reality through extermination of all supernatural creatures. As the game went through multiple revisions, however, the flaws and in-fighting of the Traditions began to come to the fore, and it became possible for the player characters to be a group of young, idealistic Technocrats trying to reform a corrupt monolith from the inside.<br />The later sourcebooks (and the old stuff if you look hard enough) make it more and more easy to believe that the Technocracy, even with its flaws, really is doing the right thing by trying to save humanity from all the supernatural things that want to eat them, enslave them, or remake the world in their own image. A world ruled by the Technocracy might be bleak, but imagine a world dominated by the philosophical paradigm of, say, [[The Magocracy|The Order of Hermes]], or the [[Gaia's Vengeance|Verbena]]...
** Nowhere did it stand out more than in ''[[Mage: The Ascension]]''. When the games began, the mystically oriented Traditions were the good guys fighting a war of ideology against the all-powerful Technocracy, who tried to "smooth out" the bumps in reality through extermination of all supernatural creatures. As the game went through multiple revisions, however, the flaws and in-fighting of the Traditions began to come to the fore, and it became possible for the player characters to be a group of young, idealistic Technocrats trying to reform a corrupt monolith from the inside.<br />The later sourcebooks (and the old stuff if you look hard enough) make it more and more easy to believe that the Technocracy, even with its flaws, really is doing the right thing by trying to save humanity from all the supernatural things that want to eat them, enslave them, or remake the world in their own image. A world ruled by the Technocracy might be bleak, but imagine a world dominated by the philosophical paradigm of, say, [[The Magocracy|The Order of Hermes]], or the [[Gaia's Vengeance|Verbena]]...
*** Much the same, but with different trappings?<br />To put a point on it: depending on who you ask, the Technocracy is a genocidal [[Big Brother Is Watching|Thought Police]] bent on creating a stagnant world they have absolute control over, a bunch of [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Well-Intentioned Extremists]] for whom [[Utopia Justifies the Means]], or [[Designated Villain|Designated Villains]] who are the absolutely justified in their belief that supernatural influence over the Human Race is a quantifiable bad thing. By that same token, the Council of Nine either represents the last best hope for creativity, nobility and the realization of personal potential, or a bunch of selfish children who refuse to acknowledge the true implication of their abilities against the Greater Good. It's all heavily dependent on where on the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]] the World of Darkness lies. Unfortunately for the Traditions, this is the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|World of Darkness.]]
*** Much the same, but with different trappings?<br />To put a point on it: depending on who you ask, the Technocracy is a genocidal [[Big Brother Is Watching|Thought Police]] bent on creating a stagnant world they have absolute control over, a bunch of [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]s for whom [[Utopia Justifies the Means]], or [[Designated Villain]]s who are the absolutely justified in their belief that supernatural influence over the Human Race is a quantifiable bad thing. By that same token, the Council of Nine either represents the last best hope for creativity, nobility and the realization of personal potential, or a bunch of selfish children who refuse to acknowledge the true implication of their abilities against the Greater Good. It's all heavily dependent on where on the [[Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism]] the World of Darkness lies. Unfortunately for the Traditions, this is the [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|World of Darkness.]]
** The central idea of ''[[Demon: The Fallen]]'' is the alternate interpretation that Lucifer rebelled [[Satan Is Good|in order to save humanity]] from being condemned to ignorance by an uncaring God. But even that interpretation is subject to a decent amount of doubt. Was it for love? Or was Lucifer simply ambitious? Or did he do it because God ''told'' him to?<br />And there's the ever continuing problem of getting the players to not just be [[Exclusively Evil]] since they are called demons. Some go for [[Blood Knight]] types, some go for manipulative Al-Pachino-From-Devils-Advocate types, and almost all of them miss the point of the game. The expanded power sets (Lore of Violation anyone?) doesn't really help with this.
** The central idea of ''[[Demon: The Fallen]]'' is the alternate interpretation that Lucifer rebelled [[Satan Is Good|in order to save humanity]] from being condemned to ignorance by an uncaring God. But even that interpretation is subject to a decent amount of doubt. Was it for love? Or was Lucifer simply ambitious? Or did he do it because God ''told'' him to?<br />And there's the ever continuing problem of getting the players to not just be [[Exclusively Evil]] since they are called demons. Some go for [[Blood Knight]] types, some go for manipulative Al-Pachino-From-Devils-Advocate types, and almost all of them miss the point of the game. The expanded power sets (Lore of Violation anyone?) doesn't really help with this.
* It happens a lot in ''[[Exalted]]''.
* It happens a lot in ''[[Exalted]]''.
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** Sidereals: Stuck-up bureaucrats who couldn't see beyond their own noses and almost doomed Creation as a result, or secret agents who keep reality intact?
** Sidereals: Stuck-up bureaucrats who couldn't see beyond their own noses and almost doomed Creation as a result, or secret agents who keep reality intact?
** Abyssals: Death-obsessed omnicidal maniacs, or... eh, there's not much room for an alternate interpretation here.
** Abyssals: Death-obsessed omnicidal maniacs, or... eh, there's not much room for an alternate interpretation here.
** Everyone ''always'' ignores the Lunars. Most of the world sees them as raving, flea-bitten beastmen who squander their lives fighting each other over territory, mates, and bragging rights, when they aren't attempting to burn and destroy civilization to usher in total chaos. This is actually a deliberate ruse to appear less of a threat, so that the Dragonblooded and Sidereals don't try seriously hunting them down like they did the Solars. While many Lunars might fit the stereotypes if you squint real hard (and some even if you don't), for the most part they're a band of misunderstood heroes honestly trying to protect the world from itself and actually fighting to prevent Chaos. There are various factions devoted to protecting the world in the way they think most important, either by preserving (and improving) ancient knowledge, defending nature (and thus the Mother Earth Goddess) from ruination, patrolling the borders of the world to keep Chaos at bay, seeking to reinstate the Solar Exalted as kings of the world (a highly controversial idea among Lunars), or experimenting with isolated human civilizations in an attempt to come up with a viable alternative to the Realm's corrupt brand of civilization. In general, yes, the Lunar Exalted think the current order is corrupt and needs to go -- but they're not so stupid as to do that unless they've got something better to replace it, and they've given a lot of thought about ''how'' to do the replacing without destroying the world in the attempt.<br />In the first edition Lunars book, "raving, flea-bitten beastmen who squander their lives fighting each other over territory, mates, and bragging rights, when they aren't attempting to burn and destroy civilization to usher in total chaos" was exactly correct. It wasn't until the second edition that White Wolf fixed that.<br />In ''Exalted 2.0'', the whole Lunar "let's figure out a way to create a better society" thing is executed in practice by having individual Lunars go out and ''create test societies'' -- which frequently fail to produce positive results. Rather than try to fix the problems that they have caused through their social engineering (such as now-ancient grudges, entire societies on the brink of being press-ganged into demonic armies, and other such [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|dooms]]), Lunars often ''abandon'' said projects, for better or worse.
** Everyone ''always'' ignores the Lunars. Most of the world sees them as raving, flea-bitten beastmen who squander their lives fighting each other over territory, mates, and bragging rights, when they aren't attempting to burn and destroy civilization to usher in total chaos. This is actually a deliberate ruse to appear less of a threat, so that the Dragonblooded and Sidereals don't try seriously hunting them down like they did the Solars. While many Lunars might fit the stereotypes if you squint real hard (and some even if you don't), for the most part they're a band of misunderstood heroes honestly trying to protect the world from itself and actually fighting to prevent Chaos. There are various factions devoted to protecting the world in the way they think most important, either by preserving (and improving) ancient knowledge, defending nature (and thus the Mother Earth Goddess) from ruination, patrolling the borders of the world to keep Chaos at bay, seeking to reinstate the Solar Exalted as kings of the world (a highly controversial idea among Lunars), or experimenting with isolated human civilizations in an attempt to come up with a viable alternative to the Realm's corrupt brand of civilization. In general, yes, the Lunar Exalted think the current order is corrupt and needs to go—but they're not so stupid as to do that unless they've got something better to replace it, and they've given a lot of thought about ''how'' to do the replacing without destroying the world in the attempt.<br />In the first edition Lunars book, "raving, flea-bitten beastmen who squander their lives fighting each other over territory, mates, and bragging rights, when they aren't attempting to burn and destroy civilization to usher in total chaos" was exactly correct. It wasn't until the second edition that White Wolf fixed that.<br />In ''Exalted 2.0'', the whole Lunar "let's figure out a way to create a better society" thing is executed in practice by having individual Lunars go out and ''create test societies''—which frequently fail to produce positive results. Rather than try to fix the problems that they have caused through their social engineering (such as now-ancient grudges, entire societies on the brink of being press-ganged into demonic armies, and other such [[Doomy Dooms of Doom|dooms]]), Lunars often ''abandon'' said projects, for better or worse.
** The [[Our Titans Are Different|Primordials]]: Callous and vindictive psychopaths who treated their minions like dirt and the world and their creations like playthings they would occasionally break for fun? Or the victims of divine usurpers who painted them as far more malicious than they ever were, and now are so angry by this betrayal that they embrace this persona, and arranged it so that history repeats itself?<br />Right now, the answer looks like "It depends on the Primordial." Some were really that awful. Kimbery turns out not to have changed much by becoming a Yozi, and was just as much of a mood-swinging psychotic [[My Beloved Smother]] who alternated between loving the Lintha and her other creations and showering them with her favor and hating them for real or imagined slights against her and tormenting them back when she was a Primordial. The Dragon's Shadow was a treacherous [[Manipulative Bastard]] who is strongly implied to have intentionally orchestrated the Primordial War and whose primary change upon becoming the Ebon Dragon was actually being ''better off than he was as a Primordial'' -- he now embodies the dragon he was once the mere shadow of, and is one of the most powerful and influential of the Yozis. She Who Lives In Her Name destroyed 90% of Creation [[Ret-Gone|at the conceptual level]] in what amounted to a temper tantrum upon being defeated and imprisoned, and was against the existence of free will from the start -- The Dragon's Shadow convinced the Divine Tyrant (now Malfeas) that free will was necessary, and he convinced She Who Lives In Her Name to allow its existence.
** The [[Our Titans Are Different|Primordials]]: Callous and vindictive psychopaths who treated their minions like dirt and the world and their creations like playthings they would occasionally break for fun? Or the victims of divine usurpers who painted them as far more malicious than they ever were, and now are so angry by this betrayal that they embrace this persona, and arranged it so that history repeats itself?<br />Right now, the answer looks like "It depends on the Primordial." Some were really that awful. Kimbery turns out not to have changed much by becoming a Yozi, and was just as much of a mood-swinging psychotic [[My Beloved Smother]] who alternated between loving the Lintha and her other creations and showering them with her favor and hating them for real or imagined slights against her and tormenting them back when she was a Primordial. The Dragon's Shadow was a treacherous [[Manipulative Bastard]] who is strongly implied to have intentionally orchestrated the Primordial War and whose primary change upon becoming the Ebon Dragon was actually being ''better off than he was as a Primordial''—he now embodies the dragon he was once the mere shadow of, and is one of the most powerful and influential of the Yozis. She Who Lives In Her Name destroyed 90% of Creation [[Ret-Gone|at the conceptual level]] in what amounted to a temper tantrum upon being defeated and imprisoned, and was against the existence of free will from the start—The Dragon's Shadow convinced the Divine Tyrant (now Malfeas) that free will was necessary, and he convinced She Who Lives In Her Name to allow its existence.
** The Neverborn: A bunch of sore losers [[Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum|trying to end an ancient war in a draw]]? Or a bunch of [[Woobie|Woobies]] [[And I Must Scream|trying to end their eternal torment]] [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|the only way they know how]]? Or [[Jerkass Woobie|Jerkass Woobies]] combining both?
** The Neverborn: A bunch of sore losers [[Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum|trying to end an ancient war in a draw]]? Or a bunch of [[Woobie]]s [[And I Must Scream|trying to end their eternal torment]] [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|the only way they know how]]? Or [[Jerkass Woobie]]s combining both?
** Autochthon: Noble champion of the little guy? Or the supergod equivalent of those Columbine kids, murdering his peers because they picked on him?
** Autochthon: Noble champion of the little guy? Or the supergod equivalent of those Columbine kids, murdering his peers because they picked on him?
** [[The Fair Folk]]: Twisted, horrific, soul-sucking monsters from beyond, out to sunder Creation and lay waste to reality? Or angry, displaced natives trying to get back their homelands?
** [[The Fair Folk]]: Twisted, horrific, soul-sucking monsters from beyond, out to sunder Creation and lay waste to reality? Or angry, displaced natives trying to get back their homelands?
** The Deathlords are typically portrayed as [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]] who agreed to destroy Creation in exchange for the power to rule over its dying remains; the First and Forsaken Lion and Eye and Seven Despairs' saving of Creation from the Great Contagion is normally described as if it were an accident. [[Fridge Logic]], however, suggests an alternative interpretation -- why would they want Creation to be killed by someone else? Given that they are supposed to be two of the greatest geniuses who ever lived, it makes much more sense to assume that they saved the world ''deliberately''; even if they swore to destroy it, neither really has any actual reason to want to see it die, and plenty of reasons not to. They're all still brutal dictators and conquerors, and the only First Age Solars ''not'' to repent of the horrific atrocities they committed in life.
** The Deathlords are typically portrayed as [[Complete Monster]]s who agreed to destroy Creation in exchange for the power to rule over its dying remains; the First and Forsaken Lion and Eye and Seven Despairs' saving of Creation from the Great Contagion is normally described as if it were an accident. [[Fridge Logic]], however, suggests an alternative interpretation—why would they want Creation to be killed by someone else? Given that they are supposed to be two of the greatest geniuses who ever lived, it makes much more sense to assume that they saved the world ''deliberately''; even if they swore to destroy it, neither really has any actual reason to want to see it die, and plenty of reasons not to. They're all still brutal dictators and conquerors, and the only First Age Solars ''not'' to repent of the horrific atrocities they committed in life.
** All of them? [[Grey and Gray Morality|All of the above.]]
** All of them? [[Grey and Gray Morality|All of the above.]]
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' is ''made'' for this, and has room for all possible interpretations of ''every'' side, from the Imperium to Chaos.
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' is ''made'' for this, and has room for all possible interpretations of ''every'' side, from the Imperium to Chaos.
** The Imperium of Man: Are they a [[The Empire|vast, monolithic entity]] of [[Humans Are Bastards|xenophobic]] [[Church Militant|fundamentalists]], or simply a race that has been forced to [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|resort to extreme measures]] in order to ensure their very survival in the [[Crapsack World|Grim and Dark]] future?
** The Imperium of Man: Are they a [[The Empire|vast, monolithic entity]] of [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|xenophobic]] [[Church Militant|fundamentalists]], or simply a race that has been forced to [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|resort to extreme measures]] in order to ensure their very survival in the [[Crapsack World|Grim and Dark]] future?
*** The Inquisition: are they, as Ciaphas Cain ('''Hero of the IMPERIUM!''') once calls them, "the Emperor's pet psychopaths" or are they heroic individuals shouldering an impossibly weighty burden and forced to make the cruelest decisions imaginable? Canon is that they can be one or the other; some are evil, some are good. Which changes, as some who start well-meaning are [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]], while some who start [[Gung-Holier Than Thou]] are getting reality checks with more zeroes than they expected.
*** The Inquisition: are they, as Ciaphas Cain ('''Hero of the IMPERIUM!''') once calls them, "the Emperor's pet psychopaths" or are they heroic individuals shouldering an impossibly weighty burden and forced to make the cruelest decisions imaginable? Canon is that they can be one or the other; some are evil, some are good. Which changes, as some who start well-meaning are [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]], while some who start [[Gung-Holier Than Thou]] are getting reality checks with more zeroes than they expected.
*** The Space Marines: psychotic butchers driven solely by hatred for everything nonhuman (and yet barely human themselves), or noble paladins of the Emperor and defenders of all humanity's goodness? Depends upon the chapter. Within chapters: [[Night Lords]]? Psychopath butchers, or self-sacrificing heroes who enforced the Imperium and were rewarded by [[Malicious Slander]]? The Dark Angels? Covering up their primarch's decision to sit out the [[Horus Heresy]] or shamed, attempting to atone for the treachery of their members?
*** The Space Marines: psychotic butchers driven solely by hatred for everything nonhuman (and yet barely human themselves), or noble paladins of the Emperor and defenders of all humanity's goodness? Depends upon the chapter. Within chapters: [[Night Lords]]? Psychopath butchers, or self-sacrificing heroes who enforced the Imperium and were rewarded by [[Malicious Slander]]? The Dark Angels? Covering up their primarch's decision to sit out the [[Horus Heresy]] or shamed, attempting to atone for the treachery of their members?
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*** A lot of this debate stems from the Tau originally being portrayed almost completely positively. The more negative elements were retconned in later.
*** A lot of this debate stems from the Tau originally being portrayed almost completely positively. The more negative elements were retconned in later.
** The Craftworld Eldar: Utterly amoral self-serving bastards, or tragic heroes seeking to save their people and destroy Chaos? Villains or victims? Reluctant distant allies of humanity against the darkness, or among their most insidious foes?
** The Craftworld Eldar: Utterly amoral self-serving bastards, or tragic heroes seeking to save their people and destroy Chaos? Villains or victims? Reluctant distant allies of humanity against the darkness, or among their most insidious foes?
*** Are they merely [[Jerkass|jerkasses]] seeking to preserve their own race at the expense of everyone else, or [[The Atoner|atoners]] doing whatever is necessary to stop the threat of Chaos and the Necrons. The last dying gasp of a decadent race, or the only hope against threats that the younger races do not fully comprehend.
*** Are they merely [[jerkass]]es seeking to preserve their own race at the expense of everyone else, or [[The Atoner|atoners]] doing whatever is necessary to stop the threat of Chaos and the Necrons. The last dying gasp of a decadent race, or the only hope against threats that the younger races do not fully comprehend.
*** Further complicated by the Harlequins (who aren't technically Craftworld Eldar) - the ultimate fighting force of the Eldar and last/best line of defense against the forces of Chaos, an introverted and secretive sect more concerned with maintaining Eldar history/myth than with protecting the galaxy, or [[Complete Monster|CompleteMonsters]] who take some perverse joy in liquefying their enemies and have sold their souls to the Laughing God for amazing power?
*** Further complicated by the Harlequins (who aren't technically Craftworld Eldar) - the ultimate fighting force of the Eldar and last/best line of defense against the forces of Chaos, an introverted and secretive sect more concerned with maintaining Eldar history/myth than with protecting the galaxy, or [[Complete Monster|CompleteMonsters]] who take some perverse joy in liquefying their enemies and have sold their souls to the Laughing God for amazing power?
**** All of the above. Though the last one is mainly because the Harlequins also recruit from the Dark Eldar...
**** All of the above. Though the last one is mainly because the Harlequins also recruit from the Dark Eldar...
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** In 4th edition of, Asmodeus usurped his position from [[No Name Given|He Who Was]], his patron deity. A lot of text tries to portray He Who Was as a benevolent deity, but angels are supposed to be extensions of their patron deity's will. How did Asmodeus get so many angels on his side? Perhaps He Who Was wasn't as squeaky clean as he's made out to be. In fact, HHW might have been the god of ambition, and the reason he had so many usurpers following Asmodeus was because of their ambitious nature. (HHW is [[YHWH|one letter away]] from being a VERY [[Significant Anagram]]...)
** In 4th edition of, Asmodeus usurped his position from [[No Name Given|He Who Was]], his patron deity. A lot of text tries to portray He Who Was as a benevolent deity, but angels are supposed to be extensions of their patron deity's will. How did Asmodeus get so many angels on his side? Perhaps He Who Was wasn't as squeaky clean as he's made out to be. In fact, HHW might have been the god of ambition, and the reason he had so many usurpers following Asmodeus was because of their ambitious nature. (HHW is [[YHWH|one letter away]] from being a VERY [[Significant Anagram]]...)
*** In regards to Asmodeus and He Who Was, there's some new information out about it. He Who Was was apparently the leader of the gods in their war with the primordials, but was such a benevolent god that he had little taste for war and battle and was a poor general. Asmodeus was the most powerful and skilled general the gods had, and his angels were their most powerful army. His tactics, however, were brutal and horrifying to He Who Was, who eventually cast Asmodeus down for his actions. Perhaps the peace loving He Who Was created Asmodeus and his army as an aspect of himself, an expression of his ruthless, violent tendencies so that he didn't have to live with them himself. Which could have been why he simply cast Asmodeus down, instead of destroying him outright. He couldn't bring himself to destroy part of himself.
*** In regards to Asmodeus and He Who Was, there's some new information out about it. He Who Was was apparently the leader of the gods in their war with the primordials, but was such a benevolent god that he had little taste for war and battle and was a poor general. Asmodeus was the most powerful and skilled general the gods had, and his angels were their most powerful army. His tactics, however, were brutal and horrifying to He Who Was, who eventually cast Asmodeus down for his actions. Perhaps the peace loving He Who Was created Asmodeus and his army as an aspect of himself, an expression of his ruthless, violent tendencies so that he didn't have to live with them himself. Which could have been why he simply cast Asmodeus down, instead of destroying him outright. He couldn't bring himself to destroy part of himself.
* [[BattleTech]] as a whole (At least up until the Jihad) seems to have been an exercise in creating these, all depending on what faction you decide to side with. Except for a few unambiguous [[Kick the Dog|puppy-punters]] like [[The Caligula|Romano Liao]] or [[Royal Brat|Katherine ]][[Evil Prince|Steiner-Davion]], most characters can have several Interpretations.
* [[BattleTech]] as a whole (At least up until the Jihad) seems to have been an exercise in creating these, all depending on what faction you decide to side with. Except for a few unambiguous [[Kick the Dog|puppy-punters]] like [[The Caligula|Romano Liao]] or [[Royal Brat|Katherine]][[Evil Prince|Steiner-Davion]], most characters can have several Interpretations.
** Hanse Davion: [[Magnificent Bastard]] who [[Incredibly Lame Pun|outfoxed]] his hidebound or deranged opponents, or [[Mary Sue]] who only got by on [[Creator's Pet|writer's fiat]]? His son, Victor: [[The Napoleon|Midget who can't possibly live up to his father's legacy]] or skilled warrior hobbled by politics and the above-mentioned evil sister?
** Hanse Davion: [[Magnificent Bastard]] who [[Incredibly Lame Pun|outfoxed]] his hidebound or deranged opponents, or [[Mary Sue]] who only got by on [[Creator's Pet|writer's fiat]]? His son, Victor: [[The Napoleon|Midget who can't possibly live up to his father's legacy]] or skilled warrior hobbled by politics and the above-mentioned evil sister?
** The Clans: [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Guys]] who deserve to lead Humanity, or [[Lawful Stupid]] [[Mary Sue|Mary Sues]] with [[The Munchkin|way too much power]]?
** The Clans: [[Proud Warrior Race Guy]]s who deserve to lead Humanity, or [[Lawful Stupid]] [[Mary Sue]]s with [[The Munchkin|way too much power]]?
** Sun-Tzu Liao: [[Magnificent Bastard]] who is trying to restore a fallen nation or [[Manipulative Bastard]] who only got by on the same kind of fiat that decriers attributed to Hanse Davion?
** Sun-Tzu Liao: [[Magnificent Bastard]] who is trying to restore a fallen nation or [[Manipulative Bastard]] who only got by on the same kind of fiat that decriers attributed to Hanse Davion?

[[Category:Alternative Character Interpretation]]