These things about Amphibia (TV series) are subjective - not everyone will agree with all of them.

  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
    • In-universe, Sprig is suspicious of Marcy when they meet, worried that she'll be another Sasha. He prepares for her to betray them, while Marcy seems too goofy and innocent to want to hurt the Plantars. Yet viewers may remember that it was Marcy's idea for Anne to steal the Calamity Box from the thrift shop. How trustworthy is she? The Answer is "not very"; Andrias reveals callously in "True Colors" that she got her friends stranded in Amphibia on purpose.
    • While at first Grime does a Heel-Face Turn in season three to help Sasha, by the time she reunites with Anne and the Plantars he seems to have become truly fond of the Resistance. When did this change happen?
  • Anvilicious:
    • it's never too late to fix your biggest mistakes. Anne spends season one beating herself up for shoplifting the music box because she wasn't brave enough to stand up to Sasha or Marcy on her birthday, and disappearing to another world. Season two has Hop Pop atone for lying about burying the music box in the backyard. In season three, despite how far-gone Andrias is, he atones for his actions by helping the girls fight the Core before spending his life replanting the flora in Amphibia.
    • Sometimes what you want is utterly dangerous and you have to listen to those that disagree with you, to give up what you truly want. Anne berates herself in season one for not standing up to Sasha and shoplifting the music box on her orders. She also is apologetic when guilting Sprig into going to the nearby lake with her and ignoring the big warning sign. Andrias also ultimately realizes that while he wanted to conquer Earth to make up for his past mistake of trusting Leif, Leif felt she had no choice to betray him to save Amphibia from her vision. He gives up that desire to save the planet when the Core attempts a suicidal run on Amphibia to reclaim the Box's powers.
  • Complete Monster: Labeling the Core as a whole as this would be unfair, as nothing is known about most of Amphibia's monarchs who are part of it. However, King Aldrich Leviathan (the one member whom the cast interacts with), the previous ruler of Newtopia and the father of the current ruler King Andrias, certainly does. A mad tyrant and megalomaniacal ruler, he was a Planet Looter even before joining the Core, invading other worlds to maintain his technology and shows nothing but contempt for “primitive species”. This includes the frog and toad castes of Amphibia, as it becomes clear he encouraged the Fantastic Racism shown between the castes. Upon joining the Core he also grooms his son into becoming the ruthless (but more subtle) monarch he was in order to ensure his legacy becomes eternal, and when it’s clear it will not (after the Core’s connection to its host, Marcy, is severed) he activates his final gambit, sending the moon to crash into Amphibia, willing to destroy his own kingdom rather than let the heroes have victory.
  • Holy Shit Quotient:
    • In the series finale, the girls harness the Calamity Box gem's powers and gain seiyan forms. They turn their skills into superpowers, with Marcy happily-tearfully saying it's the most anime thing ever. Then Anne absorbs all three gems' powers to save her friends when they falter, and dies onscreen once she has defeated the Core. It's only because of the Cosmic Guardian that Anne gets a chance to return to life.
  • Inferred Holocaust: Season three shows Amphibia reduced to a polluted wasteland with Andrias's industrial factories. His floating castle also ripped away from Newtopia, to the shock of the innocent residents. We don't see any casualties, but those that aren't tossed into labor camps either had the foresight to go into hiding, as seen with Apothecary Gary and the Wartwood Resistance, or join the king as collaborators. While the land ends up revived, with a reformed Andrias personally attending to growing back the flora as part of his atonement, there's a heavy sense of bittersweet mourning for the lives that were lost, known and unknown.
  • Moe:
    • It's lampshaded that Sprig is cute, and he has a trustworthy face. He tries to get by on his cuteness at times.
    • Much to Polly's chagrin, she will always be the baby of the family. Despite being a Blood Knight, she is utterly adorable. Season two has a gag happen twice that if someone sees Polly in danger, they'll scream, "NOT THE BABY!" and immediately call truce if they're on opposing sides.
    • It's revealed that they got it from Leif, aka Lily Plantar, their ancestor and great-great-great grandmother. Lily is utterly adorable when showing off the Hunting Dance she created to Andrias and Barrel, the latter who ends up swayed by it.