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** A spinoff short story ''Into the Maelstrom'' has a traitor [[Space Marine]] imprisoned in a Dreadnaught battle suit, normally an honor, but never released, so he is doomed to live forever in a small metal box, with no limbs. This is in fact the fate of ''all'' Space Marines encased in Dreadnaught armour, with the occasional mindless rampage, but it isn't always this trope (and is a good example of how a different attitude can affect the outcome). Regular Space Marines, both those encased and their brethren, consider it an honour as they can fight the Emperor's enemies even after death, albeit with slowly degrading mental faculties. Chaos Marines however, being [[Sense Freak|Sense Freaks]] taken to the literal utter screaming extreme, consider it to be the worst punishment imaginable, as even while battling they can't feel [[Axe Crazy|the joy of slaughter]] and while inactive their brethren have to ''chain them to a wall'' to prevent the completely bugfuck insane Marine (even by Chaos standards) from breaking loose and killing everyone.
** A spinoff short story ''Into the Maelstrom'' has a traitor [[Space Marine]] imprisoned in a Dreadnaught battle suit, normally an honor, but never released, so he is doomed to live forever in a small metal box, with no limbs. This is in fact the fate of ''all'' Space Marines encased in Dreadnaught armour, with the occasional mindless rampage, but it isn't always this trope (and is a good example of how a different attitude can affect the outcome). Regular Space Marines, both those encased and their brethren, consider it an honour as they can fight the Emperor's enemies even after death, albeit with slowly degrading mental faculties. Chaos Marines however, being [[Sense Freak|Sense Freaks]] taken to the literal utter screaming extreme, consider it to be the worst punishment imaginable, as even while battling they can't feel [[Axe Crazy|the joy of slaughter]] and while inactive their brethren have to ''chain them to a wall'' to prevent the completely bugfuck insane Marine (even by Chaos standards) from breaking loose and killing everyone.
*** Chaos Dreadnoughts were purposely built with this in mind, their sarcophagi reconfigured to drive the occupants into madness, which the occupants can never get used to because of the design.
*** Chaos Dreadnoughts were purposely built with this in mind, their sarcophagi reconfigured to drive the occupants into madness, which the occupants can never get used to because of the design.
*** Any Daemon Weapon or a bound Daemon results in this on a [[Eldrich Abomination]]. The daemon is so crazy that he will attempt to devour it's wielder just so it can get some sort of outside contact, even though such an act would result in the weapon being rendered inert again.
*** Any Daemon Weapon or a bound Daemon results in this on a [[Eldritch Abomination]]. The daemon is so crazy that he will attempt to devour it's wielder just so it can get some sort of outside contact, even though such an act would result in the weapon being rendered inert again.
** It's not emphasised, but the Emperor himself might be an example of this trope. Reduced to a shattered husk, kept on life support for 10,000 years, unable to move or communicate yet according to dogma still conscious, while the unified humanity he worked to build falls into dystopian ruin around him. A quote about the 40k universe sums it up:
** It's not emphasized, but the Emperor himself might be an example of this trope. Reduced to a shattered husk, kept on life support for 10,000 years, unable to move or communicate yet according to dogma still conscious, while the unified humanity he worked to build falls into dystopian ruin around him. A quote about the 40k universe sums it up:
{{quote|"A galaxy where the only person still sane is powerless to do anything but watch the universe die."}}
{{quote|"A galaxy where the only person still sane is powerless to do anything but watch the universe die."}}
*** It gets more into it when you realise that everything he aspired to accomplish (abolishment of religion and the destruction of Chaos altogether) is being defiled and torn down. ''In his name''. On top of that, the supposed preachers of his word are also the ones possibly conspiring to keep him in the vegetative state, as they're all paranoid and believe that if he is allowed to die and reincarnate, he'll be gone forever and the Imperium will plunge into darkness forever (Inquisitor Lord Karamazov was famous for executing one of the supposed "reincarnations" of the Emperor, much to the chagrin of his collegues).
*** It gets more into it when you realize that everything he aspired to accomplish (abolishment of religion and the destruction of Chaos altogether) is being defiled and torn down. ''In his name''. On top of that, the supposed preachers of his word are also the ones possibly conspiring to keep him in the vegetative state, as they're all paranoid and believe that if he is allowed to die and reincarnate, he'll be gone forever and the Imperium will plunge into darkness forever (Inquisitor Lord Karamazov was famous for executing one of the supposed "reincarnations" of the Emperor, much to the chagrin of his collegues).
*** According to the ''Inquisition War'' trilogy, he actually ''is'' still conscious and aware of his status on life-support, and still somewhat capable of psychic communication to anyone in his closest vicinity and freezing time to that person if he so wishes. It is heavily implied, however, that he cannot focus too much attention to communicating with anyone who he is talking with, or he'd not be able to handle the most vital parts of the Imperium, such as the Astronomicron.
*** According to the ''Inquisition War'' trilogy, he actually ''is'' still conscious and aware of his status on life-support, and still somewhat capable of psychic communication to anyone in his closest vicinity and freezing time to that person if he so wishes. It is heavily implied, however, that he cannot focus too much attention to communicating with anyone who he is talking with, or he'd not be able to handle the most vital parts of the Imperium, such as the Astronomicron.
** The ''Inquisition War'' trilogy also details the continuation of consciousness whilst suspended in a stasis field, though the consciousness is locked in whatever feeling was being felt at the submersion in the stasis field. Naturally this discovery is then used by the Inquisition to torture individuals for great lengths of time while effectively halting the decay of their bodies.
** The ''Inquisition War'' trilogy also details the continuation of consciousness whilst suspended in a stasis field, though the consciousness is locked in whatever feeling was being felt at the submersion in the stasis field. Naturally this discovery is then used by the Inquisition to torture individuals for great lengths of time while effectively halting the decay of their bodies.