And I Must Scream/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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* Another example of such a fate happens to Ch'rell, the Utrom Shredder, in the 2003 ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]]'' cartoon. After having battled and defeated him many times in the past only for him to return for a rematch later every time, Splinter and the turtles, despite an interruption by Ch'rell, who beats such stuffing out of them that they spend the next episode recovering from their wounds, successfully destroy his spaceship and, along with him, Karai, and Dr. Chaplin, are transported to the safety of the Utrom homeworld by the Utroms themselves just before the ship explodes. There, everyone is attending as the Utrom council places Ch'rell on trial. The council finds Ch'rell guilty and sentences him to eternal exile to his new home on the ice asteroid belt of Mor Tal, where he does very little but let loose a furious [[Big No]]. Later, he was found frozen in ice by the [[Laughably Evil]] 1987 Shredder in ''[[Turtles Forever]]'', which was proof that this was Ch'rell's fate, a fate eventually undone by the 1987 Shredder himself.
* The genie in ''[[Aladdin (Disney film)|Aladdin]]'' was stuck in his lamp for ''10,000 years''! But he [[Angst? What Angst?|doesn't seem too traumatized]] by the experience. Though he is a genie. For all we know, that's standard fare for them, if somewhat undesirable.
* ''[[Re BootReBoot]]'':
** Upon losing a game, sprites and binomes alike can get "nullified" - in-universe, that means reduced to a deformed, slug-like creature that can't make any noise above a squeak. Season 4 shows they're still aware.
** The Medusa Bug episode, which proceeds to turn everything in Mainframe into stone.
* In ''[[Mummies Alive]]'', Scarab murders the son of the Pharaoh in order to obtain immortality; since Pharaoh cannot execute Scarab, he has him entombed instead. The modern-day archaeologist who accidentlyaccidentally frees Scarab from his imprisonment many centuries later notes that the walls have multiple tallies scratched into them, caused by Scarab counting out the days of his immortal existence.
* In the ''[[SpongeBob SquarePants]]'' episode 'Perfect Chemistry' ends with {{spoiler|Plankton being stuck in a corked bottle, in Mr. Krabs safe, where no one can hear him.}}
* This is the terrible fate [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Van Kleiss]] suffers in ''[[Generator Rex]]''. His attempt to control time misfires when {{spoiler|Breach interferes}}, knocking him through a vortex that sends him all the way back to Egyptian civilzation. In order to get back to the present, he constructs a "hibernation" chamber that uses his Nanites to halt the aging of his body while ''staying'' '''''fully''''' ''conscious for'' '''''4,000 years.''''' Worse, he's forced to recreate the chamber each time it cops out too soon all the way up to the present, ''painstakingly'' waiting through era after era for his exodus. If that wasn't bad enough, a spectral entity is chasing him {{spoiler|though it's revealed to be a mutated Breach being dragged along each time he sits in dormancy}}. Eventually, it takes so much of a toll on Van Kleiss, nearly all of his Nanites have died and the [[Go Mad From the Isolation|isolation drives him to insanity]], causing him to forget his own identity and purpose. When he ''finally'' makes it back to present day, he manages to recover his sanity little by little after Black Knight meets with him and tells him to [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!|get a hold of himself]].
* In the finale of ''[[Action Man]]'', this fate befalls {{spoiler|Dr. X, the [[Big Bad]]}}. He's gained superhuman abilities, [[The Needless|doesn't need food or air any longer]], and becomes [[Nigh Invulnerable]]... and then Action Man traps him on an empty rock floating in the immense vastness of space with no means of escape. He actually does scream Action Man's name one last time as the rock drifts away from earth.
* In ''[[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien|Ben 10 Ultimate Alien]]'' "Night of the Living Nightmare" {{spoiler|Albedo}} gets a Cassiopean Dream-eater stuck on his head {{spoiler|because he slipped on the spilled smoothie that Ben knocked over in the beginning of that episode.}}. As if having a skull-faced alien jellyfish attached to his head wasn't bad enough, the Dream-eater traps him in a never-ending nightmare so it can feed on the chemicals his fear-addled brain produces. Said nightmare consists of {{spoiler|an invincible Ben mercilessly beating down Albedo.}}
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