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[[File:The_Animator_by_DrNero2_Custom_4980.jpg|frame|[ The Animator]]]

{{quote|''"Damn the illusion of movement! '''Damn the illusion of movement to hell!"'''''|[[Don Hertzfeldt|Don Hertzfeldt's]] intro for ''The Animation Show''}}

Tropes which are exclusive to Animation as a medium, due to the unique freedom inherent in all [[Graphical Tropes]] combined with the ability to portray action. Thanks to the rise of CGI, animation can occur within and sometime barely distinguishable from live action, allowing a medium within a medium.

See Also: [[Japanese Animation Tropes]] and [[Animation Genres]]. Do not confuse with [[Graphical Tropes]], its super-index.

<div style="float:right"><sidebarmenu>
* [[All CGI Cartoon]]
* [[The Golden Age of Animation]]
* [[History of Animation]]
* [[Japanese Animation Tropes]]
* [[Stock Visual Metaphors]]
* [[Voice Acting Tropes]]
* [[Absurdly Bright Light]]
* [[Absurdly Ineffective Barricade]]
* [[Accordion Man]]
* [[Acme Products]]
* [[Action-Hogging Opening]]
* [[Agony of the Feet]]
* [[Alertness Blink]]
* [[All Animation Is Disney]]
* [[Alternate Tooniverse]]
* [[Animated Actors]]
* [[Animated Music Video]]
* [[Animation Bump]]
* [[Barefoot Cartoon Animal]]
* [[Behind a Stick]]
* [[Big Ball of Violence]]
* [[Born in The Theatre]]
* [[Bullet Seed]]
* [[Cartoon Juggling]]
* [[Catch That Pigeon]]
* [[Celebrity Toons]]
* [[Clip Art Animation]]
* [[Conspicuous CG]]
* [[Conspicuously Light Patch]]
* [[Crush Parade]]
* [[Deranged Animation]]
* [[Detail-Hogging Cover]]
* [[Disney School of Acting and Mime]]
* [[Drop What You Are Doing]]
* [[Eat the Camera]]
* [[Everybody Do the Endless Loop]]
* [[Everything Dances]]
* [[Extendable Arms]]
* [[Eye Pop]]
* [[Faceless Masses]]
* [[False Teeth Tomfoolery]]
* [[Fight Unscene]]
* [[Fun Hating Confiscating Adult]]
* [[Heavy Voice]]
* [[Hit Flash]]
* [[Inaction Sequence]]
* [[Infectious Enthusiasm]]
* [[Inkblot Cartoon Style]]
* [[Ink Suit Actor]]
* [[Knife Outline]]
* [[Koosh Bomb]]
* [[Lantern Jaw of Justice]]
* [[Limited Animation]]
* [[Live Action Adaptation]]
* [[Medium Blending]]
* [[Medium Shift Gag]]
* [[Mime-and-Music-Only Cartoon]]
* [[Motionless Chin]]
* [[Narrative Shapeshifting]]
* [[No Flow in CGI]]
* [[Not Quite Starring]]
* [[Ocular Gushers]]
* [[Off-Model]]
* [[Pastel-Chalked Freeze-Frame]]
* [[Piano Key Wave]]
* [[Picture Drama]]
* [[Pigeonholed Voice Actor]]
** [[Relationship Voice Actor]]
* [[Polka Dot Paint]]
* [[Ringer Ploy]]
* [[Roger Rabbit Effect]]
* [[Rule of Animation Conservation]]
* [[Running On the Spot]]
* [[Scooby Stack]]
* [[Screeching Stop]]
* [[Shadow of Impending Doom]]
* [[Simpleton Voice]]
* [[Talking to Himself]]
* [[Teenage Mutant Samurai Wombats]]
* [[Temporary Bulk Change]]
* [[The Twelve Principles of Animation]]
* [[Toon]]
* [[Toon Physics]]
* [[Toon Town]]
* [[Toon Transformation]]
* [[Typewriter Eating]]
* [[Vacuum Mouth]]
* [[Vocal Evolution]]
* [[Voices Are Mental]]
* [[Voices in One Room]]
* [[Wheel of Decisions]]

==Technical terms==
* [[Adobe Flash]]
* [[Animation Lead Time]]
* [[Cel Shading]]
* [[Motion Capture]]
* [[Mouth Flaps]]
** [[Lip Lock]]
* [[Rotoscoping]]
* [[Squiggle Vision]]
* [[Synchro Vox]]
* [[Thick Line Animation]]
* [[Three Shorts]] (animation-specific episode format)
* [[Toon Boom]]

[[Category:Graphical Tropes]]
[[Category:Art Tropes]]
[[Category:Animation Tropes]]