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** In the season 6 finale, {{spoiler|the Catalyst Comet offers Finn ascension but refuses to live his life on Ooo. Martin, Finn's deadbeat dad, takes the offer, and it's implied he has committed crimes enough to be on the list of a god actuator in ''Fionna and Cake''}}.
** {{spoiler|Betty fuses with GOLB in the series finale to prevent Ooo's destruction}}.
* ''[[Star Trek]]: Lower Decks]]'':
** {{spoiler|"In Moist Vessels", O'Connor lies about reaching enlightenment but achieves it when they commit a selfless act that causes him to ascend while burning and scream in pain as he turns into energy while obtaining cosmic knowledge, such as knowing how the universe is balanced on the back of a cosmic Koala}}.
** {{spoiler|"In A Few Badgeys More", [[Artificial Intelligence|Badgey]] expands himself throughout the universe by using the Federation's subspace relay for revenge against Ruther. By doing this, he gained cosmic awareness, where he sees the pointlessness of revenge and decides to travel to other universes or even create his own}}.