Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking/Web Original

Very strong pagan, pornographic worldview with very strong and often pornographic scenes as well as several scenes mocking conservative Christians and Evangelical Protestants, Orthodox Jews and Orthodox Judaism, the military, Southerners, rednecks, heterosexual men, hunters, and African Americans, especially older blacks (apparently because blacks voted 70-30% in favor of traditional marriage in California in 2008 and tend to oppose the radical homosexual agenda of this movie’s pornographic filmmakers), plus a scene with occult content, which includes a psychic.

  • Rex's rapsheet starts out strong. Murder. Torture. Arson. Domestic violence. Brutal assalt. Treason. Smuggling. Piracy. Kidnapping. Espionage. Drunken espionage. Aggravated Mischief. Cattle forgery. Forgerous brutality. Brutal Drunkenness. Moving violations, kittennapping, littering, chain pulling... you get the idea; The number of silly crimes outstripes the serious ones, and "Drunken {something}" recurs often.
  • A YouTube user called Songunblog publishes propaganda videoes from North Korea (it is probably done for the comedic effect). One is a comparison between North Korea and the USA, portraying North Korea as a utopia and USA as a dystopia. The text about the video says that literally - the USA is "awash with crime, guns, violence, prostitution, drug trafficking, murder and jaywalking."
  • Web MD's Symptom Checker- and how! A simple headache may be the sign of brain cancer, Type II diabetes, or might just be a tension headache.
  • The expression "OMGWTFBBQ".
  • A YouTube series called "God Is Evil" or something similar sets out to show that, in the bible, God condones or personally commits: rape, slavery, torture, child abuse, animal and human sacrifice, murder and genocide, theft, and lying.
  • Upon locking an intfiction thread, the mod sternly announced, "I hate to do this but we're only on page two and we've already seen Nazis, accusations of trolling, unnecessary profanity and the omission of a serial comma".
  • About once per page on For example:

That was then used to facilitate death threats and threats of shit being smeared across said home, which is the standard Internet reaction to not only bad customer service but health scares, insurance fraud and Thursdays.

Narrator: You see, SCP-424 goes by another name: the Self-Cleaning Pool. And while that may not sound as foreboding or dramatic as the Scarlet King, the Wendigo Skull, or the Horrifying Nasty Dude of Ultimate Badness (okay, we made that last one up) we can assure you, you don't ever want to suffer the fate of taking a swim in this pool.