• Complete Monster: James Stenbek.
  • Ending Fatigue: Many people felt this about Barbara's kidnapping.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Eric Sheffer Stevens is a Real Life example of this trope. A large number of people who despise the character Reid and/or are annoyed at all the screen-time newbie actors are given praise him and his acting abilities.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: If Reid hadn't made so many heart jokes, and if people hadn't been so bold as to call him 'heartless', re-watching his storyline would be significantly easier.
  • He's Just Hiding
  • Ho Yay / Foe Yay: Reid both invokes and recognizes these tropes.

Chris: Meet me in the men's room, okay?
Reid: Wow, Doogie. That's an invitation I never expected from you.

Reid to Chris: Alright, I'm not coming onto you, but drop your pants.
Chris: Yeah, I'm thinking the lower lumbar area.
Reid: Oh, rats.

    • Before the kiss in Dallas, Reid and Luke's interactions were a good, subtle example of the above tropes. The latter turned into the former once their involvement in the neurology wing came into play.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Lucinda.
  • Memetic Badass: Dusty Donovan's roundhouse kick.
  • Moral Event Horizon: As far as Henry is concerned Vienna crossed this when she told him that she had miscarried a baby that never existed so that she wouldn't get caught in her lie.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: Quite a few: Nuke (Luke and Noah), Carjack (Jack and Carly), LuRe (Luke and Reid), Peg or Maul (Paul and Meg), Lilden (Lily and Holden), Cake (Luke and Casey's fake relationship), etc...
    • The aftermath, in which Reid gives Luke power of attorney and dies looks set to return to Tear Jerker status.
  • The Scrappy: For longtime fans any new character who gets more screen time than their favorite character.
  • Unfortunate Implications: All but one gay character ended up either dead or never to be heard from again, usually after they'd played the role of a semi-villain. The one gay character who was around in the finale was heartbroken over losing the man he was in love with. Said gay character was a legacy (conceived, born, and grew up on-screen) character, yet, straight newcomer characters got more screentime and an explicit happy ending. The few who didn't get an explicit one did get a much more hopeful one than the guy who has to deal with the heartbreak of losing his boyfriend but also the regret that he and said boyfriend weren't even allowed to do more than hold hands, kiss, and once unbutton one another's shirts.