Portmanteau Couple Name
"Can someone tell me why 'I think Annie and Mort would make a nice couple' isn't as good as 'Anmorttimomerny'?" |
When Shipping a pair of characters, fans often combine the characters' names into a Portmanteau word. They then use this word to refer to the couple as a unit. CamelCase is optional.
Although common in Anime fandoms, where the syllable-based nature of the Japanese language means names are modular and can be snapped together with ease, there are still numerous examples of Real Life celebrity couples where this happens.
For less obvious variations, see Idiosyncratic Ship Naming. Portmanteau Couple Names may also come in handy if the couple performs a Fusion Dance and literally becomes a single being.
- Older Than They Think — this Burma-Shave rhyme from The Sixties teeters on the edge of this trope:
Ben met Anna |
Anime and Manga
- ShizNat (Shizuru/Natsuki) pops up a lot in Mai-Otome/My-HiME fandom, as it's far and away the most popular pairing. "Harukino" (Haruka/Yukino) and "Maikoto" (Mai/Mikoto) also show up every now and then.
- One term coined by members of the Mai Universe forum is "Haruzuke" for Haruka/Shizuru. The "-zuke" is short for bubuzuke, an insulting nickname given by Haruka to Shizuru early in the series.
- Another everything-under-the-sun example: the Digimon fandom. Canon examples include Sorato (Sora/Yamato), Kenyako (Ken/Miyako(Yolei)), and Jukato (Jeri/Takato). Non-canon examples would take up three pages of tiny text, and that's before you start on the Digimon themselves...
- This is only for the English fandom. The Japanese fandom uses that language's convention (see below about the Naruto fandom), which often "bleeds" into English (i.e. Daiken).
- Konami—Konata/Kagami from Lucky Star. You can't censor their love. And yes, plenty of fanfiction have them using the Konami Code in some fairly "creative" ways with each other; whether it's getting the reference or just letting out Konata's Gamer Chick side varies by the author.
- Minami/Yutaka = Mintaka. Also adds to gamer cred as it's likely more writers would know the name from the theme naming in Baten Kaitos than from actual astronomy.
- Genshiken gives us the generic—and therefore quite useful -- "otupple" (Otaku + couple).
- In-universe example: Ogiue, in the Necktie Leash episode, begins thinking about the details of "Sasa-Mada", in her own words.
- Pretty Cure is quite fond of this, in particular Yes! Pretty Cure 5, where the fans who like yaoi generally support the pairing of Coco and Nuts, known as... Coconuts (sometimes just Coconut).
- Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye, a popular fanon relationship in Fullmetal Alchemist, is referred to as Royai, pronounced Roy-Eye. The pairing of Edward and Winry is often referred to as EdWin. Alphonse and Mei Chan are AruMei or AlMei. Ed and Envy, though not nearly as popular a pairing as the other examples, are Edvy. Ling Yao and Lan Fan become LingFan (LinRan in Japan). And then there's Elricest.
- Although Portmanteau Couple Names don't really happen that much in Naruto fandom (they tend to be things like NaruHina for Naruto/Hinata rather than Narunata), the similarity of the character names make it very easy to do this. (Possibly) best crossover one? Narutonystark.
- SasuNaru, GaaNaru, NaruSaku, and SaiNaru, anyone? Also, the order in which you put the names is Serious Business. Sasuke/Naruto with Sasuke as the Seme is SasuNaru, while the same pairing with Naruto as Seme is NaruSasu.
- ShikaTema (Shikamaru/Temari), ShikaHina (Shikamaru/Hinata), NejiTen (Neji/Tenten), and SasuKarin (Sasuke/Karin). TemaShika is also commonly used for Shikamaru/Temari since Temari can be seen as the dominate partner.
- Any Portmanteau Couple Name involving Kakashi-sensei just sounds hilarious (like KakaAnko or KakaSaku).
- How about SuiKa (Suigetsu/Karin)? Suika is the Japanese word for watermelon, so expect to see a lot of them in pairing Fan Art.
- Also, just thought it deserved a mention: Portmanteau Couple Names for couples between the members of Team 10 (Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji) also tend to work for their parents.
- One Piece fandom doesn't do this very often, but Cobymeppo (Coby/Helmeppo) is a notable exception, not least for being coined by the author himself. This can lead to confusion, as some people use it in its original meaning—to refer to the two characters collectively in a platonic sense—while shippers have adopted it as a pairing name. ZoLu (Zoro/Luffy) and has also seen LuNa (Luffy/Nami) and ZoSan (Zoro/Sanji).
- Also Lancock for Luffy/Hancock, Frobin for Franky/Robin, and the ever confusing (for capitalization issues) ZoRo for Zoro/Robin.
- NanoFei—Nanoha/Fate of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. For those wondering, Fate is transcribed as Feito in Japanese (also spelled NanoFate).
- For the other side of the shipping war, YuuNoha (Yuuno/Nanoha).
- Also, ViviEin for Vivio/Einhart. Subaru/Teana is trickier: SuAna or SubaTea.
- Zarf, for the canine familiar duo (Arf and Zafira).
- Kalulu—Kallen/Lulu from Code Geass. Too bad it ain't as simple for C.C./Lulu... LuC (pronounced either Lucy or Luc), perhaps? CluClu has also been used, mostly in fanfiction.
- And for the yaoi fans, there's Suzalulu aka Suzaku/Lelouch.
- Suzaku/Euphemia is SuzaEuphie.
- Some people refer to Lelouch/Shirely as 'Shirlulu'.
- Bleach: There's quite a lot like IchiRuki, IchiHime, HitsuHina, HitsuMatsu, UraYoru... or even KenUno.
- UlquiHime, for those who love a good case of Stockholm Syndrome.
- Not to mention Ishigo and Ichida (and another 'easy' round of "guess the pairing"). It usually goes by the code name IchiIshi, though.
- Renji/Rukia has been sometimes referred to as Renkia, but moreso RenRuki.
- TezuFuji, AtoTez, RyoSaku, ToriShishi, MomoRyo, SanaYuki... Damn you, The Prince of Tennis fandom. So many of these, and we haven't even gotten to all the freaking "(insert cutesy adjective) Pair" ones.
- From Shugo Chara! there is Amuto for Amu/Ikuto, Tadamu for Tadase/Amu, Kukamu for Kukai/Amu, Ikutau for Ikuto/Utau, Kutau for Kukai/Utau, Rimau for Rima/Utau, Rimase for Tadase/Rima, and even Tadamuto when referring to the love triangle of Tadase/Amu/Ikuto.
- Yukaidou, Nikanjou, or even Yuukari for Nikaidou Yuu/Sanjou Yukari.
- Gundam Seed' and Gundam Seed Destiny have several examples. Asucaga (Athrun/Cagalli) and Asumey (Athrun/Meyrin) are probably the two most well known.
- Fruits Basket fandom brings us Yukiru (Yuki/Tohru), Kyoru (Kyou/Tohru) and AkiGure or GureAki (Akito/Shigure), amongst others.
- Detective Conan: Loads and Loads of Characters, loads and loads of pairings, and hence loads and loads of this. The most well known being ShinRan (Shinichi/Ran) and AiCon (Ai/Conan), but Portmanteau Couple Names are usually applied to much more obscure pairings as well.
- Averted with Satou/Takagi, which, despite being the most important pairing not involving the main character, has no generally recognized abbreviation.
- The two of the most popular DCMK yaoi pairings are KaiShin (Kaito/Shinichi) and HakuKai (Hakuba/Kaito).
- Conan/Ai is also seldom referred to as Coai.
- Samurai Champloo has given us Fuugen (Fuu/Mugen), Fuujin or Jinfuu (as no one can decide which single-syllable name should be in front and no one has suggested Fuun), and Jino (Jin/Shino), among other less common couples such as Fuusuke (Fuu/Shinsuke).
- X 1999 has one, with the Red String couple: Sorashi. Sorata/Arashi.
- Seishirou and Subaru are often referred to as SeiSub.
- Azumanga Daioh gives us SakaKaorin (Sakaki/Kaorin), Sakura (Sakaki/Kagura), NYukari (Nyamo/Yukari), ToYomi (Tomo/Yomi), and the slightly less common ChiSaka (Chiyo-chan/Osaka).
- Axis Powers Hetalia has "Joker", which at first seems to be Idiosyncratic Ship Naming for America/England, but is really a pun on their human last names Jones/Kirkland (makes more sense if you try to pronounce it like the Japanese), although the majority of English-speaking America/England fans simply use US/UK. More common and obvious examples are: GerIta (Germany/Italy), SuFin (Sweden/Finland), AusHun (Austria/Hungary), Spamano (Spain/Romano), PoLiet or LietPol (Poland/Lithuania - "Liet" is Poland's nickname for Lithuania), Franada (France/Canada), PruCan (Prussia/Canada), FrUK (France/England - and yes, it arose mainly from the potential for loads of 'what the FrUK'-ery), RusAme (Russia/America), DenNor (Denmark/Norway), Ameripan (America/Japan), and that's just scratching the surface.
- Some fans pronounce US/UK (or USUK) as "You suck." Sort of fits their relationship, doesn't it?
- This also works well with the FrUK name when it comes to fan wars. (You know the deal... "U SUK!" "Well FrUK you!")
- Some less common pairings have cool/funny-sounding portmanteau names: Korea/Hong Kong shippers have the catchy term of KoHo, Denmark/Sweden shippers affectionately dub their pairing DeSu, and Turkey/Japan shippers (yes, they exist) have the obvious choice of Turpan but one of them on Deviant ART has come up with the alternative name of Jerkey.
- There are also some portmanteaus based on the Japanese names for the countries/characters: Giripan (Greece/Japan - the all-Japanese portmanteau would actually be "Girihon", but "Giripan" was the one that caught on with the English fandom), RoChu (Russia/China), NiChu (Japan/China), Niwan (Japan/Taiwan).
- One case worth mentioning is Belarus/Russia. If you take the common view that Belarus tops Russia, the most obvious portmanteau of their names would be... BelaRus. Brings a whole new meaning to Belarus wanting her brother to become one with her, doesn't it? Then again, her name literally means "White Russia", so...
- And then there are the Crack Pairings that have arisen out of the holiday events: TurIce (Turkey/Iceland), Denarus (Denmark/Belarus), Romaria (Romania/Bulgaria).
- Some fans pronounce US/UK (or USUK) as "You suck." Sort of fits their relationship, doesn't it?
- Fushigi Yuugi has the couples MiTama (Miaka/Tamahome), MiHoto (Miaka/Hotohori), MiTas (Miaka/Tasuki), among others.
- HotoHouki (Hotohori/Houki). Just had to throw that in because it sounds pretty cool.
- TasChi (Tasuki/Chichiri) is also popular, especially since they are the only ones left in the book at the end.
- Mahou Sensei Negima has KonoSetsu (Konoka/Setsuna) for the resident Les Yay couple.
- "KonoSetsu" is even used one of the official drama cds, when Konoka and Setsuna try to do a radio show.
- The scanlators at One Manga use NegiNodo (Negi/Nodoka) on this page.
- GetBackers' main Ho Yay pairing is known as Bangin (Ban/Ginji) in Japanese fandom and amusingly enough, it is even used in some official materials. In the GBA game Jagan Fuuin for example, bangin is a gameplay item that increases said duo's compatibility.
- Naturally, one of the oddest examples is from a CLAMP series. The pairing Doumeki/Watanuki from ×××HOLiC is referred to as "donuts". This was coined by a Big Name Fan as a parody of silly portmanteau ship names, but her readers picked it up and started using it (mostly) unironically.
- Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle has Official Couple SyaoSaku (Syaoran/Sakura) and (yaoi) fans' beloved KuroFai (Kurogane/Fai).
- Clannad has KoTomoya for Kotomi/Tomoya.
- Kyou Kara Maou has the Boys Love example of Yuuram, after the main character (Yuuri) and his unpredictable, enthusiastic fiancée (Wolfram). This name actually gets featured in-universe with Greta naming one of her pets Yuuram, after the two daddies who adopted her, as well as it being the title of an episode.
- The Kobato. fandom has Fujibato (Fujimoto/Kobato).
- Averted in Ayashi no Ceres. No matter how you put it, Tooya/Aya will end up with either "Aya" or "Tooya", and any possible nickname for the Yuuhi/Aya ship just sounds too weird.
- Toradora!'s title itself is a Portmanteau Couple Name; Taiga and Ryuuji ("Taiga" is tiger, transcribed into Japanese, whereas Ryuuji is a name dealing with dragons) are flipped for the title, so we get "Tora" the actual word for tiger in Japanese, and "Dora" comes from "Doragon", which is the Japanese transcription of Dragon.
- Beyblade had a fair few of these back when the Slash Fic-ers were at their most active. Tyson and Kai = Tyka, Max and Rei = Marei, etc.
- Suzumiya Haruhi has Yukyon/Kyuki, Mikyon, Harukyon, Itsukyon/Kyonzumi, Itsuru, Yukitsu, Tsuruguchi, and Kimikida for some examples. Kinda easy to make shipping names out of their names.
- Ranma ½ has several, the most obvious one being Rakane.
- The K-On! fandom refers to the Mio and Ritsu pair as Mitsu. YuiAzu is also used to refer to Yui/Azusa, and it's even canon, as they used that name for a guitar duet they performed.
- Inuyasha has one for every pairing you could care to name: InuKag, InuKik, MirSan, SessKag, SessRin, etc.
- For the fandom of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, most prefer to use the number system to represent the pairings (such as Byakuran/Mukuro being 10069, but some do use name combos (YamaGoku, RyoHiba, and SupaTuna are some examples - although even those are commonly referred to as 8059, 3318, and 4827 instead).
- Durarara!! fandom's favorite pairing is Shizaya, short for Shizuo/Izaya.
- The Yami no Matsuei fandom uses TsuSoka (Tsuzuki/Hisoka) and TaTari (Tatsumi/Watari), among others.
- From Nabari no Ou: Yoiharu for Yoite/Miharu, Raigau for Raikou/Gau, and Koumei for Koichi/Raimei.
- From Rurouni Kenshin, most famously KenKao for Kenshin and Kaoru.
- D.Gray-man fandom uses LaviYuu (Lavi/Kanda), Yullen (Allen/Kanda), KanLina (Kanda/Lenalee) and sometimes Laven (Lavi/Allen).
- Dragonball has several of these; it helps that Portmanteau names are canon when charcters merge via Fusion Dance, so it's an easy jump for the fandom. The most popular names are probably Truten (Trunks/Goten; compare to their Fusion Dance form of Gotenks) and Truhan (Future Trunks/Gohan).
- Soul Eater has CroMa for Crona/Maka shippers, SoMa for Soul/Maka shippers, and TsuStar for Black*Star/Tsubaki shippers.
- Also, recently[when?], KiMa for Kid/Maka. Needless to say, Maka is the Launcher of a Thousand Ships.
- Concerning the Puella Magi Madoka Magica fandom, the two big pairings Homura/Madoka and Kyouko/Sayaka have the respective portmanteaus of HomuMado and KyouSaya. Other pairings include, but not are limited to, MamiMado (Mami/Madoka) and MamiLotte (Mami/Charlotte).
- Interestingly, once Madoka effectively becomes a god, some fans have decided to switch the first portmanteau to MadoHomu.
- Death Note has the threesome of Mello/Near/Matt, which has on occasion been called MNM (pronounced Em-In-Em. Like the rapper.)
- Ouran High School Host Club has Tama Haru (Tamaki/Haruhi), Hika Haru (Hikaru/Haruhi) and Tama Kyo (Tamaki/Kyoya) just to name a few.
Comic Books
- Fan-favorite '80s C-list superheroes Booster Gold and Blue Beetle: Boostle.
- And now, Beevil (Blue Beetle/Red Devil).
- X-Men fans seem to like this a lot, but unfortunately no matter what you ship in what series/universe, you usually come out rather badly. TJott, Scemma, Jogan, Lemma, Rogan, Robby, Kyro, Ryro, Kurtty, Lancitty, Tonda, Jonda, Xietro, AleX23, Bobbity, Bobmara, Bobbilee, Kurahne, Kurmanda, and a favorite, Wandurt. Apparently the character's names were not chosen to be Portmanteau Couple Name friendly.
- "Pionda" (Pietro/Wanda) is not only clunky, the concept comes out badly no matter how you think of it. A preferable term would be "Panda", in case you wanted the Squick to be cute (either way, the couple is more or less canon in Ultimate Marvel).
- No love for the Logan/Remy pairing, Lomy?
- Some fans refer to the Rogue/Gambit pairing as Romy.
- There seems to be a candy theme when it comes to shipping Storm: RoLo for Ororo/Logan, OreO (capitalization variable) for Ororo/Remy.
- Ricstar seems to be the happy exception to the rule. It even has Peter David's blessing, who stated that it sounded much better than RicShat. It does.
- Kuroro, for Nightcrawler/Storm, is another of the exceptions.
- There has been...difficulty on comic message boards between fans of Kiotr (Kitty Pryde/Piotr Rasputin) and Kete (Kitty/Pete Wisdom)
- Helix has been a term that has been thrown around to describe Hellion/X-23.
- The latest[when?] Deadpool plotline has Deadpool Skrulls, which some fans have nicknamed Skrullpools. For actual Deadpool shipping, how about Deadcable? Or Deable or Cadpool?
- Huh? How come no one has thought of Cablepool? Or even Nade or Wate?
- Deadpool seems to be a fan of Cablepool, Though in a slightly different context...
- Huh? How come no one has thought of Cablepool? Or even Nade or Wate?
- If you happen to like Spider-Man's first love Gwen Stacy, you are stuck with "Gweter" or "Pwen" (although there are the slightly better-sounding alternatives of "Peten" and "Petwen"). "Doomshipping" covers all the bases.
- Or, if you're reading Sins Past, Normwen Stacborn.
- If you like Spidey's real first love, you'd get Petty or Beter Parant (Brarker is just too uncomfortable).
- Or, if you're reading Sins Past, Normwen Stacborn.
- Empowered dreams up quite a few of these when she learns one of her teammates is gay.
- One of the more clever names for a borderline-canon ship is Pepperony (Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, Iron Man).
- Green Arrow and Black Canary: Dinahver Quance.
- Francophone Tintin fans collectively refer to Dupond & Dupont (Thompson and Thomson) as "les Dupondt".
Fan Works
- In The Case of The Friendly Indians, a Psych fic, Shawn says that if he and Lassiter were to have a child through surrogacy, he wants to cross Jules and Gus so that he can have his own Gules, and that he'd name him Julius.
- In the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fic I Am What I Am, Oz offers up two In-Universe for the romance between Kendra and Jonathon: "Jonaken" and "Kenathon".
- A canon, non-romantic version in The Prestige: Alfred for Al and Fred Borden, the magician twins so obsessed with their craft that they live as one.
- Pirates of the Caribbean has Willabeth (Will/Elizabeth), Sparrabeth (Jack/Elizabeth), Barbossabeth(Barbossa/Elizabeth) Sparrington (Norrington/Jack), and Turrow (Jack/Will).
- There's a fanfic out there that refers to Will/Jack as "a Blirate" (blacksmith/pirate). If Jack was shipped with Will and Elizabeth, would that make him a Birate?
- There are such things as Davybeth, Beckabeth, Norribeth (which in a way is canon), Dirty Jack (Jack/his Jar of Dirt), Dalypso (Davy Jones/Calypso), Speckett (Jack/Beckett), Turrowton (Jack/Will/James), Meckett (Mercer/Beckett), and Gillington (Norrington/Lt. Gillette).
- Anidala and Obidala are popular in the Star Wars fandom.
- Obidala, eh?
Luke: But Ben, you told me Vader betrayed and murdered my father. |
- "Pavigi" has already popped up for Pavi/Luigi in the Repo! The Genetic Opera fandom. Considering the canon.
- Not to mention "Grilo" (Graverobber/Shilo) and Shathan (Shilo/Nathan).
- Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street: Sweenett, Toddett, and Todvet for Sweeney Todd and Mrs. Lovett. Yes, it exists. So does Swucy for Sweeney and Lucy, and Tobett for Toby and Mrs. Lovett.
- The Violet/Tony pairing in The Incredibles is most commonly known as "Viony". There's also the really screwed up Synlet which is, you guessed it, Syndrome and Violet.
- Another Pixar example: WALL-E and EVE are sometimes referred to as "WEVE".
- In the Ice Age fandom, some people like to refer to the pairing of Manny and Ellie as "Mellie."
- In the Bourne movie fandom, there's "Nicson" for Jason Bourne and Nicky Parsons.
- In All the President's Men, the reporters Woodward and Bernstein working the story are in one scene called "Woodstein".
- Rango: The pairing of the title character with Rattlesnake Jake has been dubbed "Rake". Some have pointed out the unfortunately appropriate song connotations.
- A pairing with a growing fanbase for the Thor fandom is Loki/Jane, or Lokane.
- "Dastamina" refers to the pairing of Prince Dastan and Princess Tamina in Prince of Persia.
- Kung Fu Panda: "PoTi" or "TiPo" for Po and Tigress.
- The Avengers: Fans have come up with three nicknames for the Clint Barton (Hawkeye)/Natasha Romanov (Black Widow) pairing: Clintasha, BlackEye, and BlackHawk.
- Portmanteau names are frequently cobbled together for Harry Potter ships, of which there are dozens, if not hundreds. The most famous Harry Potter Portmanteau ships are Dramione (Draco/Hermione), Romione (Ron/Hermione), Snamione (Snape/Hermione, also known as SSHG) and Snarry (Snape/Harry). Other common Portmanteau names are Harmony (Harry/Hermione - adherents of the ship are known as Harmonians), Drarry (Draco/Harry), Dranny (Draco/Ginny), Snupin (Snape/Lupin), Snack (Snape/Black), and Honks (Harry/Tonks). There's also the term "Herons" for Hermione/Ron shippers, although it's rarely used by said shippers.
- Wait a minute. SSHG?
- "Heron" is usually taken as an insult by Ron/Hermione shippers, as it was coined by Harry/Hermione shippers as such. Usually, the term "Good Shippers" is what Ron/Hermione shipmates call themselves. Conversely, the term "Delusional" was taken as an insult by Harry/Hermione shippers for a short time after its creation, taken from an interview with J.K. Rowling in 2005 by a Ron/Hermione shipper. However, it was turned around and is now taken as a compliment.
- And it is a shame, as "Heron" is a much better name than the one mentioned above, "Romione".
- It should also be noted that most fans who still ship Harry/Hermione find the term "Harmony" and "Harmonians" too Narm-y, preferring H/Hr or Harmione.
- Part of that is that the original self-professed Harmonians were towards the more extreme end of the spectrum in terms of ship wars, flaming and the like. One definition of Harmonians at the time was "the Provisional Wing of H/Hr Shippers."
- Some humorous-sounding portmanteau names would be Voldetrix (Voldemort/Bellatrix), Quirrelmort (Quirrel/Voldemort), Snufflepuff (what you get when you combine Sirius Black [aka Snuffles) and Cedric Diggory [who is a Hufflepuff]), and Blamione (Blaise Zabini/Hermione Granger).
- Quirrelmort as a name makes good sense but is usually (and justifiably) reserved for the form Voldemort actually takes at the end of the first book and film. If you are a fanfic writer, Your Mileage May Vary as to the exact significance of the "pairing".
- Then there's Snucius (Snape/Lucius). Actually, trying to get Snape into any portmanteau name comes out badly. The worst is probably Snily (Snape/Lily)... though at least it's not as bad as 'Snevans' and some opt for the somewhat nicer-sounding Lileverus.
- Seville (Snape/Neville)? The ship's dynamics are appalling, but at least the name rolls off the tongue.
- How about Minerverus (Severus Snape/Minerva McGonagall)?
- Ron/Snape must be... Wait a second...
- Snon?
- Rape.
- The coolest portmanteau name out there is probably Bellamort (Bellatrix/Voldemort), which literally means "beautiful death".
- The threesome, Drapery... figure it out yourself.
- It should be noted that apart from Dramione, Drarry and a few other exceptions, most of the HP fandom use initials to denote ships as some pairings sound too awkward when combined. Examples would be HG, RHR, HHR, DG, RL, etc... The usage of this method works better at minimizing discrimination in the epic Ship-to-Ship Combat always present in the fandom.
- And on that note, AS/S is commonly used to refer to Albus Severus/Scorpius
- Twilight gives us:
- Bedward (Bella/Edward)
- Blackswan (Bella/Jacob)
- Jedward (Jacob/Edward, despite the fact that it's already taken)
- Blackwater (Jacob/Leah)
- Callwater (Embry/Leah)
- Bellice (Bella/Alice)
- Jalice (Jasper/Alice)
- Jaspella (Jasper/Bella)
- Rosebella (Bella/Rosalie)
- ...and many, many more.
- Percy Jackson and The Olympians has quite a lot. Just to name a few:
- Percabeth—Percy and Annabeth
- Perachel—Percy and Rachel
- Puke—Percy and Luke
- Thuke/Thaluke/Lukalia: Thalia and Luke
- Lukabeth—Annabeth and Luke
- Annico—Annabeth and Nico
- Annalia/Thalabeth—Annabeth and Thalia
- Salleidon—Sally and Poseidon
- Ruke/Racheluke—Rachel and Luke
- Rico—Rachel and Nico
- Percianca—Percy and Bianca
- Lukianca—Luke and Bianca
- Perlia/Percalia/Thalcy—Percy and Thalia
- There's a LJ fanfic group called Crowleyraphale.
- Ayla actually named her daughter Jonayla - a portmanteau of hers and Jondalar's names.
- Pretty common amongst the Wicked Lovely fandom:
- Nirial (Irial and Niall)
- Keenlinn (Keenan and Aislinn)
- Devani (Devlin and Ani)
- Keenia (Donia and Keenan)
- Neth (Niall and Seth)
- Anial (Ani and Irial)
- Niallia (Donia and Niall)
- Maximum Ride: Fax/Mang (Fang and Max), Niggy (Nudge and Iggy), Eggy (Ella and Iggy), and Figgy (Fang and Iggy).
- A Song of Ice and Fire: Sandor + Sansa = San-San, which is, admittedly, rather cute.
- Peeta/Katniss of The Hunger Games is a far too difficult ship to name. KatPee sounds like "cat pee", KatPeet like "cat feet", and then the most unfortunate one of all comes from putting Peeta's name first and then Katniss'... we'll let Josh Hutcherson say it.
- Eventually they combined "The Girl Who Was On Fire" with the baker's son and got "Toast".
- Though "Everlark" and "Everthorne" have been gaining in popularity recently[when?].
- The Inheritance Cycle fandom has developed a ridiculous number of these, involving almost every possible combination of characters. Some of the more popular ones include:
- Murtada - Murtagh/Nasuada
- Erya - Eragon/Arya
- Eraphira - Eragon/Saphira.
- Murtrina - Murtagh/Katrina (Jossed by Book Three, but since when has that stopped shippers?)
- Saphikan or Saphruikan - Saphira/Shruikan
- Thophira - Thorn/Saphira
- Galbazandi - Galbatorix/Islanzadi
- For Wicked, the ship names are the same as they are for the musical (Fiyeraba, Gelphie, Flinda, Foq, Gloq, Bessa, etc.), but as there are characters not included in the musical, naturally there are more. Most notably, Thrope for Tibbett/Crope and Elpharic for Elphaba/Avaric.
Live Action TV
- Spike/Buffy on Buffy the Vampire Slayer became "Spuffy." Buffy/Angel, meanwhile, was "Bangel." Then there's "Spangel", "Spander" for the Spike/Xander fans and "Spillow" for the Spike/Willow fans. Or "Spawn" for Spike/Dawn. Yep.
- And then there's The Clawn. Pass the Brain Bleach, please...
- "Spiles" for the handful of Spike/Giles fanfics. ...Yeah, Spike is basically the Buffyverse's Launcher of a Thousand Ships.
- "Harmonike" for Harmony/Spike. Or Sparmony!
- Not to mention the best one for Buffy, which is regularly used with a straight face. It's generally an unsentimental ship, no hugs and puppies for anyone involved, canonically or in fic. And yet, its name? Fuffy for Buffy/Faith.
- Fuffy is also referred to as Buffaith, not a huge improvement, but still slightly better.
- The Buffyverse is full of these: Cangel (Cordelia/Angel), Fangel (Faith/Angel), Spred (Spike/Fred), Weslah (Wesley/Lilah), Fresley (Fred/Wesley), Coyle (Cordelia/Doyle), Faithsley (Faith/Wesley), Fangelus (Faith/Angelus), Xanya (Xander/Anya), Wesllyria (Wesley/Illyria), Spaith (Spike/Faith), Spanya (Spike/Anya), and the list goes on and on and on...
- Spike/Anya has also been known as Spankya.
- On the fem slash side, there's Wiffy (Buffy/Willow), Fawn (Faith/Dawn), Tuffy (Buffy/Tara), Tillow (the canon Tara/Willow) and of course, Fuffy (one fanfic writer has commented that "Wiffy" sounds more like Pepe Le Pew/Foul Ole Ron). Some fans also refer to the Buffy/Willow pairing as Billow, which frankly is a much better-sounding alternate.
- Tara/Willow is also called Willara, which seems to be more common than Tillow.
- And then there's the canonical but much-maligned Kenlow.
- And "Wuffara"(Willow/Buffy/Tara threesome) stories.
- In the Season 8 comics, the pairing Buffy/Twilight has occasionally been referred to as Blight.
- Scully/Mulder on The X-Files became "Sculder" or "Mully".
- Clark/Lex on Smallville became "Clex". Marvel at its ease of confusion with "Chlex" (Chloe/Lex).
- Then there's Clana (Clark/Lana), Chlark (Chloe/Clark), Chlollie (Chloe/Oliver Queen), Lexana (Lex/Lana), and, bar Epileptic Trees blossoming, the Foregone Conclusion Clois (Clark/Lois).
- They use it in the forums AND recently[when?] on the show itself. ("Bluretto" in the episode "Stiletto" in reference Lois's temporary superhero id and Clark's current press nickname "The Red Blue Blur")
- There's also Chlois (Chloe/Lois), even though that term also refers to the theory that the person we know as "Lois" in the Superman-verse is actually Chloe from the Smallville-verse.
- Logan/Veronica on Veronica Mars became the hilarious/adorable (delete as applicable) "LoVe." Which was probably better than Veronica/Duncan, which the fans only used their initials and came up with "VD."
- Fans use Do Ve for Veronica/Duncan, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
- Tina/Bette on The L Word became "TiBette".
- Daytime soap fans seem to have a portmanteau name for every couple, every possible couple, and even every impossible couple. For instance, fans of the incestuous Ho Yay between sisters Kendall and Bianca (Binks) on All My Children referred to the pair as "Kinks." Also BAM (Bianca and Maggie) is one of the few that only use the first letter of the characters names.
- Let's not forget all the hate-names they also have: Lame for Lane (Lilly/Cane), Chain for Chane (Chloe/Cane), Barf for Bianca/Zarf, Zendull for Zendall (Zach/Kedall) and Stinks or Reeks for Rinks (Reese/Binks).
- The fandoms for Disney Channel Original Series and Movies are fond of this trope:
- High School Musical: Troyella (Troy Bolton/Gabriella Montez), Ryella (Ryan Evans/Gabriella Montez), Chyan (Chad/Ryan) and Troypay (Troy Bolton/Sharpay Evans).
- Hannah Montana: Liley (Miley Stewart/Lilly Truscott), Loliver (Lilly Truscott/ Oliver Oken), Moliver (Oliver Oken/Miley Stewart).
- Wizards of Waverly Place: the infamous Jalex (Justin Russo/Alex Russo).
- Sonny With a Chance: Channy (Chad Dylan Cooper/Sonny Monroe).
- ANT Farm: Flyna (Fletcher Quimby/Chyna Parks), Folive (Fletcher Quimby/Olive Doyle).
- Kamen Rider Double has Teriyaki (Terui/Akiko), Shotako (Shotaro/Akiko) and Makki or Makiko (Makura/Akiko).
- Portmanteau names are also sometimes used by fans of The Amazing Race to refer to the teams, without necessarily implying any shipping. This was done most humorously for Heather & Eve in the show's third season: "Heave" referred both to the team and to the reaction they tended to inspire in the show's fans. Other examples are "Momily" (Nancy & Emily, the mother/daughter team from Season 1) and "Dandrew" (Dan & Andrew, Season 13), although Idiosyncratic Ship Naming is actually more common with teams.
- Many fans of Lost can be divided into "Jaters" (wanting to see Kate with Jack) and "Skaters" (Kate with Sawyer).
- Fans even have a platonic portmanteau name for the two show runners, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse: Darlton. The pair are aware of and apparently amused by this.
- Heck, they even made fun of it after the show on Jimmy Kimmel Live when they were in bed together.
- The best Lost Portmanteau Couple Name has got to be "Charladay" - Charlotte Lewis and Daniel Faraday.
- Another ship which has been growing in popularity is "Suliet" (Sawyer and Juliet). And to finish off the love quadrangle, Jack + Juliet becomes... "Jacket".
- After Dr. Linus, some fans started "Belana" - Ben + Ilana.
- Another Ben pairing - Ben/Locke = "Blocke". Heck, it's better than the portmanteau used to describe the Man in Black as Locke: Flocke.
- Fans even have a platonic portmanteau name for the two show runners, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse: Darlton. The pair are aware of and apparently amused by this.
- The Heroes fandom is swarming with portmanteau ship names. The local wiki has a whole category devoted to character relationships, romantic and otherwise, and the only one that doesn't have some kind of portmanteau for a title (including Matt Parkman and his turtle, or "Murtle") is the highly amusing "Peter vs. Sylar" page.
- Just how ridiculous are Heroes shippers about this portmanteau thing? Plenty: the difference between "Claithan" (Claire/Nathan) and "Claitian" (Claire/Haitian) is a serious one. And then there's Peter Petrelli, the Launcher of a Thousand Ships of Heroes fandom: "Petlar" or "Pylar" (Peter/Sylar), "Paire" (Peter/Claire), "Moheter" (Peter/Mohinder), "Padam" (Peter/Adam), "Petelle" or "Pelle" (Peter/Elle), "Plaude" (Peter/Claude), and "Piro" (Peter/Hiro). Funnily enough, there isn't a smushed pairing name for Peter/Nathan other than "Petrellicest" (and really, the way this show is, that could describe any of four people). Also Kiro (Kensei/Hiro), Hando (Hiro/Ando), Eclaire (Elle/Claire), and Mocah for the Toy Ship Molly/Micah. Oh, and Madam (Mohinder/Adam) was hanging around for a while, despite the two never having met. That's not even one-fourth of all the portmanteau couple names in this fandom, mind you.
- Matt/Mohinder doesn't have its own portmanteau name, because the pairing comes as a package of three with their My Two Dads-style daughter, Molly. Thus they are M3, MMM or House of M.
- It's interesting to note that Zachary Quinto actually coined the term "Sylinder" (Sylar/Mohinder) himself when an red carpet interviewer asked him about his friendly relationship with Sendhil Ramamurthy and he joked that he'd like to do a spinoff sitcom with him with that name. Apparently he's quite aware of the ship, having talked about it frankly and amusedly at interviews and bringing it up randomly at a certain Comicon (to the screaming fangirls' delight, apparently).
- "Chameron", "Hameron", "Huddy", "Chouse", and "Wilhouse"/"Wouse"/"Hilson" from House fandom.
- "Foreteen" (Foreman/Thirteen) was actually used in the show; House calls them that in the Season 5 episode "Unfaithful". The Spanish subtitlers for Latin America obviously don't know about ship names, because they translated this one as "Catorce" ("Fourteen"). Luckily, the name still kinda works in the sense of "Thirteen plus one".
- Chuck includes "Jeffster" for Jeff/Lester right in the show as the name of their band. Also, fans popularly refer to Chuck/Sarah as "Charah" in the fandom.
- Chuck and Sarah are referred to as such in the show itself by Casey at one point.
- Kirk/Spock from Star Trek became "Spirk" (though it's sometimes jokingly called "Kock" or "Kick"). There's even an ongoing debate over which one should be the "official" pairing name, with a third subset of fans wailing that a portmanteau does - well, something bad to the fandom, anyway - and that the only proper shortening of the pairing is K/S.
- There's "McSpirk", for all three men. Though "McSpork" would probably be funnier.
- "Chulu" is becoming rather popular for Chekov/Sulu, as is Spuhura for Spock/Uhura. They're been popping up like whack-a-moles since the new film came out.
- Scones came up recently[when?] on the kink meme as a name for the Bones/Scotty ship.
- Jones for the pairing of Kirk and McCoy, aka Jim and Bones
- Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles already had "Camerah" for Cameron/Sarah after just one episode. As well as "Jameron", "Jamerek" and "Dameron" for John/Cameron, John/Cameron/Derek and Cameron/Derek.
- Power Rangers has several of these, ranging from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 's Tommy/Kim into "Tim," Dino Thunder 's Kira/Tommy into "Kirommy," to SPD 's Sky/Bridge into "Skidge." When characters Mack, Will, Ronny, and Rose appeared in Operation Overdrive, various combinations resulting in "Rock" and "Roll" were inevitable.
- Firefly has several of these as well: "Silee" or "Saylee" (the Simon/Kaylee Official Couple), as well as "Jaylee" (Jayne/Kaylee), "Rayne" (the odd and verging on Foe Yay Jayne/River ship), "Zayne" (Zoe/Jayne), "Jaynara" (Jayne/Inara), and "Kaynara" (Kaylee/Inara). "Maliver" for Mal/River fans. Also, guess what ship is referred to as "Crazy Space Incest" or "Tamcest".
- This idea has exploded with Stargate Atlantis. Sort of understandable in that one of the main character's name is McKay, which has lead to various pairings like McWeir (McKay and Elizabeth Weir), McShep (McKay and John Sheppard), McCarter (McKay and Samantha Carter), McKeller... you get the idea.
- Aversion: the Sheppard/Weir pairing is called "Sparky". The person who started the Sheppard/Weir LJ community hated portmanteau ship names and said something like "We're not calling this pairing Shweir! Anything but that! We can even call it 'Sparky' if you like!" and it stuck. This also appears to be an allusion to the character Sheppard's obsession with having to name new things/concepts himself rather than allowing anyone else to coin the terms.
- Fans of the Reaper ship Sam/Devil tend to call it "Sevil".
- Greek: The forum wars are between Caspie (Casey/Cappie) and Cabecca (Cappie/Rebecca). While the OTP is Caspie, the current Official Couple is Cabecca. Not pretty.
- CSI Verse: Grillows (Grissom/Willows), Sandles (Greg/Sara), Snickers (Sara/Nick) DuCaine (Horatio/Calleigh), Wedges (Lab Rats Wendy and Hodges),Flangell(Flack/Angel), among others. The Official Couple ships aren't in this form.
- It would take pages to list all the portmanteaus from all 3 shows, but if you go to the series' main forum, Talk CSI, you can access a fairly comprehensive list in the Shipper Central forum.
- CSI also has an inversion of sorts of this with a non-shipping portmanteau: During seasons 10 and 11, fans started referring to the Nate Haskell and Ray Langston interactions as "Raskell".
- Grey's Anatomy: the short lived Addison/Alex portmanteau Addisex. The canon relationship of Callie and Erica became known as Callica in fandom. Additionally: MerDer for Meredith and Derek, Calzone for Callie and Arizona and Crowen for Cristina and Owen.
- South of Nowhere fans refer to Spencer/Anybody by putting Spencer's name first: Spashley/Spash (Spencer/Ashley), Spangs/Sparmen (Spencer/Carmen AKA Bangs), Spaiden (Spencer/Aiden) etc.
- Torchwood fandom has Janto, Gwack, Gwys, Towen, and Janten sound utterly ridiculous (Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Jack, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/Owen, and Jack/Ianto/Tenth Doctor, respectively).
- Spoofed in this fanfic and its prequel.
- One Doctor Who Crack Pairing seems to have come about because of the portmanteau: "Onose" (One/Rose, i.e. First Doctor / Rose. It is, of course, pronounced "Oh noes").
- Other Rose pairings include "Drose" (Doctor/Rose), "Nose" (Nine/Rose) and "Tose" (Ten/Rose, pronounced like "toes").
- The Doctor/TARDIS ship is unfortunately sometimes known as 'Doctard'
- The Classic series also has "Nysric" (Nyssa/Adric).
- The Second Doctor would sometimes refer to companions Jamie and Zoe collectively as "Joey," a rare case of the portmanteau coming from within the show.
- Classic and new series has "Dromana" (Doctor/Romana).
- In Degrassi the Next Generation, the canon couple of Paige and Alex became Palex, and was actually referred to as such by one of the characters in the show. There's also Crash (Craig/Ashley) and Cranny (Craig/Manny). Pia and Miater were both suggested in series for Peter/Mia.
- Anyone paired with Ellie tends to come out kind of strange - Mellie (Marco/Ellie) Pellie (Paige/Ellie), Jellie (Jesse/Ellie) and Crellie (Craig/Ellie). Also, there's Darco (Dylan/Marco) Crarco (Craig/Marco) Sparco (Spinner/Marco) and Tarco, occasionally reffered to as Mim (Tim/Marco). And Piley (Peter/Riley).
- Clare seems to get interesting pairing names. Eclare (Eli/Clare), Flare or Clitz (Fitz/Clare), Klare (KC/Clare), DeClare (Clare/Declan), and the newest[when?], Cake (Jake/Clare)
- Holly J's pairing names come off odd due to the initial she carries, but she's had Spolly J (Spinner), Blue J (Blue), Spolly Jane (Spinner and Jane), Spolly Jay (Spinner and Jay), Dolly J (Declan), Sally J (Sav) or Savvy J (also Sav), and Folly J/Lesbiona J (Fiona).
- In Gossip Girl, these names aren't always used but can still be found sometimes. With the main pairings there's Darena (Serena/Dan) and Chair (Chuck/Blair). Less common pairings are Waldsen (Serena Van Der Woodsen/Blair Waldorf), Dair (Dan/Blair), and Nair/Blate (Nate/Blair). Also, not seen that often (probably due to the ridiculousness of it) but occasionally, the name Duck (Dan/Chuck) pops up.
- Chuck/Blair is also known as Bluck and Serenanate stands for, well, Serena and Nate.
- Fans of Friends have called Monica and Chandler "Mondler," a name actually used by Ross in one episode. "Chanoey" (also a term from the show, though used by Phoebe as a suggestion for a way to name a baby after both of them) has also been used for Chandler/Joey.
- Bones fandom had Hodgela for the ship of Hodgins and Angela, and Brenangela or Brengela for the popular femmeslash pair of Brennan and Angela, although remarkably, the main OTP of the series, Booth/Brennan, does not have a portmanteau couple name—though their initials, BB, are often used in fanfic summaries and have pretty much become the equivalent of a name.
- Actually, for Booth and Brennan, there are the rarely-used "Semperance" and "Teeley". Also, Sweets/Daisy is often referred to as "Swaisy".
- The Mighty Boosh shippers are fond of the remarkably painful-sounding "Howince". Though actually, it's the more 'serious' (read, crazy) fans who call it Howince. Most people just refer to it as Boosh slash.
- In an episode of Jericho, Stanley and Mimi actually have a discussion over what their couple name should be. Mimi is rather appalled that Stanley's comparing them to Brangelina. It is Stanley who dubs the name for them "Stimi".
- NCIS has at least the Tiva shippers who used to fight heavily with the Tate shippers. The Tivas kept saying Tate never was an option since Kibbs/Gate was to happen if anything, but of course the Gabby shippers would have hung them had the Tabby shipper not stopped them from doing so... Jibbs might be well established too, and let's not forget McNozzo, McAbby, McGiva, and Tibbs.
- Kari's also got a couple of fans, but most people are disgusted by the fact that he killed her. Kind of put a spanner in the works.
- Tiva has been mentioned in interviews with the actors. It gets entertaining.
- Also, some have come across the extremely odd, yet hilariously named Palmer and Fornell ship, "Pornell". As you could probably guess, it doesn't have a very large fan base...
- Don't forget Leemer for Lee and Palmer!
- Some fans of the Jibbs pairing refer to hypothetical children of the pair as "Jibblets," a portmanteau of "Jibbs" and a term used once on the show for a child of Gibbs, "Gibblet."
- Another in-show example after Tony notices sparks between Gibbd and Agent Bourn:
Tony: What, nobody else on Team Bibbs? |
- Used in the show on Friday Night Lights as Smash's first-season love interest Waverly briefly dubs their relationship "the Waverlash". Otherwise, the show seems immune to name-smooshing.
- The fledgling Castle fandom has already coined "Caskett" (Castle/Beckett), which is really quite remarkably clever when you think about it.
- As of the release of the Defictionalization of Rick Castle's novel Heat Wave, the Slash pairing of detectives Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito is sometimes referred to as "Roach", after the nickname given their fictional counterparts "Raley" and "Ochoa". And yes, there are Roach fanfics about Roach fanfics. Appropriate to a series which has basically thrown it's Genre Blindness out the window.
- There's also the canon name Esplainie, for Esposito and Lanie.
- M*A*S*H had PierceIntyre—used canonically by Henry (though their clueless Colonel probably wasn't aware of the implications).
- Also Hawpper for the same pairing, B-eye for B.J./Hawkeye, and Hawkney for Sidney/Hawkeye.
- About 90% of the Life with Derek fandom ships UST-tastic step-siblings Derek and Casey, referring to the ship as "Dasey". Other popular pairing names include "Lizwin" (Lizzie/Edwin), "Shemily" (Sheldon/Emily), "Demily" (Derek/Emily), "Dally" (Derek/Sally), "Trasey" (Truman/Casey), "Masey" (Max/Casey), "Sasey" (Sam/Casey), and "Salph" (Sam/Ralph).
- Scrubs: Turk and Carla were sarcastically referred to by Dr. Cox as "Curk" and "Tarla" in one episode. Later, in the "My Princess" episode, Cox represents the two in his story as a two-headed witch named "Turla".
- Some fans use JDox (JD/Cox), Jelliot (JD/Elliot), and Jorlliet (Jordan/Elliot).
- The iCarly fandom uses this extensively:
- "Cam" (Carly/Sam), "Carper" (Carly/Harper), "Creddie" (Carly/Freddie), "Seddie" (Sam/Freddie), "Sham" (Sam/Ham), "Spam" (Spencer/Sam), "Fencer" (Freddie/Spencer, and is also a reference to an episode), "Crediam" or "Seddily" (Sam/Freddie/Carly One True Threesome).
- Spencer insults two truckers named Sledgehammer and Porkchop over a CB Radio by asking if they would be named "Sledgechop" or "Porkhammer" in the event of a marriage.
- Creddie vs. Seddie is used directly in the episode iStart A Fan War, which features in-story iCarly fans warring over their favorite ships at a con (along with an infamous Ship Tease).
- Outside of the iCarly shipping wars, there's Niranda (Nathan Kress and Miranda Cosgrove) and Jathan (Jennette McCurdy and Nathan Kress). There's also Jerrette (Jerry Trainor and Jennette McCurdy) for the May–December Romance version.
- "Cam" (Carly/Sam), "Carper" (Carly/Harper), "Creddie" (Carly/Freddie), "Seddie" (Sam/Freddie), "Sham" (Sam/Ham), "Spam" (Spencer/Sam), "Fencer" (Freddie/Spencer, and is also a reference to an episode), "Crediam" or "Seddily" (Sam/Freddie/Carly One True Threesome).
- Victorious had many the day that the series came out, probably due to the popularity of portmanteau couple names on iCarly above, from the same creator: "Bade" (Beck/Jade), "Bori" (Beck/Tori), "Cabbie" (Cat/Robbie), "Tandre" (Tori/Andre), "Trobbie" (Trina/Robbie), "Cade" (Cat/Jade), Bat (Beck/Cat), and many, many others.
- Les Yay One True Threesome wise, we have Catorade (Cat+Tori+Jade).
- "Jooster". Originally coined by Stephen Fry himself, though in a completely different context (talking about how he felt that he had attributes of both Bertie Wooster and Jeeves).
- Skins fans wasted no time in combining the Emily/Naomi ship into "Naomily", which has permeated to the extent that E4 use it for official stuff (most notably the Unseen Skins features), and even the more mainstream media have picked it up. "Freffy" and "Ceffy" - Freddie/Effy and Cook/Effy - are codified, but vastly less popular; "Keffy" for Katie/Effy is established, but suffers from being non-canon.
- Those who Actor Ship Lily Loveless and Kathryn Prescott (Naomi and Emily) have a few; "LoveScott" is around but rare, but vastly more common is "LilyKat". A very drunk attempt at typing the latter while providing Twitter coverage of an event they were attending at a nightclub also spawned the highly bizarre "LiltJar", which is fast becoming a shibboleth for the fandom.
- In the TV show Merlin, the ship Merlin/Arthur has become Merthur, or Arlin, depending on your preference.
- ArMor, the ship name for Arthur/Morgana is both this and an Idiosyncratic Ship Name, as it also refers to a particularly popular scene between the two in the second episode of the series. Some fans think it would be better for the Merlin/Arthur pairing due to its pronunciation (Armer as opposed Armor), and for all the times that Merlin helps Arthur with his armour.
- Also Arwen for Arthur/Gwen, which can be misleading.
- Mergana for Merlin/Morgana.
- Morwen for Morgana/Gwen.
- Merwen for Merlin/Gwen.
- Supernaturals most popular ship is Wincest, which is exactly what it sounds like. But most other pairings fall into this trope:
- Dean/Castiel is Destiel.
- Sam/Lucifer is Samifer, but this term has also begun to describe when Lucifer is using Sam as a vessel in The End.
- Sam/Gabriel is Samriel or Sabriel (which can be a bit of a Mind Screw for a Supernatural fan who also enjoys the Garth Nix novel of the same name. )
- Sam/Castiel is Sassy (for Sammy/Cas)
- And then there's the third option, Wincestiel.
- Glee has "Wemma" for Will/Emma, "Quick" for Quinn/Puck "Quichel" or "Faberry" for Quinn/Rachel, "Puckleberry" for Puck/Rachel and "Finchel" for Finn/Rachel. Believe it or not, among the hardcore Glee fans, "Quichel" is the most popular pairing of them all besides it being somewhat of a Crack Pairing viewed from Les Yay goggles cranked Up to Eleven.
- Glee is notable in that the characters themselves refer to their various relationships by Fan Nicknames.
- Puck/Rachel/Finn can be called Puckleberry Finn.
- And let's not forget "Brittana" and "Santittany" for Brittany/Santana.
- The same conversation in Canon that gave us Santittany also gave us Artcedes for Artie/Mercedes.
- Quinn/Rachel was rechristened "Faberry" after the fandom decided that "Quichel" was too difficult to pronounced and looked a good deal like quiche, among other things.
- Guess what Puck/Finn is referred to.
- Sam/Puck also has an... interestingly appropriate portmanteau
- Finn/Kurt is Furt. Which is also the name of Episode 2x8.
- Kinn seems to be more common, and some writers use Furt exclusively to refer to the sibling relationship between the two. Hudmel is also used, though usually as a name for the Hudson/Hummel family as a whole.
- Kurt and Rachel are referred to as Hummelberry. Early users of the name used this to ship the two romantically but the growing relationship between them in season 2 (and solidified with a song at the finale) made it used more exclusively to refer to their friendship.
- Blaine/Kurt is Blurt.
- Blaine and Rachel were christened Raine (though in rarer cases Blainchel) after their short-lived relationship on the show.
- Kurt/Karofsky is Kurtofsky.
- And sometimes Karommel.
- Finn/Karofsky is Finnofsky or Hudofsky and Blaine/Karofsky is Blainofsky or Blaive
- Kurt/Sam is Kum.
- Skurt and Kam are also common.
- Though, after Kum, the most used name is Hevans. Also, Humans
- Skurt and Kam are also common.
- And according to Mark Salling, Puck/Artie is Partie.
- Artie and Tina are/were Artina or Tartie.
- Kurt/Puck is Puckurt, Purt or Pummel.
- Kurt/Will is often shortened to Kill.
- Jesse and Rachel are often shortened as St. Berry.
- Wes and David (the David from Dalton, not Dave Karofsky) are sometimes called Wevid.
- Two of the background Warblers, Nick and Jeff, are shipped together as Niff.
- Pizes for Puck/Lauren in-universe; Luck is also used among fans.
- Tina and Mike are Tike to fans and Mc Tina Cohen-Chang-Chang in-universe.
- Artie and Brittany are Artittany in-universe, but more commonly known by the fans as Bartie.
- Santana refers to herself and Karofsky as "Santofsky" after almost coming out to the school with Brittany but losing her nerve.
- As of the season two finale, Sam and Mercedes are Samcedes.
- As of season 3, Seblaine for Sebastian/Blaine.
- There's also Kurtbastian (Kurt/Sebastian) and Sebklaine (Sebastian/Kurt/Blaine).
- Also Irishofsky for Rory Flanagan/Dave Karofsky, from back when it was known that Damian McGinty (who is Irish) was joining the show in season 3, but not yet what his character's name would be.
- After "Extraordinary Merry Christmas", Sory, Smory, and Flanavans are used to describe Sam/Rory.
- Flanamotta or Sweet Potatoes[1] for Rory/Sugar
- Cherry for Mike/Rachel
- Fabang for Mike/Quinn
- Fabrevans for the canon Quinn/Sam relationship
- Klainchel, for Kurt/Blaine/Rachel, which can be used for either a three-way friendship or a three-way... something else.
- Adding together the pairings of Brittana and Faberry gets you the OT 4 Faberrittana.
- Other pairings inside Faberrittana are Pezberry, Pieberry (or Britberry), Quinntana, and Quitt. Threesomes are The Unholy Trinity or Queerios (Santana/Brittany/Quinn), Fapezberry (Quinn/Santana/Rachel), and Brittanaberry (Brittany/Santana/Rachel).
- Sebofsky for Sebastian/Dave.
- Rorbastian for Rory/Dave.
- Rormony for Rory/Harmony.
- The Mentalist gave us the unintentionally hilarious (but widely used) Jisbon (Jane/Lisbon), a.k.a. Jello. Also, Rigspelt for Van Pelt/Rigsby. They're all kinda pathetic, aren't they?
- There's also Chelise, for Cho and his (hardly seen) girlfriend Elise.
- Desperate Housewives has an abundance of these - Brynette, Kathree, Sudie, Brorson, Brarl, Tynette, etc.
- The Office has Jim + Pam = Jam. Now we just need one for Andy Bernard and Erin... Ernard? Andrin?
- There's also Dwangela (Dwight + Angela), although that ship seems to have been sufficiently sunk.
- These in LazyTown fandom are more like those in anime fandoms than other western fandoms, usually containing a full syllable or two of each name. Examples include SportaSteph for Sportacus/Stephanie, and SportaRobbie for Sportacus/Robbie. Everybody except Stephanie and Sportacus has a two syllable name, so for most characters one uses their full name, making the name of a ship that doesn't involve one of the two heroes arguably not a portmanteau at all.
- In-universe example: Shortly after Eric and Donna have sex for the first time on That '70s Show, Eric describes to Hyde that it felt like becoming a new entity altogether..."Donric Formciotti".
- Dollhouse has Clopher for Claire/Topher, Tennett for Topher/Bennett, Pecho for Paul/Echo, Baunders for Boyd/Saunders and the bizarre-sounding Pellie for Paul/Mellie.
- Psych: 'Shules' for Shawn/Juliet and 'Shassie' for Shawn/Lassie (the latter was actually used in the show itself, alongside "Shassiter" and "Sharlton," when Shawn got excited over Lassiter following his gut instincts).
- Go on, take a wild guess which pairing "Galex" refers to in Ashes to Ashes fandom. It's also the only portmanteau name used by parts of fandom - Chris/Shaz seems to have escaped, for now.
- The Sarah Jane Adventures has Cluke (Clyde/Luke), Clani (Clyde/Rani) and Maruke (Maria/Luke) among others. Luke has used "Clani" in-universe.
- Mystery Science Theater 3000 brings you... Joike. Yes, Joike. Used as an in-universe gag, though not with that intent.
- Also, Crom, for those of you with an interest in Ridiculously-Human Robots. This one has a little more weight to it—the characters have spent more than five minutes together, and Crow has had a couple of... moments.
- The Law and Order Special Victims Unit fandom is split almost perfectly in half: on one side, the Bensler (Oliva Benson and Elliot Stabler) shippers; on the other, the Cabensons (Alex Cabot and Olivia Benson again). Neither term is widely used.
- Common among the popular/long-lasting couples on So You Think You Can Dance. Most prominent would be Ivison (Ivan/Allison), Katua (Katee/Joshua), and Marksie (Mark/Chelsie). Sometimes acknowledged on the show, with "Benjelle" (Benji/Donyelle) [later parodied with "Tranji" (Travis/Benji)] and "Twitchington" (Twitch/Kherington). Also can pop up for couples that didn't actually happen, such as "Travison" (Travis/Allison) and "Trivan" (Travis/Ivan).
- Unnatural History has Hesper (Henry/Jasper), Menry or Haggie for Henry/Maggie, Jaggie (Jasper/Maggie), and Hespaggie for Henry/Jasper/Maggie.
- One Tree Hill has such gems as Puke (Peyton/Lucas haters), Leyton (Peyton/Lucas), and Brucas (Brooke/Lucas).
- Malcolm in the Middle fans use 'Wilkercest'. Even though it's often used in general terms, due to the popularity of the pairing, it can also mean Malcolm/Reese specifically. Interesting in that the altered surname, Wilkerson, isn't even necessarily canon (used in the first episode, then arguably RetConned).
- It took a while for Coronation Street viewers to work out how best to combine Sophie and Sian; Siophie seems to be winning out.
- Fans of Eastenders quickly coined Chryed—Christian and Syed. Due to the couple's popularity, the BBC website and even the actors have dropped the pairing name in interviews.
- The Big Bang Theory introduced an in-universe example when Leonard dubbed Sheldon and Amy "Shamy". Fans also use "Shenny" for Sheldon/Penny.
- And "Lenny" for Leonard/Penny.
- Battlestar Galactica fandom seems to avoid this, with the exception of Starpollo (Starbuck and Apollo). Couple names are usually connected by slashes. Perhaps because the characters' names don't lend themselves to portmanteaus.
- Fans of The Vampire Diaries have too many to count, due to the large amounts of Ship Tease on the show. Some of the most common ones include:
- Delena—Damon/Elena
- Stelena—Stefan/Elena
- Roman—Rose/Damon
- Datherine—Katherine/Damon
- Daroline—Damon/Caroline
- Jelaric—Jenna/Alaric
- Jerennie or Beremy—Bonnie/Jeremy
- Forwood—Caroline Forbes/Tyler Lockwood. Apparently no one liked Caroler or Tyline (which does sound like a cleaning agent).
- The amount of crackships this show generates is amazing, probably due to the fact that 99% of the cast is good-looking. Oh, and all the Ho Yay and Les Yay could make a crackshipper die of happiness. Here are a few:
- Jyler or Jeremy/Tyler—which began as Foe Yay then eventually turned into Ho Yay
- Kateline or Fortrova—Caroline Forbes/Katerina Petrova a.k.a Katherine Pierce
- Giltrova or Katelena—Katherine/Elena—holds great appeal to some fans and femslash writers, since the two are completely identical.
- Klaroline—Klaus/Caroline
- As of Season Three, Klefan a.k.a Klaus/Stefan.
- Also, Jeremy/Caroline -> Jeroline, Steroline -> Stefan/Caroline, Elejah -> Elena/Elijah, Katjah -> Katherine/Elijah, Klaterina -> Katherine/Klaus, Bonnie/Damon - Bamon, Klaulette - Klaus/Charlotte Petrova and more.
- The amount of crackships this show generates is amazing, probably due to the fact that 99% of the cast is good-looking. Oh, and all the Ho Yay and Les Yay could make a crackshipper die of happiness. Here are a few:
- In-universe in Royal Pains. In "Astraphobia," when Evan and Divya discover that Jill and Hank have gotten back together (again), Evan comments, "Oh my god, Jill and Hank. Jank! Jank is back!" Then he proposes that since they make such a good team, he and Divya should have a combo name. He rejects "Evadivs" and considers "Divyan." Divya suggests, "Divya and idiot. Diddiot."
- House of Anubis has Nina and Fabian paired up as "Fabina".
- Primeval gives us Conby (Connor/Abby), Click (Claudia/Nick), Nickenny (Jenny/Nick), Janny or Denny (Danny/Jenny), Secker (Sarah/Becker), Jecker or Jesker (Jess/Becker), Memily (Matt/Emily), and probably tons more that no one bothers to think of.
- The How I Met Your Mother fandom has the "BROtp" for Barney/Robin, a combination of their names and the term OTP.
- Another version is "Swarkles" (SWARLEY + robin SPARKLES = SWARKLES)
- Rob and Amber from Survivor and The Amazing Race were dubbed "Romber" after the Survivor: All Stars season ended with them in the final two.
- Jules and Sam from Flashpoint are known as "Jam".
- The Sherlock fandom has Johnlock (John/Sherlock), Mystrade (Mycroft/Lestrade), MorMor (Moriarty/Moran) and, less commonly, Jimlock or Sheriarty (Sherlock/Moriarty).
- And for a briefly canon (Albeit uncommon) example, Molliarty.
- An in-universe example from Parks and Recreation. Shortly after he and Ann Perkins begin dating, Tom Haverford announces the official debut of their couple name -- "Tan". She instantly announces the official end of the couple name, and he bounces back with "Haverkins".
- Community has one lone Portmanteau Couple Name that is used in fandom and shipping: Trobed, stemming from the canon referral to Troy and Abed's new apartment as La Casa Chez Trobed.
Mixed Media
- Most crack pairings at the respective article here on TVTropes have, or * The fanfic collaboration "Shore Leave," where three authors placed various male characters from Pirates of the Caribbean -- Aubrey-Maturin, Horatio Hornblower, and Sharpe - in an orgy together. They included a commentary, where they and their editor related some of the pormanteaus they'd invented in the process of writing: Bushington, Shardrey, and Sparrowblower.
- The Ur Example in Greek mythology: Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite.
Newspaper Comics
- In-comic example from Luann: When Tiffany's ploy to get hunky Quill's attention by feigning interest in Gunther backfires, her friend Crystal teasingly refers to Gunther and Tiffany as "Gunthany."
- Richandamy from Zits originates from Rich and Amy being on screen together all the time - as in holding each other tight at all times "together" - so much so that they're practically one person. Hence, "Richandamy."
- Gaia Online now has The Sentinel and The Overseer who some people ship as "Sentiseer".
- Vocaloid's got Mikaito,[2] Kaimei,[3] Lukapo,[4] Gakumei,[5] Kaiteru,[6] Kiyuki,[7] and Gakaito,[8] Lenka,[9] among others. (How the hell do you combine Rin and Len? R/L? Kagamine^2?)
- Kagamincest.
- Stand-up comedian Russell Peters has bit where he encourages people of different ethnic backgrounds to pair up and have kids. Thus, an Italian and a Jamaican have little pastafarians, a Dutch man and a Filipina have jalapenos, an Icelander and a Cuban have little ice cubes, etc.
Pro Wrestling
- Though it's hardly a common pairing, one can find Randy Orton/John Cena slash labeled "Centon." Here's hoping the bizarre Undertaker/Jeff Hardy shippers never come up with a portmanteau.
- What, like "TakeHard" or "UnderJeff"?
- "Shawnter" (Shawn Michaels/Triple H)
- "Huntista" (Triple H/Batista)
- Meanwhile, "Reytista" (Rey Mysterio/Batista) for a while was almost canon...
- "Codiase", or "Codiasi" as it's sometimes spelled, (Cody Rhodes/Ted Dibiase Jr) is becoming increasingly more common
- "Junk" (Jeff Hardy/CM Punk)
- "Slabriel" (Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel)
- "Vladtino" or "Koztino" (Santino Marella/Vladimir Kozlov)
- There is an official one of these for one of WWE's on-air couples; the pairing of Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix (aka the Glamazon) is referred to by WWE itself as Glamarella.
- A portmanteau (Glamarella) based on a portmanteau! (Glamazon=glamourous + amazon).
- A less common name for the somewhat-canon couple (at least, in the latter's mind) of Trish Stratus and Mickie James is "Trikie".
- Another canon one, tag team of Chris Jericho and Big Show, "Jerishow." They even have mixed music.
- Big Show later paired with The Miz as ShoMiz.
- Another tag team example comes in the former team of Randy Orton (RKO), and Edge (Rated R Superstar), with Rated RKO.
- Layla and Michelle McCool have formed the pairing of Laycool.
- Wicked fans of the Glinda/Elphaba pairing use "Gelphie". Fiyero/Elphaba is "Fiyeraba" or "Elphieyero" or "Faeyero" and there's also "Bessa" and "Gloq." Guess what pairings those are?
- Although much less popular, there's also Fiyeressa for Fiyero/Nessarosa, Foq for Fiyero/Boq, and Flinda for Fiyero/Glinda. Wicked fans can and will ship pretty much any pairing.
Video Games
- Final Fantasy fandom has plenty of these, especially Final Fantasy VII, divided into such diverse things as Clerith/Cleris/Clorith (Cloud and Aeris/Aerith), Cloti/Clifa (Cloud/Tifa, often violently at war with the former), Yuffietine/Yuffentine (the somewhat implausible Vincent/Yuffie), AeriSeph (Sephiroth/Aeris), not even going into all the Ho Yay pairings of the terribly Bishonen heroes and villains...
- The Yuffentine Pairing gained alot of ground after Dirge of Cerberus came around.
- There's some entertainment if you happen to ship Cloud/Aeris/Tifa as a threesome. In which case, you get CloTiRis. Oo-er.
- Final Fantasy X has a rather unfortunate one: Tidus/Yuna = Tuna.
- Lukka (Lulu/Wakka) -- which is a homophone of the largest city in the game's world—and Rippal (Rikku/Gippal), both of which will never not be funny.
- Final Fantasy VIII mainly avoids them, since the Launcher of a Thousand Ships of the fandom is named 'Squall'. 'Squh' sounds don't portmanteau well. Squinoa isn't so bad, but Squistis? Squeifer? Or, most unpleasantly onomatopoeically, Squelphie? Squell is not unheard of, though. Nor Squaerith, for that matter. Not to mention Squikku is probably more common than you'd think likely.
- Squall may not have been in too many good portmanteaus before, but that's because he was saving up for possibly the best one ever. Ladies and gentlemen, Dissidia Final Fantasy has gifted to us the pairing of Squall and the Warrior Of Light, abbreviated as "SqWoL."
- Also from Dissidia Final Fantasy, those who favor the Unholy Matrimony of The Emperor and Ultimecia have started using Pala/Mecia—the "mecia" being the last bit of Ulty's name, the rest referring to the fact that the Emperor's All There in the Manual surname and name of the country he rules in his original canon is "Palamecia."
- Final Fantasy XIII gives us Fanille (Fang/Vanille) and FLight (Fang/Lightning).
- Fans of Agrias/Ramza in Final Fantasy Tactics tend to call their pairing Agriamza.
- Sonic The Hedgehog has "Sonadow" (Sonic/Shadow), "Shackles" (Shadow/Knuckles), "Sonamy" (Sonic/Amy) and "Shadamy" (Shadow/Amy), among others. Lots of others.
- There's "Shadouge" (Shadow/Rouge), "Taiream" (Tails/Cream), "Taismo" (Tails/Cosmo), "Sonaze" (Sonic/Blaze), "Silvaze" (Silver/Blaze), "Silvamy" (Silver/Amy), "Taimy" (Tails/Amy), "Knuxouge" (Knuckles/Rouge)...
- "Sonunckles" (Sonic/Knuckles). Or "Suckles". Not for the "suck=bad" notion, but for the fact that the thought of "suckling" being involved drives others to squick territory.
- Adventures fandom sometimes uses "Scrounder" when referring to the pairing of Robotnik's inept hench-robots, Scratch and Grounder.
- "Tikaos" is the fandom's name for the Chaos/Tikal pairing. This got confusing once a character actually named Tikaos was introduced. (Who, incidentally, was a fusion of the two, meaning it could be a nod to the fandom's habit of making up names like this)
- Tales of Symphonia fandom does this as well—any two characters' names can be and probably have been snapped together to name a pairing, whether that pairing is written by anyone or not. Lots of people write Kranna (Kratos/Anna), Kraine (Kratos/Raine), Colloyd (Colette/Lloyd) Sheelos (Sheena/Zelos), and Zelloyd (Zelos/Lloyd) but terms like Sheenis (Sheena/Genis) and Kralette (Kratos/Colette) are also not unheard of, despite these pairings being exceedingly improbable.
- In Tales of Vesperia, Yuri himself is the one to create the name for the yuri pairing Ristelle (Rita/Estelle). Fans also have created Yustelle (Yuri/Estelle), Reirita (Raven/Rita), and Fluri (Yuri/Flynn).
- In Tales of Phantasia fandom: "Chess" (Cless/Chester) and "Archester" (Chester/Arche).
- Fallout: New Vegas now has its first first Portmanteau Name JuVie for Julie Farkas/Veronica.
- Some variations also exist in Super Robot Wars, most prominently KyoCellen (Kyosuke/Excellen), the current Official Couple of the OG series. And then by OG Gaiden, there's another variant like AxFimi (Axel/Alfimi). Also AxMia (Axel/Lamia), or alternatively called LaXel.
- Heavy Rain has Blayden for Norman Jayden and Carter Blake.
- In The Legend of Zelda, Link, that Heroic Mime studmuffin, gets paired with almost every girl in canon. Fans of Link/Zelda generally refer to it as Zelink. Then there's Malink (which is usually Malon/Link, but can also be Marin/Link), Midlink (Midna/Link), Rulink (Ruto/Link), Linkooru (Link/Nabooru), or Linkia (Link/Ilia, could also be Link/Saria). Meanwhile, there's a very tiny faction within the fandom that ships Zelda/Ganon; as both Zenon and Gazel.
- The Link/Sheik ship generally gets referred to as Shink. The above Midlink has also been written as Mink or Lidna (with the former being the more popular of the two), Link/Ilia as Lilia, Link/Saria as Salink, Midna/Zelda has got the name Melda (which is... somewhat appropriate), and there's a small following for Zelia (Zelda/Ilia - and no, the two characters never meet). Ganondorf/Link has been referred to as Galink, and the popular Dark Link/Link ship gets the unpopular name of Dink (or, occasionally, Dank or Larnk). Zelink, since it can refer to quite a large combination of Zeldas and Links, often gets a qualifier.
- Skyward Sword: Ghirahim/Link is Ghiralink.
- Ghirahim, in fact, gets around - in common use is Ghiramise (Ghirahim/Demise, also seen as Ghirademi), Ghirazel (Ghirahim/Zelda), and Ghirafi (Ghirahim/Fi). Demise and Hylia become Demilia, and Zelda/Impa is sometimes called Zelimpa. Amongst the Skyloftians, Link/Groose is Grink, Groose/Pipit is Groopit (or, occasionally, Gropit), and Zelda/Groose has the unfortunate name of Zeloose.
- Fans of Super Smash Bros. Brawl who enjoy the semi-canonical resident Crack Pairing of Solid Snake/Samus Aran almost universally refer to it as Snakus (those who don't most likely use the term Solid Samus).
- On the topic of Solid Snake, the only reasonable way to portmanteau Snake/Otacon is by using the Japanese pairing name—Otasune (note that this implies that Snake is the Uke). Western fans who want to portmanteau the pairing (most don't) either have to hijack the Japanese word, use 'Snotacon' (which has been parodied in fanworks), or decide whether Snakon or Snacon should be used.
- Still on the topic of Snake; from Metal Gear Solid 3's fandom, we get Volkov for the infamous canon Volgin-Raikov relationship, Ocekov for Ocelot-Raikov, and Bosselot for Big Boss/Ocelot.
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl has also seen Pike (Ike/Pit), Mike (Ike/Marth), Like (Ike/Link), Mink (Marth/Link), and Pink (Pit/Link). For the ladies, Samus/Zelda has got Zelus, and Zelda/Peach has Pelda.
- For Alice/Marisa of Touhou there is both "MAlice" (though more often in reference to Imperishable Night, in which you can switch between the two characters, but there's a sort of bug which effectively allows you to hit an enemy with both of their attacks simultaneously, which fans have dubbed "Malice Cannon"), and "MariAri" (since the Japanese way of saying "Alice" would be "Arisu").
- Some Reimu/Yukari shippers are given to using the term "YukaRei" for their pet pairing.
- Other examples include "TeruMoko" (Kaguya + Mokou, "Teruyo" being a deliberate misreading of the kanji for "Kaguya"; also known as "KaguMoko" in English), "MeiSaku" (Meiling + Sakuya), "UdoMyon" (Reisen aka Udongein + Youmu, who is often known as "Myon" for an exclamation she utters... once), etc.
- Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney has Feenris—Phoenix (or "Feenie" as Iris/Dahlia likes to call him) and Iris.
- The other popular heterosexual pairing, Phoenix/Maya, is usually referred to by its Japanese name, Narumayo (Naruhodou/Mayoi). Another het portmanteau is Miego (Mia/Diego).
- Other examples: Godonaru, Godomitsu, and Diegodot. Spark/Lotta! Is! SPARTA!
- The fandom's favourite slash pairing is usually turned into Japanese to help the portmanteau—Narumitsu. Same thing happens with the AJ rival pairing, Kyodoroki (or Klapollo/Klapolly). If English is used, it will be Edgewright, which is used even when Phoenix tops.
- Franziska/Adrian is shortened as Fradrian.
- Phranziska or Phizka for the Fran/Nick ship.
- Mass Effect fandom:
- Portmanteau couple names involving Shepard are quite predictable. Shepard/Kaidan Alenko is "Shenko", Shepard/Garrus Vakarian is "Shakarian" or "Sharrus" (although the former is much more common), Shepard/Thane Krios is "Shrios", Shepard/Joker is "Shoker" and Shepard / Liara T'Son is "Shoni". Often these names implicitly refer to female Shepard, but sometimes people will differentiate between pairings involving male and female Shepard (e.g., "femShenko" and "mShenko").
- On a non-Shepard-related note, Joker/EDI is occasionally called Jedi.
- Advance Wars: Flak/Lash as "Flash".
- Breath of Fire in general has RyuNina, whilst IV also has FouMami (for the het pairing) and FouRyu (for the selfcest slash pairing).
- II has RyuKatt (in a rare example of this trope where there is no Japanese equivalent—the Japanese name for Katt is Rinpoo in accordance with The Unwritten Rule Of Capcom Localisation Renamings).
- II also has a rare example of this trope not related to romantic pairings; there is an entire constellation of portmanteau names for fusion forms you can take with other party members.
- Disgaea fandom has "Maomaz" to describe the Mao/Almaz pairing, and also "Maoberyl" for Mao/Raspberyl.
- Let's not forget "Flaharl" for the Flonne/Laharl pairing.
- "Harvest Moon" runs rampant with pairings, although the most commonly seen portmanteaus are "Grary" (for Gray/Mary, one of the rival pairings in the Mineral Town games) and "Graire" (for Gray/Claire, the name given to the blonde female farmer from the Mineral Town games).
- Team Fortress 2 's Fan-Preferred Couple doesn't have a portmanteau name (how exactly would one smush together "Heavy" and "Medic," anyway? Hevic? Medy?) but close-second Spy and Sniper does: Spyper.
- The City of Heroes forum community uses Numitron to reference the canonical Numina/Positron pairing.
- There was also a concerted attempt by some members to use Statesline for a Steasman/Faultline Crack Pairing
- Dragon Age 2 fandom brings us "Fenders" to refer to the pairing off of Fenris and Anders or, occasionally, to refer to a three-way or Love Triangle with both characters and Hawke. Vanders (Varric/Anders) is occasionally seen as well, as is Merabela (Merrill/Isabela).
- Kingdom Hearts's names are usually either a portmanteau of their English names or the Romaji of their Japanese names. English examples include any combination of So, Ri and Kai (including all three at once), as well as Larxel, Mansaix (the latter being Xemnas' anagram Mansex mixed with Saix), RoxEtte, RoXion, NamiXas/RoxIne, KairiNe (Kairi x Namine), MarLar, and Zemyx. Romanji examples include AkuRoku, VekuRekuZeku, and RokuShi for the Romaji. And those are the common ones.
- Most common are SoKai, SoRiku, AkuRoku, RokuShi, Zemyx and Namixas.
- With the Massive Multiplayer Crossover nature of the game, some Crossover Ships are inevitable, most popularly Cleon (Cloud/Leon) and the Crack Pairing Seiner (Seifer/Hayner).
- Alternatively, Heifer.
- Every single pairing in Portal has a near universally used one: Chelley (Chell x Wheatley), ChellDOS (Chell x GLaDOS), Chellmann (Chell x Doug Rattmann)... as you can see, the fans think Chell Really Gets Around. For the few non Chell pairings we have Cavealine (Cave x Caroline), Spaceosity (Space Core x Curiosity Core), Factventure (Adventure "Rick" Core x Fact Core), Angrality (Anger Core x Morality Core) and WheatDOS (Wheatley x GLaDOS).
- On the Japanese art site Pixiv, Inazuma Eleven fans have created the tag "Fubukiyamaru" for Fubuki Shirou + Kiyama Hiroto + Kazemaru Ichirouta. Although it's frequently used in a non-shipping context for pictures which simply feature all three of those characters, since Pixiv has a limit of 10 tags per picture.
Web Comics
- Webinar and Dora have been referred to (once) as Webinora by a fan on the Erfworld forums. Bonus: Webinar is itself a portmanteau of "web seminar".
- When Gunnerkrigg Court started hinting that James Eglamore and Jones were (or still are) a couple, fans of that 'ship began calling them "Janes".
- Behold the dawn of Zeethiggs in Girl Genius... Ain't they just meant to be?
- The fandom has yet to settle on one single portmanteau name for Agatha and either of her two surviving love interests, although "Agiltha" appears frequently for Agatha/Gil, and both "Targatha" and "Agavek" pop up from time to time for Agatha/Tarvek. More recently[when?], Agilvek has shown up for the potential One True Threesome.
- Also, the canon Brain Uploading / Demonic Possession results have Fan Nicknames fitting the trope: Lu'Agatha (Lucrezia + Agatha), Von P'Otilla (Von Pinn + Otilla), Lunevka (Lucrezia + Anevka), O'Kestle (Otilla + "Der Kestle").
- Zorg, Gwyff, Riflee and such from Sluggy Freelance.
- Fans of Honeydew Syndrome have used CharJay for Charles/Jay and CharMay for Charles/Metis.
- Questionable Content's forum are sporadically abuzz with shippers for "Fayten" (Faye + Marten) or "Svaye" (Sven + Faye), and members smacking down the use of portmanteau names. However, "HanTai" for the gleefully pervy lesbian Tai and the OCD, extremely straight, easily squicked Hannelore (who Tai has an obvious crush on) is damn near universal for obvious reasons, even for people who find the idea ridiculous. Jeph dismisses it as stupid, and has (due to the Hantai meme), banned Shipmanteaus from the forums. Not that this has stopped anybody, of course.
- The Crack Ship Marigold/Pintsize recently[when?] acquired the name... wait for it... Pint-o-Gold.
- PvP did a little Lampshade Hanging in the earlier part of the strip when Brent and Jade first got together. Cole told Francis that "That's common when two people you know start dating. Brent and Jade as you knew them are gone now. There is only... BrentJade!"
- Not really used, but the Order of the Stick fandom gave one for Xykon/Tsukiko: Xytsuki.
- Penny and Aggie forum members are fond of creating, and debating, portmanteau couple names. The most commonly-used ones are "Saraphne" for Official Couple Sara and Daphne, and "Agenny" for the eponymous characters ship. Others include "Standi" (Official Couple Stan/Brandi), "Jacky-Ann" or "Katack" (Official Couple Jack/Katy-Ann), and "Stenny" (for the Foe Yay ship Stan/Penny).
- Two portmanteau names have appeared in the comic itself: "Standi," which Cyndi uses after that couple's breakup (and well after its coinage in the fandom); and "Lichelle," with which Lisa teases Michelle after the latter says that girl-on-girl sex grosses her out.
- Referenced in this Arthur, King of Time and Space strip, which coins the Portmanteau One True Threesome Name "Arthnevot" (Arthur/Guenevere/Lancelot).
- Housepets has the fans' OTP Grape and Peanut, or GrapeNut. Yes, even their couple name has a food theme.
- By the second Skin Horse strip to show Dr Dennis "Tip" Willkins meeting Narbonic's Artie (RT-5478), the ship had been named RTip-5478.
Web Original
- Answer Me This: Helen and Martin's solution to what to do with their names once they are married.
- In season four of The Guild, Zaboo has this priceless line:
Zaboo: I'm Team Codex/Fawkes. Team Cawkes! |
- The broship of Liam "Brook" Brooks and Jason Harris from Survival of the Fittest is generally referred to as "Brason."
- Sarah Xu and Reiko Ishida, who are often called "Sareiko" when mentioned together
- Non Romantic Example [10] This is canonically how the AI/Freelancers pairings in Red vs. Blue get their "normal" names. Omega + Allison = O'malley, Gamma + Reginald = Gary, and so on. How this would work for some of the other pairs (David + Epsilon = ???) is unknown.
- Obligatory Whateley Universe examples: there is ongoing debate about Phase's dating path, since he is dating Vanessa (Vox) now but close friends with Jadis (She-Beast). This leads to the Vanayla vs. Jayla discussions. Or is that Aylis?
- With all its many characters and their relationships, RWBY has shippers out the wazoo pairing everyone with everyone else and coming up with a cute name for every possible pairing, including Qrow and his hip flask. There exist multiple versions of a simply massive shipping spreadsheet listing most or all of them. While most are clever turns of phrase or Historical In-Jokes and not portmanteaus, there are still a few examples of this trope to be found, like Arkos (Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos), Zweiss (Zwei/Weiss) and Rosewick (Ruby Rose/Roman Torchwick).
Western Animation
- It's all but a written rule for every Avatar: The Last Airbender online forum to include a "Kataang" (Katara/Aang) vs. "Zutara" (Zuko/Katara) poll, with "Maiko" and "Zukaang" recently[when?] moving up in the ranks to join the fray.
- One notable demonstration of the trope was the ComicCon Avatar shipping panel, which went on to, using a ludicrous amount of Portmanteau Couple Naming, identify every ship in existence... and then some.
- Parodied in "The Cave of Two Lovers," where it is revealed the city of Omashu was named after Star-Crossed Lovers Oma and Shu.
- Ones that involve Toph tends to sound really cool/funny. There's Sokka/Toph (Tokka), Toph/Aang (Taang), Toph/Zuko (Toko), Katara/Toph (Katoph), and Toph/Suki (Toki).
- Jetara (Jet/Katara), Yuet (Yue/Jet, who were each basically one-episode season-one love interests originally and of course have never met), Smellershot OR Longbee (Smellerbee/Longshot), Sukka (pronounced Sooka, Suki/Sokka), etc. Everyone is shipped in ATLA fandom. Including Zuko/Azula, also known as Azuko or Zucest. And that's not even a weird one.
- On tv.com, The fandom couldn't decide between Sokki and Sukka because they sounded too much like either character's name, so a compromise was made. They call it George.
- Azula related: Azula/Ty Lee (Tyzula), Azula/Katara (Azutara), Azula/Aang (Azulaang), and Azula/Sokka (Sokkla).
- There's also Maitara (Mai/Katara) and, parodying Maiko, Maikoh (Mai/Koh the Face Stealer).
- In a similar vein, creators Mike and Bryan are known collectively as "Bryke," though of course platonically. We think.
- And now that we've finally got character designs and names for more than just the main character The Legend of Korra had these, and accompanying shippers well before airing. All that was needed were character names, designs and capsule descriptions.
- For another Foe Yay example, with volumes of associated Fanfic and Fan Art, note "KiGo". (Kim + Shego, from the diverse fandom of Kim Possible.
- Possibly (ahem) even more unlikely are the "Rokken" (Ron + Drakken) or "Drakkim" (Drakken + Kim) pairings. No, they really do.
- Strangely enough, one of the few ships on this show that doesn't fall prey to this trope is the Official Couple of Kim/Ron (although there is the option of KiRo, which sounds similar to other pairings, such as KiGo, KiMo, KiYo...): a simple K/R suffices (out of the possible combinations, "Rim" or "Kin" would both sound silly and have odd implications). Also, Drakken/Shego, another (eventual) Official Couple.
- A ship that is often associated with KiGo is RoRi, pairing up Ron and Yori (who were actually canon for a little while in the series).
- Futurama. One word: Freela.
- A few more: Fender (Fry/Bender) and Leeler (Leela/Bender).
- In Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!!, Sprx/Nova, by far the most popular pairing on the show, is "Spova." There are also names for the pairings between all of the other main/reoccuring characters, and many of the minor ones.
- Amongst Transformers slash fans, MOP (Megatron/Optimus Prime) is a common fan term. Another one is MegaStar or MegaScream for Megatron/Starscream.
- Micron Legend has StAl for Starscream/Alexis on the Japanese side.
- Parodied in Metalocalypse: In the episode "Girlfriendklok", Nathan Explosion dates a celebrity named Rebecca Nightrod, and the portmanteau name "Natebecca" is created by obese middle-aged women (or alternatively, "Rebasplosion").
- "Bevin" for the Ben/Kevin ship in Ben 10. "Bwen" is sometimes used to describe the Ben/Gwen ship, and there's "Kilgax" for... Kevin/Vilgax. And then there's Gwevin/Kwevin to describe Kevin and Gwen. Ben and Julie, the only couple to date to *actually* get together, which took some time to earn its following, is now referred to as Benlie. Surprisingly the first canonical pairing in the series, Ben/Kai, is quite popular among the fans but still has no shipping name.
- The Backyardigans: Tyroqua or Tyroniqua (Tyrone/Uniqua), Austasha (Austin/Tasha), Auniqua or Austiqua (Austin/Uniqua) and Tyrosha (Tyrone/Tasha). Poor Pablo.
- Code Lyoko isn't as heavy on the portmanteau names, but prefers initial-x-initial format. Just take a main character's first initial and put them on either side of the "x"; for example, UxY means Ulrich and Yumi, OxS means Odd and Sissi (or Sam, or Setsuna)), etc. Most of the time, fans will know what you're talking about. Besides referring to Jeremie and Aelita as JxA, some fans have also used the term Jerlita (including their mutual voice actor Sharon Mann, who uses it as her handle when stopping by Lyoko Freak).
- South Park seems to favor ship names that can be actual words: Style (Stan/Kyle), Bunny (Butters/Kenny), Creek (Craig/Tweek), Candy(Cartman/Wendy), Dip (Pip/Damien), Cutters (Cartman/Butters). Most of the rest are silly portmanteau names (Kyman for Kyle/Cartman, Stendy for Stan/Wendy) or simply the initial-slash-initial format.
- Stolovan is used for pairing Kevin Stoley and Clyde Donovan. Then there's K2 or K squared for Kenny/Kyle.
- An alternate name for the pairing Butters/Cartman is, funnily enough, Buttman
- Stolovan is used for pairing Kevin Stoley and Clyde Donovan. Then there's K2 or K squared for Kenny/Kyle.
- Teen Titans doesn't lend itself to interesting mash-up names. The fans usually combine the first syllables of each name, like Rob/Star (Robin/Starfire) or do a nickname thing like BB/Rae (Beast Boy/Raven) the rare example of a true Portmanteau Couple Name would be Flinx (Kid Flash/Jinx) or anything with Cyborg in it (Starborg, Bumbleborg, etc.)
- "Raveast" is also popular for Beast Boy/Raven.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: SpongeBob/Sandy apparently makes "Spandy". As for the Ho Yay variants, there's SpongePat and SpongeSquid, or PatBob and SquidBob for less character-consuming variants. The term Squidill for Squidward/Squilliam is also used every now and then.
- For Phineas and Ferb: Phinbella/Phinabella/Phinebella (Phineas and Isabella) and Canderemy/Jandace (Candace and Jeremy). And for the Foe Yay example, Doofenperry or Perryshmirtz.
- Some more examples, this time with the Fireside Girls: Fertchen for Ferb/Gretchen, and Phineatie for Phineas/Katie (yes, there are people who ship that).
- Others include Starl for Stacy/Carl, Irvabella for Irving/Isabella(Yes it exists) and Carlgram for Monogram/Carl
- Also Ferbnessa for Ferb/Vanessa and Buljeet or less commonly, Balford for Baljeet/Buford.
- The Total Drama fandom has this only, interestingly, for crack couples; a canon or popular pairing, like Gwen/Trent or Gwen/Duncan, tends to be abbreviated simply as G/T or G/D, while crack couples are generally called things like Ezzy (Ezekiel/Izzy), LeDunca (Leshawna/Duncan) or Noah/Cody (Nody, NoCo or NOCO).
- However, the TDA special had canon examples of Duncan/Courtney (or "Duncney"), and Geoff/Bridgette (as "Gigette").
- In "Greece's Pieces", Gwuncan, Coderra, and Siody as canon examples alongside Duncney and Gigette. Though the last two are wishful thinking on Sierra's part.
- These names are all over the fandom. It's interesting to note that it is more common for slash pairings to be composed of the first syllables of names, each separately capitalized, such as NoCo, DunNo, DunTrent, DunHar, ect, while most het pairings would have names sounding like one word, such as Nizzy, Trindsay, Nisay, Gody, Deva, Bridgekiel, Noette, Tytie, ect. However, Alejandro has spawned several names in the slash style, even if they are het, such as AleHeather, AleDuncan, AleNoah, AleCourt, AlePineapple, ect. and femslash pairings will usually have het style names, such as Gwidgette, Evizzy, Britney, ect. In addition, there are some slash pairings in the het style, such as Nody or Chref.
- The Magic School Bus. Ralphie/Wanda = Rwanda.
- Scooby Doo: Fraphne or Dafred (Fred/Daphne), Shelma (Shaggy/Velma), Frelma (Fred/Velma) and Shaphne (Shaggy/Daphne) have all been used.
- Iron Man: Armored Adventures has Pepperony (Pepper/Tony), Gepper (Gene/Pepper), Whitony (Whitney/Tony), and Rhodney (Rhodey/Whitney). Pepperony was used in the comic book and movie incarnations.
- Skilene for Skipper the penguin and Marlene the otter from The Penguins of Madagascar.
- Non-ship and non-language-related example: A visual portmanteau was used to create the in-universe logo for Mr. Sparkle brand dishwashing detergent in The Simpsons. The product was a joint venture of Matsumura Fishworks and Tamaribuchi Heavy Manufacturing Concern. The goggle-eyes and wispy lines of the former's logo combined with the yellowish lightbulb of the latter's to form a shockingly Homer-esque spokes-character.
- Nedna, for Ned Flanders and Bart's teacher, Edna Krabappel, which has been used in advertising.
- On at least one occasion, the 2D/Murdoc pairing for Gorillaz has been referred to as "Tuds" (Murdoc's name is often shortened to "Muds").
- 2Dle (2D/Noodle). Scarcely used, but possible to stumble upon.
- Some fans of The Nightmare Before Christmas has Jally for the main couple Jack and Sally (thank God that they don't reverse that and have Sack).
- The Invader Zim fandom had a more creative idea: Instead of fusing the names together, they had acronyms such as in ZADR, which stands for 'Zim and Dib Romance'. Other pairings then used this formula (ZAGR, DATR, DADR, etc.)
- Mainly because names consisting of only two consonants and a vowel in the middle are hard to fuse together.
- Fans of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic have already started doing this. It bears mentioning that some of the portmanteaus (like "AppleDash") could be legit names of actual characters in this universe.
- There is also Twixie (Twilight and Trixie), Twiluna (Twilight and Luna), DashiePie (RD and Pinkie), TwiShy (Twilight/Fluttershy), Rarishy (Rarity/Fluttershy), Flutter Dash (Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy), Shinadence (Shining Armor/Cadence), Dislestia (Celestia/Discord), ChrysCord (Chrysalis/Discord), SoarinDash (Soarin'/Rainbow Dash), Sparity (Spike/Rarity), FlutterMac (Fluttershy/Big Macintosh), and many, many more.
- Some are quite punny, like Apple Pie and Twinkie.
- Discord usually ends up named first. DiscoLight or DiscoPie, anypony?
- The semi-popular Spitfire/Rainbow Dash ship has the epic-sounding "Flamebow".
- Adventure Time fans have also started this since around mid season 1. Fubblegum (Finn/Princess Bubblegum) and Marcefinn or Finnceline (Marceline/Finn).
- Since the airing of "What Was Missing", Bubblegum/Marceline fans have decided on Bubbline, with the genderswapped version (from "Fionna and Cake") being Gumshall.
- The genderswapped versions of Finn and Marceline, Fionna and Marshall Lee, have the ship name of Fiolee.
- The Fairly OddParents has it's own fan name for the Timmy/Tootie and Timmy/Trixie ships, TimToot and TimTrix, respectively.
- Recess: T.J./Spinelli: Tinelli
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: There's Luxsoka, Rexsoka, Obisoka, Anisoka, Plosoka, and Cadsoka. And that's not even all the people Ahsoka's been paired with.
Real Life
- Happens in the Hello! Project fandom. Sumomo (Sudou Maasa/Tsugunaga Momoko), Renai (Tanaka Reina/Takahashi Ai), Gakikame (Niigaki Risa/Kamei Eri), Yajiume (Yajima Maimi/Umeda Erika)...
- This technique has wormed its way into news and gossip coverage of real-life couples, with such shining examples as Bennifer (Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, later Affleck and Jennifer Garner), TomKat (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes), and Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie).
- Ben Affleck later lampshaded this trope in the intro to one of his times hosting Saturday Night Live. Noting the amount of money people have made with Bennifer T-shirts, and irritated that he hasn't gotten any of it, he showed off his own custom T-shirts with possible future relationships: "Benyonce", "Boprah", and "Mary-Kate and AshFleck". And then, "BenGay", pairing him with either Marcia Gay Harden, or recurring co-star Matt Damon.
- Parodying this practice, Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report has taken to referring to the pairing of William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman as "Filliam H. Muffman".
- And, just throwing it out there, Steyonce.
- This was actually a Jeopardy! question: they wanted to know what couple comprised Filliam H. Muffman.
- In the E! recap show The Soup makes the parody even more extreme, pulling the "Celebrity Hookup Name Generator" each time they know about a new celebrity couple. The resultant names are often full of double entendres and/or very tongue in cheek.
- Bennifer and Tomkat are joked about in case 2 of Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Bennifer is one of Larry's former girlfriends, who led him to Tibet before dumping him. There he met 'Katty Tom', who became his next girlfriend... then dumped him to go to Hollywood.
- Khlomar. A suitably silly name for a couple that went from meeting to marriage as quickly as Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom did.
- Another cutesy current one is Speidi for Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag.
- Even hopeless cynics can't help but get a kick out of the Miranda Kerr/Orlando Bloom coupling: Kerrbloom.
- Bill and Hillary Clinton as "Billary" originated from the 1980 Arkansas gubernatorial elections. It was a disparaging term aimed at Hillary's prominent role in Bill's career; many thought her outspokenness unseemly for a political wife.
- Also popular: Hillbilly. (Too obvious?)
- One word: Hillbama.
- One more word: Blush.
- Or as The Daily Show said, Primesident Blush.
- Parodied again by Stephen Colbert—discussing the fans' perception of his relationship with Jon Stewart, he coined the term "Colbewart" (in reality, fans tend to refer to it as Jon/Stephen or, rarely, Jonphen).
- "Candy" for Conan O'Brien/Andy Richter. They are well-aware of the coinage, and mention it occasionally on the show. Has existed since back when Andy was still on Late Night in the '90s.
- Parodied once again in this SNL monologue by Ben Affleck.
- Let's not forget shipping between President Obama and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, better known as Rahmbama.
- The Now Show Book of Records suggests "Shellack" for Barack and Michelle.
- Europe's power couple (for now) Merkozy.
- As of May 2012, it would now be Merkoland or Olankel (Jacques Oland is the new president of France) - though the two certainly don't seem as cozy as Merkozy did.
- Used for members of NSYNC, when slashed with each other - Timberlake/Fatone = Timbertone. There's also JoeC, Choey, etc...
- Most shippers of various bands tend to go in this direction, portmanteaus (smush names) being in use since the Beatles. Some of the most ridiculous ones belong to the various pairings of Panic At The Disco: Ryden, Joncer, Brencer, Rycer, etc.
- Those are not so bad. They're at least able to be pronounced. You'd think that people would try to do that, but nope.
- Although they're only occasionally used, probably for this reason, Green Day shipping portmanteaus always sound hilarious. Two possibilities are Bike and Trike (the third, sadly, is Trillie- which kind of breaks up the set).
- Most shippers of various bands tend to go in this direction, portmanteaus (smush names) being in use since the Beatles. Some of the most ridiculous ones belong to the various pairings of Panic At The Disco: Ryden, Joncer, Brencer, Rycer, etc.
- In Korean Entertainment fandom, this is standard protocol, especially in Slash circles. And because there are only so many names in Korea, to the point where people can confuse couples with actual people, it extends to nicknames. For example, in the Super Junior fandom, the pairing of Heechul/Donghae is known almost universally as Cinhae, as one of Heechul's nicknames is Cinderella. In the SHINee fandom, the Jonghyun/Onyu pairing (usually known as Jongyu or Onhyun) has its own nickname of Blingdubu, stemming from each of the member's nicknames: Jonghyun is Bling Bling; Onyu is known as Dubu or Sundubu (Korean for tofu). And over in the 2PM fandom, the Taekhun pairing (Taecyeon/Nichkhun) is also known as Cocoich among fans, due to Taec's affectionate nickname of 100% Cocoa.
- In the DBSK/TVQX fandom, sometimes the portmanteau itself has more than one variation; i.e. Jaejoong/Yunho is know both as Jaeho and Yunjae to its shippers, who usually prefer one usage over the other.
- What happened when Hugh Jackman met Daniel Henney = JackHen is real.
- Benelux. That's right: Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemborg are now one.
- Belgium the Netherlands and Luxembourg were originally one. (One True Pairing anyone?)
- Delmarva Peninsula: Delaware + Maryland + Virginia. It's odd how a peninsula of that size didn't get a name earlier.
- A region in the Southern U.S. go by the names "Texoma" (Texas + Oklahoma), and one is called "Texarkana" (Texas + Arkansas + Louisiana).
- There's a city that straddles the border of Florida and Alabama called, you guessed it: Florala.
- Mexicali, Mexico and its cousin, Calexico, California, both on, you guessed it, the border of Mexico and California.
- There is a Kentuckiana on the border of Kentucky and Indiana.
- The region around northern Indiana and southern Michigan referred to as Michiana.
- "Pakistan" is one of these—it's a meaningful Urdu word, but also stands for its constituent regions of Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sindh, and Balochistan.
- Chimerica, a term describing the economic relationship between China and America. If that's a reference to a creature made monstrous by the combination of antithetical elements, so foolish it couldn't possibly exist... Best. Portmanteau. Ever.
- In west Africa, Senegal and the Gambia used to form the Senegambia Confederation between 1982 and 1989.
- The African nation of Tanzania's name is supposed to be a portmanteau. Basically the first three letters come from Tanganyika or the mainland, zan comes from the island of Zanzibar, and then they added ia.
- During World War Two, to the Italians "Axis" was just them and Germany—the trio was called "Roberto" for—you guessed it-- Rome, Berlin, Tokyo.
- In Canada there is Alsama: Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba also know as the prairies.
- Here in the Philippines, we have the CAMANAVA region which includes the cities Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas, and Valenzuela. The Philippines itself is sometimes called LUZVIMINDA; combining the name of its three main island groups Luzon, Vizayas and Mindanao.
- There is the ever so popular Chenzel, which is Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel. It does have some rather suspicious back up.
- More celeb Ho Yay would be Pinto - no, not that kind of pinto - Zachary Quinto and Chris Pine.
- When Neil Gaiman began dating singer Amanda Palmer, a fan on Twitter suggested their celebrity couple couple name should be "Gaimanda". Neil Gaiman's response: "please don't". (At one point, they lampshaded this trope by suggesting they be collectively referred to as "Steve.")
- Technically not a couple name, but it is a portmanteau for the parents... Liger and tigon are combinations of tigers and lions. Male parent goes first (i.e., liger= lion daddy, tiger mommy).
- It gets worse—The name for a Serval/Carical crossbreed is "Servical".
- There's also "Zorse"- a zebra/horse hybrid and "Zonkey"- a zebra/donkey hybrid.
- This runs rampant with naming hybrids: Grolar bear or pizzly (polar bear/grizzly), wholphin (dolphin/false killer whale), blynx (bobcat/lynx)... The latter two are a little ridiculous, as false killer whales are technically dolphins, and bobcats are in the same genus as the lynx.
- Also, any "designer dog" is likely to have this, puggles (pug/beagle) being the most famous example. Whatever happened to saying "mixed breed"?
- Labradoodle
- If a Cavalier canoodles a Poodle the result is a Cavoodle. Dogs as silly as the name suggests.
- It gets worse—The name for a Serval/Carical crossbreed is "Servical".
- The department store chain Pamida is named after co-founder Jim Witherspoon's three sons, Pat, Mike, and David.
- Miramax got its name from the combination of the Weinstein Brothers' parents' names (Miriam + Max)
- Another non-shipping example: Sports Illustrated recently[when?] referred to the San Francisco Giants' dominating pair of starting pitchers as "Lincecain".
- Two prominent members of Rangerboard.com, Phil DeLuca and Avril Pingault, who got attached and married in real life (he's American and she's Australian), led to the name Phavril.
- Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari from the Japanese band Arashi invented their own Portmanteau couple name of Ohmiya SK.
- Ediswan. Okay, so it's a lightbulb company. That's romantic!
- In a self-imposed example, Ian Murdock in 1993 named his fledgling GNU/Linux distribution using a portmanteau with his then-girlfriend, Debra. Fortunately for Debian, the couple got married in 1996. Perhaps less propitiously, they got divorced in 2007...
- In an unintentionally squicky example, two contestants on the British talent show "The X Factor", two twins that sing together named John and Edward, have had their names smushed together to give a name for the group - Jedward. It's not meant to be a shipping term, but it certainly implies as such.
- For those in the Nick Cave/Blixa Bargeld "Nixa ::heart::" is the common way to express your shipping position. Coilhouse refers to Nixa as the new Kirk/Spock.
- George Bernard Shaw referred to G. K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc as "Chesterbelloc", making this Older Than Television. Almost certainly a non-shipping example though. Well, almost certainly.
- Ore-Ida frozen foods is a (non-ship) portmanteau of the first three letters of Idaho (where the founders are from) and Oregon (where they began their business).
- There's good-natured competition between Jamiltonian and Jadams shippers. Thomas Jefferson/Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson/John Adams. Yeah, people went there.
- Oxbridge, though some prefer "Camford".
- Star Trek RPF has quite a few, with Shatnoy (Shatner/Nimoy) and Pinto (Pine/Quinto) being the two most common (although Urbine (Urban/Pine) is gaining in popularity as well). The hilarious thing? Pinto and Shatnoy pretty much seem to ship themselves. Especially Shatnoy.
- Clameron, the nickname for the absolutely HoYay-tastic coalition formed between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats after the 2010 elections. For a show of how meta this trope has become, even the media refers to the two by this name. Hardly surprising, as they themselves were guilty of writing the first Real Person Fic of the two, in addition to the usual suspects.
- Also Cleggeron, which sounds vaguely robotic - and does ConDems count?
- Jerry Holkins of Penny Arcade's last name is a merger of the original last names of him and his wife.
- Although they're currently[when?] falling apart, Wintel expects for the Microsoft Windows and Intel Architecture alliance
- "Bamco" for Bandai-Namco, after the two companies merged.
- Likewise, "Squeenix" after the Square Enix merge.
- In 1895 King Leopold II of Belgium met "grande horizontale" Cleo de Merode; gossipmongers started referring to them as "Cleopolde."
- After the stacked with Ho Yay 2009 Sherlock Holmes movie, the fandom reacted not only to the relations between the characters, but actually pairing the actors gathered a pretty large fanbase. RDJude (Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law) in particular.
- The Blur fandom usually does this, examples are Gramon (Graham/Damon), Gralex (Graham/Alex) and Dalex (Damon/Alex).
- Dianna Agron and Lea Michele, (Quinn and Rachel, respectively, on Glee) are Achele.
- Likewise, Darren Criss and Chris Colfer are CrissColfer.
- Also, Heather Morris and Naya Rivera are Heya.
- Diana Agron and Naya Rivera are equal-usage either Nayanna or Rivegron.
- Diana Agron and Heather Morris are Morgon
- Naya Rivera and Lea Michele are Riverchele
- Lea Michele and Heather Morris are Leather
- Lea Michele and Cory Monteith are Monchele.
- Cory Monteith and Chris Colfer are Monfer.
- Hasbro and Takara-Tomy: Has-Tak! Hasbro's own name might count in a weird way: Hassenfeld Brothers.
- Due to James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's extreme Ho Yay in X-Men: First Class as well as in interviews, the world now has "Fassavoy" and "Mcbender".
- Tilena (Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter) is becoming quite popular on Tumblr. Of course, they actually are a couple in real life.
- After showing off their bromance at the LA Premeire of Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Tom Felton joked that he and Rupert Grint are now Rom/Tupert.
- Feltcliffe(Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe)is also quite popular, owing to Tom's remarks about shipping Drarry.
- The Glee Project contenders Damian McGinty and Cameron Mitchell were given the name Dameron (and in rarer cases, Camian) after their impressive friendship was shown throughout the show. The bromance ship name is used both by fans and by official media sources as is evident in interviews and published articles. Their fellow TGP cast mates have also used the portmanteau and many of them often refer to it in numerous interviews and personal comments in Twitter, Facebook and Youtube. The two themselves have acknowledged and used the term, jokingly admitting that their Dameron Bromance will live on forever.
- Most bandslash pairings, such as Synacky and Frerard.
- ↑ "Sweet" comes from Sugar, "Potatoes" comes from Rory being Irish
- ↑ Miku / Kaito
- ↑ Kaito / Meiko
- ↑ Luka / Gakupo
- ↑ Gakupo / Meiko
- ↑ Kaito / Kiyoteru
- ↑ Kiyoteru / Yuki
- ↑ Gakupo / Kaito
- ↑ Len / Luka; it's Bilingual Fridge Brilliance for those who know Japanese
- ↑ ...mostly. Omega's view of Tex is questionable.