Assassin's Creed II: Difference between revisions

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* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Ezio, though in this case the gambit is organized by {{spoiler|[[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]].}}
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: Ezio, though in this case the gambit is organized by {{spoiler|[[Precursors|Those Who Came Before]].}}
* [[Upgrade Artifact]]: The Animus 2.0 which the modern Assassins used on Desmond to relieve Ezio's life as Assassin training for Desmond.
* [[Upgrade Artifact]]: The Animus 2.0 which the modern Assassins used on Desmond to relieve Ezio's life as Assassin training for Desmond.
* [[Useless Useful Stealth]]: The introduction of Seekers, combined with the increased paranoia and searching ability of existing guards, and the vast improvements of combat mechanics (while stealth mechanics are altered only a little) means it might actually be more efficient to [[Leave No Witnesses|become anonymous]] by [[Blood Knight|killing all the guards]] than it is to run away and hide.
** Add to the fact that [[Heavily Armored Mook|Heavies]] and [[Elite Mooks|Seekers]] aside, pretty much all guards are [[Goddamn Bats|very easily killable]], so it makes little sense to run from them anyway.
*** Even those two aren't that hard to kill if you know how to counter and/or combo kill using the hidden blades or if you use smoke bombs.
** [[It Gets Worse]] in the other two games in the arc with the introduction of kill streaks which allow you to slay whole groups of guards with relative ease, not to mention improved killcams that encourage you to kill rather than flee.
** Subverted in missions that REQUIRE you to remain undetected, which might cause a [[Difficulty Spike]] for those more use to this method.
* [[Video Game Caring Potential]]:
* [[Video Game Caring Potential]]:
** Thieves will compliment you on how well you climb, courtesans will compliment you on your good looks - sometimes ''while you climb''! -, and mercenaries will compliment how badass you are when you take down a small army of guards all by yourself. It's very rewarding to hear something other than "''That idiot will hurt himself!''" or "''Must be a drunken wager or something!''" from EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE DAMN STREET. As if they have nothing better to do than stick their nose into your business.
** Thieves will compliment you on how well you climb, courtesans will compliment you on your good looks - sometimes ''while you climb''! -, and mercenaries will compliment how badass you are when you take down a small army of guards all by yourself. It's very rewarding to hear something other than "''That idiot will hurt himself!''" or "''Must be a drunken wager or something!''" from EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE DAMN STREET. As if they have nothing better to do than stick their nose into your business.