Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Difference between revisions

(merged "board games" into "tabletop games"; "comic strips"->"newspaper comics", pothole texts, copyedits)
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* Pinky in ''[[Pinky and The Brain]]'' has a severely limited attention span, which is made even worse by the fact that he barely understands [[Take Over the World|Brain's monologues about world domination]] anyway. It's lampshaded several times.
* Gir from ''[[Invader Zim]]''. Where do we even start?
* From the ''[[Futurama]]'' episode Lrrr tries to invade the Earth, but makes the mistake of landing at a comic book convention:
{{quote|'''Lrrr:''' I don't understand, why are the humans continuing to eat their soft pretzels instead of surrendering?
'''Leela:''' They're probably just waiting for [[Joss Whedon]].
'''Lrrr:''' Joss Whedon's here??}}
{{noreallife|this page is about the representations made in media, and ''only'' about the repr-<br />