Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Initally, the whole story's existence led to much rejoicing. However, that's changed.
    • Gene Yang has confirmed that Iroh and Azula will be appearing in the third volume.
    • Smellerbee and Longshot survived Lake Laogai. Even though Jet didn't.
  • Broken Base: Just exactly how canon the books are is a debated topic in the fandom, and bringing it up risks starting a fan war. (Though not nearly on the same scale as the ship wars...)
    • Many fans feel like the characterization is off-key and find it hard to believe that Zuko would ask Aang to kill him, or that Aang would agree. Others enjoyed the book a great deal and find few problems with how the characters are portrayed.
    • And many just find the story unnecessary and a borderline case of Sequelitis, especially when compared to the more interesting real sequel, The Legend of Korra, that premiered before the second part was even out!
  • Designated Villain: Zuko is this in-universe to many of the Earth Kingdom people and the Freedom Fighters, and even some of the Gaang like Sokka and Toph. Yes, he's being an idiot, but everyone's treating him like he's already as bad a dictator as his father. Justified considering that they just wrapped up a century-long world war where the Fire Lord was the face of their enemy.
  • Les Yay: Toph licks Katara's hand to show her what "oogies" are.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Aang killing Zuko? Really? Even if we didn't know that Zuko is Saved By Canon, that's a hard plot point to swallow.
  • Shipping Bed Death: Many people feel Aang and Katara have fallen into this.
    • Including Sokka and Toph. Once again, "oogie".
  • Ship Tease: Apparently between Zuko and Suki in Nº2.
  • Villain Has a Point: Possibly Ozai has the most realistic diagnosis of the labor of the Fire Lord and his position, even if he is manipulating Zuko to his own profit.
  • What an Idiot!: Zuko, when will you learn?