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Disch further points out that the bald woman actually represents "empowerment". By playing off well-known [[Hair Tropes]], bald women show that they transcend their femininity and become stronger as a result. Whether this character development occurs or not depends on the character.
Overlaps with [[Bald of Awesome]] and [[Bald of Evil]]. [[Rule 34|Rule 36]] applies, of course.
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** This can be explained away as function over fashion. They're in a situation where everyone who can hold a gun and shoot semi-competently is a soldier fighting for survival. Long hair tends to be a hindrance in such an environment. It's also quite likely that Zion has to ration water quite carefuly, and shorter hair is much less of a hassle to keep clean.
* As mentioned above, in ''[[V for Vendetta]]'', Evey gets her head shaved. In the movie, [[Natalie Portman]] actually [[Dyeing for Your Art|had her head shaved on-screen]], instead of wearing a bald cap.
* Dren from ''[[Splice]]''. Of course, baldness was hardly her only odd feature, as she also had wings and hooved feet.
* ''[[Heaven]]'' with Kate Blanchett.
* [[Toni Collette]] in ''8½ Women'' by Peter Greenaway
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* The dark elves from ''[[Dungeon Keeper]] 2''. Overlaps with [[Bald of Evil]].
* In ''[[Legacy of Kain]]'', it seems to be a religious thing, maybe as an extension of the hiding-women's-hair rules of some real religions.
* Shapers in ''[[Vega Strike]]'' are a faction made up of transhuman perfectionist folk [[Designer Babies|genetically modified]] with adaptations to a wider range of environments (among other things). This includes skin pigmentation and hair, - they chose as the common part of their phenotype [[Dark-Skinned Blond]] with no hair above eyebrows ([ like this]).
* [[Mortal Kombat]]:
** D'Vorah, though her species clearly are not mammals.
** ''[[Mortal Kombat 11]]'' shows that ''all'' the Tarkata (Baraka's people) are bald, females included.
== Web Comics ==
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* An effect of chemotherapy for various forms of cancer is often the loss of hair, so many women with this look in [[Real Life]] qualify as [[Badass]] for beating back the disease. It's also fairly common for her friends and family members to shave their heads for her in solidarity.
* Scottish TV presenter Gail Porter lost her hair when she developed alopecia.
* Model Amber Rose has recently{{when}} been sporting a bald head.
* [[Britney Spears]] was known for being bald a couple of years ago.
* Buddhist Nuns are notable for their shaven scalps.
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[[Category:TxtExpository Hairstyles]]
[[Category:Hair Tropes]]
{{related|Bald of Awesome}}
{{related|Bald of Evil}}