Better Off Not Knowing

Revision as of 09:14, 2 June 2015 by Deist Zealot (talk | contribs) (A typo.)

A brief Slice of Life fanfic based on The Legend of Korra, written by AO3 user RhazadeWaterbender.

It's set just after the finale of Book 3, and involves a twelve-year-old girl reading a newspaper article about the events of said finale while waiting for the school bus. Details about the viewpoint character emerge throughout the narrative.

Tropes used in Better Off Not Knowing include:
  • All There in the Manual: Among other details: the viewpoint character's name, height, and place of residence. Additionally, it's been implied that Hakini is a nascent combustionbender.
  • Big Eater: Hakini is a growing girl—possibly quite dramatically so, if her birth mother's genes leave their mark—who's already big for her age, and the "increasingly ravenous appetite" that she has to show for it gets a brief mention.
  • Dramatic Irony: While Hakini is entirely unaware of the fact, it becomes increasingly clear to the reader that she's the biological daughter of the Arc Villain and The Brute.
  • Flash Fiction: Clocks in at just over 200 words.
  • Give Her a Normal Life: Implied, although the choice wasn't made by her biological parents.
  • Happily Adopted: Hakini draws a distinction between "her parents" and the (unknown to her) "people who'd brought her into the world."
  • Huge Schoolgirl: She's a twelve-year-old student, described as gangly and awkward, who—at a confirmed height of 5'11" and still growing—is already promising to be taller than her adoptive father. (Not too surprising, considering that her birth mother was 6'8"...)
  • Nameless Narrative: Canon characters are mentioned, but not named. Hakini's name (the author has admitted that, when it was written, she hadn't yet actually been given one) and those of her adoptive parents are not revealed in the story proper.
  • No Infantile Amnesia: Downplayed. Hakini was born in the summer, but her earliest memory is of "bone-crushing cold." Considering her age, she'd have been conceived shortly before the Red Lotus were incarcerated and born in P'Li's cell.
  • Patchwork Kids: Averted; although something about Zaheer's mug shot looks vaguely familiar to her (Word of God is that it's the cheekbones), she's implied to mainly just have a Strong Family Resemblance to P'Li.
  • Playing With Fire: Yet another way in which she takes after Mama...and it's been implied that she also inherited the talent for blowing things up.
  • Seasonal Baggage: A contrast is drawn between Hakini being a firebender born in summer and her distant memories of cold.
  • Slice of Life: Concerns a character reading a newspaper while waiting for the bus.
  • Title Drop: In the second-to-last paragraph. Applied not only to Hakini, but to her adoptive parents as well.