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*** From "The Family of Blood"
*** From "The Family of Blood"
{{quote|'''Son of Mine''': He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing - the fury of the Time Lord - and then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from us and hidden. He was being kind. He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains forged in the heart of a dwarf star. He tricked my mother into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy to be imprisoned there, forever. He still visits my sister, once a year, every year. I wonder if one day he might forgive her, but there she is. Can you see? He trapped her inside a mirror. Every mirror. If ever you look at your reflection and see something move behind you just for a second, that's her. That's always her. As for me, I was suspended in time and the Doctor put me to work standing over the fields of England, as their protector. We wanted to live forever. So the Doctor made sure we did.}}
{{quote|'''Son of Mine''': He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing - the fury of the Time Lord - and then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from us and hidden. He was being kind. He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains forged in the heart of a dwarf star. He tricked my mother into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy to be imprisoned there, forever. He still visits my sister, once a year, every year. I wonder if one day he might forgive her, but there she is. Can you see? He trapped her inside a mirror. Every mirror. If ever you look at your reflection and see something move behind you just for a second, that's her. That's always her. As for me, I was suspended in time and the Doctor put me to work standing over the fields of England, as their protector. We wanted to live forever. So the Doctor made sure we did.}}
*** Whenever one of his companions is threatened, you can bet that the Doctor will unleash some serious hurt.
:* Whenever one of his companions is threatened, you can bet that the Doctor will unleash some serious hurt.
*** Lampshaded in {{spoiler|"Forest of the Dead"}} when the Doctor gives the villains an ultimatum to leave him alone or suffer. The villains, after realising just who the Doctor ''is'', immediately back down and let him do whatever he wants.
:* Lampshaded in {{spoiler|"Forest of the Dead"}} when the Doctor gives the villains an ultimatum to leave him alone or suffer. The villains, after realising just who the Doctor ''is'', immediately back down and let him do whatever he wants.
*** The Tenth Doctor hits an all new level at the end of "The Waters of Mars". After getting tired of everyone dying around him, {{spoiler|he decides to throw away the laws of time, declares himself the "Time Lord Victorious" in a speech that makes him in "The Runaway Bride" look sane, and saves a woman who was supposed to die. When confronted with his darker side, she kills herself in order to stop him.}}
:* The Tenth Doctor hits an all new level at the end of "The Waters of Mars". After getting tired of everyone dying around him, {{spoiler|he decides to throw away the laws of time, declares himself the "Time Lord Victorious" in a speech that makes him in "The Runaway Bride" look sane, and saves a woman who was supposed to die. When confronted with his darker side, she kills herself in order to stop him.}}
*** In a number of episodes, the Doctor has at least attempted to simply announce who he is, expecting the villains to run away simply based on his reputation. It's even worked.
:* In a number of episodes, the Doctor has at least attempted to simply announce who he is, expecting the villains to run away simply based on his reputation. It's even worked.
*** When the Weeping Angels mock the Eleventh Doctor and kill a perfectly innocent man, he gave them a [[Badass Boast]], and when they don't listen, he proceeds to ''erase them from time''.
:* When the Weeping Angels mock the Eleventh Doctor and kill a perfectly innocent man, he gave them a [[Badass Boast]], and when they don't listen, he proceeds to ''erase them from time''.
*** One episode makes this part of its title: "A Good Man Goes to War." Turns out it's part of a saying in-universe that the villains have much reason to consider: "[[Oh Crap|Demons run]] when a good man goes to war."
:* One episode makes this part of its title: "A Good Man Goes to War." Turns out it's part of a saying in-universe that the villains have much reason to consider: "[[Oh Crap|Demons run]] when a good man goes to war."
**** And in the actual ''content'' of that episode, the Doctor raises an army of hundreds of beings he's helped out in the past to take on an army who have kidnapped one of his companions {{spoiler|to steal her baby to raise as a weapon against him}}. Though, the Doctor himself might argue that the last two words of this trope don't apply to him:
:* And in the actual ''content'' of that episode, the Doctor raises an army of hundreds of beings he's helped out in the past to take on an army who have kidnapped one of his companions {{spoiler|to steal her baby to raise as a weapon against him}}. Though, the Doctor himself might argue that the last two words of this trope don't apply to him:
{{quote|Good men don't need rules. '''Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.'''}}
{{quote|Good men don't need rules. '''Today is not the day to find out why I have so many.'''}}
*** In "Earthshock," the Fifth Doctor spends much of the story trying to talk the Cyberleader out of destroying the earth, but then when that fails... he rubs gold into his respirator, then shoots him. Twelve times. Just to be sure.
:* In "Earthshock," the Fifth Doctor spends much of the story trying to talk the Cyberleader out of destroying the earth, but then when that fails... he rubs gold into his respirator, then shoots him. Twelve times. Just to be sure.
** Rose Tyler is a very nice, very normal 19-year-old Londoner. She also happens to be in love with the Doctor. When the Doctor is facing the Dalek fleet and tries to save Rose by sending her and the Tardis back to 2005, she loses it and attempts to break into the Tardis' central console. When she eventually does, she {{spoiler|absorbs the entire Time Vortex to become the living embodiment of the TARDIS and travels to the future to destroy the Dalek fleet and resurrect Jack.}} Later, she even brags about it to some other Daleks.
:* Rose Tyler is a very nice, very normal 19-year-old Londoner. She also happens to be in love with the Doctor. When the Doctor is facing the Dalek fleet and tries to save Rose by sending her and the Tardis back to 2005, she loses it and attempts to break into the Tardis' central console. When she eventually does, she {{spoiler|absorbs the entire Time Vortex to become the living embodiment of the TARDIS and travels to the future to destroy the Dalek fleet and resurrect Jack.}} Later, she even brags about it to some other Daleks.
** Which companion would you expect to hold ''the Lord President of Gallifrey'' at gunpoint? Probably not Nyssa!
:* Which companion would you expect to hold ''the Lord President of Gallifrey'' at gunpoint? Probably not Nyssa!
** Amy Pond, who fits [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]] to perfection. Mess with Rory, and she will not hesitate to crush you. In "The Wedding of River Song," when the Silence are preparing to kill Rory mid Heroic Sacrifice (in an alternate timeline), taunting him that Amy will never come back, she remembers who he is to her and does indeed come back. With a fully loaded G-36 assault rifle. And opens fire, killing all of the Silence on the spot. Then, when Madame Kovarian begs Amy to save her from her malfunctioning eyedrive:
:* Amy Pond, who fits [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]] to perfection. Mess with Rory, and she will not hesitate to crush you. In "The Wedding of River Song," when the Silence are preparing to kill Rory mid Heroic Sacrifice (in an alternate timeline), taunting him that Amy will never come back, she remembers who he is to her and does indeed come back. With a fully loaded G-36 assault rifle. And opens fire, killing all of the Silence on the spot. Then, when Madame Kovarian begs Amy to save her from her malfunctioning eyedrive:
{{quote|'''Amy''': You took my baby from me, and hurt her, and now she's all grown up and she's fine. I'll never see my baby again.
{{quote|'''Amy''': You took my baby from me, and hurt her, and now she's all grown up and she's fine. I'll never see my baby again.
'''Kovarian''':But you'll still save me though. Because ''he'' would, and you'd never do anything to disappoint your precious Doctor.
'''Kovarian''':But you'll still save me though. Because ''he'' would, and you'd never do anything to disappoint your precious Doctor.
'''Amy''': The Doctor is very precious to me, you're right. But do you know what else he is, Madame Kovarian? Not here. *reattaches eyedrive* River Song didn't get all of it from you ''sweetie''. }}
'''Amy''': The Doctor is very precious to me, you're right. But do you know what else he is, Madame Kovarian? Not here. *reattaches eyedrive* River Song didn't get all of it from you ''sweetie''. }}
** River Song plays with this trope. Every time we see her on camera she's very "Hello, Sweetie!" and playfully teasing the Doctor in an "I know something you don't know" kind of way. However, it's clear that at some point in her past, she's done something very bad, so much that when a Dalek (essentially pure evil in a metal canister) assumes, as a companion, she'll be compassionate and merciful, she simply states, "I'm River Song. Check your records again." It then proceeds to ''beg for mercy.''
:* River Song plays with this trope. Every time we see her on camera she's very "Hello, Sweetie!" and playfully teasing the Doctor in an "I know something you don't know" kind of way. However, it's clear that at some point in her past, she's done something very bad, so much that when a Dalek (essentially pure evil in a metal canister) assumes, as a companion, she'll be compassionate and merciful, she simply states, "I'm River Song. Check your records again." It then proceeds to ''beg for mercy.''
** Rory Williams Pond, who started out a nice fellow and a good nurse, and then got turned into an {{spoiler|Auton with all of Rory's memories... and love for Amy}}. He guarded the Pandorica for two thousand years and then went hand-to-eyestalk with a Dalek that was threatening the Pandorica (and therefore Amy). The Dalek didn't come out of that one on top.
:* Rory Williams Pond, who started out a nice fellow and a good nurse, and then got turned into an {{spoiler|Auton with all of Rory's memories... and love for Amy}}. He guarded the Pandorica for two thousand years and then went hand-to-eyestalk with a Dalek that was threatening the Pandorica (and therefore Amy). The Dalek didn't come out of that one on top.
** The Ood are an alien race that, despite being ''incredibly'' ugly, are a generous, helpful, peaceful, pacifistic people. ''Unless'', of course, you're a greedy and shallow bigot like Klineman Halpen, head of the company who enslaves the Ood and treats them like animals. The Ood eventually mete out harsh justice to Halpen by [[Karmic Transformation| turning him into one of them]] in a process that is anything but pleasant.
:* The Ood are an alien race that, despite being ''incredibly'' ugly, are a generous, helpful, peaceful, pacifistic people. ''Unless'', of course, you're a greedy and shallow bigot like Klineman Halpen, head of the company who enslaves the Ood and treats them like animals. The Ood eventually mete out harsh justice to Halpen by [[Karmic Transformation| turning him into one of them]] in a process that is anything but pleasant.
* Captain Jack Harkness of ''Doctor Who'' and ''[[Torchwood]]''. Normally cheerful, flirty and friendly. Hurt his team and he will do something horrible to you. Such as shoot you repeatedly with pump action shot gun. In the knee caps.
* Captain Jack Harkness of ''Doctor Who'' and ''[[Torchwood]]''. Normally cheerful, flirty and friendly. Hurt his team and he will do something horrible to you. Such as shoot you repeatedly with pump action shot gun. In the knee caps.
* Rounding out the [[Whoniverse]] trifecta we have Sarah Jane of ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'': a kind, compassionate [[Technical Pacifist]] who will utterly ''destroy'' you if you try to invade her planet, hurt [[True Companions|her friends]] or [[Berserk Button|mess with her son]].
* Rounding out the [[Whoniverse]] trifecta we have Sarah Jane of ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'': a kind, compassionate [[Technical Pacifist]] who will utterly ''destroy'' you if you try to invade her planet, hurt [[True Companions|her friends]] or [[Berserk Button|mess with her son]].