• Adaptation Displacement: When the PS 1 sequel Blaster Master: Blasting Again was released in Japan, instead of following the original Metafight plot (see below), it actually followed the plot of the American version.
  • Americans Love Blaster Master: Metafight is not particularly well-remembered in Japan, probably due to the somewhat non-linear action-based gameplay. For the same reason, Blaster Master is beloved by gamers who cut their teeth in the NES era, as the game practically out-Metroided the original Metroid. The awesome tunes helped this.
    • This is so fantastically prominent that while Metafight practically fell by the wayside, America got a UK-developed exclusive sequel, a novelization, inspired several Game Boy ports, and by the time the Blasting Again rolled around, the American plotline superceded the Japanese one, even in Japan. And the game got a re-release on the Virtual Console due to, you guessed it, American pressure.
  • Anticlimax Boss: Enemy Below's third boss. Considering he was fairly hard in the first game... Here, he's a complete joke and can be dispatched without him getting a single hit against you.
  • Awesome Music:
    • The first game has lots of it. For example, this frenetic, yet catchy tune from Area 7.
    • Or the classic theme from Area 1, or the Area 3 techno theme, or... hell, just call it an Awesome Soundtrack, really.
  • Cult Classic
  • First Installment Wins: Good luck finding any fans of 2, Enemy Below, or Blasting Again.
  • Good Bad Bugs:
    • The "grenade-pause" trick in the first game.
    • The UK version goes even further, pausing can prevent death Jason failing, getting trapped in a wall now shoots your upwards and combining these two with the door glitch allows you to complete the game without fighting the first seven bosses and leaving SOPHIA at the start of the game.
  • Macekre/Woolseyism: While the American version was about a boy looking for his pet frog, the Japanese version was about a young space soldier named Kane Gardner who is sent to to the planet Sophia III with his tank the Metal Attacker to defeat the alien overlord Goez. Whether you prefer the cliched space opera plot in the Japanese version or the silly story about the boy and his pet in the American version seems to be a matter of taste.
    • An explanation of the American plot: there were plans to make an arcade cabinet version using Nintendo VS arcade system. One problem with that is that Meta Fight never had an eye catching intro scene or even a self playing demo so they had to be added, and considering mutated reptiles had just exploded in popularity, well, put two and two together. Unfortunately the arcade cabinet never happened due to how long you could live off a single quarter. This also explains "Authentic Arcade Editon!" on the box cover.
    • The Famicom version, Chō Wakusei Senki (Super Planetary War Chronicle) Metafight had a pretty standard space opera plot and setting. The game was set in the distant future on an alien planet and instead of a young boy looking for his missing frog, the main character was a space soldier sent to destroy an alien overlord. However, most of the plot is detailed only in the manual, and only the opening and ending are actually different.
  • Player Punch: The fourth boss battle, if one reads the aforementioned Scholastic Publishing tie-in, becomes one, as it turns out that the boss is Jason's escaped pet frog, Fred.
  • That One Boss: In the first game, the sixth and seventh bosses. Not to mention the fifth boss if you didn't enter his room with your gun fully powered-up.