Boomerang Bigot: Difference between revisions

"comics"->"comic books", fixed section order, spelling
("comics"->"comic books", fixed section order, spelling)
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[[File:Black Klan 8654.jpg|frame|"Leo Felton had the right idea!"]]
{{quote|''Canadians are ''so apathetic'' at times! [sigh] But... [[Hypocritical Humor|whaddaya gonna do?]]''|'''Glen Foster''', Canadian comedian. }}
|'''Glen Foster''', Canadian comedian. }}
The [[Boomerang Bigot]] is a character who thinks that all members of Group X are an inferior race/species... [[Internalized Categorism|even while being a member of Group X themselves]]. Despite the obvious contradiction, the Boomerang Bigot doesn't see anything wrong with their view, and will continue to proudly persecute Group X.
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== Anime &and Manga ==
* [[Fairy Tail]] has Porlyusica, who hates humans.
* Done with no laughs at all with [[The Dragon|Legato]] in ''[[Trigun]]''. He's human, but is an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] who wants to kill all humans and anxiously awaits the day when his own boss will kill him. He hates himself and [[Mad Love|everyone else that is not Knives]]. If Knives weren't an [[Omnicidal Maniac]], Legato would probably hate everyone anyway.
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* In ''[[Naruto]]'', Jirobo of the Sound Four enjoys making fun of Choji's weight during his fight with him, despite being fatter than he is.
== Comic Books ==
* [[Played for Laughs]] in a classic Gyro Gearloose story by [[Carl Barks]] where a rival inventor moves next door to Gyro. Gyro angrily declares that he never could stand any kind of inventors or geniuses.
== Film ==
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* ''Get On The Bus'' has a [[Honest John's Dealership|successful car salesman]] who intially comes off as [[Positive Discrimination]] as he encourages a Black youth to focus on education to be successful... then in the same breath reveals he went to a "Real college and not some Nigger school," going on a whole Uncle Tom tirade that might as well be spoken by a Neo-Nazi with [[N-Word Privileges]] where he derides ''everything/everyone'' Black, reveals he's a Republican though [[Pet the Dog|pets the]] [[Twofer Token Minority|Threefer Black, gay Republican]] (yes the rest of the bus has the same reaction as you reading that) for the same politics regardless of sexual orientation, [[Kick the Dog|with the kicker being that he reveals he couldn't care less about the Million Man March]] [[Completely Missing the Point|the whole]] ''point'' [[Completely Missing the Point|of the trip]] and [[Money, Dear Boy|is only going to sell cars.]] He finally works their last nerve by telling a racist joke about "lesbians and niggers don't do dick" and is ''literally'' [[Asshole Victim|thrown off the bus into a ditch]] also by Bernie Mac.
{{quote|Bernie Mac's character: [[Ironic Echo|Niggers need coat! Coat need Niggers!]]}}
* A mild example in the Korean War film ''The[[he Steel Helmet]]''. A North Korean [[Poisonous Captive|prisoner]] of war tries to turn Japanese-American soldier Tanaka against his comrades by appealing to his anger over his childhood in an internment camp. Tanaka gives him a [[Shut UP, Hannibal]] that invokes some Asian stereotypes.
== Comics ==
* [[Played for Laughs]] in a classic Gyro Gearloose story by [[Carl Barks]] where a rival inventor moves next door to Gyro. Gyro angrily declares that he never could stand any kind of inventors or geniuses.
== Literature ==
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* [[Rammstein]] too has been accused of Nazism, to the point of becoming [[Trope Namer]] of [[Music to Invade Poland To]]. If this were true they would be a band consisting primary of [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Nazi Marxist Jews]].
== Recorded and Stand Up Comedy ==
== Stand Up Comedy ==
* [[George Carlin]] reserved some of his more searing criticisms for white people.
* Chris Rock's division of north Americans of color into "black people" and "niggers".
== Tabletop Games ==
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** Players are also required to expose and terminate secret society members. Of course, they're also members of a secret society, just like everyone else in the game. (They genuinely do hate the secret societies that directly rival their own; the most common pairs of enemies are Anti-Mutant vs. Psion and Corpore Metal vs. Frankenstein Destroyers.)
* ''[[Mage: The Awakening]]'': Banishers really, ''really'' hate mages, despite the fact that the two groups went on the same trip to the Supernal Realms and came back with knowledge of magic. The differences is that while regular mages viewed the experience as akin to religious awakening, Banishers viewed it as more like [[Mind Rape]] and feel an instinctive revulsion every time they use magic.
== Video Games ==
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* [[The Dragon|Frank Horrigan]] from ''[[Fallout 2]]'' is a gigantic, homicidal Super Mutant in power armor... who hates mutants and wants to help the Enclave wipe out anyone infected with the FEV virus. He doesn't even consider himself a mutant, as he was created by the Enclave's own scientists rather than in one of the coastal FEV vats.
* In ''[[Deus Ex]]'', the augmented player character can choose to side with anti-augmentation zealots in ''Human Revolution'' and ''Invisible War.''
== Webcomics ==
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* In the ''[[South Park]]'' episode "The Entity", Kyle's cousin Kyle Schwartz—who is a walking touchstone of virtually every Jewish stereotype—comes for a visit. Towards the end of the episode, Kyle catches himself criticizing his cousin's personality and exclaims "Oh my god! I'm a self-hating Jew!"
* Helga from ''[[Pasila]]'' is a female [[He-Man Woman Hater]] (with an emphasis on "he-man", even though that's not even part of the trope), taking after her father who never remotely accepted her.
== Real Life ==
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** Although prior to The Night of Long Knives, Hitler and the Nazi Party had not adopted an aggressive stance towards homosexuality, and for some early anti-Nazis, e.g. among Catholics and the military, the Nazis' pre-1935 "acceptance" of homosexuals and in particular Röhm's prominent and high position in the party hierarchy were important or at least contributory reasons why they opposed Nazism. And for many in the military who started out distrusting Hitler, the Night of the Long Knives proved that he was okay after all. This included Stauffenberg, who eventually changed his mind again and in 1944 would attempt to blow Hitler up.
* It could be said Hitler himself was also a Boomerang Bigot, because he did not fit his own definition of the "Aryan race" he deemed superior to all other men—and to this day recent DNA results say that he had some "Non-Aryan" ancestry (though others insist it's opposition propaganda). It has also been seriously suggested that he may have been in a relationship with Albert Speer, his chief architect.
** Heinrich Himmler did not meet the SS entry requirements for "racial hygenehygiene" and phsyicalphysical fitness. He also talked of how the SS must "harden their hearts" and grin and bear the moral and mental consequences of murdering millions, but the only time he ever watched an ''Einsatzgruppe'' in action, he was so appalled by the sight of blood that he became hysterical.
* Tomás de Torquemada certainly had Jewish ancestry, and [[Richard Wagner]] reputedly did as well. (Torquemada may not quite count. He was theoretically persecuting a belief, not an ancestry and ''his'' ancestry would presumably be irrelevant to that. Of course he was primarily persecuting Jewish converts for allegedly lying about their conversions based on the "evidence" that they were born Jews. So whatever.)
** Torquemada was strongly influenced in his heresy-hunting by the concept of ''[[wikipedia:Limpieza de sangre|limpieza de sangre]],'' which held (perhaps not entirely unreasonably, but with disastrous results) that crypto-Judaizing and Islamizing was more likely among those with more Jewish or Arab ancestors. It has been theorized that the doctrine of ''limpieza de sangre'' is what shifted the emphasis of anti-Semitism away from religion and toward race, and so that this was the ultimate root of the Holocaust.
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** For that matter, [[Misanthrope Supreme|anyone]] who believes [[Humans Are the Real Monsters]].
* In sociology and psychology, this is called "[[Internalized Categorism|internalized oppression]]" - where a member of a group comes to believe stereotypes about their own group. They may believe themselves to be an exception to the stereotypes, or they may hate their own group as a result.
** There's also "degreeism," where people of an oppressed group rank themselves by how closely they approach the oppressor group. For example, a masculine gay man [[Invisible to Gaydar]] might hold consider himself above a more obvious [[Drag Queen]] or [[Leather Man]], or a highly Europeanized member of a colonized society might consider himself more "civilized" than his more traditional neighbors, etc. Similarly, there was the "brown paper bag" test for some American blacks before the 1960s, where those whose skin was darker than a paper bag "failed", and those with lighter skin didn't.
* It's been said that "Nobody hates [[Furry Fandom|Furries]] more than [[Broken Base|other]] [[Fan Dumb|furries]]." (This may be due in part to [[Stop Being Stereotypical]] attitudes toward the [[Vocal Minority]] of genuinely disturbing individuals within the fandom.)
* In Hawai'i ''haoles'' (pronounced "howlies"), or white people, are often subjected to harassment, name calling and (in a few cases) even outright violence by ''local'' people. Local usual means Asians and Native Hawaiians, though oddly enough it also includes the rather large Portuguese community for some reason (perhaps they see themselves as Hispanic, which effectively gives them white [[N-Word Privileges]]). [[You Are What You Hate|Also many Native Hawaiian activists could probably spend the better part of the afternoon talking about how "the ''haoles'' stole our land". This seems almost odd when you consider that nearly 60% of all people in Hawai'i (and about 99% of all Native Hawaiians) are of mixed race and nearly all of them have at least ''some'' Caucasian ancestry.]]