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* [[End of Series Awareness]]: The show is absolutely relentless about this.
* [[End of Series Awareness]]: The show is absolutely relentless about this.
* [[Evolving Credits]]: The producers listened keenly to fans reactions to certain characters and would routinely [[Promotion to Opening Titles|make full-time cast members]] out of [[Breakout Character|Breakout Characters]] and [[Demoted to Extra|write off]] perceived [[Creator's Pet|Creator's Pets]] and [[The Scrappy|Scrappys]].
* [[Evolving Credits]]: The producers listened keenly to fans reactions to certain characters and would routinely [[Promotion to Opening Titles|make full-time cast members]] out of [[Breakout Character|Breakout Characters]] and [[Demoted to Extra|write off]] perceived [[Creator's Pet|Creator's Pets]] and [[The Scrappy|Scrappys]].
* [[Fake American]]: Canadian [[William Shatner]] as staunch, gun-loving Denny Crane.
* [[Friends with Benefits]]: Denise attempts to maintain a friends-with-benefits arrangement with both Brad and Jeffrey simultaneously, without either of them knowing about the other.
* [[Friends with Benefits]]: Denise attempts to maintain a friends-with-benefits arrangement with both Brad and Jeffrey simultaneously, without either of them knowing about the other.
* [[Frivolous Lawsuit]]: These seem to make up about half of Crane, Poole, and Schmidt's cases.
* [[Frivolous Lawsuit]]: These seem to make up about half of Crane, Poole, and Schmidt's cases.