/wiki/C. S. Lewiscreator
  • Anvilicious: Deconstructed. Lewis wrote in one essay that having an Aesop was fine but to let it overwhelm the work to the point of causing neglect for artistic quality was actually defrauding a reader.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Abolition of Man
    • Let's face it; had he been so inclined, Lewis would have made a great horror writer.
  • Values Dissonance:
    • Invoked in one of his essays. Lewis claimed that one of the best reasons to read old literature is to allow a chance to consider the values of one's own age from the point of view of an outsider. He believed that while all ages will make mistakes, they will very seldom be the same mistakes and that therefore you can decide who is right more wisely. This forms a large part of his formulation of "chronological snobbery" - the faulty assumption that modern values are better than past values no matter what.
    • Occasionally present in Lewis' own works: in Mere Christianity, for example, his (not intentionally derogatory, mind you) use of the term "Mohamedan" instead of Muslim wouldn't really fly nowadays.
    • Nor would (hopefully) the claim in another essay that "if you went up to Mohammed and asked him, 'Are you Allah?' he would have rent his clothes and cut your head off." Or his remarks about Hinduism in Surprised by Joy