Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth/YMMV

  • Anticlimax Boss: Mother Hydra. She has no way of actually attacking you, her only defense is a bunch of respawning Deep Ones, but they are absolutely no problem when the Yithian Lightning Gun can kill them in one hit and has infinite ammo.
  • Best Level Ever: One of the most praised levels in the game is the hotel escape, where you have to flee an entire town of cultists. You have no weapons, no allies, no mission... all you can do is run, bolting doors behind you while desperately trying to find a way out.
    • On the same token, the cutter level. To go into further detail: Jack has been fished out of the water by a Coast Guard Cutter (a ship operated by the coast guard that is at least over 65 feet long), when suddenly it comes under attack by the Deep Ones, who pour onto the deck and start killing everything. The crew arm themselves with Springfield rifles and Tommy guns, eventually fighting off the Deep One assault... then Father Dagon shows up. With almost everyone else on the ship dead, Jack singlehandedly takes down Dagon with the main gun by firing missiles into his face before Dagon manages to sink the boat.
  • Disappointing Last Level: A pretty serious case too, it's quite clear that most of the game's development went into the first half of the game. The last two levels are particularly problematic.
  • Most Annoying Sound: "Spread out! Search the area!", which is repeated over and over and over again by the Innsmouth residents.
  • Squick: Mother Hydra. She has scales, is grotesquely fat, has razor sharp teeth and has four giant breasts. She's just... gross.
  • That One Boss: The pair of Flying Polyps. Though they don't do a lot of damage to you when the attack, the terrain they are on is narrow enough to fall off if you walk carelessly. Add in that their method of attacking involves pushing you our pulling you towards them with powerful winds makes this even harder.
    • In addition, you have to fully charge your Yithian weapon (which is the only thing that can hurt them) and fire at them. Oh, and they can teleport.
  • That One Level: The penultimate level in the Deep One's underground city is absolutely infuriating in just how annoying it is. Mostly because it has one of the most insane, long and Guide Dang It puzzles in the history of video games that requires a bunch of backtracking and searching.
  • What an Idiot!: Robert Marsh has Jack at his mercy towards the end of the game. So what does he do? Instead of killing him, he throws him into a brig. With a chisel inside.