Canada, Eh?: Difference between revisions

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* '''[[Eskimo Land|The Arctic]]''', full of igloos, playful polar bears and parka-wearing Inuit, quite possibly [[Polar Bears and Penguins|penguins]], and of course cute little baby seals... at least until the polar bears and people find them. Which is awesome, eh?
Keep in mind that '''Canada, Eh?''' has no West Coast (besides ''all'' of British Columbia), no Prairies (besides a fairly large hunk of the middle of the country), and certainly no punishingly hot weather (except for [[Stargate City|Vancouver]]). The hot weather stops right aboot at the border (unless it presents a passport), eh!?
For more [[Artistic License Geography|simple-minded]] [[Viewers are Morons|types]], Canada consists of two parts, eh?:
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Eeeeeh, Canadians [[South Park|eat nothing but Kraft Dinner]] (which is Canadian for "macaroni and cheese"), Tim Hortons, donuts, poutine,<ref>French fries with cheese curds, and enough gravy to partially melt the cheese</ref> and <s>Canadian</s>back bacon, eh? Anglophone Canadians all speak with a stereotyped [[wikipedia:West/Central Canadian English|West/Central Canadian English]] accent, putting "eh" [[Verbal Tic|at the end of questions or affirmations]], and prominently raising the "ou" in aboot every word containing it, eh?
Our army consists of a guy with a BB gun mounted on a moose, our air force a paper airplane.<ref>And [[Too Cool to Live|the Avro Arrow]]</ref>. [[Berserk Button|Never forget]], eh!?</ref>, and our navy a guy in a canoe with a slingshot, eh?
All policemen are Mounties, and they wear their red serge dress tunics and broad-brimmed Montana Peak hats constantly while on regular duty, eh?
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Canadian technology is always behind American tech, eh?<ref>Except of course, Canadarm, ATI, Alexander Graham Bell...</ref> In fact, if it wasn't for the Americans we'd have no culture at all, eh?
Feel free to whack me over the head with a hockey stick, eh? And doon't feel soarry aboot it, eh!?
[[Canada|Useful Notes]] about ''non-fictional'' Canada now has its own page, eh?