Clap Your Hands If You Believe: Difference between revisions

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== Literature ==
* The [[Trope namerNamer]] comes from a famous scene from ''[[Peter Pan]]''. In this [[The Verse|verse]], a fairy is mortally wounded any time a child says "I d* n't believe in fairies;" in the scene in question, Peter uses the effect in reverse to save the fairy Tinker Bell's life by calling on children everywhere to indicate that they ''do'' believe in fairies. (In [[Older Than Radio|the original]] stage version - which predates the novel and the various film and television adaptations - this was an audience participation bit...and, in case you're wondering, if the audience is a bunch of heartless bastards who won't clap the orchestra is instructed to begin the applause.)
** [[Tom Holt]] spoofed this scene in ''Open Sesame''; a fairy provides medical care by shouting "I do believe in humans!"
*** And again in ''Paint Your Dragon'':
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* Subverted in ''[[Blindsight]]''; the vampires and crosses thing is [[Doing In the Wizard|not because of anything religious or mystical]] but because their brains go into seizure [[Weaksauce Weakness|when exposed to straight vertical and horizontal objects in their visual field forming a 90 degree angle]] (not as dumb as it sounds: there are people who have similar types of problems due to head trauma). That sort of thing is not that common in nature, and it wasn't much of a problem until their food source went and invented architecture and drove them into extinction.
* Subverted in Christopher Golden's ''Shadow Saga'' in that the effects of the cross on vampires is purely psychosomatic because {{spoiler|the Roman Catholic Church captured a bunch of vampires during the dark ages and brainwashed them into believing in a number of myths.}}
== Live Action TV ==