Coronation Street/Trivia

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • The Character Died with Him: Necessary for Blanche Hunt, as Maggie Jones herself had died in late 2009.
    • Also with Betty Williams, after Driver's death in 2011.
    • Again with Deirdre Barlow, after Anne Kirkbride's death in 2015.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: From the current cast, Craig Charles of Red Dwarf fame plays Lloyd Mullaney; Keith Duffy from Boyzone plays Kiaran McCarthy; Alison King (Carla Conner) used to star in Dream Team on Sky One; Ben Price (Nick Tilsley) used to have roles in Footballer's Wives & Casualty; Kym Marsh from Hear'Say plays Michelle Conner; Alex Bain (Simon Barlow) used to be in adverts for Rice Krispies; and Chris Fountain took over the role of Tommy Duckworth in early 2011.
    • Plus, there's the list of people who have made brief guest appearances, which includes Sir Ian McKellen, Peter Kay & Prince Charles.