Crossover Central/WMG

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Dark Dubsy is formed by Dubsy's repressed emotion

Dubsy always represses all negative emotions because OF THE UNBEARABLE PAIN. This is clear in lines such as: "I like to be insane. I like being stupid. I like not being able to feel the pain and sorrow of living in this world. I like being happy. Don't you like happiness? Don't you like waffles?" And as he is slipping into his dark form he says things like "I want to people to care if I die. Why? Why do you all hate me?"


G La DOS didn't really return to CC because she cared about it

After wanting to leave for so long, why did G La DOS suddenly return? After the events of Portal 2, G La DOS seems to be less villainy and evil. However, she still wants to keep testing. So, when she leaves Crossover Central she realises something. CC is filled with a bunch of 'humane' test subjects. She can continually test them without any remorse because they aren't real. She can also expirement with their various powers. She didn't return because she wanted to, she really just wants to kill off Glitch and turn CC into her new testing facility!

"Onic" is really the symbiote attached to him

Sonic was already dead when the symbiote was attached to him. Now nowhere in the Spider-Man mythos could a symbiote bond to a corpse. However, it's possible that Glitch had used Wilfre to make a shadow that could act like a symbiote, or made an entirely new symbiote which he then implanted into the chaos emeralds. Since, Dubsy and Glitch can pretty much control CC, it's not too far fetched to believe they could do that. Now, since Wilfre created the symbiote or the symbiote was made to help/serve Wilfre, it's possible that the symbiote is the one talking, etc. Onic doesn't exist, it's just the symbiote manipulating Sonic's corpse like a puppet. The "new soul" Onic has is because the symbiote is a completely different being to Sonic. There is no Onic, just the symbiote!

Deadpool was here

Hey. Nice theories. Probably wrong, but hey. Still nice. Kind of. Oh, by the way, I'll be jumping back in again at some point. Not now. Whenever I feel like it, really. Maybe after half the cast kills each other in pointless fights, maybe after I finally wake up... You know. Whenever. I'll probably bring a new friend along, too. Pretty sure I'll kill the Medic first. I mean it's not like he'll stay dead, he'll just wake up in 2fort shouting racist slurs over the microphone or something, right? Yeah, so, at least there's something to look forward to. Have fun with the whole Glitch thing (and try not to all attack him at once this time.)