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See also [[Come for the X, Stay for the Y]], which a Dancing Bear may become if it's genuinely good, and [[Overshadowed by Controversy]], where a Dancing Bear is especially well-known for controversial moments irregardless of other factors.
[[I Thought It Meant|And no, it's not meant to be followed with]] with [[Anastasia|"painted wings"]].
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== [[Fan Works]] ==
* ''[[Cupcakes]]'' - Pinkie Pie tortures and murders Rainbow Dash. As with ''[[The Human Centipede]]'' mentioned below, the premise is more horrifying than the execution, and the fic is better remembered for leaving an impact on the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fandom than for the actual quality of the writing.
** Also, ''[[Rainbow Factory]]'', partially because it's sometimes described as "Cupcakes, except it's Rainbow Dash torturing/killing Scootaloo" and partially because of WoodenToaster's [[Creepy Awesome]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRx_iXgLAyw song] of the same title (Fun fact: The fanfic was inspired by the song!).
* Many well-known fanfictions, like ''[[My Immortal]]'', are notable for being ''[[So Bad It's Good|so unbelievably horrible]]'' that they circle around and approach masterpiecehood from the other side. That is to say, the draw is not so much the content, so much as the legendary badness of the work itself.
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* ''[[Tron]]'' was viewed by the Hollywood community, when released, as a Bear. Many people who went to see it went simply to see the computer animation, not out of any expectation of high entertainment.
* While the extreme difficulty of the production of ''[[The Abyss]]'' was not explicitly used as a selling point in the advertising, it came up again and again in entertainment news coverage of the film.
* ''[[Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner]]'', a 2002 film produced entirely by Inuit, is a reasonably good movie ... but the fact that it won 20 international awards and was nominated for ten more can really only be explained by people's appreciation for the fact that a film made by, for, and in the Inuit community was able to dance at all.
* The film ''Redline'' specifically went for this by getting star Eddie Griffin to crash a car as a publicity scheme. It failed miserably because car fans, presumably the target market, were outraged at the destruction of an extremely expensive and rare car as part of the stunt.
* ''[[Monty Python's Life of Brian]]'' was marketed in Sweden as "the film so funny it was [[Moral Guardians|banned in Norway.]]"
* The movie ''[[Timecode]]'' is not just done in [[Real Time]], but in real time with a four-way split screen throughout.
* The sole selling point for the movie ''[[The Cure for Insomnia]]'' was that, with a running time of 87 hours, it was the world's longest movie.
* ''[[Incubus]]'', filmed entirely in Esperanto and starring [[William Shatner]].
* [[Andy Warhol]]'s ''Sleep'' and ''Empire''.
* This was William Castle's ''entire schtick''. Perhaps the most famous example is ''[[The Tingler]],'' which involved the "spine-tingling" sensation people experience when afraid being caused by a deadly monster. Certain seats in theaters showing the film had devices installed so that at certain points the viewer would feel something crawling up their back...
* ''[[The Dark Knight]]'' isn't an example, but [[Heath Ledger]]'s last film, ''[[The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus]]'' certainly is. Ledger only managed to film half of his role before, um, dying, and Colin Farrel, Jude Law and Johnny Depp were brought in to play the character when he was in an [[Alternate Dimension]]. Quite a few people watched the film just to see if they could pull it off.
* For ''Trail of the [[Pink Panther]]'' (1982) Blake Edwards and MGM/UA used mostly-unused scenes from ''The Pink Panther Strikes Again'' (1976) of the late Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau for the film's first half by putting them into a different storyline via new scenes with the series regulars. The second half, after Clouseau "goes missing", is a [[Clip Show]] of his greatest hits tied together with a reporter investigating the matter. Pitted against a number of production obstacles, Edwards' new film became a dancing bear that spiked the audience's curiosity to come out and judge if he could make it funny. The fact that Edwards couldn't became clear when Sellers's widow successfully sued him and the studio for tarnishing her late husband's image. This proved a bad omen for the next film, 1983's ''Curse of...'', which picked up where this left off to introduce Clouseau's [[Replacement Scrappy]].
* ''[[Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid]]'' is built around the clever editing and production tricks that make it seem like [[Steve Martin]] is directly interacting with the characters in old movie clips. Without those, there wouldn't be a movie.
* The films of [[Harryhausen Movie|films]] of [[Ray Harryhausen]] have this kind of appeal. Most of them are not what one would normally call "good" movies, but they still fill people with a sense of wonder at Harryhausen's skill, patience, and attention to detail.
* ''[[The Human Centipede]]'', which is about three people getting sewn together anus-to-mouth. The premise is far more horrifying than the execution. Film critic [[Roger Ebert]] [[Broke the Rating Scale|refused to give it a star rating]] because it was so absurd (the only other movies he did this with were ''[[Pink Flamingos]]'' and ''[[I Spit on Your Grave]]'').
* ''[[The Terror of Tiny Town]]'', a 1938 Western movie with an all-midget cast.
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** Similarly, ''[[Clarissa]]'' is remembered for being the longest novel in the English language.
* Though ''[[Finnegans Wake]]'' is made by the same author as the better known, better studied ''[[Ulysses]]'', most people know the book for its odd, stream-of-consciousness writing style.
== [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s ==
* The [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] genre (at the very least until ''[[World of Warcraft]]''.) Just the idea of playing with hundreds or millions of other people simply by plugging in your modem makes even the worst balanced exposure to the most annoyingly ill-behaved players tremendously appealing.
** Many modern [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s, especially the scads that South Korea churns out each year, sell themselves this way. Promos typically highlight the one or two things a game does differently from others while glossing over the fact that the rest of the game mechanics are identical to its competitors. When this is done well the token differences alone can hold hardcore players for ''years'' even when more innovative new titles appear, but if the new-ish parts of the experience aren't a big enough part of core gameplay the game won't be able to hold its userbase.
== [[Music]] ==
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* Erik Satie's [[wikipedia:Vexations|"Vexations"]] is a single page of piano music with a suggestion to play it 840 times in a row. The first performance to follow Satie's suggestion to the letter took place in 1963, with a tag team of pianists, and lasted over 18 hours.
* The 1984 album ''Neptune'' by “one man band” Celluloid is notable for being entirely played on the [[wikipedia:Mellotron|Mellotron]].
* Similar to [[Duke Nukem Forever]] below, while critics are mixed on the quality of ''[[Guns N' Roses|]]' ''Chinese Democracy]]'', fans are amazed it was released at all.
* [[John Cage]]'s ''4'33"''. It's literally four minutes and 33 seconds of silence.
== [[Puppet Shows]] ==
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** Even if the idea of "cripple exploitation porn" didn't draw people in, the fact that it got its start from 4-Chan, home of Anonymous, drew more people in. And the fact that it not only has high-quality art and storyline, it's completely free!
=== [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s ===
== Webcomics ==
* The [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] genre (at the very least until ''[[World of Warcraft]]''.). Just the idea of playing with hundreds or millions of other people simply by plugging in your modem makes even the worst balanced exposure to the most annoyingly ill-behaved players tremendously appealing.
* ''[[Axe Cop]]'' is popular in large part because of the sheer novelty of a comic written by a 5-6 year old boy, albeit with art and interpretation by his 30 year old brother, a talented professional cartoonist.
** Many modern [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]]s, especially the scads that South Korea churns out each year, sell themselves this way. Promos typically highlight the one or two things a game does differently from others while glossing over the fact that the rest of the game mechanics are identical to its competitors. When this is done well the token differences alone can hold hardcore players for ''years'' even when more innovative new titles appear, but if the new-ish parts of the experience aren't a big enough part of core gameplay the game won't be able to hold its userbase.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[Axe Cop]]'' is popular in large part because of the sheer novelty of a comic written by a 5-6 year old boy, albeit with art and interpretation by his 30 -year -old brother, a talented professional cartoonist.
== [[Web Original]] ==
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