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** Especially for THE JACUZZI SCENE. [[Up to Eleven]] indeed.
* The entire plot of ''[[Basic Instinct]]'' (Catherine Tramell lives, however).
* [[Justified Trope|Justification]]: In the first ''[[Friday the 13th (film)|Friday the 13 th13th]]'', {{spoiler|the killer, Pamela Voorhees}}, specifically targeted the people who were having or going to have sex, because the two camp counselors who were supposed to be {{spoiler|monitoring her son Jason Voorhees when he drowned as a child}} were too busy getting groiny with each other.
** Although there are later claims that the counselors tried to catch Jason who ran off and fell into the lake ''because'' he saw them going at it.
** A most notorious moment in the second movie is where two teens got killed while ''in the middle'' of getting it on. Jason killed them shiskabob style by skewering them both with a spear.
** A significant Lampshade is hung on this trope in the tenth film in the series. In a virtual reality simulation meant to distract Jason, a pair of scantily clad teenage girls exclaim (among other things), "We love premarital sex!" He proceeds to kill them with ''[[Grievous Harm with a Body|each other]]''.
** Done heavy-handedly in the newest{{when}} movie, every character who has sex, or wants to have sex, or fantasizes about having sex, or is a creepy redneck who has sex with mannequins gets killed. There are a few others of course.
* ''[[Cherry Falls]]'' had a serial killer that targeted virgins. When the [[Genre Savvy]] town teenagers figure this out, they decide to throw an orgy... which the killer, having gone completely [[Ax Crazy]] (complete with axe) by the end, crashes and massacres.
* In ''[[The Day After Tomorrow]]'', two workers at the local weather service station are making out passionately on the couch when tornadoes strike Los Angeles. In the chaos that ensues, they die, while the Mexican janitor (who was diligently cleaning the floors while the people who were supposed to be monitoring the weather were making out) survives.
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** Elektra King from ''[[The World Is Not Enough]]'' (gunned down by Bond himself when her treachery is revealed).
** Vesper Lynd (drowned) and Solange Dimitrios (strangled) from ''[[Casino Royale]]''.
** Strawberry Fields from ''[[Quantum of Solace]]'' (drowned in crude oil). Lampshaded by M:
{{quote|'''M:''' Look how well your charm works, James. They'll do anything for you, won't they? How many is that now?}}
** Lampshaded in ''[[GoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'', as the villain makes a comment about Bond's track record
{{quote|'''Trevelyan:''' ...or if you find forgiveness in the arms of all those willing women for all the dead ones you failed to protect.}}
** Lampshaded by M in ''[[Quantum of Solace]]''.
{{quote|'''M:''' Look how well your charm works, James. They'll do anything for you, won't they? How many is that now?}}
** This happens to ''[[James Bond (film)|James Bond]]'' himself in the [[Fake-Out Opening]] of ''[[You Only Live Twice]]'', as he's killed by assassins shortly after boinking a Chinese girl.
** Parodied in ''[[Illuminatus!]]'', wherein the British agent Fission Chips leaves a trail of dead Eurasian girls wherever he may go.
** Played straight and averted in ''[[Live and Let Die (film)|Live and Let Die]]''. Rosie Carver is killed after Bond seduces her. Solitaire, who is supposed to remain a virgin to retain her psychic powers, is also seduced by Bond and was supposed to be sacrificed in a voodoo ritual, but Bond saves her.
* In ''[[Snakes on a Plane]]'', a couple sneaks into the bathroom to have sex. They are the first to be killed by the snakes. Their [[The Scourge of God|drug use]] may have contributed, too.
* Interestingly, the slasher film did not always contain this trope: in the 1976 Canadian film ''[[Black Christmas]]'', the heroine is pregnant, {{spoiler|though the movie ends with her alone in the house with the killer}}.
** The first victim is also described as a "professional virgin."
* In ''the [[So Bad It's Good|]] ''[[Boa vs Python]]'', the python stalks a teenage couple that is having sex, and actually ''licks'' the girl, who, because her eyes are closed, thinks it is her lover. Then the python, which [[Did Not Do the Research|should be a constrictor]], ''bites'' them squarely in half.
* In ''[[Once Bitten]]'', the hero is targeted by the vampire Countess ''because'' he's a virgin. He and his girlfriend end up having quickie sex in a coffin.
* ''[[Piranha]] II : The Spawning'' opening scene had a couple discussing where they failed to have sex because the guy found fault in everything. The hotel room was too dry, the beach too sandy and the boat too uncomfortable. They then go scuba-diving into a shipwreck and decided to have sex, you know nothing better than that, right? Well okay the killer piranha did kinda ruin the mood.
* In ''[[Taken (film)|Taken]]'', as soon as the slutty best friend says she's going to have sex with a random French guy because "Who cares? He's hot!" it was obvious she was a goner.
* In the film ''[[Tormented]]'', a schoolboy who killed himself because of bullying comes back from the dead to take fatal revenge on the bullies. One of them decides to go to the cemetery and dig up the killer's body, but is sidetracked by having sex with his girlfriend while his car is parked there, which turns out to have been a very bad idea because the killer drags him out of the car and castrates him by repeatedly stomping on his genitals, leaving him to bleed to death. ''Ouch.''
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* Subverted in ''[[The Godfather]],'' where a conservative senator who hates Michael Corleone's crime-racket, is made to believe that he accidentally killed a prostitute during "weird sex-games" at Fredo Corleone's brothel; after this, the senator is indebted to Michael for covering up the incident, but is also ''blackmailed'' by him.
* Invoked in ''[[Evolution (film)|Evolution]]'' where an [[Asshole Victim]] actually sings the song quoted at the top while preparing a rendezvous on a golf course... and is promptly eaten. Slight subversion in that the pair hadn't actually gotten around to the deed (and the woman survived)
* In ''Revenge in the House of Usher: zombi 5'', the resurrected wife of the [[Mad Scientist]] has a very odd way of getting her revenge on the villainous Doctor Orloff as his last act on Earth: she threatens to make love to him. He reacts with horror.
* ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' shows us the family-friendly version of this trope: Death By Marriage as soon as Will and Elizabeth are hitched in the third film, you know one of them is about to die. (Also kinda inverted, in that the sex comes after. No, not like ''that''.)
* Inverted in ''[[Grindhouse|Death Proof]]''. The first group of girls, while they act fun, are surprisingly conservative, especially Arlene/Butterfly, who actually seems to have some kind of aversion to sex. They die. Horribly. The second group, on the other hand, are ''very'' open about their sex lives ("He likes to watch me pee"), and Kim at one point in the final chase scene yells "I'm the horniest mother-fucker on the road!" Not only do they live, they kill Stuntman Mike.
* Played so straight it's almost a parody in ''[[Jennifer's Body]]'', where the title character uses the promise of sex to lure boys into places where she can eat them. {{spoiler|It's revealed though that the whole "demonic possession" thing gets kicked off, only because it'sits perpetrators thought they had gotten their hands on a ''virgin'' sacrifice.}}
* Sarah Connor's roommate in the first ''[[Terminator]]'' movie.
** And Kyle as well, after he serves his purpose by {{spoiler|impregnating Sarah with John and delivering her to the point where she can defend herself from then on (partly because he's already damaged the Terminator so badly himself).}}
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* In ''[[Starship Troopers (film)|Starship Troopers]]'', Dizzy Flores dies within 24 hours after finally having sex with Rico. Something she'd been wanting since the beginning of the movie. The sex, not dying.
* In ''[[All the Boys Love Mandy Lane]]'', Marlin gets killed just minutes after giving a blowjob to Jake. The cause of death? [[Freud Was Right|Getting a shotgun barrel shoved down her throat.]]
* ''[[Scott Pilgrim vs. the World]]'' has an unusual take on this trope. In the Scott/Ramona vs Roxie fight, Scott defeats Roxie by poking her in the back of the knee after Ramona tells him that it's her weak spot. Roxie immediately has what is unmistakeablyunmistakably an orgasm, and bursts into a giant pile of coins.
** Watch the whole fight [ here], Spoilers ahoy.
* Inverted in Norwegian slasher [[Cold Prey]]/Fritt Vilt. {{spoiler|The virgin who just refused to have sex with her boyfriend is the first one to die.}}